Two homosexuals sentenced to 2years in prison in Nasarawa State | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 22 March 2012

Two homosexuals sentenced to 2years in prison in Nasarawa State

An Upper Area Court sitting in Mararba, Nasarawa State, yesterday sentenced two men, Ifeanyi Benedict Ahah and Rabiu , both found guilty of unnatural tendencies or having intercourse with each other, to two years in jail each, without bail.

The pair were sentenced yesterday Wednesday March 21st by Judge Mariga Abdullahi, and ordered to pay a fine of N5,000 each at the beginning of their sentence. Just before the sentence was passed, Mr. Rabiu pleaded for leniency, saying that he is married with six children.

Ifeanyi, on his own part, pleaded the court to forgive him. He claimed to be repentant and promised not to go into the act anymore if pardoned.

The Judge , however, insisted that the law must take its course, saying that the sentence was passed in hope that it will serve as a deterrent to others involved in such unnatural acts.



  1. Naijas have come again o. And the evidence was what biko? anyways I guess they should still be thanking their starts cos it could have been death by stoning with those primitive Hausa people...Most of them are closeted gays anyways

    1. "Primitive Hausa People". Your ignorance so blatantly displayed explains why northerners will always control the money while leaving dummies like u to wallow in their self deceit! Na una sabi pass but u still no get!... Yes! I said it. Take it from so called primitive hausa woman wey sabi pass your judgemental

    2. Guy relax...none of them denied it

  2. I see no point of Homosexuality! Have the members of the opposite sex finished in this world or what? If you need tips, I can give you. There's a reason a penis fits perfectly into a vagina and there's a reason only a man and woman can procreate. It is said that Opposites attract and Liketerms repel. Why twist that law of nature? The end times are near. May God help us

  3. Ibo and Hausa gays again?

  4. God av mercy on human beings be it male or female amen

  5. What happened to 14yrs.. Was that law passed outside Nigeria or is Nassarawa not in Nigeria anymore... Mcheeeew

  6. I thought it was meant to be 14 years...Obo n gbo'bo go'pe (Obo = Monkey)

  7. 1) Opposites attract have nothing to do with gender differences.
    2) What's so profound with heterosexuality, half of you live in loveless relationships, the rest are punching bags, repressed because some uneducated Neanderthal thinks being a man comes from dominating women, and the rest are cheaters. I bet naija's true decent heterosexual men would only make up 2% of the population.
    3) You obviously know nothing of biology, you don't choose who you are attracted to, most psychoanalysts would tell you our brains are pre-wired by neurological factors and chemical markers we can not choose to ignore.
    Perhaps one day science would develop processes of creating the perfect human, but until then 'shut the front door!' And stop being primitive.
    4) Mr 'If you need tips' I can guarantee in a world where there ain't no gay people, you'd be bottom of the food chain. If women sleep with you, its probably because there's no one else.
    You're a chauvinist and its men like you that children grow up to see and never want to be like.
    In simple terms, if being a straight man is all about fitting a penis into a vagina, then it ain't too appealing.

    To wrap up, true love between two consenting adults knows no race, creed, or human boundaries. If you can't see this then you know nothing of love.

    If you stop oppressing people and get over your ignorance, maybe people wouldn't have to live a lie. The Married man with kids was obviously forced into that position and now he's dealing with the consequence of conforming.

    And stop the BS about law of nature, stop hiding behind the propaganda adopted from oppressive non African religious cults that have enslaved our race for millennia.

    People its not African, its not in our culture, what African history book have you read that said a man in 1800s Akwa Ibom was put in a hole for 14 years because he was gay?

    1. Mr i know so much about the human attraction blah blah blah, do u know dat 75% of sexually active homosexuals are HIV positive? & less than 10% of staight men are HIV positive? This fight against homosexualism is not just about the traditional norms or the religous moals as the westerners try to portray it to be.
      Its about knowing what is right and following the path that is good for us.
      BTW stop being a liberal wannabe

    2. All these you wrote now doesn't make ONE single sense,using terms that doesn't comprehend,must you write all this,must you comment,I pity your life*oversabi*

  8. I thot the legal term was 14years jail, abi those closet national assembly senators and Co never pass the bill?

  9. Ã’bo n gbó’bo, gò’pe, Only God knows how many of them we have in our country, even on social networks you see them asking you out, admiring you like a chick...I get pissed! Nonsense!

