UK man wins right in court to have a doctor end his life | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 12 March 2012

UK man wins right in court to have a doctor end his life

A man with “locked-in syndrome” won the right today to ask the courts to declare that a doctor can lawfully end the “indignity” of his life. In an unprecedented case, Tony Nicklinson, 57, is seeking a declaration that a doctor could assist him without facing a prosecution for murder. He is paralysed from the neck down after a stroke in 2005 and unable to speak or make any move to assist his own death. In a moving statement read out to court, Mr Nicklinson said that he would feel lucky if he contracted terminal cancer so that he was no longer kept alive against his will. “I am fed up with my life and don’t want to spend the next 20 years or so like this,” he said, in a message laboriously spelled out one letter at a time by blinking. “Am I grateful that the Athens doctor saved my life? No, I am not. If I had my time again, and knew then what I know now, I would not have called the ambulance but let nature take its course.”..


  1. life is such a precious gift but wen its unbearable with a situation such as this, i guess his decision then becomes d best for him. he is a courageous person to make such a decision. life in itself sometimes isnt just fair! wen he goes, may his soul rip.

  2. so so pathetic! I feel 4 d man o!

  3. Difficult life situation and decisions. I feel more for his family because its easy to watch a family member in this kind of state.

  4. i saw an indian film just yesterdae and wonderin if it was really possible,but meeeeen i can't even go further in readin this story.God Almighty i thank u for my well being

  5. D vital things we take for granted(good health), but go on to complain abt dis n dat,while som jst wish dey had their health. Lord look not on our misusings of ur Grace...Amen...Neni

  6. What if after killing himself, a week or so later science discovered how to cure his ailment?

  7. i feel sorry for him. Euthanasia was really the best option for him.

  8. Er...Linda, he didn't actually win the riight to have a Doctor end his life. What the court did today was to make a ruling allowing the case to be fully heard. These sort of cases are usually struck out before it goes to hearing as it seeks to change the law substantially which the other side contend is a function of Parliament and not the courts.

  9. ONOME SAYS.........................
    anon 8;23pm;thanks for the clarification.Euthanasia is serious business with a lot of legal and ethical considerations and is not done lightly at all.
    I feel sorry for the guy.He must do what is best for him I guess.The right to life belongs to you and God to decide;no one else can make that decision for you...
    I wonder if he knows about the case of Professor Stephen Hawkings;the Cambridge quantum physicist and cosmologist scholar who suffers from ALS(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) but still lives a fulfilling life.Read up on him people;these are role models who show that inspite of life's challenges;THEY REFUSE TO STAY DOWN OR GIVE IN....

    1. Do you always have to show off??? This is ur way of telling everybody dat u re well read abi??? Mshewwww

    2. kelvin u re just nothing but a foool.stay out if u dnt have better thing to say instead of hating

    3. @kelvin seriously?!*rme* thanks @Onome

  10. Sad!!! Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Locked-in syndrome are a bit different though. I understand how he feels and respects his decision, but he could still make the best of his miserable condition. He is totally locked in. "The diving bell and the butterfly" was written by one such patient. I guess it pays to train the mind to be positive no matter what, although it is easier said than done.

  11. So difficult to take a stand on this one. If you agree with Nicholson you'd have to be reminded of the sanctity of life and you disagree it seems one is being insensitive. May God just take control.

  12. Not trying to be funny, but if he is unable to speak, how is he communicating in court?

    So sad.

    1. U need to go back to school if u couldn't read that he did by blinking one letter @ a time, while someone else write or interprets that's how dey get paralysed people to communicate... 'Duh'...

    2. Duh, really? To think in clarifying things for @Bee you condescendedly told the fellow to go back to school, I guess it's you that really need some education on courtesy and kindness. If you were so struck as to offer the dude clarification must you also chide? We tend to let go our frustrations on life so easily on people even when it's not necessary. We are so abusive, intolerant and even condescending. Abeg, whoever you are take it easy life is too short to spend it discouraging and disparaging. Love.

  13. Make im come Naija...TB Joshua dey, Pastor Chris dey dia also...them go cure am....


  14. I wish I had my mum back. She died of breast cancer. Even at the height of her illness, she was still hopeful of a cure.
    While this guy wants to end his life. Means he did not impact anyone's life while healthy thus no one will miss him and he has nothing to live 4. He shld die like a dog if that is what he wants.
    Life is too precious to not live it fully.

    1. There must be something seriously wrong with u. Does this and breast cancer sound the same? Is the guy ur mother, have u ever suffered this illness to know what he's going thru before u say he should die like a dog? Ok, how is he supposed to live it anywhere near fully in this condition? I understand u may still be hurting from losing your mum. Maybe venting this way makes u feel better, if so, then congratulations. To all those comparing his with other people, Onome etc know that no two people are the same , we are all built differently and some are weaker than others. Instead of running ur mouths let us for thank God for our health. Val.

  15. i wouldnt trust the family not to still look for something to complain about and litigate.

