Was The Sun UK right to publish Prince Harry's naked photos? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 25 August 2012

Was The Sun UK right to publish Prince Harry's naked photos?

UK press was banned from publishing pictures of naked Prince Harry by the royal family. The royal family lawyers threatened legal action and St James’s Palace warned that the pictures were a gross invasion of the young royal's privacy.

The pictures were released online by TMZ on Wednesday and no British TV station or newspaper touched it until The Sun defied all warnings and published the photos on their cover yesterday, saying it was ridiculous to be banned from publishing a photo over 70 million people have already seen

Were they right to publish it? Their explanations for publishing the photo when you continue...

TODAY The Sun is publishing the naked Prince Harry party pictures our readers have been prevented from seeing in print.

We are doing so despite warnings from the Royal Family’s lawyers — and we’ll explain why.
Before we do, let’s be clear on one thing.

The Sun is NOT making any moral judgement about Harry’s nude frolics with girls in a Las Vegas hotel. Far from it. He often sails close to the wind for a Royal — but he’s 27, single and a soldier. We like him.

We are publishing the photos because we think Sun readers have a right to see them.

The reasons for that go beyond this one story.

The images were first published on the web three days ago. But the Palace’s lawyers, via the Press Complaints Commission, warned the UK’s newspapers against printing them, claiming they would breach Harry’s privacy and the PCC Code.

Since then the entire UK media — print, online and TV — has reported on them and told readers and viewers how to find them on TMZ.com, the website that first published them, and on countless other sites that followed suit.

That coverage put those pictures a mouse-click away from anyone in the 77 per cent of British households with internet access.

Millions duly found them on sites from Canada to New Zealand. By yesterday, the photographs were indisputably in the public domain everywhere in the world.
That generated a legitimate public debate about the behaviour of the man who is third in line to the throne and increasingly taking on official duties, as he did most recently at the Olympics’ closing ceremony.
Yet as that debate went on in homes, factories, offices and pubs, the Press were still effectively banned from using the pictures.
The many millions of people who get their news in print, or have no web access, could not take a full part in that national conversation because they could not see the images.
The Royal Family’s lawyers claim there is no public interest in The Sun running the photos. This is a favourite mantra of those who wish to muzzle the world’s most vibrant newspapers, here in Britain — stuffily declaring that a story has “no public interest”, as though it were an unassailable fact.
But there is a clear public interest in publishing the Harry pictures, in order for the debate around them to be fully informed. The photos have potential implications for the Prince’s image representing Britain around the world. 

There are questions over his security during the Las Vegas holiday. Questions as to whether his position in the Army might be affected. 

Further, we believe Harry has compromised his own privacy.
These are not pictures of him and a girlfriend at Balmoral. The Prince was in Vegas, the party capital of a country with strong freedom-of-speech laws, frolicking in the pool before inviting strangers to his hotel room for a game of strip billiards.


  1. Its not fair...

    1. Asin!!! Simple instruction they cannot obey. If they ban them now, they will say the govt is wicked. Simple obedience they can't heed to instruction.....mtschew!!!

  2. Well, I believe in freedom of information. But every freedom should have a limit. The Sun UK should have made serious investigations before they hurriedly published it.

    1. Investigate what?? If u believe in freedom of information u shld know that the internet is a stronger tool than a newspaper.just google 'naked prince' you can do it from Buckingham palace if u wish

    2. Huh? Which further investigations are you talking about? And hurriedly ??? Dude its already everywhere , what are yoi talking about? And they even explained their reasons " So That Our British readers would pertake in the debate on the pictures". Please Read to Understand

  3. I dont see anything wrong in Sun publishing the pictures..Its riduculous to ban them from doing so when everyone knows the world has gone global and also even those who dont have money to acquire internet access, all have phones which can browse..(Mind u, wireless is now free in London)

    If they didnt want the pictures to be published, perhaps they should have taken their time to lecture Harry on etiquettes expected of a prince.

    Besides Harry himself knew what he was doing and clearly didnt mind..if he did, he and his frnds etc would av tyaken the phone from the snapper as it's clearly not a house full party just abt 6 of them.