  10. Whether you like it or not , people will be attracted to whatever they like. Leave homosexuals alone & let God handle it. If its not affecting us directly, y do we care about anyone's sexual activity. After 2 yrs , they will still love what they love. You can't force it.

    1. I tire o! Let God be the judge who go go hell go go who go go heaven go go! No force Abi na wetin!!!

    2. Now we know u both r closeted gays.Just kick d door n come out.

  11. Well, if they wernt guilty they wudnt av pleaded for leniency. Hweva, one stated he had a wife n 6 children, so 'ts actuali not a problem of unavailability of a member of d opposite sex, buh they jes chose to b blindly stupid, phoooooooolz!!

  12. Why can't ppl just leave d gay guys for God to deal with. As long as they ar not hurting other ppl. God is watching and he knows what is right to be done.

  13. these men are sick. They've got wives at home yet they seek homos. What pleasures abound in the butt??????

  14. They are even lucky the prohibitive homosexual Bill is yet to be passed else they will be resting their their HIV infested asses in the dungeon.
    And to those Naija copycat lberal wanna-be(s) that will want to argue that their fundamental rights are being taken away should pls show us where it is said that unnatural acts are part of your fundamental bla bla. Ppl complain about freedom without recourse to the fact that if such acts are not nipped in the bud, we will have a situation worse than what is available in the west. Our impressionable kids will be turned homosexuals, ppl will get bold and brazen, bizarre sexual conducts will be given cover under the guise of human rights. Lets not forget that no right is limitless, you are entitled to a right provided you fulfill a pre-requisite to earning such right. The moment you abuse or fail to fulfill those pre-requisites you lose such rights and that is exactly the case here. I doubt if there is any part of the fundamental human rights or the african charter that caters for freedom to indulge in unnatural acts except those twisted interpretations from LGBTs and their gang of renegade activists and apologists who are in the habit of playing the victims to gain undeserved sympathy. I have constantly asked this questions to promoters of such lifestyle and those that like to see them as victims of a harsh societal moral standing that why are efforts not geared towards healing them or helping them function like they are supposed to. I laugh when I hear these deviants claim they have no control on their sexual preference, that is bullshit, the issue of homosexualism is pure nurture and there is nothing nature has got to do with it. Is not like there are gay genes that make you wanna 4ck sb of your own sex. There is a reason a man is fitted with a penis and a woman a vagina. Besides the homosexual lifestyle is an extremely unhealthy one, they are easily affected by all manner of STDs not to talk about the almighty HIV and AIDs. Abeg we need more harsh sentencing like this one to put some jesus and mohammed in them.
    Some times humans have to be saved from themselves, I guess that why we have laws.

  15. Thank God the Hausas did not stone them to death. I am sure if I look hard, I will find a sin the judge should be jailed for. This is not murder. Let he amongst you without sin cast the first stone. In that case let us jail all those polygamist, which probably includes the judge. Unnatural after all God made Adam with one wife not multiple wives.

    1. U ignorant fool.Get ur facts straight b4 u comment.Polygamy in Islam is not a sin.Have respect 4 oda pple's religion.I wndr what dat bible teaches u.Hatred n intelorance?

  16. how were they caught?

    who leaked out the act?

    married with six children?

    is it in jail, that the act is not performed?

    Let God be the judge!

    This would simply make the act more exciting, because of the shroud of secrecy and darkness and adventure, that would be involved.

