Dear LIB readers: Will he ever propose? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 14 July 2012

Dear LIB readers: Will he ever propose?

Dear LIB readers, my dilemma is very simple. After being in a relationship with a man for almost six years and he hasn't proposed, what should I do?? I feel like I've put too much into this relationship to just walk away. Besides I'm already in my late twenties. Will he ever propose? How can I make him do so ASAP?


  1. Get pregnant 4 him

    1. @madam will he ever propose


      Stories that touch


      *maximus says so via her best sex position - the wheel barrow*

    2. @maximus wheel barrow ke! Wit ya belle! Easy o!

    3. Lwkm @maximus

  2. linda over to you ,answer the question ohhhh

    bootylycious diva

  3. What has kept you ther for 6yrs, have you lost sight of that, is he truely your friend or marriage is the ultimate?

  4. He's just not that into you! But then again if he feels like he's not where he needs to be financially to have and take care of a family, then you shld give him more time while slowly backing away to give urselfroom to reset reassess and rebuild confidence and happiness being single. Single is not the same as being lonely or alone. Most importantly Pray and fast to get clarity.

  5. lol

    ask him ...why exactly are you asking us?

    we dont know what he is like...what he likes...neither do we know his cant get a man to propose to u..if he doesnt want to...


  6. Babe beta cm out straight nd ask wat his intents re den 2ndly mak sur u giv oda guys u lyk d opportunity. Dnt lay ur eggs in one basket

  7. If he does not, u ask him outright if marriage to u is in his plans, if it is involve both families. Put a year planning towards the wedding date. If not walk away, u are never too late or too old to start over. U walk away and his life, problems, financial situation are not urs to share or bear!!!

  8. I dont think he would propose...I think he is hanging around as he thinks he can get someone better....then he can move on.... if however he does not meet anyone he may settle for you...if you are not too old by then. Have you ever heard if users? He is one of them and his family are in on his plan babe...its up to you to decide if you can wait for him

    1. Of all comments read so far, I like your advice to the girl. 'Users'.

    2. Im so sure dats ur case....idiot!

  9. My dear move on i was in one for almost 6 years too he wud neva propose i put in my very best did evry single thing though am not desperate to get married he still didnt propose.U cant remain stagnant move on!

  10. Wait till thy kingdom come ... He will propose in the next life ....

  11. 6years??????
    Babe, if dat guy no propose, feel free to use him for money rituals.

    1. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaahahhahahahah oh gosh I died and came back to life

    2. ​​​​​​​​​​=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºLmaoº°˚˚˚°Âº‎​°Âº‎​=))
      See advice for LIB,money rituals ke???
      Ure just too funny,u cracked me up!

    3. *dead* lwkmd linda's blod will not kill!

  12. "Act like a lady,think like a man" by Steve so loving his book,and the movie is hilarious! I think u shuld read/see it...

  13. 6 years is no joke....God's intervention is what u need at dis point. *amrra*

  14. Talk to him about the need to settle down. Give him a timeline between which you would want him to marry you or you pull out

  15. I suggest you propose to him yourself then, ask him to give a yes or no answer nd if he says no, then leave him --nena

  16. Eeyah kpele. Why cant you propose?
    You should have maybe proposed on Feb 29, this year. Would you wait another 4 years or get it done.
    Highest he will say is No and you'll simply move on with ur life in time

  17. Try sittin him down nd voicing out ur fear of nt knwing where u stand wit him, den u can act frm his response

  18. Firstly, what does he do?

    Secondly, what are his plans for his life and his future? Bcos a man won't propose until he has achived a certain level which he has prev planned to achieve before settling down.

    Thirdly, if you feel he is wasting time, talk to him about it but plz wateva u do, dont start by telling him ''we need to talk'' cos he will get all defensive b4 u 2 start talking. Instead tk him unawares and simply ask him ''where is this relationship headed''

    fourthly, if in the end u r not satisfied with his response, forget how old u are and what u have put into it, just walk away, put urslf 2geda n start afresh!!!

    All d best!!!

  19. option 1: cook better korgnome for him.

    option 2: begin serious fasting and prayer for 90 days.

    option 3: find better native doctor whey go do designer marriage medicine for you, he go hook one time.

