Senate suspends the DG of Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Senate suspends the DG of Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority

The Senate today ordered the Director General of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, Harold Demuren, to step aside until the conclusion of investigations into the Dana plane crash.

This plane made an emergency landing last month and instead of NCAA to ground the aircraft, they praised the pilots for a job well done.

Meanwhile, the black box flight recorder has been recovered and is now with investigators.


  1. Isn't this Segun Demuren EME record labels boss' dad?

    1. Who fkin cares? How does that help the matter at hand ?

    2. Yea ryt whogives a flyin fuck.He's one of 'em corrupt leader n d aviation sector.The bribes he receives shadows d respect n regards 4 human life.He should effing get out of the way 4 investigation,dunno why he's all jittery.God will punish all of u involved n one way or d other.RIP Prof Onwuliri,RIP Onyeagocha Ogechi and Mum.

  2. Good job at least. But will this bring the dead back to life??? #iweepformycountry

  3. Nice step. Don't know if its just me, but the more i hear of the negligence that caused this crash, the more my heart aches n burns. To have it that i lost a school mate too. Rip Alvana Ojukwu. We love u, but God loves u more

  4. Well that does not justify the tragic incident.logistics should be put in place to forestall future occurance, that's my stand.

    1. Yes. It doesn't justify it but if incompetent pple r removed from the system it might help avert future reoccurrences. Don't u think?

  5. Hmmn. Still came a little late sha. So why was this same measure not metted out to DAM for indictments on fuel subisdy payments? How come she is still in office whilst investigations are supposedly on? Talking about double standards...

  6. Abeg, The Aviation Minister should resign with immediate alacrity, it shows she is not working

  7. the pilot they commended is probably the same american(naija) pilot that now lost his life kmt!! dis is soooooo painful

  8. This is a good step in the right direction, when we begin to hold people accountable for the responsibilities entrusted to them and making them face the full length of the law, they will stop playing ball with people's lives. I live in a country where ministers n senators are resign for allegedly paying ttheir galfriend's phone bills with tax payer's money........that been said, Linda I just do Nigerians living in Nigeria have life insurance because I wonder what will happen to families whose breadwinners were in this plane crash, I left home a while ago, I know Nigeria is becoming westernized so fast but I just hope we are copying the right things not just fashion

  9. Phew!!!!(sigh of relief)We've started to act like our contemporaries abroad. But please it shouldnt end here. Everyone must be brought to book...we're talking about the termination of lives here its like mass murder and the truth is it could have been anyone. The high and low have been affected . Innocent people "bombed" in their houses by an unsuspecting plane that fly over their houses every day. Please we beg you in the name of Jesus and the fear of God. Let these sad events that occurred last weekend turn us to the right path. Lets change and do the right thing and not let further tragic events be the basis for intervention. Please honourable sirs!!

  10. Good one! What about deportation of indians without valid papers. Them full nigeria no be small.

  11. seriously i really think this guys should be arrested and jailed for a while. especially the airline owners cos so many reports have it that dis guys know abt d faulty plane and yet they still gambled with peoples lives.

  12. About time to. Heads shld roll abeg. As 4me i NEVER trusted this guy.

  13. very good , i know those at NCAA must have compromised on way or the other , they have their cut in all these deals , we all are waiting and watching .

  14. Pls how true È‹̊§ it dat d plane wld hav landed if not for the fact dat planes were not allowd to land for 2hrs cus D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ were xpecting the first lady patience goodluck who was on her. Way to lagos for. Her PA,s child dedication.dat thoe d plane had engine problem so it cldnt hold on for toolong.

    1. Say WHAT????????? If this is true, dame should kindly go back to bayelsa and remain there!!!! I. Think we've tolerated her for too long!!!

    2. I wonder why libda has nit carried d bews if d first ladies incolvenent in dis matter. It has been in SD's blog all day

    3. Olu-omo of d source5 June 2012 at 20:32

      It's very true.Did anyone notice how long it took local tv to air d incident despite d fact that cnn, news and bbc had started airing it?This was because they were trying to hush the 1st lady angle.God help us all.