  17. So much for human rights in naija. Very soon pple will be jailed for fornication and adultery

  18. Without a kobo and with only 2 referals I have made $30 in 4 days you too can please click on this link

  19. Without a kobo and with only 2 referals I have made $30 in 4 days you too can please click on this link

  20. Ibo boy and Hausa boy dey nack akpako. Who says there's no unity in Nigeria!

  21. What happened to the 14 years jail term?

  22. How can a homosexual be a father of 6 children! May God deliver THEM ooh...

  23. So two men are jailed for 20 years for indulging in acts behind close doors that affect just the two of them...and one man is given 2 and a half years for stealing funds that affect the lives of several Nigerians. I wonder how many years they'll give for fornication.

  24. Two years in prison for being gay!!!..and there are ritualists, armed robbers, fraudulent politicians and thieves walking free...Misplaced priorities!!

  25. they r just demonized. Most get married to avoid suspicion. a pastor was caught bout a week ago at surulere shagging a drummer in his church. he was found with a pack of viagra, a drug that boosts male libido, Rough Rider condoms, cream and fruit juice. such an irritating sight to imagine.

    they have all sold their souls to the devil.

  26. Y 2 yrs?I thought it was 14yrs lolo.

  27. I find it strange that while boko haram are busy killing igbo, and igboman was busy having sex with an hausa man. Thatks more like it...freedom to do as you please

  28. Ds hausas might stl kill dem wen deir out of dere ooo*i pirry dem* so dey cn beg,dey shld go n continue in prison na, odes,mschewwww.

  29. To the first comment, hope you know that hausas have homosexual prostitutes...

  30. Some peeps r lower dan animals in Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o many wayz. Has ever seen a male goat running after anoda male goat or a cock going after anoda cock all in d name of mating? Never. Ƨ̷̜̩̌̋o can anyone plss tell me what į̸̸̨§ wrong wif some people? Very irritating bullshit. By d way, aint they suppose †Æ ̴̴͡ serve 14yrs?

  31. Homosexuality isn't a choice ur either gay or not... I really dnt see the sense in this when we've got bigger things to deal with such as boko haram.. honestly d govt need to get their priorities right... not like sum of these so called 'govt officials are not gay themselves.. Nonsense !!!

  32. I really don't have an issue with people's sexual preference! But how guy take dey find another guy attractive sef?

  33. This is awful! I wish they are sentenced to the electric chair!

  34. This is awful! I wish they are sentenced to the electric chair!

  35. My dear,search me oh....dey were warned,ow can a man wif 6 kids,sleep wif his fellow man,ewwwwwwww...dey r lucky dey didn't get 14yrs.wld av been beta

  36. Two years too small. They deserve more than that.

  37. This is rubbishing in the highest ordering. Lol. They should be sentence to life time.

  38. 2yrs in prison? Dis wasnt wat was passed by mr president, what we knw is 17yrz in jail, why shud dey give 2yrz. We nid to alwayz act according to awr laws.***Yimu*** chukzy1

  39. I think those two should be grateful to God because they would have been striped and stoned to death as it is the norm in that part of the country.

  40. Serves them right

  41. at least they didnt kill them.. The sentence is getting lighter

  42. Good for them is support to be 14yrs in jail self two idiot Man mtcheeeew

  43. Married wiv six children??and i tot they said it was 14 years,aw come they only got 2?

  44. Nawa o. Naija which way na? D should flogg both of them very well in a public place

  45. The lethal combination of Ibo gay and hausa gay is what Nigeria don't need now.

  46. I am, the no Sender.

    What? Just two years jail terms and a fine of #5,000?

    What publications and electronic media has that Judge been accessing these past 12months? He's never come across 14yrs imprisonment for persons indulging in homosexuality?
    This leniency or light jail term maybe so because one of these men may have opened their bum bum orifice to the Judge before; a closet gay perhaps.

  47. by the waY,
    there is a gene called GAYospeoisis which is responsible for gay behavior and that gene is prevalent among the Hausa and natural among the Ibo and Ijaw.It is found to be absent in Yoruba species except those children who are products of intermarriage between Yoruba men and ibo women.