  20. babe, there is one place you will take his picture and get a quick solution to your problem its called "oriokegbogunmi"

    1. Lol...Oriokegbogunmi @ Ifo,Ogun State right? Hahahahahaha...Na wa o..dnt know abt d picture thingy sha,but I know u can go there to pray and all..U go fast too ehn..My mum goes there to pray a lot..

  21. He won't. Or he will grudgingly. He doesn't want to marry you. He is probably already getting all the physical benefits. He is waiting for you to mess up so he can bounce. Please move on and get close to Jesus. Thank me later.

  22. talk to him about it and if he gives you excuses give him an ultimatum and leave it. its better late than never.

  23. NUBIAN QUEEN™14 July 2012 at 14:50

    this is my advice to women looking to settle down anytime you start a new relationship let it be known from the get go that you are looking for something solid and long term...if dude is not upto it keep it moving..saves you a lot of heartache in the long run...i applaud you for staying six years...a year is all i give them nowadays especially if we have had the long term talk at the beginning and it is not fortchcoming a year later...keep it may be blocking your destiny by hanging on....

  24. Depends on his behaviour towards u. Is he still caring and all? If yes he might. If not take a walk love

  25. Seriously speak to him abt it, drop hints, if he's not saying anyfin go straight to the point is better u know instead of wasting more time wiv him

  26. Pray. Go on a fast frm sun to july 21st.Ur prayer point shd be God forgive me my sins,wash me clean with the blood of Jesus.I will be practicing abstinence from now on to honour you in this relationship.Father,u said it's not good for man to be alone. Between now and the end of july2012,if so so person is really my husband,let him propose to me but if he is not ,let me husband locate me and propose to me b4 d end of july in Jesus name...continue the fast and do midnite prayers in dz pattern. Try and be at tafawa balewa square lagos b4 7am on 21st july,d day ur fast will end. Our daily manna(odm) pastor-Dr chris E. kwakpovwe is doing a powerful anointing service.come with expectations. You must testify in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Babe I seriousely think u should do exactly what dis person has said.that's d best advice so far!

  27. have a real heart to heart discussion and shut your 'gates'

  28. want him to propose because you want to be proposed to or because he feels and wishes to spend the rest of his life with you?

  29. If u think u've put too much into the relationship now, hence d difficulty to walk away, wait till u get into the 13th year and still waiting for his proposal, then I wonder wat you'll do then when he eventually tells u he's no longer interested. I'm talking from a friend's true experience, she had to start all over again after d 14th year, leave now and if he is truly meant for u, he will come after u and do d right thing.

  30. Errrm! If u fink he loves u and that he's not cheating on u,then keeep praying for it to happen,but if its otherwise,pls u ve got to do something ASAP bt either way,sit him down and do the LONG TALK with him

  31. Hmmmm, my dear men are unpredictable, but in dis case I feel u shd know better if he ll propose or not. U are d one dating him, u knw his attitude. He mit propose he mit not, u study him we don't knw him as much as u do. But be careful how much more u put in in a relationship.sisi eko

  32. Hit the nail on the head. Ask him directly what he wants from the relationship, if he avoids answering the question, tell him you are walking away. If he sincerely wants to marry you, he will not allow you walk out of his life. Many times, men are like babies you have to help them put their life together.

  33. find someone you trust to help u find out from him tru normal guys gist if he plans to marry you or just be bold and ask him what are his plans for both of u because your parents wants to know , dont make the same mistake millions of girls have made, be wise, also if u have other suitors you might want to consider them. if ur boyfrind have a job and accomodation then just 6 months is enough for him to figure out if he wants to marry u.

  34. 6years!!!? What!!!? If he aint gonna propose now then he aint gonna propose forever, what else does he need to confirm that he hasn't confirmed in the whole of 6years you guys have been together... Its high time u guys sit down and discuss about ur future or he will continue to have his 'fun' and wait till u decide to leave...

    From BayTee Baba... Pin:211b7af9

  35. Walk away! When you do,he'll propose...

  36. You need to open more or ask aunty Linda to beg Him to propose. You want Him to beg for what you dash him free daily?

