Dr Fireman's Church ad | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 11 May 2012

Dr Fireman's Church ad

To understand this poster, you have to know who Dr. Sign Fireman is. Google him! :-)


  1. hot girls kor.. even the title on the banner sef does not depict godliness.
    you havent seen the documentary on fireman?...try to find it on youtube...he has 3 cars- Range rover sports and 2 other SUV..and they are all YELLOW!
    he says God is a game and that people r frustrated so u need to use that as a tool to get people. i just pity gullible nigerians especially girls who run to such for miracles of husband n all sort

  2. @linda what can i say? it's a first though...

  3. This one na stale gist na. Haba linda! U carry last for this one ooo. Abeg next?
    Mary mary

    1. Who d f do u think u r?? U nor get sense.. Go start ur own blog nah, she beg u make u read?? Abeg linda carry go... N who eva U r, pass d mic jor..

    2. U be mumu and ode of d highest order. I talk to u abi u be linda? Why not mind ur own business for goodness sake? Mind u she no beg make i read her blog just like i no beg u to read my comment too. Na crime to say my mind? Why will i start a blog when i don't have passion for it? I'm successful in what i do and i don't have to be like someone else. Just learn to mind ur own business nxt time. Linda abeg post this comment ooo.

  4. Lol.
    He's just simplifying what most men of god desire and stand for.

    Money, fame, women and power.

    This is what people defend and will give their lives to protect.

    Lies, corruption, deception and brainwash.

  5. I really did get any information on google. Is he a pastoring a church or what? Pls someone should pls tell me.

    1. He is a fake pastor who has a church @ aguda, surulere. He always inviting people 2 come&eat at his church. Knew he was fake when I first heard his name. May God help us

  6. Lawd av mercy! Only God knows wat happens to nd with al d 'Hot girls' dat attend Dr FIREman's church. Make e no go 'fire' down...Wat are dz clowns turning xtianity to? Na nollywood?

  7. I regret to possibly make the first comment negative or whatever but Linda, why do you sometimes give half information? Why wouldn't you just say who this Fireman is? Or maybe link us to an old story of yours about him. It's just not fun being teased sometimes. I'm not trying to knock your hustle or whatever but I hope you consider this as helpful criticism. Just my opinion

  8. Yes.....the END is now....abeg anybody wey I don offend for this blog...please forgive me o....I no wan miss Heaven.

    1. Are you Susan Peters? If not you're free to go, you'll make heaven.

    2. If you are toke makinwa ur mansion of hell fire is waiting for you in hell!

  9. ǦØD̶̲̥̅̊ go see case judge.... Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o N̶̲̥̅̊α women be church adverts now....issokay.

  10. Signs of the endtimes

  11. what rubbish!!!

  12. linda r u sure u did'nt make dis adv up urself? If dis guy realy did diz den he is sick! Saw a comment he made'dat Jesus was rich and was moving around we accountants' lol he did't tel us which of d banks Jesus deposited d money. Sick people. Can't judge him though.

  13. Is this for church or for a club?

  14. Is this for church or for a club?

  15. Seriously???

  16. Wonders shall never end!

  17. M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ friend saw this pic on M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ dp and asked....Wetin him D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ fire them? SHEY NA SPERM?.....lwkmd....abeg go and touch the follow button @flakky_pumping on twitter joor......I can't shout.

  18. Dr sign fireman God is watching you on 4D!

  19. One thing is certain....this dude is of the devil! The devil knows man loves material things, and he is not in short supply of such counterfeit...that's why this man can afford to use gifts to entice people to come to and remain in his church.....and before some of you deluded folks start up on the judge not rhetoric, remember the Bible also says, BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM! What did Jesus say when devil tried to entice him with material things like this man is doing now? I rest my good case.

  20. Channel 4 in the UK did a documentary on him. So google channel 4 fireman Sam......maybe u will get more.

  21. So after that Channel 4 Documentary this Fake preacher still get liver..but trust nuff guys would reach still..who needs niteclub..church has always been the new pick up joint!!