  48. wini syno speaks23 March 2012 at 12:19

    Funny enough one of them is married with 6 children and is involved in this unholy act. fools the two years is even small

  49. Naijas We Go HARDDDDDDD!!!!!!

  50. *throws-my-egg-sausages-up*...tanx a bunch Linda. Dis made me puke!!

  51. â„“ dnt kno what men Я enjoyin in̅ each oda,,lesbians Я enjoyin smtin..succulent breast,soft bum,hot laps,sweet body,vaginal,,,,, O°˚˚˚˚˚°o boy Enuf enjoyment"". Ps:am nt a lesbian,,, â„“ ° • · ♥·♡ d**k

    1. Of course u r a lesbian.U jst proved it to d whole wrld.

  52. Na wa o. I dont believe in homosexuality, as it is unbiblical. but I honestly wish that this same 'zeal' would be used in meting out justice and bringing our corrupt politicians and leaders that are impoverishing the common man to book. They only went to pruson becos they dont have connections

  53. Is dat really d way 4ward?Dey cn go to prison n start doin it on a larger scale.

  54. I still think homosexuality goes against the natural order of things, but still what do they think they would achieve by sentencing this men to jail. Nigeria and their foolish mispriorities Abeg have they started arresting those big mouthed thief of a politician yet? mshewwwww .... When this men get out of jail all they would have learned is to keep their homosexuality on the down low and hide their intentions better mshewwww rubbish

  55. He has a wife,6 children and a boy friend...mtscheeeew,dirty primitive evil men.The wife shouldn't accept him back

  56. good i love that

  57. Good judgement.

  58. I guess the act of 'down low' has gotten to Nigeria where men with homosexual tendencies get married and bear children to appease society and then have sexual intercourse with fellow men in secret. I just pity for the wife of the one that is married. This is how STDs spread.

  59. I thought it was supposed to be 14 years jail term #thinking aloud#

  60. Nigerians are just about the most ignorant people on earth. I swear! The 14 year jail term is a PROPOSED bill sent to the House of Reps by the Senate. It is not law yet!

  61. I am mostly displeased with anyone who calls himself/herself a christian and is involved with this demonic act of sleeping with same sex. If you do not believe in God and claim you are gay and was born that way, well I really got no issues with u cos u r an unbeliever.

    But if u claim to be a believer if God, u are a christian, and u know that God condemns homosexuality in the bible just like he condemns other acts of unrighteousness and u are in support of it because of whatever reason...ahh, I don't know where to categorize u.

    The BIBLE said that Homosexual act is wrong as well as adultery, stealing if u are a christian, do not select the sins that are right and wrong go by the Word of God.

    If I claim to be a christian and support gays, and claim they have done no wrong, then I have no reason to be against stealing, beastiality, killing, adultery after all all these are in the bible and they are also recorded as sins.

    Please, everybody came into this world witha particular sinful nature, some were born to be greedy, selfish, wicked, unkind amnd some were born to be gay...that doesn't make any of them right. U need to ask God to change u and make an effort to be changed. Ask Jesus to come into ur life and make u a better person.

    Trust me, nothing is impossible with God. We have a record of many gay pple that became straight under the power of God. I believ it can also happen to you if u believe....

    Do not let this demonic act, rub u the chances of making heaven...( I am talking to those who believe in God, if u dont believe and u don't care to, please waka pass)

    Adaeze O.

  62. GBenga.. U don cum again.. U r so messed up in d head.. Psychbob.. Don't knw where u r but pls take a trip down to vauxhall in London and see youruba guys ur cousins and kinsmen included be shagged for money.. Lazy gits.. Like u pointed out the gene Gayopen wateva is common wiv the hausas and d Igbos.. U can understand is inborn by ur analysis but u GBENGA and ur family why get torn behind for money? U r just so crazy.. Why hate the Igbos dis much? Well bin dat ur mum got dumped by an ibo man after much much wiv u GBenga watching as the egocentric ibo man from alaba knacks ur mum akpako.. I fink ur resentment is understandable.. Watch it cos soon na ur wife n daughter go get shagging of their lives by obiviously ibo guys.. Guys wiv so much EGO.. GBenga u go die oooooo!!! Lol

  63. and the point of the photo is? to bring the gay phobia out of your readers. Well judging by the comments it looks like you have succeed. Congratulations!