  37. If you are sure that money is not a factor in this delay to propose by him, that both of you have something going, that he hasn't over fucked you(excuse my language) then you need to call him out.

    Without sounding or coming on as desperate, commanding nor impatient do have a talk about where he thinks this relationship is headed.

    If you are not satisfied with his explainations then quietly begin to deleberately avoid him and subtly communicate that to him and let it be obvious to him.

    He just may pop the question.

  38. My dear I was in a relationship too 4 8yrs my dear I hv put everything into it n the guy dnt proposal , so I even got tired of d whole thing plus d realtionship over stay bf n gf n I wasn't in love with him anymore jt keeping up with him , my dear one day I jt walked away

  39. We can never know! Six years is a very long time dear, please come on our platform and let me counsel you. I am a Born again christian/Psychologist and I have a platform where we discuss such issues and pray together. Please come on and maybe read some articles that will empower you. We can also pray with you.
    You're free to email me personally at

    God bless

  40. my dear, walk up to him and ask him straight up what is intentions are. talk in plain english ask him if he has any intentions of marrying u. act based on his reply.. if his response isnt tangible, girl pls move on.

  41. Babe, ask him how far. After six years, you guys have gone past the time you allow him to do all the talking. Ask him straight up, if he is sincere he would not take offence.

  42. Men sha.. hmmm

  43. Please wait a little bit, I saw him on his way wit a ring to propose... But if you don't see him tonyt, den jump into lagos lagoon

    1. Ha ha ha...wat a lovely advice lmfao!

  44. just ask him when he thinks it would be and if he gets dismissive just know its a no no.

  45. My sister same happened to me. Prayer and fasting is the key. It worked for me. Pray and fast that God should give u a husband whether this man or any other person according to his will. Pray till he answers. God doesn't sleep. I am talking from experience

  46. Sit him and talk to him, asking him what he really want from yu. If hez not giving yu reasonable answers, walk away cos tym is no longer on yur side and yu are not getting younger. If yu don't let go of one then yu can give chance and attention to the other, so ask him questions, where he wants the relationship to end up to....Jewel

  47. By going to a jazz man,that's how imagine question.

  48. My dear...jst tell God,nd he wud tel u wat exactly to do...its not about how much u av put in a relationship..ladies av dated guys for 10 yrs nd @ d end the men neva proposed nd u still av to walk away"its not by force"...the best tyn in ur situation is to pray nd fast for days,God wud definitly guide u nd solve ur problems..its not bou ur age..its bou getting married to who God wants u to be with..dats more important. :)

  49. My dear u are being too desperate,let it come naturally.when u least expect it d rightful man wil propose,just hang in there.

  50. Dese days it seems pple just post any kinda relationship issue and seek d opinion of we LIB readers, I hope soon we won't get to see issues bf doesn't like egusi soup wiv pounded yam he prefers it wit amala,wht should I do.......all d same, u know him better dan we do, U knw his job,character, plans and d rest n if U dont den discuss wit him, if he isn't serious gradually withdraw from hm so U won't ruin ur chances of meeting d right suitor. Wish U d best ....Kelss ọ̥n̶̲̥̅̊ point

  51. My dear, in ur late twenties and in a rel for six yrs without any If u had been opportuned to listen to late pastor Bimbo talking on singles n relationships then u won't hve to think of what to do right now. BTW ooo, if this man has everything to go ahead wt marriage n he hasn't even proposed then I guess he neva will. Maybe u shd sit him down n talk, nt too late to define it now. I'm nt saying u shd tell him to propose to u oooo, let him understand u ve put in evrything in six yrs n yet u dnt know what u r xpecting. Be careful abt ur choice of words though, al d best.

  52. Did you watch the video.....if you are in your late twenties, you still have time to walk away. Someone should know after 6 years whether or not they want to spend their time together.....

  53. invest wht exactly?women sef we too gt issues

  54. He will not propose so find someone else.very soon you will get his wedding IV to marry a younger woman. Remember the proverbial biological ticking clock.

  55. After 2 years he should know if he wants to settle down with you or not,thank God you aren't in your thirties yet then.Please, repackage yourself and get yourself asap!back on the dating scene.

