10 year old girl gives birth to a healthy baby daughter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 6 April 2012

10 year old girl gives birth to a healthy baby daughter

The young mum and her daughter
A 10 year old girl last night, April 5th, became one of the world's youngest mothers ever after giving birth to a baby girl. The Colombian girl from the remote Wayuu tribe in the La Guajira Peninsula, was given a Caesarean section at 39 weeks. Doctors carried out the risky C-section because of her age. The mum and baby, which weighed just 5lbs, are "doing well"

What kind of a man sleeps with a ten year old girl, biko?


  1. What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

    IT'S ALL OVER...

  2. An answer to ur question Linda & it's one word 'PEDOPHILE'

    1. FrenchKissMyButt7 April 2012 at 17:19

      Yeah, just like Sani Yerima

  3. Pedophiles. The problem is that it is Colombia so the Child Molestor may go scot-free and may not be reprimanded. I'm just thinking of the future. Just a young girl. How will she live without shame?

    1. FrenchKissMyButt8 April 2012 at 07:18

      Replace "pedophile" with "Sani Yerima".
      Then replace Colombia with Nigeria. Did your comment make sense now?

  4. I am not even comfortable hanging out with a 17 yr old talkless of 10 *smh*

  5. So Colombians are not only world's number one narcotics producing and exporting country, they are now also pedophiles. Whoever did this to this child should be put to death by firing squad.

    1. Lol firing squad?? I love this blog.

  6. Hmmmmm...... *tongue tied* surely dis will have a psycological effect on her. Wat a pity...

  7. This is gross. Lord help us. Trendy items at www.sisime.com, Everything has been discounted!

  8. Coulda been a dwarf with an inch sausage, this things happen....

  9. Some men shld b castrated

    1. FrenchKissMyButt8 April 2012 at 07:09

      Remove the log in your eyes. Castrate your countryman Sani Yerima first

  10. A crazy man....dis is sickening 2 d ears....glad dey re both safe sha...#endtimes

  11. Ubah Chetachukwu7 April 2012 at 04:47

    not possible...

  12. Wonders shall never end *Smh*

  13. Na wa o. Thank God they did a CS on her. She is way tOo young. She and her daughter will be more like sisters, cuz 10yrs isn't such a long gap

  14. @dat age?wow!r are organs already developed and all?I tot one can't reproduce until one starts menstruating,den d womb is able 2reproduce n al dat..guess she hit puberty on time.dis is sad.she's stil a child.

    1. FrenchKissMyButt8 April 2012 at 07:16

      Ovulation most times occurs years or months before menarche. Meaning that ovulation can occur before menstruation. Therefore pregnanncy can occur before a woman reaches menarche. Mind you that physiological maturity is faster than anatomical and psychological maturity in women

  15. 10 yr old got preg..wottdahell happened 2 puberty...heeh..

    1. FrenchKissMyButt8 April 2012 at 07:21

      Your knowledge of Physiology is sketchy

    2. Thank you for sharing ur knowledge. Not everyone has read or been taught anotomy and physiology in details or at or level....don't be an ass , talking down at peopleM

  16. My heart is bleeding bcus I ave 11yrs old daughter, may God punish the man dat dis tdis evil to her. Hope thec Colombia gov ave arrested the monster

  17. I have dis pix of a nine old nigerian that gave birth in lag. Its crazy!

  18. Na wahoo!Tinz happen sha

  19. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit

    1. Somethings are not to be joked with. The Holy Spirit, for instance.

    2. LOL u wee not kill me ! Smh

  20. These days nothing is new under the sun o! Wetin person no go hear sef. It is well biko.

  21. there are a lot of sick people in this world. the father of that child should be arrested.

  22. Fucking Pervs do sick things to lil souls

  23. The man d@ impregnanted her shld b beheaded! Kmt!

  24. An animal kinda man. Yinka

  25. The kind of man who slept with year old girl is a kind of who does have a child for years and will not have a child because of his act God is angry with him is it?...........

  26. On the other hand also, what kind of 10 yr old sleeps with a man? What does it say about her parents, or does she not have any? SMH

    1. U r a fool

    2. What!!! You are a pedophile and a bloody fool too. At the age of 10, a child has not ability to consent which is why sex with a minor is considered rape. You must have slept with little girls and turn around to blame them for your perverse and vile acts. Loser! May you rot in hell!

  27. a man from the wayuu tribe in columbia....LINLIN you carried last on this one lol tho custom or not its disgusting!

  28. The world coming to an end .......#simple

  29. Wow..is this even possible naturally??..Pls lets hope this news doesn't spread to Nigeria..'cos we know some men are already thinking this!!..remember the teacher that took dem little gals to the bathroom??...
    For the record UK\US is also pretty bad with Paedohpiles..seems naijja has caught the bug as well

  30. Lots of 10 year olds get their period really early these days. It was a miracle she was able to carry that baby at all.

    So someone will actually look at a 10 year old and be aroused?! The hottest past of hell is waiting for the man that did this to this child.!!! Her innocence is gone forever! A child that can hardly take care of herself is now responsible for another child.

    So sad, I'm just gonna go back to sleep now. This world is beginning to freak me out now for real....

  31. What you don't know is dat girls in most of those countries are enlightened so early and some of them have bigger stature than you Linda that men mistake them for grown ups

  32. Wat kind of man sleeps wit a 10 yr old. Dat lil gal wil 4eva liv wit dis. D man who committed dis beastly act shld neva go unpunished!

  33. The end of the world is near...

  34. ''Nkan Ngbe''!!! Follow me on twitter@spellbound02

  35. Dis pple shud stop fastinin d comiƱg of JESUS CHRIST... Pls dey shud let him chill let smbdy enjoy biko..

  36. Waoooooo! Ds is amazing 10 yrs young girl. "na wa o". Lexzy.

  37. There are too may pedophiles roaming this world, especially in Northern Nigeria where their prophet is recorded to have married a six year old and penetrated her when she was 9 years and was a grown as 50 something year old. People like Yerima are only following their prophet. It's very sad. Little girls there suffer a lot of molestation and nobody comes to their aid.

  38. Since there's no mention of who the father is - it places every male she has come in contact with under suspicion - which includes 13 year olds to 100 years. The father could be a boy.

  39. i just think dis world shld come to an end. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am shocked.thot it was a joke. dnt even knw wat to say.crazy silly wicked GOD.


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