Breaking news: UNILAG goes on 2 weeks strike + ALUMNI takes Federal Govt to court | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 30 May 2012

Breaking news: UNILAG goes on 2 weeks strike + ALUMNI takes Federal Govt to court

The school authority has asked all students to leave the school premises before 11am this morning. The school will be shut down for two weeks. Also the school ALUMNI has taken the federal government to court over the re-naming of the iconic institution. Also heard that Mr President and the Senate will meet by 12 noon today to discuss on this issue.

Yesterday May 29th during a Democracy broadcast, President Jonathan announced the renaming of University of Lagos to Moshood Abiola University of Lagos.


  1. SENATOR GANIU OLANREWAJU SOLOMON,could u 4 d first tym show me dat u r responsible and speak in my favour in the NASS? WE DONT WANT MAU.....UNILAG yesterday 2day and 4eva!!! Thank U!

  2. Let's hear wot Mr no shoe has to say.

    1. Disapointed in u 2day!!!!!!!!! #tot ur one of d reasonable girls aroun!!!!!

  3. Ok! Even d alumini??? Why the unnecessary escalation. Even if they want a name rechange,is this the right approach to be taken? The president of that alumini is even more stupid than I thought. #crazy brainless peepz!

    1. My dear d only brainless stupid person here is u. i'm sure u tried unilag more than five times before ur sorry arse decided to settle for laspotech. Bitch!

    2. Cee_Bill u re very stupid and brainless, y don't u change ur surname to moshood nau to honour mko. It is people like u that ll be silent while they chop off their legs. #crazy brainless girl!

    3. But why is ur brain filled with rat shit like this?

  4. Who did he consult before going on with dis decision in the first instance? This is no way to solicit for votes from the west, if for anything he is reducing his chances at a 2nd term by each decision he makes! Not like it matters but I have NEVER liked dis Jona of a president and it's my wish dat he goes back into dat whale dat swallowed him. Schw

  5. bomb dey dere head, dis changing of name is unspeakable, y dis? D country leader are suffering 4rm brain turbo.

  6. Ghen ghen..... Drama drama in dis our nollywodd country cald 9ja

    Engr Ejie Kurtz

    _/ \_

  7. Jona has murdered sleep for changing that name! The battle begins.

  8. Hmmmmmn lobatan!!! I hope they resolve it amicably cuz i dont fink that jonah man can renege on that agreement, may God help us all, amin

  9. shebi this is what jonathan wanted a very useless slow poison thinking that he can score points and it has back fired on him utter nionsense. he best change that name back as the name unilafg carries a lot of weight her in the UK if you bring the UNILAG certificate for employment abi does jonathan want to make us suffer her in oyinbo land again!!!

  10. what kind of president is that wah ooo, smh
    Did he consult anyone. he is such a fool, doesnt he know that to make such decision , you have to consult and get OPINION first . Lets not even go into the COST to reband the whole school .

  11. the FG should have named one of the new universities after MKO not unilag. but then this doesn't warrant the way the students are taking it to the extreme and distracting the whole nation, when we have other presssing issues in this country. i begin to wonder, what is the base of their fight? if its all about the way the name sounds, then its safe to say that most people go to unilag simply because of the prestige in the name.

    1. ur an idiot, if your parents changed ur name from Michael to Ifabiyi or moved you from unilag to moshood abiola poly. yes o they should concentrate on improving the country's educational system but name is important. wen u meet some1 for the first time is it not your names u exchange. mtscheew sit down der.

    2. And u mr replier are very daft! When did it become a crime to hold an opinion contrary to yours? Is violent protest the only way? With illiterates like u as alumni, no wonder the name change!

    3. The ist comment is so on point!I tink d content is more important than d name.will the name change affect d standard of the schl?God help our youths!

    4. This is a school established under the legislative act,president Jona can't go around changing names of schools without due process n dat still includes involvin leg arm of govt.N besides why didn't he just built a large hospital n name it after MKO,sure it would hv pulled more effect.all these balls down to having a dumb*** president n vry stupid advisers

  12. Way to go! If they remain unrepentant in 2 weeks time, let them shut it for 2 months. If the lecturers feel they don't like the name, let them resign their appointment and get a new job somewhere else where they can continue seek for or resist another possible name change. I don't think I as an employer don't have the right to change the name of my organization as long as I follow due process for doing so. Apparently both lecturers and students are tired of work.
    Let see if they are bold enough to forfeit their university degree because Government change the name of their school.