  4. they shouldn't have published the picture.Its a sign of disrespect to the royal family especially the queen

    1. Duh re they not human beings.. Do its ok for them to do it to someone else.. And by d way that isn't Harry

  5. why can't they just live prince harry alone. Atleast he is just having fun and i'm sure is brother will really envy him cause he tries to live outside a lot of royal manners( how to laugh, how to eat). I wonder how they really enjoy life.

  6. madam Linda they were not banned, they were asked. get ur facts right before going to press pulissssssssss

    1. Which one is going to press again, does this place look like Guardian to you; abeg carry ur oversabi waka jare. I am sure you saw where the blog says Gossip, entertainment and the rest, lol.live us let us enjoy the gossip

  7. My husbands ass is now all over newspapers nd shii, boohoo :(
    I still banged it 30 mins ago :D

  8. That isn't prince Harry.. Research properly, its someone else doing the #princeHarrypose.


    1. Same here, I don't think its Prince Harry, I guess its ME! Idiot, which kind research u wan make them do again.

    2. If u dnt want pple takin pics of u naked then put on sme cloths...he violated his privacy on his own

  9. na hin sabi...shey bi hin drink na why hin dey snap..The issue of snapping your nude and your gurl's is ridiculous..that's just madness...who cares if it's posted at the palace...Train up a child in the way he should go so that when you are old you will reap the reward..Nonsense..

  10. What is not fair? Was he forced to take off his clothes? I like Harry buh he was too reckless dis tym abeg.

  11. He was on vacation and just having a good time i dnot see anything wrong with he did and shame on d people who sent out d pic and shame on the sun

  12. Dey can't show naked prince but dey can show naked,hungry,skinny and malnourished looking African babies...mtttccheew.

    1. Correct! Thumbs up.

    2. EXACTLY!!!! Me, i don't feel bad for the guy.

  13. Its a disease for journalists to resist news,whether good or bad.even if it would destroy the person for life.dats why most of dem go around with curses on their heads.

    1. My dear, destroy 4 lyf is wat harry did 2 himself by being naked wit strangers, so d press r simply benefiting off his stupidity, I dnt hate or judge him but d royals shud behave themselves n not piss ordinary ppl off wit dia siting on a high horse n superhuman mentality. Dis is just one of d tins abt dem dat makes me bliv conspiracy theories. Mschewwwww!

    2. My dear, destroy 4 lyf is wat harry did 2 himself by being naked wit strangers, so d press r simply benefiting off his stupidity, I dnt hate or judge him but d royals shud behave themselves n not piss ordinary ppl off wit dia siting on a high horse n superhuman mentality. Dis is just one of d tins abt dem dat makes me bliv conspiracy theories. Mschewwwww!

  14. I still feel that d Sun shud have heeded to d plea of the palace! Their argumentt that they want to reach out to those without internet acess is crap.They simply needed to cash in on a juicy satory to sell their paper.
    Harry is royalty but he is also human.

  15. What is not fair? What kind of privacy is the royal family talking about? I suppose they claim they are in a democratic state and people have right to express themselves in whatever way they wish....This is the problem with their freedome of expression. When Muslims in Euro countries went against the publishing of the insulting Prophet picture, they all stood up saying people have right to expression. Now that it is against them, they are shouting and banning media houses from publishing pictures that millions have already seen. Who is even Harry? Someone who has no respect for himself? Nonsense with their royal bullshit

  16. They should fuck off with this royal thing, didn,t the mugu knew, he was a prince before taking these pics??...Galaxy!

    1. U just took the words outta my mouth! That was in America and not within his territory, Britain. Fuck royalty, we are all equal.....

  17. This picture looks nothing like Prince Harry! Since when did the SUN UK start reporting true stories?? They always make shit up all the time!! Yeye dey smell..

    1. Reaaaaalllly? The picture looks nothing like prince Harry because he has shown you his bum bum countless times that your muscle memory of the royal yansh is so keen, you're now an authority on the dynamics of Harry's ikebe abi? Abeg pass the mic jare!

  18. This is not Prince Harry, it doesnt even look like him...

  19. Tolu the traveler25 August 2012 at 23:45

    Can someone say PHOTOSHOP!?!?!!!