  56. Hmmm...wish I could hld wit an answer! Very similar story infact wondering If dis reader is telling my exact story.

  57. Why don't you propose to him?

  58. My advice, sit him down and ask for what his plans for u are.then Watch his reaction, from there u as a smart gurl that I guess you are, will know if hour wants to marry you Or not, Full stop. If he's stutters, pack your bags my dear. All the best.

  59. After six years, hes probably feeling sorry for you and waiting for you to make the first move of walking away. Call his bluff by calling off the relationship if he is for real he'll do something, otherwise his actions will tell you, time is up.

  60. Since u need advice i will profer u one;visit a juju priest, if possible dis night.Tell dis juju priest t giv u a voodoo dat would make finz work ya own way.It would def. work if u follow and do exactly wah da priest tells u 2 do lolz....!

  61. Linda! Post my comment o,
    Hey babe,
    Go watch Act like a Lady, Think like a Man.....

    Or you buy the Book....
    Some good book shops will have it.
    Make him desire and require you in his life.....

    He will definitely propose if he truly loves you..."winks"

  62. Linda! Post my comment o,
    Hey babe,
    Go watch Act like a Lady, Think like a Man.....

    Or you buy the Book....
    Some good book shops will have it.
    Make him desire and require you in his life.....

    He will definitely propose if he truly loves you..."winks"

  63. Hello there,

    Just pray about your situation.
    Tell God what you want; Ask God to guide you to the right way if this man is not yours.

  64. I believe you know the answer to the question you asked. Guys usually know if he wants to walk down the aisle with you in 6 months. And if he's taking him 6 years to do, them he may never propose. You've been with him for 6 years so you should know if he really feels you're the one or not. my two kobo...

  65. Ok Here goes ; what does he do??
    What are his fears...Some guys are actually afraid of commitment....they might wanna feel young, talk free and sometimes nasty,does he womanize??
    Plus 6 years....that long have you guys had tons of sex...If you have and he's not saying anything then pray ....Prayer changes things. If you haven't don't...still pray if then you can't wait....then run for your life

  66. What is paining u is the irreversible number of times u have had SEX with him.
    Possibly u lost ur virginity to him.
    My dear,pick the positives & move on with your life.
    He has possibly prepared you On-bed & Off-bed for ur right man.All d best.

  67. God wil direct u.he might av been tired of u bos dats usuali d case in a sex persistence r/ship.

  68. Nawao babe did u say 6years? well u need to look around for ur real man....n stop d day dreaming....he's only keeping u around to kip on warming his bed, clean his home, cook his meal....n run errands....while he looks for his SUITABLE wife to be.....
    On a second thought I think uv neva asked wat he's waitng for dats y u asking LIBERS....Well i encourage u to stand up to him today.......n if u dnt get a positive answer....bounce outta his heart n life ASAP

  69. 6 freaking years??? My advice to you is TALK!!! And dont pressure him or yourself into getting married just because you feel like you have wasted 6 years. Marriage is FOREVER! Better to loose 6 years than to end up in a miserable marriage! All the very best..

  70. pls wil u be my wife? Am vry much available

  71. Sit him down and ask the question in black and white. Ask to see if he's truly got plans to settle down. After six years I believe you'll already know 80% of this individual.

  72. u re going to wait forever and he will never propose to u. six years girl?

  73. My dear talk to him..... No time

  74. my dear, if you were younger i would have told you to be patient and just wait.I understand that your age is a big issue and time is not on your side.
    other than that, you can never really tell when a man will propose, he will do it when he wants to and feels like its time to.
    however, talk to him, ask him where he sees the both of you in a year's time.....hopefully his answers should be able to give you an insight on whether you need to move on or wait a lil bit more.

  75. Be patient with him,its not easy for us men,maybe he hasn't saved up enough,you are not going to marry a starving struggling man,are you?

  76. He will nver propose stop wasting ur time around him, he has seen all d things abt u dnt even asked him dnt call nor visit see ow desperate he will be, if he doesn't call nor visit u then is now up to u decide

  77. Don't force it gurl. He might not be the one.

  78. you need to pray hard...............As in real hard, make sure Oluwa is involved.