    1. GBAM!!! Nonsense and ingredients. Keep protesting, everything in dis country na protest

    2. Exactly!!!! Dis pipu r just making unecessary noise. Like WTF is wrong wif u all?

  13. Its official GEJ is the daftest man alive. Am not a UNILAG alumni but meeeen i feel the pain. How do u re-christine a 50 year old man? WHO DOES THAT?We have stadiums and airports begging for names, MKO played an important role in sports why didn't he rename the national stadium in surulere? we have MKO poly, MKO crescent, MKO gardens and so much more habaaaaaa. Our roads are death traps, education is zilch, health care is decaying, power is black what can we show 12 years after. First he did plate number, then cassava bread then i heard he wants to do 2000 and 5000 note GOSH!SMH. Why didn't he rename streets in the north after the corpers who died?Sad very sad.

    1. u mak sense die. our president has misplaced priorities nd i mst say his nt a gud politician nd has worsten his politics in d west. He shld jst go to God nd seek for guide nd direction cz he has lost it nd needs to find his way.

  14. u dis ayekoto abi wetin u cal ur self na god go punish u for dat statement and u no kuku get brain oloshi

  15. The FG should have named one of the new universities after MKO Abiola in the first instance.
    but then i dont think this should warrant all the protest on the bridge, obstructing people who have to attend to other pressing issues and distracting the nation as a whole.
    appropiate authorites should take up on such cases. but the thing is i dont really get the basis of this fight! MKO doesnt deserve the award? or they have a problem with the name?
    if it has to do with the "tushness" in the name, then its safe to say that most people go to unilag simply because of the prestige in the name!
    we really need to get our priorities right in this country, from our leaders to we the followers...Everyone is guilty.

  16. The statement on everyone's mouths then was 'I didn't vote for PDP, I voted for Jonathan'. This is what you get when you vote incapable hands for the position that is as tasking as the leader of a nation. I'm tired of how our leaders reason in this country; is renaming an institution what should take priority on the president's mind? When every citizen of this country requires assurances on the state of insecurity, corruption and failure on the part of governance, all the president could come up with is this? His decisions (to say the least) have been appalling, always in the news for the wrong reasons. I even heard the school senate and VC wasn't informed before the change, and we call this democracy? I'm not against MKO, but I think so many things have been named after him; we have MKO stadium abeokuta, Moshood Abiola Poly, Ogun state, so what else? I've never been on the part of pple calling on GEJ's head, but this just confirms that this man is never a born leader; he's just an opportunistic academician that found his way into politics. And to cap it all, I pray he contests for the 2015 elections so we can for once vote PDP out of office because he is not doing his popularity scorecard any good.

    1. How can a zoologist think he can run a nation properly? I blame his parents for introducing this weist to Nigeria.

      Who are his advisers? Is Patience advising him? Why should this come up in the midst of all the chaos happening in Nigeria.

      Not only are yr leaders stupid, but the people are messed up in the head. Why go on strike and disrupt your education? Do you think these leaders care about education when more than half aren't graduates and got into power through something other than their degree and work experience? Will this strike bring any good? I'm confused.

    2. Someone should take this fake president back to the psychiatric hospital. That's where him and hoes belong.

  17. There is nothing un-lawful with the President renaming the former UNILAG to MAU Lagos. What he has exercised is the power he has.
    Like every decision in life, we will not all accept it

    1. People like u need to be shot in d brain. Ode Buruku oshi! You think say na military regime we dey? Biko sie ba puo! Anuofia!

  18. U guys d simple truth is Jonathan is a Fool.#gbam#

    1. My dear,its wrong to call ur President a fool(no mata wat)!!! Yh! I knw u're entitled to your own opinions but gurl,yu're limited to some words. Its called Wisdom!