    4. Ladytee na true ooo can u imagine !!!!!!

  15. DANA air must LEAVE Nigeria! Murderers!

  16. This is jux all medicine afta death...

  17. This is putting the cart before the horse, still waiting for when nigeria will start doing things right...

  18. Yes it is EME Segun Demuren's dad

    Let's not forget that in the 7 years that Harold Demuren has been the DG, there hasn't been any crashes (save for a few military planes). His record is exceptional, this again is Nigerian government not dealing with issues.
    The man had already retired, he was due to end his tenure as DG in March 2012. The Aviation ministry asked he extend it by some months.

    1. STFU... Obvious Denuren voltron. Smh

  19. Ehen, now they are talking!

  20. This is segun Demuren/Tunde Demuren's dad.. They look so much like their dad!
    I am afraid their dad must be brought to books too cos if he ensured strict standards, this crash will not have happened!

  21. Where's my darling Professor X? I'm missing the babe's (I still find it hard to believe you are female) comments seriously. Prof, where art thou?

    1. Hahahahahahahaha! Who told you I'm female eh? My dear I've been here. Too weak to make comments. Too many upsetting things happening. Thanks for checking. :)

  22. Una don try atleast ...but what we want to hear is arrest ooooo..NAIJA WE HAIL THEE (OMO-IWO) SAYS SO....

  23. Linda, please help me confirm if Eseoghene Okor that is on the list is the same lady that used to work with Zenith Realtors. Secondly, Its not about suspending the license, Dana sold Nigerians a BIG LIE, if you can pull up the newspapers and check when Dana was launched, they said it was a BRAND NEW PLANE, now we are hearing a different story. Third point is, they need to investigate the angle of the story purporting that GEJ's wife closed the airspace and the plane could not land. If that comes out true....I see wahala blowing on a trumpet.

  24. Emeka said...
    Good step.What's the next step now govt?Dont the NCAA have rules for air safety and maintenance of aircrafts? Ndi Ewu...As the govt is doing all this,can they please also work on all the major roads because lives are lost and innocent people are also killed by heartless robbers.Each time my dad travels,I am scared of the bus he is and the road.God protect everyone's family.

  25. What is dis am hearing abt the first lady and Dana plane crash. If this is tru may it not be well wit her. If u like post my comment.

  26. NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT AT IT AGAIN.Lookinf for who to blame and scape goats.When the actual problem is with them.How can a country like this not have fire fighting helicopters or jets stationed at the airport.I am 100% sure not everyone on that flight died on the spot. It was the fire and smoke that suffocated and raosted them.WEb could have had some survivors.MINISTRY OF AVIATION GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS LISTEN instead of buying urselves mansions and private jets lootong d people money PLEASE USE THIS MONEY TO PURCHASE FIRE FIGHTING HELICOPTERS AT MAJOR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS.

  27. We are too slow in Nigeria joor. Arrest him and lock him up. Sack him joor. Stella Oduah too must go. A Microbiology graduate with a ship heading Aviation Ministry. Only in Nigeria...

    Our President is a Professor of seas, rivers and fisheries. Nigeria is a backward country. We have no valve for experience but certificates. A fisheries prof cannot improve Nigeria.

  28. why has this man been there for all these years even during the 2006 sosoliso incident?..pls his cup and also his wallet is very full..ooooouuuuuttttttt.....hiss

  29. Linda, go and insure your lap top against crashes and theft before it is too late.

  30. Firstly RIP all those that died in the plane and on the ground. However once again you morons don't even begin to understand the issues at hand. Unfortunately you're all looking for a scape goat. So this act will feed your hunger for a short while. The issues are far reaching, plenty of questions need to be asked. Planes don't fall out of the sky. there are so many built in redundancies in aircraft, so we need to know what failed and why it failed when it did. No pilot will fly an aircraft that he/she feels will kill them, let alone passengers. Now some spastic is saying VIP movement caused the crash, understand that in aviation emergency and medical transfer take priority to VIP so this plane would have been given clearance to land above the president. The way most of you decipher information explains a lot about why our reasoning as a nation is warped. The internet is free, use it to at least try to understand a few things and always try to corroborate stuff before you spread it sensationally. Linda this applies especially to you, as moronic spastics (including me), come here for sensational news.