  22. 50 cents blasting..you can find us in the Church...its ur buffday...

  23. This is mega and innovative advertising cum marketing. Fireman is positioning his business oh sorry his church to reflect 21st century aspirations and dynamics.

    It's all about packaging and the man should not be crucified. Mba. It is the multitude of miracle seeking and ogbanje manifesting Christians that should be blamed.

    When you refuse to read the bible to know what God speaks for your life, you become like a boat tossed hither and tither. If people as gullible as they can be can still fall for rubbish as this then you wonder.

    End times indeed are here. There is fire on the mountain top, but no one is on the run.

    1. @I am, the no sender: I couldn't agree any less with ur articulation on d subject. Therez d cankerworm of laziness eating through every nerve of members of the Christian body these days. Like, seriously, how will someone with so much education and moreso d basic ability to READ not understand that the Bible is one sure complete book that has an answer to anything you are uncertain about. For goodness sakes, PLS open that blessed book and get some wisdom. Don't let some disillusioned & loose-minded soul draw u into their web of deception and myopic viewpoints. God help us all. Amen *ok, I yaff taya to type plenty tinz yeh!*

  24. Ah ah Linda!! this is quite old!!!

  25. Dr. Sign Fireman's New Sexual Poster Causes Controversy. What do you expect. He intends to exploit and profit from the controversy. Some gullible fools would actually join his stupid church. Nigeria's millionaire preachers, especially the fool calling himself "Dr Sign Fireman" of Perfect Christianity Mission, are lowlife criminals who prey on gullible Nigerians and fleece them of their savings and trinkets. Hot girls + hot church = hot hell. Stay away from Dr Sign Fireman of Perfect Christianity Mission and his so called church. He's after your body and your money. He has nothing to offer you except pain, regrets and eternal damnation. Church for Dr Sign Fireman of Perfect Christianity Mission and "pastors" like him are devil worshippers. They're only in church to make money. They don't give a damn about you or anyone. Can "Dr Sign Fireman" square his wealth and celebrity status with the teachings and life of Jesus? No, he can't because he's the son of Satan masquerading as a believer, preacher and follower of Jesus Christ. He's a hypnotist, charlatan, a fraud, con artist and a criminal that ought to be jailed for life. Dr Sign Fireman ( @DrSignFireman )  using occultic powers to work his so called miracles. He should be called Dr Sid Fraudman. Why is he not using the names he was given at birth? Why is the stupid ugly chimpanzee not bearing his father's name? Why is the con artist using a fictitious name? What's Dr Sign Fireman hiding? Is Dr Sign Fireman a fugitive from justice? Is Dr Sign Fireman a wanted criminal? Is the ugly moron calling himself @DrSignFireman a wanted pedophile? I thought ugly people are not allowed on Twitter? Why is Dr Sign Fireman on Twitter when he should be on Hi5.com or MySpace.com? If Dr Sign Fireman ( @DrSignFireman ) claims to have supernatural ability to cast out demons, expel evil spirits, miraculously heal the sick, raise people from the dead, then why does the thieving scumbag walk around with bodyguards? What's he afraid of? Jesus Christ never walked around with bodyguards? Dr Sign Fireman of Perfect Christianity Mission you're a thief and a fraud, dumbass. 

    1. Mortal kombat : Brutality! Lolololol. The man is making money off gullible ppl seeking earthly gains (which he cnt even provide sef mchew) rather than salvation. The documentaries helped expose him and the other crooks but some ppl hv refused to listen.

    2. Serious mortal combat tinz o!lol Judgment shall begin in d church so all these ones are just to fulfill the scriptures. Even an atheist would know that poster aint got nothing christ like in it...He that has ears let him hear if not I dust my sandals and @kemikal has done d same thing...evidently!

    3. hmmm!may GOD forgive all of u coz if u were like him dats d way pple re going 2 talk about u

    4. u guys should STOP! talking ill of pastors....if they re fake den go nd pray 2 GOD 2 give u original powers 2 heal people but if u don't haf d strength 2 endure all u will pass through den shut ur damn mouth!!!!!!