    2. U are calling the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria a fool,i dont think ur brain is working effectively.What crime did he commite?why are those students making noice because he change the institution's name 2 that of MKO?the painful part of the whole thing is,the Yorubas are among those protesting.

  19. Obviously a lot of ppl ar shallow in ds country!!! Evn if its 100 yrs, a brand cn be re-branded. Ds students and thr lecturers shd spare us ds hullabaloo!!! Mi nnoyance is dt thr points ar senseless!!! Thngs like our unilag bbes wl now be called mauni bbes! Arrant nonsense!!! Name change dsnt affect d certificate ok!!! Cos it wl be knwn worldwide dt unilag is now maulag!!! 2 wks is small sef, let dose students sit at home 4 a whole year, den they wl learn. Imagine a sch wvout SUG dy open mouth dy talk brand!!!

    1. Don't mind them! Just a bunch of silly spoilt brats! Rubbish! They should close the school down sef if they are no longer interested in learning! Rubbish!

    2. Wow! Just 1 of d few pple with brains here. I totally agree with u.

    3. You are a fool

    4. Thank u. If the president calls for a meeting to find out why they r protesting,their excuse would be that there is no swag in the new name,abi? Mscheeew. They should ask imsu students how long they were @ home over increase in fees(which btw is a case),still they paid the money. They should deal with it cos except the govt dsnt mean it,maulag is here to stay.

  20. I hope Jona reads ur blog Lin, if he does then hear dis. U are a FOOL. For all the pressing issues and all dat need to be done in Nija dis is what u cld come up with? Dis country is a joke nd u Jona are a STUPID puppet ode!

    1. U for put ur name na? Make jona come find u..lmao

    2. Spot on! Don't mind the idiot! Shebi he has mouth, why didn't he put his name? Yeye

  21. This might just backfire on the unilag students though..y cant d name just b changed neeed 4 ds headache.....all the money that wld b put in2 changn the branded fns in unilag (ie the letter headed document, signboards, d 'univeristy of lagos road' n all dose wf adresses dat end wf dat -whr do dey strt 4rm !, d books, d bread, d certificate, d water, all signboards, d printn press) all 4 wat! A daft man ....d money can b used 2 help hungry children on d streets n not rebrandn a whole institution..

  22. Dis fits Nigerians,Cos when everybody was going to d poll with sympathy to Gej,I was screamin @ d peak of my voice''Dis man is Evil''Now dis country is depreciating to 0

  23. The Least Mr President should have done was to get the opinion of people. I will not insult my President but it is time for our leaders to realise that Democracy is the Government for the people by the people( popular consensus) . I can't imagine Mr Obama changing, Yale University to Martin Luther King University without first consulting the opinion of the public. Sorry, This is just wrong!!! Most important, we voted for him because we though he would represent the views of the people against the Political idiosyncrasies. O ma See OOOO!!!

    1. Good point o jere! Or naming Harvard after Martin Luther King!The name is already esstablished.why change it??

  24. I fink mr president sud av consult unilag authority b4 changing d name of d skul cos is a big decision dat cant b taken by a person. Am nt a unilag student bt mr president is just imposing his authority on dis pple also i fink d lecturers and students sud resume back and plan to make maulag a strong and best uni.

  25. I am highly dissapntd in Unilag authority n students,4 real dey r shuttin down d sch cos dia name was changd??do dey tink Unilag is beta dan oda unis dat had dier names changd??Dey won't protest like dis bout d high level of moral n academic decadence in dier sch itz change of name.dey shud b honourd 2 b named afta MKO,google him n dey'll knw he's a gr8 man.Dey shud focus on improvin d academic standard of dier sch.As 4 d students,continue protestin,ur 2 weeks will turn 2 1yr n u'll spend 7yrs studyin 5yrs course u'll knw watz up,u beta study n leave d sch,na ur Papa get d sch?itz ownd by d fed govt n dey av d ryt 2 change it weneva dey want 2.Enuf said.