    1. U jez said my mind. & no airline operator wud eva pray for a crash cos dey will neva recover frm it. People shud allow proper investigation to be carried out b4 venting dier anger on dis Indians, so what happens to d Nigerians wu r also mgt staff of dis same airline?.... Nigeria in itself nids a total overhauling not jez d aviation sector.

    2. Anonymous 7.20pm, clearly you know nothing. This particular aircraft had been faulty. Had hydraulic and landing issues twice in the last three weeks. NCAA knew about this and took no action. Dana knew about this and patched up the aircraft and cleared it for more trips. Talmbout "We need to know wat failed and why it did" No we don't. All we need to know is why a faulty aircraft was cleared for takeoff. And why the major landing issue of 3weeks ago was not investigated by the NCAA. Yes Harold should be punished. The management of Dana should even be arrested and prosecuted. Their negligence and greed killed all those people. I wouldn't say your reasoning is warped like you have said ours is. Yours reasoning is ignorant. And a struggle to sound intelligent. Next time, keep up with the News if you really want to come here and call out reasoning as a nation warped. Keep up.

    3. Woman of Virtue6 June 2012 at 00:35

      @professor X,u get time 2 dey explain 2 dis senseless people.mscheeew.dey can neva tink nd analysis beta.common sense isn't common.

  31. about fucking time...

  32. hmmmmm...... Who ever the man is, is of no use to me, weda GEJ fada ooo, or mr Ibu fada oooo... Is nonsense ... Let him step aside stil investigation is concluded...ggbam

  33. This will not bring anyone back? This is what the government should look into daily, to mitigate or avoid drastic events from occurring instead they sit and watch innocent lives suffer, beg for bread and die in bomb blast, plane crash or kidnap...

    Maybe all these wicked Nigeria corrupt politicians who kill the dreams of Nigerian people, make living hell for them be compressed in an unknown aircraft and sent straight into bermuda triangle to live, sob, die and rot there...

    God will pay them in their own coin... shikena!!!

  34. What about his it Stella Oduah or something!!..what is she waiting for??..still thinking of chopping money abi instead of doing the right thing and resign!!

  35. The families need to take up a Civil criminal case if the FG is unwilling..every
    angle should be expolited to bring them all to book!!

  36. Na today. Before u know he will sneak back

  37. If all of you knw what NCAA is going through you all will not be say ing this the D.G wont go and be checking the plane himslf at least he has able hands to carry out the checking on the plan, why i wld blame him is that he wld have ground the plan about weeks back but to me he has tried we shld hold the management of Dana responsible. The senate shldnt have ask him to step aside bcus he is still very much capable.


  39. Prof X: Awwwww, don't let it get to you too much o. Life is too short however when there's life there's hope. Cheers!

    1. Bia fatima! This is not laduns blog where ull form ur click ... Drop comment n gerrout ! Always looking for attention ..


  41. Mama Sometee's sister5 June 2012 at 21:12

    This guy Demuren is not at fault. A case of chasing shadows again. This is a highly qualified aviation expert. One of the best in the country. They have started again. Tell that girl with her lace wig to vacate that sit. Too much politics. Dame, please sit down in Abuja. We the citizens of Lagos state do not want you here again. Closing of airspace should be stopped immediately. Those bloody Indians should be banned for life.

  42. U guys shd stop fueling could VIP movement make d plane crash?she was already in Lagos before d plane crashed.instead of praying for souls of d faithful departed you are busy spreading rumors

    1. Read the news well oo the vip movement held planes up for 2 good hours !!!!!! Are u kidding me ??? 2 hours ?? Dame should have been the one crying !!!!!!! And apologising !!!!!!!!!! And they should change that stupid vip thing

    2. Read the news well oo the vip movement held planes up for 2 good hours !!!!!! Are u kidding me ??? 2 hours ?? Dame should have been the one crying !!!!!!! And apologising !!!!!!!!!! And they should change that stupid vip thing

  43. Linda here are links detailing the Age and Model of the Airplanes operating locally in Nigeria.the facts don't lie..lack of maintenance might be a big issue but then again..the age of the planes!!!..

