And the excuses for mass murderer, James Holmes, have started | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 23 July 2012

And the excuses for mass murderer, James Holmes, have started

The American legal system is already making excuses for the Colorado theater mass murderer, James Holmes, the 24 year old who went into a movie theater packed with movie-goers and shot 71 people, killing 12. According to lawyers and FBI profilers who analyzed his case this afternoon (Holmes is due to make his first court appearance in a few minutes), the killer can not separate reality from illusion...and that is most probably going to be his defense.

If he were a Muslim, he would have been labelled a terrorist. If he were a black man, he would have been labelled a thug, but because he's white, he's dellusional? This crazy man separated reality enough to buy 6000 rounds of ammunition, 1 assault rifle, 1 semi automatic shot gun, 2 glock pistols and a Bane full body armour, so he could go shoot up innocent people, including a six year old girl. He separated reality enough to rig up his home with bombs. Then all of a sudden when it comes to his trial, he can't separate reality from illusion?

Go tell that shit to the marines! Meanwhile, read online that his prison inmates are trying to kill him...but fortunately for him he's locked in solitary confinement.


  1. Linda you really should be careful what you say/ write because you don't know and you are not God.

    No sane person will do what John Holmes did.I am not surprised.

    1. U must b an idiot...a confirmed ritualist r sane?highered assasins r sane?our corrupt leaders dt loot public funds r sane?...bottom line is....we shld stop makin flimsy excuses 4 ppl dt cos dia fellow human beings so much hurt and pain...

    2. Oh! Pls shut up! The guy is a pussy. He wasn't insane when he demanded speaking to a lawyer when he surrendered. The guy knew what he was doing. Linda, you missed out these too.....if he was black, he's a drug addicted gang banger, and would prolly be dead. You also missed the fact that the douche killed a baby! White people r weird. Someone said the white man kinda crime is often like this and most times, they kill people they've never met.

    3. U r jst dumb 4 saying he's sane enof to buy guns shey??? Dumb fuck

    4. Fuck you,if any member of your family was der,will u still b saying dis trash,u r probably delusional urself.go see a psychologist,cuz no sane person will write wat u just wrote.big IDIOT

    5. I really don't blame you cause every tom dick and harry can come on here and type crap cause they know how to spell Linda's name.... Must you comment??

    6. Anonymous 4:02, u must b a big fool for that statement. Its obvious u r insame. Omo oshi

    7. What the fuck is this fool saying...???

    8. Anonymous 4:02 I won't insult u but o di ka obele ara na agba gi!! Anyways as for holmes who claims to be the joker in other words,he is a villain in some warped batman movie going on in his head. My question for the American prosecutors is what happens when batman arrests the joker or oda villains for doing something wrong, shey they all end up in prison? So why shud this dim wit's own be different?

  2. That's why Lawyers are Liars.
    I'm pretty sure his lawyer will fight till his last drop of blood to prove him innocent. I just pray that the God of true justice will prevail. Rubbish!

    1. Olodo,Lawyers are liars abi and meat sellers like u are foolish!

  3. well we saw that coming. so sad for the wasted lives.

    1. This pic looks like he has horns growing on his head.

  4. I keep looking at him and wondering what would make a young guy lose his mind to the extent of killing innocent people. It's really sad, i feel not only for the souls dat were lost but for him as well cos he has been used by the devil. this is purely d handiwork of the devil.
    I pray justice will be served and above all dat he repents and turns to God

    1. Abeg leave this devil matter,the guy dey craze

    2. He did not loose his mind abeg. The guy murdered innocent people and should be made to face the greatest punishment for it...loose his mind ko, loose his mind ni..

  5. Nice write up Linda.
    That's d shit of d world we live in.
    Siddon look na dog name
    We wait and c

    God help us

  6. He is a bloody American Terrorist. Simple. But because they control the world media, they may confuse you with delusional, as for me, I refused to be confused, he is an American terrorist

  7. Miss Ikeji i think you're jumping the gun here,lets hear what his defence would be...the only reason why a Muslim would be accused of being a terrorist is because the perpetrators of such acts justify such callous and horrible acts by quoting the Quran and shouting Allah Akhbar e.g attacks on the twin towers,and the Xmas day bomber,Faroukh Mutallab...these evil acts were justified and are still being justified using their religion

    1. Its very important to note that Islaam doesn't advocate violence or irrational killings. In Islaam every soul is precious even those who don't believe in the Religion, except in cases like war; since the opponent is also ready to kill you too. Well linda, you really increased my likeness 4 your blog. Well just keep the News unbiased and remember, Allaah is all forgiving and ever Merciful. Please accept Islaam today, and be amongst the Inheritors of Paradise on the Day of Reckoning.