  79. Babe use ur sense. All relshps does not lead to marriage. Proposing to u will be by God' grace. Just talk to baba God. Take care.

  80. Please buy yourself a copy of Steve Harveys "Act like a lady, think like a Man" book... Educate yourself:)

  81. linda y u dey shame to ask am yasef.. you wan dey use style dey ask us nonsense.. carry belle for the guy

  82. Why is everyone so focused on this guy in question and why don't we ask the girl some questions like. is she industrious, does she rlly have the qualities of a gud housewife, is she the independent type nor those empty vessels that turns a liability in a relationship..abeg make una ask this girl some questions ooo coz person no fit de work for water board go de collect salary from nnpc..

  83. A lot of people profering prayer and fasting just to force a man to marry you. Men are in trouble o!


    Stop wasting your time! If there are no glaring problems with your relationship, ie financial issues, family discord, no 'papers', then you are WASTING your time. He will either eventually 'settle' for you cause he'll feel pressured to (which, by the way, leads to a horrible marriage) or he himself will leave you for someone else.

    Besides, you should be talking to him about this, not us! You need to have a conversation about where your relationship going, what the future hold for BOTH of you -- either before or after you ask him what his goals and aspiration are.


  85. Lmao @ all of u!! Hahahaahhah!! Y'all are very wicked giving this 'innocent' lady 'rubbish advice'! In our fathers time marriage was as easy as going to d toilet but nowadays its so complicated n its d fault of d "LADIES"!!! On d 1st date with a gal shez already nagging bout wat colour d kids room will be...... Its so bad dis days that its almost like they are trying real hard to imprison d guy, they even ve books, videos n tapes on how to carry out d act. The biggest irony is that all dis gals that are screaming they want to get married, u look @ der blackberry pm and see things like "club tins getting so high", "Real men buy der gals bold 5 and Brazillian hair" "If u can't pay my bill pls chillz" all sort of Rubbish n expect a ring?? "I laff in yoruba"! Our mothers were real women that knew how to make a mans head swell so hard he will say "I do" even if he wanted to say "I dnt" My sister ask ur mother or grandmother to tell d tricks of swelling a mans head n I promise u in less than 6 months u will be "Mrs Something"...... Dnt deceive urself with dat foolish movie 'think like a man act like a lady' unless u wan enter menopause 4 ur papa house!!!!

    1. Finally, somebody with wisdom. Thumbs up Tunero

  86. Its not 'fucking rocket science' its simple just give d guy a reason y he has to collect d crown from his 1st lady, d woman that gave him life n give it to u, show that u are different from d ladies that charge 15k per night, make him realise that he needs u the same way a baby needs its Mother. You dnt ve 2 carry Kim ks nyash or Cossy Orjaikors breasts although its an added advantage lol but be d missing rib in every way possible. Its d little things that makes our head swell! Be d woman that reminds him to wear T-shirt @ nite cos of cold, be d woman that tells him when to cut his hair or wat colour of shirt to wear, be the woman to complain bout his favourite ugly brown shoes, be the woman that tells him mama put is not good 4 his health, is not just bout going to spread ur legs every other day n waiting 4 valentine n xmas gifts n u expect ring, u go old ooooo cos any gal can spread her legs some 4 free sef!!!!!

    1. Lol. Tunero pls I need to be ur friend.find a way to send ur married sha o.

  87. @ tunero....where have u been all my life?!???

  88. Tunero tell them my brother you are six much!

  89. Pls linda hw can I meet tunero n maximus? Pls de shud add mi on dia yahoo Id,cos I can't paste my number or pin here.

