Al Qaeda's 2nd-in-command killed in CIA drone attack | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Al Qaeda's 2nd-in-command killed in CIA drone attack

Al Qaeda's second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi has been killed in a CIA drone strike in Pakistan. Al-Libi was killed on Monday June 4th in a pre-dawn US drone strike in North Waziristan, a Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold along the Afghan border. The US say his death is the most important blow to Al Qaeda since US special forces troops swooped into Pakistan last year and killed Osama bin Laden.


  1. Us kept to their promise...LOL!

  2. Thankgod ooo dis calls for celebration hw i wish dey can kum to this nigeria and flush out this koboko haram OBAMA U DO WELL..AMERICA WE HAIL THE...(omo-iwo)says so..

    1. Am still waiting for that 'miraculous' day when you'll type in simple english.

  3. Thankgod ooo dis calls for celebration hw i wish dey can kum to this nigeria and flush out this koboko haram OBAMA U DO WELL..AMERICA WE HAIL THE...(omo-iwo)says so..

  4. Just a matter of time. If Osama bin Laden could be fished out, who else can hide. Trust America when they set their sights on anything unlike our Naija with Boko Haram terrorizing everybody and all the president and his sychophants can say is that they are training us on counter terrorism. Let them train themselves first, fools. - KC

    1. Pls check ur use of 'unlike'.it should №†̥ βε̲̣̣̣̥ D̶̲̥̅̊ same as 'like'

  5. Hallelujah to that. I hope he gets his 72virgins in hell.

  6. Hmmmnnnn haaay I can only hmmmnn and haaay .. These people r crazzy u knoo so america should tighten their security now ! Even europe !! They have converts every where unless they r all killed

  7. good they killed him. but America watch your back now oo! infact tightest your security. cause retaliation is already in progress.

  8. We thank God. By the grace of God, they'll do this to Boko-Haram.

  9. CIA has not confirm this news and you are speaking authoritatively

  10. Make Boko Haram no come vex do another thing for this side.

  11. i love how they kill them. no long tin

  12. Alright Boko Haram very soon ur turn dey come.Issokay

  13. I love President Obama, this man is not playing when he said he will go after these terrorists. Great job, Mr President. I see all these muslims/Arabs getting furious, we will take you guys out, not take us out. God bless America.

    Now, go after Wall Street, the big money makers who refuse to make the economy better because of their own greed.

  14. War, war, war. nothing good ever comes of it.

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