    5. do u guys know what they pass through before having such powers????...do u know how many months they fasted and pray????........ABBA!!!!..if u no lyk dem quite abeg don't deceive others wit ur little brains::::::

  26. Yes Linda you carry last for this gist/poster everything. Is this not the pastor that owes all those bright yellow vehicles, hummer, Benz everything bright yellow including furniture in his house.

  27. Wow Kemikal, all this speech for Dr Sign Fireman alone??? You mad huh??? Lmao

  28. lol. this is so funny. hes a sex machine joo.

  29. This Dr. Sign Fireman, just like 'Bishop' TB Joshua is a product of evil. Joshua set a precedent for men to abuse women by slapping a lady in the church; he even boasted that he would do it again if necessary. In Europe or America he would have been arrested and probably jailed 7 years for assault.

    The people attending Dr. Fireman Church are not going there because they are seeking holiness or righteousness, so what do you expect? I pity women; they are most susceptible to these Magicians. The only way magic will sell now days is to shroud it with Christianity.

    Onome and the Likes, didn't you guys take English Summary in school? I am happy you are still brain storming on the video and have not post any comment yet. Why all these "So Long a Letter" everytime you comment? It's annoying; I just have to start skipping these so long comments; and all those illiterates who use uppercase to express themselves.

    1. Ά was Oyedepo that slapped someone, №t Joshua...though Joshua is also a false prophet..

      Now abt you lambasting other people on their 'long comment', did you notice that you just didthat exact thing? Talk about pot calling kettle black

  30. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/episode-guide/series-2011/episode-14

  31. Leave Fireman alone jo. Not in his church, but if it ain't broke don't fix it. Is he any better or worse than any other pastor out there?

    Sex sells, plain and simple...

  32. Love and Trust is lacking in this world of ours. Pls add me 33030bd0 for those who would like to make some money

  33. Love and Trust is lacking in this world of ours. Pls add me 33030bd0 for those who would like to make some money

  34. 2 Timothy 3: 1-912 May 2012 at 00:47

    2 Timothy 3:1 - 9

    1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

    6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

  35. I have never heard of the Man b4 ooo. God is a game ?

  36. If these are the hottest girls in the church, I agree that I am not hot cos I will not attend.

  37. If these are his hottest girls, I'll pass.

  38. stale news jor!

  39. all u satans u all know urselves,u witches all cursing the children of God and swearing for them to fall....so what really are u saying?...

  40. Huh? Is did for real??? Jeeeeeez!!!

  41. Seprating the Truth from Lies.

    The simple truth is that Dr. SF is not different from the rest of them. His branding is just explicit than others.

    At these worrying times people are becoming more deperate, vulnerable,and gullible.

    It's unfortunate that some of us will fall for such lies or another simply because it easier than the truth.


    Dr. Sign Fireman became born again at the age of five, was called yet at a very tender age, started writing Christian articles at the age of six, started preaching at the age of seven, got involved in pastoring at the age of twelve, started writing Christian books at the age of fourteen, and started holding city-wide miracle crusades at the age of nineteen (with thousands attending, and two people lame from birth walking, among many other miracles), and planted his first church at the age of twenty.

    To be prepared for the work, he read over forty thousand books, and Jesus appeared to him over one thousand times and taught him the mistakes and mysteries of Christianity, making his teaching ministry striking and revolutionary! On the July 11, 2004 by 8:37pm, God specially anointed him with fire … an experience that burnt part of his face and part of his hair. Literally all manner of miracles began to follow his words and prayer from that day.

    Equipped with all these, God sent him to take the Final Move of God to the peoples of the world! Since then, he is taking the omnipotence of God and a revival of the life of God to the peoples of the world. From all manner of healings and deliverances to moving things from one location to another, to repairing things by the anointing, creating things by the anointing, and so on, just anything is possible. Doubtless, a new day has come for the Body of Christ!