    2. Pls mind wat u say , stop typing nonsense, shows d extent of ur common sense(which u obviously lack). Is it anyone that claims to be a christian, quoting d bible and all, truly a christian? So y do u think dat those terrosist posing as muslims are true muslims...its pple like u that are trying to cause discord amoung muslims and christians

  8. Hrm paul Ojeih23 July 2012 at 16:29

    This guy knew the specification of Ammunition's that he wanted he knew various calibers of gun and assault riffle dat he needed to carry out his dastard act yet they say he is insane America is really fucked up. wen mutallab almost blew up their airline they labeled him a terrorist idiots

    1. He knew how to wear all sorts of protectective armor to protect himself incase someone fires back at him. I am in tears, why do white people always get special treatment even when they kill their own people?

    2. @ hrm paul,Abdulmutalab is a terrorist,no contesting that abeg!

      @ anon,they dnt,its cos u feel they do!
      No one can oppress u if u dnt allow them!
      A lot of blacks are still colonised mentally!!!

  9. can't say i'm entirly surprisede. yea Linds u r spot on. just cos hes white,they are already amking excuses for him.mscheeeeew. can dis world end already?

  10. Alicia says...23 July 2012 at 16:40

    Of course his lawyer is going to defend him in any way possible, it's his job!! That's what he is being paid to do and that's Howe the justice system works in America. So you lot should keep quiet!

    1. His lawyer is a public defender meaning that terrorist James Holmes does not have to pay a penny to his lawyers. Do u know who is going to Sposer the lawyers? The victims through their taxes. Americas justice system is somehow sha.

    2. Alicia ko Alicia ni! Idiot! If u sef dey that movie theater and faced deaths for type this rubbish? U disgust me! *spit to the left*

    3. Alicia says...24 July 2012 at 16:27

      It's about how the legal system works. This is not like Nigeria where jungle justice is the order of the day or there is nothing being done. People need to understand the constitution, so you can continue to wallow in disgust.

      And now that i realize he is a public defender, well that's just the system to ensure he has a fair trial. It is sketchy but...

  11. Am watching his punk ass on msnbc with his orange hair.....he doesn't even look remorse...smh

    1. And i wish i was in that court-room or wherever he is to just pull the trigger on the bastard. And after, me too go claim insanity or multiple personality. Idiot!

  12. James you uneducated fool calling lawyers liars, did you not do enough research to see that he has public defenders? yes public defenders, you get assigned those because under the American Constitution you have a right to full and fair trial and a right to counsel. Hence, even if these poor men and women assigned to him think he is guilty as sin, they still have to represent him because they were assigned to him and will face all sorts of disciplinary action if they do not represent him competently.

    It is one thing if he has a private attorney who is trying to make money from it, but he does not. So before you go commenting, at least educate yourself. I am in no way condoning his behavior as I am appalled at him and his actions, however, I am sick and tired of ignorant masses like you always insulting or accusing lawyers without doing your due research. and no I am not a lawyer.

    you know the crazy part, if he is not represented by an attorney or not represented competently, he can file an ineffective assistance of counsel and get his conviction overturned, is that what you want?

  13. so i'm watching the court sitting, why is his hair orange???? The guy is obviously not normal, but that doesn't justify what he has done. He should pay for what he did!

  14. Linda easy! Its to early to write such

  15. I also think James Holmes can't separate reality from illusion, like seriously, who in his normal senses does what he did? He should spend the rest of his life in that solitary confinement, that's probably the best place for fiends like him.

    1. I must say that what he did was completely wrong but maybe some of us should take a trip to the psychiatry hospitals including you Linda and you would see these things write before you.These pple live in a totally different world in their heads and dangerous both to themselves and to others.The only true judge is God,so stop judging.You might just be takes one snap.