  90. Guys dislikes it when a girl is first to ask for marriage,buh under this circumstance,u will hv to come out wt things.Firstly,tell him that u understand that every relationship must not end in marriage,that marriage is something we as human do not hv power over,that God alone can decide.You will also tell him that what u are about to ask him,for d sake of God and nothing else that u want complete truth,and that u will want him to understand that what ever answer he gives does't stop u guys being friends.Listen to me sweetie,this way u get him focused,say all this wt smiles.Then ask your question.If the answer turns out negative,is fine,God has some one better for u,trust me on this.I am speaking frm experience,i married at 36 after i parted wt my long term boy friend.My husband is 39,he is gentle,responsible,God fearing,very cute,very very well to do,a regional director for a firm also has his a firm.When i met him i told him am old that there are younger girls out there he could pick from.He told me that he has waited all his life to find me,that he prayed not to be married to a woman destined for another man.He says d day he met me,his heart skipped,he was very certain i was d one for him,one day he broke down in tears and asked where i hv been all this yrs.I kept talking about my age,rather he said that my age was just fine by him.He is d finest,humble loving man i ever met,am truly blessed and happy.We run around d house as if we are kids,we fight we pillows hving fun,he always mounts me on his back like a baby,in our pool,we water fight wt fun.My prayer is tht most girls are able to experience this sort of love he has shown me.I look absolutely younger than my age because am happy,we hv a son and a daughter,am heavy even as i write,he has taken me round d world.Am happy i broke up wt my ex,pls my dear what ever happens is for ur own good.He asked fr marriage after 4mnths.

  91. The problem is that most of these girls are desperate to get married thereby throwing themselves at these guys. From your statement, you sound desperate and do not know what you want.
    Guess i am right if i say the six years includes having sex with him. It is not just about prayer, you have to stop committing this sin called fornication.
    You are the only one to tell what is happening in this relationship. Truth is bitter but you just have to tell yourself the truth. At your age you should know what it means to be an ideal man/woman. Check yourself very well. Are you a kind of woman a man will be proud to have as a wife? Also, is he a kind of man a woman will be happy with and also be proud of as a husband? Answer these questions. Goodluck.

  92. 1) Repent and turn it all to God
    2) Stop sinning (fornication)
    3) God is not an ATM, it didnt take a day to get where you are, dont expect it to change overnight. Based on this past, you have to cleanse yourself. This includes your value as a woman.
    4) Surround yourself with strong women of God who hold each other accountable.
    5) Learn the biblical way of courtship and marriage

    Ladies do this, and if you want to get married, God will lead an AMAZING man down your path, and it will be crystal clear, and you will know indeed God is behind it.

    You cant fool God, cant ride with the world, and expect His blessings, please show God honor.

  93. run for your dear life as he would not propose

  94. wow.............fantastic comment.i was also with a guy for 5yrs but we broke up..sweet hart i tink u need to take a walk.he his simply not ready for a life committment to you

  95. Hey young lady, be patient. The man's mind is different. He will do it, just in his time. I am 10 yars and I have not done it. But I wil, just relax. Cheers

  96. My dear stop wasting ur time, i hv a friend that has bn in a r/ship for 8yrs and the guy went and married at her back without telling her only to discover it 2yrs later, so i suggest you walk away b4 it will too late for u bc i wonder hw a guy wil b keeping a lady for all these yrs without any serious commitment.

  97. LMAO,LIB readers...una no go kill me

  98. why are men this wicked so he is telling me that it would take him 6long years to determine whether he likes the woman or not to be his wife ehhh

    why are women so stupid so it would take you 6 years to ask your man where this relationship is leading nah wah some women are really mumu

    abeg my sister just walk away because from how you have described your situation ehhh this man would never ever propose to you. a cooment here talks of a woman who left after 14 years just learn from that ladies example and don't wait for 20 years otherwise ehhh you would wait forever...

  99. Babes, six years is indeed a long time. This guy wont marry u . am sorry to be this blunt. He just wont. Pls move on now while u still have time. late 20's is not that old.

  100. You shouldnt be scared of voicing out what you feel.uv been friends for 6 years!you guys have come a long way.Open up to him,ask him what he really wants,does he want you guys to simply remain friends or seal the relationship into something more serious.The ball is in your court dearie,age is not on ur side anymore for you to keep fooling this stage u shld be able to know if this guy has the slightest intentions of marrying you or not.Above all,be works wonders.all the best.

  101. I have been there before:

    1) What do you think? Is he serious with you or do you have any reason to doubt/suspect him? (Only u can answer this one)

    2) Sit him down and have a serious conversation about y'alls future so u can know what's up... then give him time to think and get back to you asap!

    3) Make ur decision and move on.


  102. i think this blog post has done the job.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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