  26. Has Lagos state not been celebrating Abiola on june 12? Why have the people not demostrated? Everything is over politicised in this country. No Nigerian university is in the top 1000 in the world, and you are protesting name change? Protest that... And for all of you calling GEJ all sorts of names, be rest assured the names apply to your fathers. Afterall the leadership is a reflection of the followership

    1. We d followers do not like cassava bread !!!!! But he does and imposed it on us so u berre shut ur mouth or keep it busy by eating CB

    2. Your father smelly Dick there! May lightening bolt tear ur maggot infested brain! Mad cow. Awon PDP olori ibu!

  27. Misplaced priorities. Smh 4dis Country. In this 21 Century while other countries r making scientific breakthrough's and making new dicoveries, this is wat we do

  28. I think we should thank the President for always giving us a good laughter. I am not sure many of us laughed away our sufferings like this in the past regimes.
    Jonathan! the Mr Bean of Africa. rotfl!!!

  29. Unilag students should stop disturbing the nation,afterall unilag is not the 1st university to be renamed.they should concentrate more on their books and not the name.

  30. All u people saying the complaints by the student and alumni, is flimsy. how would you feel if your parents changed your name to 'Atutupuyoyo'. So So So Sad

  31. A lot people are missing the point, while there is nothing wrong in renaming unilag after abiola, a lot of nigerian abroad know dat unilag is d only nigerian uni that still has more prestige. how many employers are gonna be aware that the school name has been changed, u will not be there wen ur cv is proof read to explain the school name was changed.
    unilag is more or less the nigerian uni that is still recognised. not of the top 1000 but still hope for the students

  32. but my take is,is it about the name or the product and result of the SCHOOL PLEASE proudly akokaites stop leaving in old glory.......cos already you people are acting like the name already....

  33. Misplaced priorities, Its going to cost Millions of Naira to rebrand the name 'Unilag'. Is dis what we need to spend money on now???????

  34. 1 billion 2 rebrand unilag...ds money should be put into anoda project

  35. All of una wen dey make noise dey yarn nonsense. How d change of name come cause u any harm? Abi na d name make u go school? Or how d name come affect ur studies or even d quality? If all d school get be name alone then na shame be dat. Non of una don give even one good reason why una dey against d name change. Idle people wey no wan study before. U all shd go bury ur heads in shame...

  36. Dey sld change aso rock 2 mko villa...nonsense

  37. @Anon 12:40,if u are talking about international recognition UNN is by far more recognised outside the shores of Nigeria. foreigners actually think its d only university in Nigeria cos of d name. the reason we have Nnamdi Azikiwe (which is my alumni) is cos the westerners and northerners wanted UNN to be changed to Nnamdi Azikiwe Uni buh it recieved stiff resistance and when Anambra state was created outta d old Enugu state then ,Nnamdi Azikiwe University was immediately created so there would be no basis to change UNN any longer. Unilag no doubt is internationally recognised buh saying it d only school recognized is not entirely true. infact FUTO is another school dats widely recognized. i heard one time that some schools abroad request for 1st class students from FUTO specially (dont't know how true it is anyways). so get ur facts right ok.

  38. na wa ooooooo

  39. why are dey taking d name change like a big issue.....most student of unilag went to dat school 4 d name...dey wil soon get used 2 it..OAU pls next

  40. There is a University Act and yes the president cannot change the name of the university unilaterally. this is democracratic dispensation and not an autocratic one. the students can protest and the authorities have a right as well. please pple shld be constructive with their criticism.

  41. Badluck likes confusion, so shall confusion befall him, pls lets stop voting for people that are meant to be @ yaba left.............

  42. Badluck likes confusion, so shall confusion befall him, pls lets stop voting for people that are meant to be @ yaba left.............

  43. These students and their lecturers r mistaken themselves 2 b eagles when they r mere chickens. They should consider themselves lucky 2 b identified with d great MKO. What makes them think they r better than any other university in Nigeria? How I wish d name was given 2 my great university of jos. Stay @ home 4 2weeks and soon it will b 2years so that it will b clear that they don't know what they went 2 school 2 do. For their information,it is a federal institution and d federal government reserves d right to rename or re brand it and that power absolutely resides with d president. It clearly shows what they have been going 2 school 2 do. Make noise with unilag and pass out with empty brains because their so called lecturers and school authority are empty themselves. They all have greatly disappointed me. Thought they knew more than empty protest. It is the beginning of the end for their so called prestige. Because a prestigious academic entity can not engage in a worthless venture as they r doing now.