    2. All of u just yarning balls here don't see the big picture. THIS ISN'T ABOUT LAWYERS! This is about why it ALWAYS has to be insanity plea for white killers. Name one black or hispanic murderer who has been allowed to use the insanity plea......pls name one on a popular case. I'm waiting *tick tock tick tock*

  16. whether he claims insanity or not, he is getting 100 years in jail, he will never be released, that I know for sure, America is a crazy place, but they r not stupid..... wait n see

    1. If he wins, he spends the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital, that is NOT prison. I personally think he is a sane demonic devil that is about to play the justice system.

  17. Linda i dont agree with the torrorist or thug ting u said. i have a level of believe dat the US are not partial whn it comes to live and death.

    1. Are you kidding? Zimmerman kills black trayvon & They say Zimmerman acted in self defense while trayvon is the druggie thug. Pls shut up if you don't have facts.

    2. U mean "life" abi? Madam commenter pls take a \___ and Ssssshhhhhh

  18. God am sorry because vengence is Yours, but in all of these madness, let the system not try to 'justify' this terrible act. Anyways, inmates, wish you the best of luck trying out jungle justice.....

  19. why wont there be so much shooting when all the movies they roll out is shooting shooting and horror films

    1. Blame it on the movies is your logic abi.. I am a fan of batman but I roundhouse around shooting people. What ever happened to common God given sense?

  20. The difference is that he shot at pple in a theatre,not a church!

    Let's be sincere!

    And dnt get it twisted,Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion!
    It does nt state any religion or race,so anybody who unleashes terror as a means of coercion is a terrorist,simples!

    A terrorist is a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.

    This guy shot at a group of pple in a public place,he's clearly sick cos his victims are from different walks of life,u can't compare that to someone that goes into a mosque or church,that's a target group!

    Linda,I beg to differ,that's not Nigeria,its the US of A,so they will not make what u call "excuses" without proving it with the help of an expert witnesses I.e a psychiatrist and they value the lives of their citizens!

    So they are not making excuses,they are just trying to make sure they dnt "kill a mouse with an atomic bomb",they just want to give the right punishment. Even at that,he definitely won't be goin home soon!

    Also bear in mind that its a criminal case,so its proof beyond reasonable doubt!

    Linda,u need to use the applicable schools of thought before leading ur leaders that look up to u astray with sentiments!

    1. The only educated statement made out of all the lot! Thanks!

  21. There is a reason for every crime Linda. an islamic terrorrist goes to the cinema and kills 12 people cos he believe it is justified by his religion, a black thug does it cos he wants their purses. This man did it...why? Because he believes he is the Joker? Why? There is no logical explanation, he truly is crazy.
    Its not a matter of black, white or muslim. So don't start making it one. If a white man robs a bank and kills people, he will be judged as a criminal because there is a logic to his actions.
    Whether crazy or not, this man will spend the rest of his life in prison. Since I cannot go and shoot him by myself, I have to be satisfied with that.

  22. a PHD student of neuroscience delusional??? but he didnt get delusional to kill himself ba?? so lame>


  23. Linda you got it wrong here. There is no color when it comes to this type of case at all. America is what it is because of the justice system. He has to get a fare trial but we all hope that he gets convicted of all the charges that will be laid. if you want to rant, rant against James not the Justice system.

    1. My friend pls reverse into the gutter cos there definitely is bias towards the black man in America. The case of Trayvon Martin took a diff turn cos it took simple reasoning to know that if twas a Black man who shot Zimzim, attacker or not, he won't be walking free like Zimmerman was doing. Blacks commit crime...that's not subject to any argument. But if this plonker James was BLACK, d PoPo wld prolly have gunned his black ass down on the spot.

    2. @Anon 6:21
      Wagbayi(God'l bless u)
      Trust me 1 mumu pychologist'l come now and dey'l say d guy is mental and send him 2 a mental institution.
      Dey shud cut him in pieces 4 a year so he can feel d pain.
      I can't deal

    3. Hey, anonymous 6.21. The Trayvon Martin issue is not valid as a race partialty issue because Zimmerman is not even white, he is hispanic. That being said, even though this holms guy is crazy, he should be covered with honey and tied to an anthill. His screams will be music to my ears.

    4. I know you do not what to believe that blacks are till this day discriminated against but Biko wipe the blindness of your eyes and open your eyes wide and open. Georges last names is not Cruz, rOdgrugez (sp) or Gomez. His last name is Zimmerman the son of a former judge.

    5. Somi... I can say you're from Edo state cos that's where your father is from. Zimzim's father is WHITE his mother is hispanic. So how does that makes him hispanic?