  64. "bestiality*..Adaeze

  65. @ Gbenga you need real deliverance, am sure u are one of them!

  66. Gbenga what have igbo people done to you, please stop hating and get a life...Mtweeeee!

  67. @ Gbenga you need real deliverance, am sure u are one of them!

  68. but if the governor of that state pockets 2billion the magistrate will look the other way....they are not the reason nasarawa state is underdeveloped....lets get our priorities together nigerians please

  69. This is not the way forward Nigeria...

    Don't you realize the way homosexuals are being discriminated against because of who they inherently are, is the same thing discrimination that happened to us, black people, from the hands of whites.

    The only thing wrong here is that both men were married, they should have never gone there since i' m sure these feelings did not surface after married life.

  70. the 14years sentence is for conviction for gay marriages....

    for more info, both the criminal and penal codes (of many many yrs now) already have stipulations against same sex liaisons, paedophilia and bestiality...

    it's just that,for the most part, people(n law enforcement) just look the other way since there r bigger issues to worry abt..that doesnt mean that there's no real law against this!

  71. Them dey tear thier yansh lol

  72. I'm a Christian, not by religious allegiances, but by faith and i'm a gay man. I don't think i'm a woman, I respect women, I don't envy women, I admire their tenacity in dealing with the Baboons that they have to share their strength, beauty and power with. I don't want to be a woman, I like who I was created to be and would love to be nothing else.

    You see, you African men don't appreciate that the Women you abuse in the name of being heterosexuals is the abomination and the real act against the natural order. You domestically abuse, cheat on, abandon them with your kids with no support....the list goes on. Yet some of you make promises in the front of God and man to uphold your vows. Hypocrisy.

    Every woman wishes their own offspring is more than the man their partner was, and a bunch of you are just useless. you're lazy and selfish and guided by your libidos.

    In this age of enlightenment, i'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you are obsolete, behind your back, real women (straight and gay) and gay men have strengthened each others resolve and redefined the rules. No longer in the name of religion (and not faith) will you oppress women or gay men, your usefulness will be reduced to the production genetic material to further the species, until sciences make even that obsolete.

    And for the fake women out there, you know who you are, the ones that are homophobic, you are the same ones who abort your kids, who abandon them and sleep with married men to get the latest BlackBerry and have 3 men on the go, making good men turn into disillusioned victims. The ones who have no soul, worst than prostitutes, atleast they live in hardship, you're just greedy and destined to spend your existence in perpetual loneliness. Yes I said it, when I refer to women, I speak of true women, those who may never have had children but appreciate life, and would love with the intensity and honesty a real woman has. You homophobic women are Jezebels and Delilahs, and the wife of Herod. You're poison, you entrap and mislead the weak. But don't worry you're insignificant.

    You wonder about the illuminati and the new world order and fear the change that is coming, you should be afraid. The time of the primitive man is finished.

    The truth is now revealed your religions and cults are exposing themselves as weapons of destruction, your church leaders are being exposed as frauds and your politicians as criminals, so yeah. Go ahead, throw people in jail for being human and forget for now about the criminals.

    When the time of reckoning is at hand, hope to your smalls gods, that have entrapped you in slavery and fear, the ones that have deceived you into believing that you the wife-beater, the undercover child molester or wicked woman are playing for the right team, will not disappoint you.

    Yeah, i'm Christian and I've read my Bible and Jesus never mentioned homosexuals, nor is God interested in my bedroom antics, he's more concerned by the content of my heart, and I like every other gay man will receive restitution. for my suffering at your hands.

    When you spill the shade of hate, you claim to be followers of Christ (I can't speak for the others) must always first think, what would Jesus do.