    1. All dis yarns are lies o.LWKMD.no iota of truth in it.go to surulere and ask abt him,you wont believe ur eaRs.its only God dat can save us from d likes of him.Amen

  43. Some pple are so gonna burn in hell!!!

  44. i laugh at the gullibility of we nigerians in particular.so u think God is so helpless as to require a mere mortal like you to change your situation.i laff.why do we even blame our politicians.if these so called churches swindle people out of millions,whywont politicians do same.in the western world,silicon valley kids cash in on the craze of the millions in population seeking an easier world by creating businesses and tools for the people,in nigeria,d smart fellows(pastors and alfas) cash in on our collective gullibility and thirst for quick riches to scam us altogether.after watching the channel 4 documentary,i have one question for every one,dont be blinded by faith,just answer honestly from the depths of your heart.what is the difference between sign fireman,adeboye,oyakhilome,oyedepo et al.dey are collectively scamming us to build empires for their families.if some fortunate fellow gets rich along the way,so be it but everyoda person is just to them a souce of contribution to d pot.please answer sincerely,lets change our countyr and our lives for the better.

    1. Word!!! They're all birds of a feather..î†'s only †ђξ packaging that's different!

  45. Gbenga is that you? the Anonymous May 11, 2012 8:24 PM

    Am on your side o

  46. Why is he particularly interested in women? I watched a documentary on him on Channel 4 and he is so much into materialistic things, like his ugly yellow hummer and the love of all thinks yellow. He preys on the vulnerable especially girls escaping poverty by marrying! Now he wants to produce his own records and he cant even sing...! Well it wont be long before scandal follows him, you should judge them by the fruits of their works! I can never take this man seriously!

  47. They're all †ђξ same, with their false gospel, false promises and familiar spirits..I pity Nigerians

    No man is mediator, intercessor, miracle worker..only God..and you do №t need to go thru any man but Christ..I wonder how we read our Bibles that this kind of deceit still goes on...#smh

  48. Hot girls my ass! If those girls on his posters are hot, then I'll pass. Btw, never heard of this guy b4


  49. The only honest pastor (except Daystar, who are motivational speakers really)IN nAIJA. The dude no go ever slap female member.....na caress he go give am.

  50. Hahahahaha...an average Nigerian is Lazy and greedy, bible wilding CONMEN like OLEdepo and fireman know these and are doing their best to exploit these weaknesses. All they preach about is wealth aquisition and ostentatious lifestyle. It is funny how many that are condemning Fireman will not do thesame to the like of Oledepo who is even a bigger thief than fireman. Because it is fireman now, they are busy quoting the bible upside down, they wont come up with their lame argument of not judging "a man of God".... Nigerians are so gullible and illogical when it comes to religion and their thieving MOGs.... I dont blame fireman, he is getting his examples from the likes of Oledepo, Ajibole and their likes.....that is the legacy American mega churches have left for christians of today to follow. And you question Linda's resolve not to pay tithes to these rogues? A lot of wrong information going on in these churches, pastors conducting mind programming experiments on their congregation, brainwashing them while they dip their hands into the pockets. There is no more gospel of God's love and compassion for the needy, it is now your fault if you are poor, nobody will show you any compassion o....na your fault...and the congregation takes it and say praise the lord. Religion is the opium of the ppl truly. I rest my case...religion is a scam....

  51. Old school news, but whoever run to this place for miracle is SICK. how to obtain your jamb original result free

  52. Checked him on fb..the bobo fine sha, wonder why he is still single!

  53. Linda dis man don tey na!

    u wan hear? na hot church o

    and off course hot girls way go hot arena fit end for hot place o.

    soji pastor fun ra e

    next pls!

  54. I honestly dont comment on this site. But Linda Ikeji, Linda Ikeji, Linda Ikeji, How many times did I call you? YOU GOT ME ON THIS ONE

  55. Dr.sign Fireman no even send una stupid talk......na last day go judge na

  56. This is d second wedding of dis young man so called fake fireman dis man wedd on FEB 2004 at ABA ,new life in jesus christ ministry.

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