    1. No, but we can say "SHOPPHOTO" Lwkmd! Once any -tive or unflattering picture of a person pops up, the "fans" all cry "PHOTOSHOP"! This was the same dude who was so insensitive that he wore a swastika on his arm as some silly joke. In my opinion being captured nude in whatever game he was playing is a step up for "the spare" and his wanton ways.

  20. They did not publish the actual pictures. who born them. it was a remake posed by their photo editor and an intern.

  21. Why shouldnt they post it?because he is a prince.I cannot stand the British monarchy.Do they think they are in medieval times?I dont blame them, it is the British people that allow these thieves rule over them.

  22. oh wow! So embarrassing...


  23. The Sun newspaper is a crap paper anyway. Rupert Murdoch and his newspapers all publish junk.

  24. The chap is a disgrace to royalty...he deserves every bit of the embarrassment. Oloshii

  25. The sun ȋ̝̊̅§ almost if not the cheapest mag Here, emPty story and loud mouth fame.... Year 2000 heard last of them. Cobra mtsheeww

  26. Stop this "the pix does not look like Harry" are u tryin to find an alibi for himmmm?

    He is the one even the royal family is not disputing it.

    So pls respond to the issue and 4get the issue of photoshop.

    FREEDOM OF ALL as promoted by them, so sun is very much on POINT!!!!!!!!!1

  27. ok this is silly, get your facts right. they didn't ask anyone not to publish it, they chose not too. Gwt your facts straight. the Sun did nothing wrong in publishing them anyways, they did not break any laws.

  28. Gross invasion of privacy my arse. This is 2012, not 18th century Britain. As rightly pointed out by the Sun, UK public have a right to see the photos. There's public interest in everything to do with the Windsors. Harry Windsor compromised his own privacy. No one forced or coerced the drunken fool into taking his clothes off. If they and their grand children don't like negative publicity or the truth being told about them, then they should act in a responsible manner. We're sick and tired of them using privacy laws cover up their sham existence and get away with all sorts of debauchery and idiotic behaviour. Enough is enough. Harry Windsor brought this whole issue upon himself and his family. It was the same stupid Harry that in 2005 wore a NAZI soldier's uniform - a RACIST uniform. UNBELIEVABLE. In his several idiotic behaviour, he took after his grandfather, Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh). If you know the UK "Royal Family," then, you'd know what I'm talking about. They're not the saints they wished the public were fooled into believing they are. Their embarrassing behaviour goes to show what they really are in their private life. Google: Prince Harry Nazi Uniform. Damn this idiotic people. Buckingham Palace, St James’s Palace mandarins and the Press Complaints Commission must bury their heads in shame for acting like a third world dictator by trying to abridge freedom of the press and freedom-of-speech laws of this country. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, INCLUDING THE WINDSORS. I was brought up to read The Mirror, but never to read Rupert Murdoch's shit and racist Sun newspaper. Although I'd never wast my time reading the Sun, I believe they're within their rights to publish Harry Windsor's naked photos. It's fair game. No one forced the spoilt, childish, talentless, uneducated and drunken fool to take his clothes off. He took his clothes off because he thought no news editor would dare publish his photos without incurring the wrath of Buckingham Palace's pr machine. He forget Americans, just like me and millions of people in this country, don't give a damn about the stupid "royal family." They're a waste of space and a drain on public purse and should be abolished, together with their Honours List, brain washing and propaganda machine, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). There must not be one law for them and another for the rest of us. Enough is enough. The "royal family" must be abolished. Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace should be the PM's office, not tattered looking Downing Street. Long live the Federal Republic of The United  Kingdom and Norther Ireland. In all these, should the issue or attention be on the Sun newspaper or on foolish Harry Windsor whose stupid behaviour brought British people, this country and the government into serious disrepute? The attack on the press and on the Sun is a deliberate and stupid attempt by Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace to sweep the matter. What Harry Windsor did in Las Vegas will not stay in Las Vegas - he needs to face public backlash of juvenile behaviour. Instead of Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace to caution Harry Windsor (and other younger "royals" who get into all sorts of shameful behaviour) they are, once again, at their usual game of fooling and brainwashing the British public, by blaming the Sun and the media. Dumbass.