    1. Why do you like posting in caps? #NotNice. Now to d subject matter.....Linda is getting this one right. If you've ever lived in the States, even if it's for three months, no one will tell you these things. You'll experience it one way or the other.

    2. & the victims carry their mothers, daughters, husbands, wives, friends dead bodie to bury while the killer gets a fair trail, gets special protection & eats three times a day. All hail America for being so darn fear... Rubbish

    3. He his probably posting in caps cos he is shouting (tis jus so we can tell wen they are ranting) hehehe

  25. I can guarantee you 99% if holmes was black or arab,he would be shot dead on the spot by policemen,and they will say self defence against robbery attack or terrorism.

  26. ivory chi

    im getting tired of seeing u comment on everysingle post

  27. Linda is not missing any point @ IVORY CHI. You just want to play Over sabi. We all live in this same america and all witness the injustice when EVIL white people commit crimes. Some of us work for the justice system and can't do anything when we see how other nationalities are treated differently from an oyibo for the same crimes or even less serious soon as a white person does something bad, automatically, it is mental illness and how badly they were mentally abused or physically abused as children. Please spare me jo. Typical inferior being. I'm sure you are one of those that swears Oyibos are better in everything shey?

  28. Murderers start as anonymous. When you choose to be anonymous on a public domain as this,then your opinion don't count.

  29. sorry to say but i think Linda is not educated at can you post sometin like have to blame America's constitution and not lawyers..the funny think is that this guy might still walk away as a free man( Blame America's constitution). we should just pray that we are not at the wrong place at the wrong time..and may God comfort the affected families ..

    1. Thank you for ds ur comment. Blame d American constitution dt says its a right 2 bear arms!!! Americans and everybody just beating at d bush while d American NRA sings 2 d bank. Bought 6000 rounds of ammunition on line and was sold when ur not in NATO fighting in Afghanistan!!! Una never start. Roll over in a couple of months 2 d next heinous crime. Another James Holmes is in d making!!

  30. Why did he do it? Why would a rationale and sane human being design a meticulous plan just to kill people?
    No doubt there are mentally disturbed people in all societies and countries. In the U.S. easy access to guns and ammunition ensures that at any time, these nuts can unleash their fury with devastating effect. This will not be the last we've seen.
    Still remember Virginia Tech?
    It follows same pattern: The horrific killings, the public shock, survivors account, outpouring of emotions and gnashing of teeth. Then the politician will visit the community and of course finger-pointing starts.
    We've seen this movies so many times.
    So Linda, why the moral indignation? Do you believe the guy is sane? The U.S. legal system tries to ensure everyone gets fair justice regardless of how heinous a crime was committed.

    1. Why was Osama bin ladins sanity not questioned? They immeadiately labelled him a terrorist right. What is sane about hijacking two planes & killing 3 thousand plus people? Abeg keep quite & look forward, Linda is speaking the truth.

  31. Linda post my comment jor....i have become so addicted to your blog o well this is my first comment though......that guy is a bloody terrorist...a sick bastard from hell and should be locked up forever...the fact that its the USA does not mean they aint corrupt or partial also abeg so people should stop making them look like saints....about the white or black issue Linda raised its more of racial prejudice or stereotype the white people have created....

  32. I meant to say *Fair trial*

  33. Linda linda linda...u know I love u bt I jst gotta say dis..its only sme1 dt has bein sentenced that is put in long as he is an still in trial..he's gona be in jail...anyway he will go to prison eventually n he will die there

  34. Well linda that the kind of world we live in. I just hope and pray that justice prevails. So that innocent lives that were lost will rest in peace

  35. Whites continue to make stupid excuses for themselves. Zimmerman is still walking around, and now James Holmes will go free. When they commit crime, it's seen as the suspect is unstable but I wonder the same logic doesn't apply to black people. So tired of their BS.

  36. I get wat dese defenders of USA mean by fair trial but I totally bliv wat linda said, if twas a black or an arab guy dat called himself joker, d story wudda taken anoda twist, whites lyk 2 plead insanity, I jus pray he goes to jail n dey kill him dere lyk I hrd dose inmates said dey wud.

  37. Linda u r rite,those guys dat call them smart n civilised r nothing but blood thirsty bastards.They jst make us believe that we r the craziest pple on earth but unfortunately,reverse is the case.