  44. Pls the story about dame patience delaying the flight to hang on the air is it true

  45. The black box has been recovered, good news, but one thing is certain... If truly the airport was grounded for 2 hrs because of the first lady,causing the plane to crash.... then i dont think the record of that record black box will see the light of day.

    #Nnewi Son#

  46. This may seem harsh but the NCAA has questions begging to be answered.

    Obviously, there is a huge chunk of the blame on the NCAA over this Dana crash. What are the processes for fixing an aircraft with faults? How transparent is it? Is there a schedule of maintenance for
    aircrafts in Nigeria taht the NCAA monitors? Does the NCAA have
    any data covering all the aircrafts in
    Nigeria? Inclusive of their air worthiness? What role does the NCAA play before an aircraft needing repairs or routine maintenance is certified for flying again? Sadly these questions even if affirmatively
    answered may not make any difference as it's not impossible that corruption possibly erodes it's effectiveness. Who is to say if money had not changed hands somewhere along the line? It stands to reason.

    Was the NCAA unaware that this plane that crashed had technical problems before and was grounded and scheduled for repairs? If they
    say they were unaware, then we are in more trouble and perhaps those of us who fly should begin to brace up for road journeys as fearful and tiring as they can be.

    Furthermore, if the NCAA was aware, what role did they play to ensure that this particular plane was repaired before flying? I think, these are the critical questions Nigerians should be asking before another evil incidence as this revisits and hopefully Demuren may provide answers.

  47. Why hasn't the minister of aviation been suspended also?

  48. Linda, I thought you should see this. Its worth looking in to

    Is there any way of getting confirmation about news I'm just getting that the Dana plane was distressed for a while but could not make an emergency landing because the airspace was closed for 2 hours for the Presidential Jet carrying Dame Patience Goodluck Jonathan.

    Private jet owners who had to hover in the air same time leaked this. This was apparently the reason local news didn't report the crash for so long till CNN and foreign news stations started reporting it.

    Local news was 'blacked out' trying to kill the story of the airspace being closed while a distressed plane couldn't land.

    It would be shocking if so. Though there was engine failure there was still time for the plane to have landed apparently.

    You do know anyway that the airspace is closed for up to 2hours each time the Presidential Jet needs to go into the air? 2 hours for a 15minute take off or landing!

    And this jet is used by President, VP, President's wife and if I recall David Mark.

    It's almost a daily occurrence I've been told by airline staff when it caught me out on a trip

    The truth remains that the President's wife was actually in Lagos to attend the christening of their personal assistant's child at the Oriental hotel.. Lekki. Anyone living on the Lekki axis saw first hand the horrendous traffic caused by the president's wife's visit..and confirmed reports from airport staff who volunteered information, collaborated this fact, that the Lagos airport was actually shut for 2 hours, about the same time the ill fated Dana Plane crashed. This also strongly explains the reason why Aero contractor airplane could not depart Abuja for Lagos at 3:40pm because of the closure of the Lagos airport. This is criminal and one can only imagine the deep sorrow ad-in-finitum (without limit) that the families of these unfortunate Nigerians and other nationals are currently placed.

    1. They now claim it was a lie and that she came in on saturday! Please lin put a headline and ask people living in lekki(if any) if there was traffic on sunday, if there was then #gbam dame killed 150 summing people !

  49. Not impressed at all. Obviously he doesn't have as many godfathers as diezani. She got off scot free!
    Anyway, as this involved many lives, the senate needed a scape goat.... Cue demuren.
    When people died on ibadan expressway last week/weekend, they didn't sack minister of transport, workS or frsc. The stupid bicourtney company has just been shifting sand on that road for about 4 years, they had nothing to say.
    Their guilty conscience and knowledge that blood is on their hand is spurring them into sluggish hypocritic action. Abeg ....... Not impressed at all.
    And that stella oduah,shedding crocodile tears on tv, to portray sympathy ....... Shame on you.

    1. Also, if Patience was in Lagos from saturday till monday, shame on her for not visiting the crash site.

  50. They think they have found a scape goat. Bloody freaking senate. Make sure our laws are always followed and stuff like Sunday's tragedy will be averted.
    What does his sons involvement with EME records have to do with anything? And if U must know, Dr. Segun (Senior) Harold Demuren is a freaking MIT educated Aeronautical Engineer. I doubt if he had knowledge of the plane's defects

  51. The most annoying fact is Τ̅ђατ our leaders don't value people's lives, dey've decided to make money their NO 1 priority! Whatever they do now will not bring back my Rev απϑ his wife! Neither will it bring back d 163 lives that were jeopardized all becos of negligence on some persons part! I weep in my soul with d deteroriation in our system. God help us all.

