Kristen Stewart dropped from Snow White and the Huntsman sequel | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 15 August 2012

Kristen Stewart dropped from Snow White and the Huntsman sequel

It's being reported that Kristen Stewart, who played the heroine in Snow White and the Huntsman, won't feature in the movie's sequel. According to Hollywood Reporter, the film makers - Universal Studios, are devising a spin-off film where the narrative will focus primarily on the huntsman, played by Chris Hemsworth.

I asked a while back if her indiscretion with the married director will affect her career and most of you said no! Well, it's already affecting, a lot of diehard Twilight/Robert Pattinson fans have threatened to boycott the new movie coming out in a few months.


  1. She don turn bad market lol

  2. just cuz she fucked heer director?des pple are cray shes single and can do whteva....if it was ok den dat means she liked wht she did,i dont blve sm1has to b treated like ds cuz of wht she did,shes human not an animal

  3. Please they should take it easy on her.She is not the first known celebrity to cheat! Pls Forgive nd Forget*smiles*

  4. Kai!! Ds gal jst killed her career lyk dt..she was neva A̶̲̥̅ gud actress anyway..

  5. She has not been dropped cos she was never attached to it

  6. whites are stupid what does cheating on a guy have to do with her career. well she should just come out and apologize and say she was suffering from one illness we neva heard and dat made her do tings she dint want to. also pay a psychologist to back her up. go for 3 months rehab. After tht she comes back a hero again

  7. duh. im not surpised..... she made d mistake of her life. lets just hope she gets through it and comes out on top. her career was based on the whole love between her and robert so it ould be difficult, shes also sort of a crappy actress to be sincere

  8. But her cheating has nothing to do with her ability as an actress, except they feel she will tempt the director again(dats if he is still directing it) ehyaa......but to me, the movie was rubbish until my man Chris Hemsworth came on (even that really dint make it so wow) me she dint do much for the movie and wnt be missed...

  9. In the short term (up to 12 months) it might affect her...but after that, it wouldn't even matter.

  10. na w a 4 oyibo sha! whts ma biz wit d fact tht she slept wit d director! if she likes let her share it wit d whole cast! as far as d movie is great....hmmmmm....drama!

  11. Can't we do this to the nolly wood bitches and prostitutes

  12. Poor gurl, i feel for her. We all make mistakes. No body holy pass

  13. Kristen Stewart was dropped from the "Snow White and the Huntsman" sequel following her affair with married director Rupert Sanders.Rupert Sanders' wife, ex-model Liberty Ross, with whom he has two children, said that if he wanted to save their marriage he must never work with Stewart again.Rupert is obviously disappointed because Snow White and the Huntsman was his directorial debut, and he had hoped on building on that with a follow-up after some decent reviews
    But he knows his actions were inexcusable, and he’s going to have to bite the bullet and listen to his wife on this one..I love that Movie though..

  14. Well I'm not a fan of hers/ her ex/the Twilight books or movies. I'm just praying that this sequel ends up dead in the water. The original is the worst mover EVER

  15. This ain't my biz! Let's talk about Naija sings instead!

  16. and so her downfall begins, slowly but srely, so terrible, never even saw her as a good actress anyway...the pprice of infidelity..hipsy

  17. Her acting was woefully wooden in this movie, so me personally ...I celebrate!

    Now maybe we can see some one with a smidgen of acting skills the the role justice.

    Ms Stewart should stick to Twilight series and continue her constipated wooden acting there!

  18. Never liked this chick. She was better when she was younger. But ye, she shd hv known better, being in d public eye and all. As u make your bed.....

  19. This is really stupid? What is she being punished for? He is the married adult and she is the single young one. Bunch of dumb asses.

  20. Critical observer15 August 2012 at 17:49

    Its all just hollywood politiking I believe..

    When did having an affair ever make a person less qualified?

    come to think of it why is the movie having a sequel?

    via yimu-berry

  21. see wat a little conji cost ha.......ha whole career..SMH

  22. Not surprised! Samethn happened to Tiger wen hs was caught, sum of hs sponsors dropped him!

  23. Wow, I guess she won't let it happen again! I just pray she can forgive herself, pick up the pieces and move on!

    It's the Celebration of Marriage Week- Appreciate your spouse today

    1. I love this princess of zion. Always having positive comments. Look forward to reading ur comments amidst all the hateful and pessimistic ones.

  24. It was already planned that the spin off would be based on the huntsman, even before her affair went public...had nothing o do with it.