  29. Why all this carryon abot prince harry naked pic, it is normal 4 every youngman, atleast the guy do am inside his hotel room, if na public street that won 4 be different thing, so mak u guys leave the youngman alone.harry catch ur groove man

  30. At d end of the day,harry would still be Royalty and still perform his Royal duties. That is d difference btw Harry and the publishers.The pictures do not have any effect whatsoever on his royal hiighness. So ppl what else is new on d news?

  31. Harry knew he wud b an open target, he dint xctly try 2 b lowkey @ vegas! He competed against an olympic swimmer, so pple wanted 2 cash in on d situation knowing he wud do smfn stupid......& he did! So uk press shud lv d sun alone & implore harry to b more careful nxt tym

  32. Even after the warning, its very wrong to av published it. It doesn't matter if the 7 continents of the world has seen it, it just shoes disrespect for royalty. If u do dat in naija, I trust royal fathers here, d babalawo would av been involved nd some1 would be suffering from all sorts of epe (curses)

  33. Is harry complaining? I haven't heard dat harry himself is furious. D sun haven't done anyting. D news is stale abeg b4 dey published it so WTH??

  34. Lolz @Meroh. 4 her coMments!! I blIv the UK Sun is justified in its claim to show the pix.

    However, they should understand how fragile that system becomes due to this Global system.

  35. I hope this is gonna be a turning point for him.. A huge lesson

  36. How did they come about the picture. The same question should go to you as well.

  37. Hahah , well I think d guy has similar trait or gene as his father and 2ndly him want be like charley boy. Lol .

  38. Yes. He works for the country and in some cases sustained by tax payers. He has an image to keep for the country so they have a right to know what he is up to to jeopardise that. If he wants a normal life, like other royals before him, he should denounce the crown simple.

  39. Y wud dey ban d sun 4m publishin? Is it cus he's a prince? Abegi!if it was a normal person naw, nobody will talk. #itsafreeworld#

  40. Royal privacy ko *lonnnng hiss* Please the dude was just having fun with friends. I guess royalty is boring AF. I don't blame the UK Sun for publishing those cos almost everyone has seen it.

  41. You stupid nigerians dont be seeing anythibg wrong now...you think he's on your p...he's the prince

  42. Linda, the press were not banned. Don't you understand simple English? They had a choice to publish or not. They did not want to be sued.

    The owner of the Sun is a billionaire and former immigrant who can risk a court battle, after all his paper was accused of bugging people. The Sun is just getting its pound of flesh.

  43. Right or Wrong.
    What is done is done and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

  44. justlikeme@live.com26 August 2012 at 08:54

    If it isnt then i guess there is no freedom of media or whatever sha.....cus if it gets captured and not doctored, why cant it be printed!
    If Obama is pictures fucking Beyonce, gbagbe....we go see am and nothing will happen!

    Why will he let this picture escape anyway, we all do stupid things sometimes but then, e get as person dey code now....all those oyibos sef! May God allow dem to continue being stupid, e dey boost our economy ni jare through western union ;)

    Naija i hail oh, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this

  45. Linda, seems like Harry might be due for some unfortunate motor accident. If you can reach him, please tell him to stay clear of the "tunnels in Paris" for now.........I just love this dude!

  46. I dont think that this is prince harry.photoshoppp!!!!

  47. Even if they hadn't published it we would still come across online. So, kini big deal?! Ppl r so quick to slate the sun, as always.

  48. linda you that published it where you being fair

  49. The Sun shouldn`t have published this pic becos the whole situation happened in the privacy of Harry`s hotel room, there4 it is a breach on his privacy. Rupert only did this in retaliation and becos of Leveson inquiry and again Rupert is a wounded lion ,I am dead sure this is the beginning of the end of NEWS INTERNATIONAL.

  50. Lmao @ photo editor n intern.​​​​​=)) Lǻ̀́ff:DWǻ̀́n=DKill<=-PMɐ̀́̀́̀́=))hɐ̀́̀́̀́r.̀̀́̀ɐ̀́̀́ .I don die.chai!

  51. I don't think harry has got a big penis like mine. Hence his tiny hands could cover his entire organ. #bigdickrocks

  52. we done see the boy nyash be say we don see the nyash...which come be right join am...abeg make dem free issue ...