  52. Dame patience has reputed the story making the rounds and i want to believe her , if at all it was a Vip movment that kept the plane hanging up , the pilot could have used ibadan airport , but the lord know best , he saw it all .i just feel so sad that it could have been avoided .

  53. It's not JUST the Nigerian government. We have to realise we're also accountable. We have to face up to our responsibilities and work together to build this better Nigeria we all claim we want. I'm sick and tired of watching us do everything wrong, cover up hideous truths for personal gain, or we the younger generation, we sit down and twiddle our thumbs waiting for manner to fall from heaven, and pray that 'God will make Nigeria better' When He has made us in his own image and likeness and given us a conscience to differentiate good from evil, yet we never choose good when we're faced with the choice, then every time something goes wrong, we point fingers at the government. Are these people not our friends, fathers and mothers, uncles and aunties....this government??! God has given us a brain to work with, what do we do with it? how do we use this potential we're supposedly bursting with?
    When i heard of this crash, i became and still am quite depressed, we need to make our effort to prevent these catastrophes. The crash in Ghana killed about 10 people and that was the most major air 'disaster' they'd had in years. Sosoliso crashed 6/7 years ago killing all those harmless, unsuspecting children that had their lives ahead of them, the series of avoidable catastrophes that have befallen our nation, now THIS! We've lost 152 people, friends and family to many of us, people we knew one way or another if not directly. With this brain and this conscience we have, what are we doing PERSONALLY to make Nigeria better? what is our contribution?
    May the souls of all the air crash victims rest in peace and may the good lord grant their families the fortitude to bear the loss.


  55. All should be suspended. Greed.

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  56. Nice that the Aviation DG is asked to step aside,, but deeper investigation is need as the aviation engineer that started it all by certifying the plane as good for 9ja from Alaska should be grilled questioning ,,,,how much xtra did he collect as per they way they operate in dat minstry from the plane owners?

  57. Can Nigerians please leave politics out of this?Jonathan will not sack the ministers because they belong to his corruption tentacles.153 lives gone and the saddest part was that this was avoidable,not natural circumstances.

  58. Who is Demuren? I know this dude (from 1st hand sources) he is nothing but a certified crook... Bare with me while I go off a Tangent. Nigeria has a deadly virus spreading fast - and its nothing new to us -- we call it Corruption. No freaking electricity, no proper infrastructures in place, no bare necessities of life in a country supposedly known to be a major country in Africa. Educational System is a PURE JOKE. We have people with little or no knowledge of their FIELD occupying key positions. It's like HIV --> AIDS, it was GREED now it's full Blown CORRUPTION. Take away OIL & AVIATION. Naija has got nothing...

  59. If Dana in 2008 told everyone in their opening press conference that their planes are brand new, and to now discover that the planes weren't brand new as they claim, what is the Nigeria ministry of justice waiting for, I expect them to start preparing charges against Dana by now. And also am baffled that NCAA doesn't have a way to check history of an airplane, even when buying a car from the U.S u can easily just pay 20 dollars (car fax) to check d history of the car, they give u comprehensive details, of the year it was manufactured, so how come dana just told us it was brand new, and NCAA didn't counter the statement. Our problem is not as big has we think, if we do d simple right things, our lives will be free of all dis misfortune

  60. Where is occupy Nigeria , so it's really true, they were mobilize and financed by oil marketers to fight d subsidy removal, we expect the should be fight for ordinary Nigerians now, not crooks in d oil industry. Shame on occupy Nigeria.

  61. Nigerians na wa o... Dem no go hear wetin happen finish before dem go begin blame person... All the stories of the plane having fault are stories until an investigation establishes it as a fact.

    Per the airspace being closed on account of Dame's plane, learn to occupy your brains and not to give credence to every ludicrous story you hear. Assuming you were the pilot of the plane and there was such an order, would you have obeyed it? That story is as stupid as stupid does.