  25. They should free the gal jor, a adage goes "he who gets caught in broad day light is the thief"...
    She did what a lot, a whole of people do on a regualar basis. Am not a fan of her acting coz of her one-facial-expression all the time. But she doesn't deserve all this,coz of a flimsy affair.
    She dint commit murder nah.

  26. M.T: Aww this is sad... Y r yankee peps like this? Wat hpnd shdnt affect her carrer na... Afterall she's not yet married 2Rob. I'm nt supporting her bt then...... Well sa,it is well.

  27. How stupid is it that she is the only one getting punished while the stupid man she cheated with is still directing the movie... I'm not a feminist but this is pretty fucked up! The only reason people saw d movie in the first place was cuz she has a big fanbase... Without her the next one is going to suck real bad! I'm going to support Kristen 100%

  28. food for thot!
    is one moment of fun worth the trouble of a long phase of negative setback, ridicule and faded glory???

  29. I dont think it would work out cuz the only reason the first movie made so much was cuz twilight fans supported it... if they remove Kristen Stewart the movie would fail!

  30. serves her right.why cant she be like jenifer lopez who drops one b4 picking another one?

  31. They should get over it already. She has apologised, and I think she has enough sense not to go back to him. Its just sad people are going bitter over this. Shit happens.

  32. All well and good sef. The movie was terrible terrible terriible. Very boring. Wanted the 2 hours I spent in the cinema back. Whole project should be cancelled.

    1. Thank u,†̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ movie was †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ worst ever,I wasted 2hours of my time with †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ rubbish. †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ thought that they are plans for a sequel makes me cringeHmmmmmm

      Join in †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ walk or war against domestic violence in Lagos. For more information on registration and participation please visit:

  33. Linda the film producers have made a statement saying the rumour going round that she has been droped is not true. Go to Yahoo and read the article about her.

  34. If she was a married actress or a hollywood veteran, maybe.But she is young and this will not affect her career.The girl is 22 years old for petesake...If they drop her from snow white, someone else will pick her.Infact this her indiscretion make make her a hot commodity

  35. The reports going round is not true! she hasn't been dropped! Linda see the link for more details......

  36. Kristen Stewart Not Dropped From Snow White Sequel.

    "“We are extremely proud of ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ and we’re currently exploring all options to continue the franchise. Any reports that Kristen Stewart has been dropped are false,” a rep for Universal Pictures, which produced “Snow White,” said in an email to"


  38. The only reason i saw d film was cos of her so its their loss.Shes done nothing out of the ordinary,she just 22 and single.

  39. They want to make a sequel???? WT@*!!

  40. One thing u guys fail 2 realise is,as "immoral" as d American society is,they want 2 c their stars as perfect role models,even if they're sluts in their closets. No matter ao big a star is they're quick 2 condem such act.that's truely ao it shld be.

  41. the evil that girls do... would catch up wiv them sooner or later...

    that's the case of kristen.... eeyaaah for her... she shoulda known better!

  42. Don't understand, didn't cheating with Brad Pitt while he was still married to Jennifer Aniston open more doors for Angelina Jolie?

  43. There's usually a morality clause in some of their contracts stating they will b scandal free so as not to ruin the movie bla bla bla.

  44. dis jst shows dat a career built on teenagers will neva survive, wen brad pitt cheated on jen aniston dey named brangelina d sexiest couple, when Angelina cheated she was the sexiest woman alive. Nawa o hollywood is inconsistent jor. ps i neva like her and rpatz anyway

  45. Another movie producer and a bigger one maybe would pick her up.. Its not the end of her life... Everyone deserves a second chance, no one is holy. Is it because she was caught? how about other smooth operators that chops and clean mouth? Let he without sin cast the first stone. Nonsense!

  46. Anonymous 4:34 pm.Did u just say that?"just coz she fucked heer director"Doh,she slept with a MARRIED man.that's wot makes it a big deal.Okay?poepl cheat but its an even bigger deal wen u break up a family.His wife...thier kids...thier life.
    Just cos she not the first or only one to sleep with a married man DOES NOT make it right.EVER.So pray hard dat no1 does that to ur family.u and all the pple saying they should take it easy on her.
    They should come down hard on her,very hard.Tomorrow wen she sees a married man,she will run for dear life.stupid girl.


  48. She's getting bigger roles like "lie down in darkness" & she's still de face of the perfume line. I personally think this is a publicity stunt to strip her of her teenage fans so she can handle bigger & adult roles. Big ups to Jordie sparks!!!(Her harvard degree was not a waste)


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