  53. D whole world has seen d pics alrdy! So whether dey publish it or not makes no difference!

  54. SIGH....

    *sips coffee*


  55. This is very disrespectful to the queen and the royal family.

  56. What the sun refuse to understand is the image of prince harry in the UK, that was the effort of the royal lawyers...uk takes tradition and royalty serious..it was important..but the Sun broke the trend...now if it could be published in a UK print media then..it now an official issuse!...niyinugar say so

  57. well royalty has been made lowered


  59. Excuseeeeee me. This is not the first time harry will go off course, the other time it was wearing a disrespectful halloween costume. The royal family should focus on shaping harry into prince material like they so forcefully tried to shape princess di.

  60. Banned??? By the royal family. LoL. Do U think this is Naija. They can't ban jack. They asked The British media to respect Harry's privacy but with the pics all over the Internet, it made no sense

  61. Www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYoLi7IpgLM&sns=em

  62. I knew it was photoshop, good for the sun, although they must have made money from the pic

  63. Hahahahaha! Now that's a royal payback! And d royal family thought Lady Diana was bringing them shame...Karma's a b***h!

  64. Harry's such a replica of his grandpa...#5Letters R.E.B.E.L!I love his non-toffee nosed,non stuck-up ways...i want me some him!

  65. Linda abeg commot dis news, I don tire to look am fr my phone screen, warrelse is happenin?

  66. Who gives a rats ass about prince Harry's nude pictures, he is a 27 year old man that lives life to the fullest unlike his tight-assed family members. Sun, The royal family and the world should let him be. Shikena!

  67. Integrity, respect and honour come with a price. The fact that other people did it doesnt make it right for them to do it. Life is not all about money, or others are doing it so lets also join them. The issue is not whether the prince posed naked or not. what is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong. You dont score a point by playing along. Linda please post this.

  68. I'm not a fan of d royals cos aside d pageantry, d whole "ooooh fairy tale princes, queenmothers, n blah,blah" there's taxes n then dis? Wat d hell is dat? If an ordinary citizen did dis n it was gonna make news wud dey say a word, I bliv dat harry was simply being a wild youth n dis is a passing tin, wit a little counseling on wat dis myt do 2 his public image, he myt get back on d moral royal track b4 dat happens dey shud learn 2 think demselves as human as any british citizen n respect d press. How long will dey keep hidin their dirty secrets? As an honest matter of fact I tink d best harry can do abt dis if his public image means anytin 2 him is 2 prove he has a sense of public responsibility.

  69. I'm not a fan of d royals cos aside d pageantry, d whole "ooooh fairy tale princes, queenmothers, n blah,blah" there's taxes n then dis? Wat d hell is dat? If an ordinary citizen did dis n it was gonna make news wud dey say a word, I bliv dat harry was simply being a wild youth n dis is a passing tin, wit a little counseling on wat dis myt do 2 his public image, he myt get back on d moral royal track b4 dat happens dey shud learn 2 think demselves as human as any british citizen n respect d press. How long will dey keep hidin their dirty secrets? As an honest matter of fact I tink d best harry can do abt dis if his public image means anytin 2 him is 2 prove he has a sense of public responsibility.


  71. Abeg who is dat lUcky babe?

  72. He was in the privacy of his room, so it is wrong in all ways.

  73. Harry shoulda known better that such kinda behavioural conduct will escalate into sumtin like this.afterall,he's a royalty.
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  74. There somethings a prince shouldn't do but hey this prince was naked in the privacy of his hotel room not outside.This is a criminal offense and whoever carries a picture like this could be sued .

  75. This is like crying over a spilted milk. The royal family should have known they are royal.

  76. This is completely mundane! Why cant people be allowed to live normal the way they want, being a Royal doesnt make him perfect..cmmon! How cud they (The Sun and Pressmen)do this, who among them can deny they havnt done worse in the confine of their bedrooms? This is totally unacceptable by me and should be treated seriously...awwww my lil Prince harry poor U!

  77. Its such a pity and a disgraceful thing. He shld av known beta dan to get into dis kind of issue. But who is d person behind him? We can't tell if it is a woman or man? May God help d Royal Family n save dem frm self destruction


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