    The senate does not have the power to remove Demuren hence they advised that he should step aside while investigation is being conducted which I think is the right thing to do. I do however find the guy very capable and I believe that he'll be exonerated at the end...

  62. There's no iota of truth in this statement. I'm an aviator and knows better. The late Capt Wax who flew the ill fated aircraft already declared " mayday ". Its an emergency callout prioritising that distressed aircraft for immediate landing and emergency services.
    At d declaration of " mayday ", all other in / outbound aircrafts are put on hold for the distressed one irrespective of which vip.
    Let's be objective and do away with sensationalism

  63. So apparently stella oduah got more godfathers than harold.....stella oduah must go!

  64. Suspending NCAA DG will not change the situation of things. How sure are you that the new person to be appointed is not a moving can of corruption?
    I repeat nigeria's prob is that of corruption. that is why the indians can offer sub-standard services in nigeria and get away with it. until we make personal effort to do the right thing in this country, we will be dealing with situations like this occasionally.

  65. Good Step! Its time we get the system working, This is a case of murder and everyone who should have done the checks who overlooked their job should be picked.From Demuren to the CEO, CFO, COO of Dana should all be arrested, along with the station managers of Dana.
    I like to encourage whistle-blowers within this sectors to please lets know where the rot is.

  66. I heard the Dame story is false. What is Ezenwanyi Stella Oduah still doing in her role? In a civilised society she'd be the first to resign.

  67. this is so sad and if the first ladies plane was involved then she needs to be prosecuted as well as the dana company. Nobody needs to tell the minister of avaiation for her to resighn as she should use her common sense to GO amean 160 people dead just like that crying!!!! jona too is crying crocodile tears amean what has his govt done to improve avation??? ehhh nothing

  68. my sincere heartfelt condolence to the families, friends and relatives of the plane crash victims. Does the senate have the powers to as the DG of the NCAA to step aside? If the answer is yes, then a lot of people need to step aside, starting from the Minister of Works so that we can properly investigate the cause of the road accidents on Lagos/Ibadan expressway last week. and that on the Lokoja/ Abuja expressway as well. I think that the First lady too should step down pending the conclusion of investigations into whether or not the airspace was shut down moments leading to the crash. My sincere advise is that we should invite forensic aviation experts both home and abroad so that we can do a proper investigation (technical and managerial) and learn from our mistakes and hopefully get better. In addition, we should release the reports of the several other investigations starting with the ADC crash so that the public can be better informed. I dont know Mr. Demuren, never met him, but i get the impression that he's been doing a good job in the last several years in the saddle.

  69. I'm mad, angry at this govt!! WTF!!!Demuren loses his job yet Stella Oduah is still there? Really? For those still speaking english here and blabbing, the problem is our govt and their selfish greed. if u may knw, a crash was averted yday. South African airline on its way to South Africa had a technical problem, the computer/system for 2 engines failed and fuel couldn't transmit automatically, ac couldn't work, all the doors were open with passengers onboard!!. Yet they wanted to fly this same flight, the pilot tried to convince the passengers that they cld do it manually and made 4 attempts which failed. all the NCAA guy could do was just to stand and watch the pilot toy with the equipment in an attempt to fix it. Passengers refused to continue with the journey and the plane was then pulled back. Bottomline, it's a systemic failure and non-focused ingenuity on the part of our leaders. we obviously haven't learnt our lessons and until we get rid of our selfish and insensitive leaders, then and only then would we have peace in this country. foreigners come here and do anything they like and get away with it. Fucking murderers!!!!

  70. I know this man to very hard working, who does not compromise...
    Check here for something you may

  71. Suspension without investigation...I tire for this government. Follow the due process.

  72. About time!!!

  73. this thread basically illustrates the average Nigerians posturing, alluding to insider information, while all the while, spouting rubbish. Harold Demuren's tenure was spotless. He took over after those crashes in 2005 and achieved the vaunted Category One rating from the US FAA. which no be beans. He was due to retire in February but was begged to remain because the govt had no succession plan. He was the best thing that happened to Nigerian Aviation in the last 7 years...Knee jerk reaction from NASS, wrong one....


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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