  44. Dem don dey mix white with mr jona skunk...He is goin loko. But really..protesting wldnt solve this issue. If 2015 reach make una go vote the man again!!! Even if una no vote am..Prof Jega go say na him win...Naija series...Hahahaha

  45. Woman of Virtue30 May 2012 at 14:06

    Dumbest move!!! Its a pity mehn!


  47. Badluck likes confusion, so shall confusion befall him, pls lets stop voting for people that are meant to be @ yaba left.............

  48. Since its naming ceremony that foolish man wants,why don't we help him rename Aso rock which is obviously not a hero to King Jaja of Opobo villa and know what he thinks about it.I don't blame him,i blame the house of rep,senate house and other politicians for turning a blind eye to such a useless president that is clueless about the priorities of this country.Non of them wants to talk to this man with no liver to stand up to his reponsibilities.What happened to impeachment? Non of them is learned again.He wants to steal an already made school,give it another name and be called a hero,how cawordice of him.He doesn't know what has befallen him as he has made the entire nation his enemy.Now we would all be his Boko Haram

  49. while they are debabting on changing name of uni, i hope they can debate on how they will repair ROADS,SCHOOLS, GIVE US 100% ELECTRICITY AND HOW WE CAN BENEFITS ON OUR NATURAL RESOURCES MONEY

  50. hmmm...all this ranting wont take them anywhere...its done and cannot be undone..if you dont like the name just go and find another #gbam##

  51. This not an unnecessary escalation. Do we wait till the president decides on Oct. 1 that he wants to change UI to Adedibu University of Ibadan (AUI) or the whole of the Nigerian state to Ebeleria. The quality of the our president's decision ... smh!!! The annoying thing is that peeps are not lookn beyond the trivial issues.

  52. This not an unnecessary escalation. Do we wait till the president decides on Oct. 1 that he wants to change UI to Adedibu University of Ibadan (AUI) or the whole of the Nigerian state to Ebeleria. The quality of the our president's decision ... smh!!! The annoying thing is that peeps are not lookn beyond the trivial issues.

  53. GEJ made a mistake. He meant renaming LASU and Not UNILAG.

  54. just like you trying to rename Cambridge University, Tony Blair

  55. Dis MAU students are so stupid, why the uneccessary protest?????? If dey like let them go on strike for 2yrs, jona will not revert.

  56. please what century and world are you pple living in? Unilag DOESN'T have any international recognition please....that honour is for the prestigious University of Nigeria(UNN). Besides with the calibre of graduates being churned out from that uni it shld be closed to stop the embarrassment it gives the nation. Besides have all the yoruba's and their groups not been clamouring for a federal recognition of MKO? now it had been given and you are all huffing and puffing!!! Where else would have been better to recognise the illustrious SW son? So you people are not proud of him but you want his name to be brandished in the villa or aso rock!! I'm happy if nothing else this has shown how much MKO in effect was loved and appreciated by his people. When the wind blows.......

  57. Actually what is good for goose is equally good for the gander in respect to immortalising UNILAG after M.K.O ABIOLA.Evidently,m.k.o is a statesman,Nationalist and harbinger of our surviving democracy who have put footprint on the sand of time,ther4 nothing is done so far to him which is commensurate to his indefatigable agitation an for democracy we are enjoying donkey years back.students stop crying over a spilt milk.

  58. please what century and world are you pple living in? Unilag DOESN'T have any international recognition please....that honour is for the prestigious University of Nigeria(UNN). Besides with the calibre of graduates being churned out from that uni it shld be closed to stop the embarrassment it gives the nation. Besides have all the yoruba's and their groups not been clamouring for a federal recognition of MKO? now it had been given and you are all huffing and puffing!!! Where else would have been better to recognise the illustrious SW son? So you people are not proud of him but you want his name to be brandished in the villa or aso rock!! I'm happy if nothing else this has shown how much MKO in effect was loved and appreciated by his people. When the wind blows.......