  38. People who say he will walk free if he uses the insanity plea. You do NOT get off free for pleading insanity.

    I mean you do not get executed as he should be but when people plead insanity, Mostly, they go to jail. Criminal insanity is a tough standard. They must, on account of mental illness, be unable to know that the act was wrong and that were consequences. That requires a deep and genuine delusion that is very uncommon. Mere crazy doesn't do it.

    If actually found Not Guilty by reason of insanity, they go to an institution for the criminally insane until they are found to be no longer a danger to themselves or others. It's very hard to get out of that. He does NOT walk free.

  39. Please take race, creed and religion out of it, focus of the human mind for a minute Linda, do you think a man of SOUND mind will commit that kind of heinous crime?

  40. Guys we should be thankful that one of his guns,d most lethal one jammed! Norway would have been a piece of cake compared to Colorado.
    Secondly d so called delusional James carefully booby trapped his apartment b4 setting off to murder innocent Americans! I do not hear d outrage frm White gun totting idiots. If it was a blackman or a moslem d whole world won't hear for this ppl. Two faced undermining hypocrites!

  41. I'm surprised at how opinionated Linda is on this issue. The whole race/ethnicity argument is absurd.Thugs and terrorist have motives, Mr Holmes didn't have any motive for his murders. He didn't have a criminal record. On paper he was a upstanding citizen. There are no excuses being made, just facts. He was most likely delusional. So yes, I understand the media's portrayal of Holmes.

    1. He wasn't delusional when he posted on an adult friend finder site days before the shooting "will you visit me in prison" he wasn't delusional when he booby trapped his apartment, he wasn't delusional enuf to go for his shooting spree without bullet proof vest, pants and helmet incase he got shot. He wasn't delusional when after he surrendered, demanded speaking to a lawyer. He wasn't delusional all through careful planning. You all making excuses for him directly or indirectly r just as pathetic as he is. How come they've never used the delusional excuse for non whites? Abi na only white people dey see disillusionment?

  42. James Holmes is demonized. he is blood thirsty hence his actions. sad how a gud lawyer will let him off wen beautiful lives have been wasted.

  43. Wow Linda...Your thought process is rather strange...You compare this random shooting to that of terrorists who use coersion to inflict fear on people other religious groups. You have allowed sentiments to blind you...this is why the U.S will always be better than naija. People don't think in Africa..SMH

  44. ***sigh***

    Y'all have said it all

    *Walks away* #SMH


  45. Stop writing like an illiterate,Linda.The defense are the ones coming up with the excuse and The American Justice system as you put it.Stop posting crap like an uneducated person

  46. Everyone shouting insanity. No insane person could be so meticulous in the planning and execution of such an heinous crime. PURE AND SIMPLE MIND CONTROL

    For what purpose or to what ends is unknown, but he is showing clear symptoms of menticide, a state of brainwash seen with terrorist and the like.

    People, be watchful of what you expose yourselves to, everything isn't as it seems.

  47. Re; mind control, it makes me wonder about Zimmerman, the cannibal stories etc, seems something has gone wrong big time with this, question is who/what is behind this.....and no, it's not the illuminati....though it uses subliminal programming to reach audiences....

    Open your eyes.

  48. Why are you getting heart attack over American legal system when you should worry about Nigeria's? How many boko haram members have been prosecuted and how many have escaped from prison? Has the Nigerian govt labeled boko haram as a terrorist group? The police officers that kill innocent Nigerians almost everyday what has been done to them?

    If you like approve my comment if you like don't.

  49. With all due respect to you Linda, the system is not making excuses for him. This is simply the legal system at work - you are innocent till proven guilty and are allowed to mount the best possible defense for yourself.

    The job of his defense team is to try get him the lowest possible penalty, if any at all. His defense team has thus asked for a competency hearing for him.

    The job of the Prosecution is to get the maximum penalty possible and they will most likely attack the insanity defense.

    This is the way it should be. You are not a doctor to say the guy is not delusional or whatever. And rest assured that the Prosecuting team will do everything possible to get the maximum penalty in this case.

    Also note that the news media in the US have been referring to him as the ALLEGED shooter. Till the guy is found guilty, he is only ALLEGED to have committed the offence. Same thing happened to the Underwear bomber - he was referred to as ALLEGED till the courts found him guilty.