  16. Situations like this just make you thank God for the so called "problems" you think u're facing

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. hummm don't know what to say
    euthanasia is such a touchy subject
    you're always torn between peeps saying life is sacred and those who feel for the poor guy suffering everyday with no hope
    personnally if I was in a desperate condition I would like people to help me die and I think everyone should be entitled to have a say on their own life

  19. Anon 1.49,how can u b so insensitive?have u wondered the kind of anguish d fella is enduring to make a decision like dis. even if he was a mentor with a million protege,it won't take d pain of hopelessness away....Rita

  20. I jt feel like cryin rite now.........not every one can stand d test of time. Let's jt take a min of our time to pray for dis man. Ow I wish u guys no wat dis man is goin tru.

  21. I wonder if this man is a christian. May be he is not.

    I have learned one thing as a christian to always stick to the Word of God. I have tried it and it works.

    If u feel sick, put the Word of God in ur mouth and in ur heart, refuse to give up...u must surely come back with a testimony.

    Many don't have faith, many give up too soon, many don't believe...but the WOrd of God is true and sure like a silver tried in the furnace seven times. It never fails...all u need is faith.

    Faith means believing what God said is true, no matter the situation.

    Either everything in the bible is true or none is true...If healing is in the bible, then it is true.

    I don't know this man, but I will pray for him...but for u reading this, if u find urself in any situation like this...please don't give up. Stick to the Word...pple die because of unbeleive and ignorance.

    Adaeze O.

  22. This sounds like the storyline of the 2010 Bollywood movie, Guzaarish. #JustSaying

    1. babe,u re on point.sounds like the movie '' GUZAARISH''

  23. Any death that didn't occur naturally or accidentally is murder-suicide. No one has any right to take his life or another person's. This reminds me of d case of terry schiava b4 d pope died in 2005 $ CNN stopped following it. Even if the law allows it,it will be seen by the owner of life,Jehovah as murder. May God heal this man miraculously$shame d devil in Jesus name,amen

  24. For him to have arrived to this conclusion, it goes to show how miserable life is for him. People in such conditions are always neglected by their loved once. They are seen as a huge liability, treated WORSE than street dogs.
    That been said, still he has no right to end his life. Its just that most of these Oyibo people don't believe in God or miracle..........but our God is a miracle worker and can conveniently heal this man.

  25. Suicide.... A coward's route of escape from life's troubles!!!... Many are worse but still yearn to live. Maybe he is not being treated well by relations!!! He had better rethink! Life is precious, paralysed or not!

  26. What a world! But, in the beginning, it was not so. I still believe that with God all things are possible, he hasn't change and he can restore him back to normal. Let him just put his trust in the miracle worker and, i pray that God in his infinity mercy will have mercy on him and heal him in Jesus name.

  27. God I know you can still do it in his life even though he has lost hope God I pray for this man send your power of healing into his life if you can raise the dealth, if you can heal the sick Lord God if you can give sight back then My God you can make this man whole again just like the man that sat beside the pool if the deed has not be done before now Oh Lord my Father heal him I pray and let people around him know that you have the power to save look away from his faith look on the blood shared on the cross the man at the beautiful gate ask Peter for money but he got his healing he asked for DEALTH Lord give him LIFE you have done it before you can do it again In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

  28. I don't see why he just couldn't end his own life by killing himself. Why did he have to go to court to obtain a court order???

  29. @ anon 10:33, you say i am insensitive? What do you think he is? Is he not worse? There are people praying for live and he wants to take his life. The doctor that saved him would have spent hours trying to save him and he is angry at the person?

    Is he the first with that condition? Are there not people living with that disability and writing books and doing famous things? How about the guy born with no hands and legs, did he not become a motivational speaker and just got married.

    If he wants to be remembered as the guy who died as a dog, he should go ahead. You have never seen people begging for a chance to live that is why you can support him.

  30. Really sad,We should learn to be grateful to God and seize the minute cos we never know whats next.

  31. @ I am the no sender, I was just asking a curious question not insulting him.....The article said we was paralyzed from his neck down and that the illness also affected his speech. I was just wondering how he communicates if he cant talk or use body part to demonstrate.

    Someone else just answered that it's through blinking....that has to be really difficult.

    i guess in naija bad belle is so rampant that when pple ask a simple question for understanding it must be interpreted as insult.

    May God grant him strength. for those saying he is selfish, dont judge him till you have walked in his shoes

    1. No, No, No @Bee. I wasn't refering to you but to @Anonymous Mar 12, 2012 04:46 PM. I wondered why he should advice you to go back to school or so, just because you asked a question.

  32. its obvious some people here are just judgmental hypocrites...just pray to God to never experience a situation or illness that makes death attractive!

  33. i watched this man on tv, could not even talk properly, only his wife n daughter could understand wat he was saying n then translating to the crew. you need to see his pic b4 the incident. wat is life if you cannot do the simple basic thing of life?

  34. Congrats to him! He deserves to make his own choice...

  35. It's funny how ppl forget that suicide=hellfire. No matter war Ur condition is. It's hard but trust me God gives us tests and trials to know how truthful we are when we say we believe. Life's enjoyments hav been made so essential that d world makes u feel hopeless without it. Just a word for thot.


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