  61. una still dey ontop this issue? mtchew...jona will not change d name back to unilag...una don quickly forget him name?? jonagoat..
    pele unilag peeps...make una take heart at least dey did not name ur skol sani abacha university of lagos

  62. GRAMMY AWARDS DUMBEST MAN THAT EVER RULED: Ladies & Gentlemen, we are sorry there are no other nominees for this actegory except one Impeccable Personality that defines the terms: Daft, Stupid, Foolish, Eccentric and Clueless. And the Award goes to no other person than...PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN!!!

    YAAAYYYY!!! *applause & standing ovation*


  63. How does this sound?Great Moshooditesssssssss.

  64. Eeeh this childre dont want to read. They are all about prestige. Let them sit at home again. Hopeless lot. Even their authorities are even more stupid. Can they try this rubbish under the military? Please soldiers come back. Our democracy has failed

  65. You cannot change Unilag o. The name carries too much.

  66. Students slept in Unilag and Woke up in Moshood Abiola University, what a miracle. Nigeria President GoodLuck Jonathan is full of surprises, January 1st he gave us a New Year Gift by removing subsidy. Beware, October 1st You will just hear that Nigeria has been Sold to China!

  67. 1st tym am commentin on ur blog Linda KIP. Ure rili doin a gr8 job.

    Spice gal

  68. Please give this children their so called name back, abi? But please dont insult Abiola, please. I can understand that you know nothing about him and dont care to know. But i will tell you something though, your ex students were on the forfront for the revalidation of June 12 and they fought with their all. And they were duly recognised by the civil societies and Nigerians. However, what i see now are a bunch of selfish students who lack respect. Please keep the name, so you dont sound 'razz'. God bless you all and forgive you

  69. linda please its not right to post comments of people insulting mr president.please respect the office regardless of the america sef the worst white racists wont insult obama like this.he is the current leader of nigeria and if we like it or not GOD made it possible.please post this.we all fail and make mistakes everyday oh.kini big deal in changing unilag name.i graduated from unilag 13years ago.lolade

  70. Something is wrong with this our Presido.He is too spontaneous with decison making and doesn't care wat the ordinary man thinks just like he did with the fuel subsidy.Abuse of power.At least he should hv made it known to the school.

  71. All of you should shut up! I attended uNILAG and I can tell u for free that it's just like any federal university with crumbling infrastructure and halfbaked lecturers. If better schools like Ife could accept a change of name why not us? Why do we think uNILAG is sacred? For those of us who remember June 12 M kO will forever remain a martyr. Why insult his memory by calling the name razz. Shamesless and ungrateful nation. ASUU sold go somewhere n hide its face in shame as they cannot remind the students about the price some people had to pay for democracy.

  72. When obansajo was president,a youruba man he refuse to honor abiola,now jona did it,same for ojukwu and some dick head are are saying he has done the wrong thing!if not for abiola,will there be any democracy.shame on u all.

  73. Is so unfortunate that some of GEJ's advisers are being used against him so he cannot win 2015's election. Imagine advising him to rename UNILAG, maybe on OCT 1st, Nigeria will be renamed.

  74. funny enough nobody saw it coming. Naijas expect more change on june 12, & independent day may be by then he must have sold nigerians to chaina. Lol.

  75. Jonah the joker...*smh*

  76. Kai 9ja. Ok dis is my tke on dis issue; as much as i prefa d name unilag,i stil tink mst pple r jst bin irrational & unreasonable on dis issue. Wht am sayin is,we do nt appreciate our own(as in culture,traditn,etc),if unilag was change 2 say;Macauly university lagos,Clifford university lagos, etc trust me no 1 will complain. Hope u guys get my drift?

  77. Its really good for the wind to blow!!! So all this cry for recognition was simply lip service??? The school should be closed down in my opinion because of the apologetic quality and calibre of graduates they are churning out! Arrant nonsense!!! A yoruba man was there for 8yrs and didn't give a second thot to MKO! Our son from Niger Delta comes in and recognises him. Instead of these people to fall on their knees in gratitude they open their nonsense mouth to insult the President of the FRN! Deal with it. MAULAG is here to stay. If you don't like it pour water on your body and hug a transformer. Mscheeeew!

  78. This is a video response from a white girl on the UNILAG name change.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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