  50. Linda don come i understand why my frnd is so addicted to this blog, i decided to take a pic one day and since then every morning i must check out this blog...But facts be told Linda, if na for Niaja we for say the guy na witch or ritualist or Boko Haram... But the white man always ask why?Why did he do it... ((Motive))

  51. Nice write up linda however d truth is dat d guy is a terrorist nd terrorist r never sane they chase the WINDS

  52. right you re linda, people:terrorism is the act of terror and hos dis any difference? just lecturing you illiterates over here..


  54. Well said Linda, this is the bullshit they do to arabs, niggers , muslims and certain groups of people that they dont like and favor, so since he is all white and fucked up! he gets reason for bail and ooh he couldnt separate reality and illussion! FUCK HIM, fuck his brains and i pray to god that he dies and rot in hell. stupid dumb caucasians

  55. Honestly, a sad case!!

    Finding "Him" before you find "him"-

  56. TOO annoyed to comment!

  57. Linda you are becoming a role model, an icon and you have many followers. Be careful with your use of words and some of your thoughts and opinions.

  58. Please stop making other people think it's right to Jamesholmesed! His lawyer is not a liar professionally, but it's high time law sees things from a different normal perspective. Other thing could go, but to say he was disillusioned is non sequitor! If he had shot himself, had used bananas or grasses as guns instead of.... then he is not to blame. Did he also set bomb in his apartment?

  59. Personally, I do not like to go the terrorist or thug racism route because its the same "stereotyping" route that we need to avoid in order to move forward. My conclusion is the murderer was either under some form of mind control or some weird stuff that only those privy to him know. The whole court delusional thing to me is just a distraction from the truth. It is even possible he is not the shooter but just the patsy to take the fall. So many loose ends in cases like this that it makes no sense. As to the credibility of the US justice system, let us not deceive ourselves, it is the same everywhere...theirs is just more hidden. At the end of the day we should all look to God...shikena.

  60. Forget about the role model stuff, she represents it. Truth is not mixed please. America, you are beautiful, earth knows. Thank you Linda!

  61. Loll Linda before you go on about how the American legal system are making excuses how about you study law first before you state making silly remarks the legal system assigns a lawyer to everybody to defend them while the same system assigns a lawyer to prosecute the same made who we all know us going to be found guilty anyways so y the sentiments? It just shows u that our system works how about u write on how the Nigerian president paid a man in south Africa to bomb his county on independence day of all the people that keep dying in Nigeria and knoy Americans cand handle themselves at lest they have a man in custody how many bombers do Nigerians have in custody? Smh

  62. Definitely mind-control, Linda you didn't post my earlier message. He's definitely a manchurian candidate.

    It's all too fishy, Zimmerman, the cannibal killings, it's mind programming to intimidate someone.....see what we can do....

    With the number of people, it also seems like ritual killing (western style) twelve people.

    People, be careful what you expose yourselves to.

  63. "If he were a Muslim, he would have been labelled a terrorist. If he were a black man, he would have been labelled a thug, but because he's white, he's dellusional" You said it all Linda.Now I love you.

  64. when inmates have more sense than the Government then be very afraid. the end is near

  65. See nigerians dey boil 4 wetin no concern them.. Linda neva react lyk dz 4 any nigeria issue b4,abi trace of white gene dey in u? Me jx knw say if na blackman ehn, dem go fry his balls 4 sandwich..

  66. Same theory about the Norwegian who killed 74!!..when its Whitey..they bring all the psychological excuses u never heard off!!..
    Linda called it right tho..The Defence are doing their normal jobs..

  67. "If he were a Muslim, he would have been labelled a terrorist. If he were a black man, he would have been labelled a thug, but because he's white, he's dellusional" THIS IS THE BEST STATEMENT I HAVE SEEN RECENTLY. LINDA U RE GREAT! IT IS NOW I KNOW U ARE SINCERE WITH THIS. PLS TELL THEM, TERRORISM HAS NO RELIGION.

  68. He is not crazy.HE is EVIL.We often forget that evil exist and so we make excuses for evil acts. His plan was carefully thought out and he knew exactly what he was doing. Now its time to pay the piper. Multiple life sentences. If he is delusional he will convince himself he will live through it. If he his same as I suspect he may come to terms with what he did- behind bars. The death penalty is too easy for this guy.We don't he him walking around ever.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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