    This situation is unfortunate, but it furthers our cause, many lives have been lost through the ages so that we may live, that is the law of nature, survival of the fittest.

    So go ahead a condemn and the idiot who's talking about 75% HIV in gay men, have you been tested? Lol. Fool, that use circumstantial statistics to further your ignorance.

    This is why Wole Soyinka said people should go back to school.

    Check the statistics worldwide, gay men are more financial well to do than most heterosexuals of their demography.

    1. I'm straıght but ı lıke your analogy but ın all ı dont comprehend you sayıng the bıble doesnt condemn homosexualıty cos ıt acrually does from levıtıcus and all the way...
      @the end all wıll be judged as u rıghtly stated but ı dnt get how ur statıstıcs of gay men beıng more succesful adds a merıt or how ur ınsult dıscounts the proof of 75% Std claım!
      Also ı thınk the world hasnt asked any1 to stop but my partıcular fear ıs ıf gays are allowed all thıer rıghts,what happens when ımbalanced gay men start rapıng men?where do we go from ther?
      Ild aprecıate your reply,thank you!

  73. what will that married man tell his children,and what happened to the 14 years?let us tell the truth,a man that sleeps with another man has psychological problems cos it just makes no sense,besides,homosexuality is a sinful act that incures the wratth of God on a people,lets not be too liberal as to close our eyes to evil and sin.let us lay the right exampes for our children to follow.

  74. So just to understand, 2 consent adults having a relationship is a crime that requires a prison sentence? What about murder, theft, violence? You give someone 14 years for sleeping with someone, what do you give other criminals.

    And when we start bringing children and religion into the equation, doesn't that suggest that our arguments are flawed?

  75. I will like to correct some greatly flawed assumptions that some of us make here with regards to the issue of homosexuality.
    First of all, the 14years sentencing for homosexual conducts is not yet a law, it was only passed in the house, it is yet to be argued at the senate or assented by the president.
    Now to address some of the half-truths, outright lies, and concocted facts by the posdter that outlined his very baseless arguments in number.
    1. "Opposite attracts has nothing to do with gender differences?" Realy? Are you in other words saying that humans by default do attract their opposites, what exactly is the point you are trying make?
    2. On what statistical fact do you base such a careless and frivolous claim that half of heterosexual men stay in loveless relationship & only a meagre 2% are decent heterosexual? My guess is that you shit that crap from your ass cos you obviously need the aids of some brains.
    3. You even sounded dumber and stupid in your 3rd point. You prolly think you get big points from concocting brainless ramblings and medical jargons that even you obviously do not understand. Shut the hell up if you lack the mental capacity to explain your points.
    a plethora of research has been done on determining brain differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Simon LeVay's work on the anterior hypothalamus is the most widely discussed and debated research in the area of sexual orientation and neuroscience. His work was rife with shortcomings that made the results inconclusive. He claimed homosexual men had bigger anterio commissure than their heterosexual counterpart. This part of the brain control sexual desires, however, almost the men he used in his research died of HIV aids, this fact introdiced a new uncontrollable variable to his research, making it unreliable, as it was possible that the large size of the anterio commisure may have been caused by the HIV infection. That study is almost the only recognizeable research that led to the erroneous belief that homosexuality is biological. Hahaha....guy you need your head checked if you are one of those that base your proof of homosexualism being a pathology from birth on the findings of queer science.
    4. From your ignorant and pointless rant it is obvious you are gay and are frustrated by the fact that people find your lifestyle disgusting. No amount of anger or gutter language will erase that fact.
    And please, if you have got no evidence besides childish temper tantrums dont even bother responding to me.

  76. In the Christian faith homosexuality is mentioned in the old testament and in the epistles but not by Jesus Christ. But how many of the rules in the old testament do we follow? We just pick out one offence that suites our fancy to condemn. How many of you have stoned your wives because she wasn't a virgin when you married her? So we should keep the old testament aside. Looking at the epistles, some versions of the Bible do not even mention homosexuality. Most just use the term 'sexual immorality'. Sadly most do not define the boundaries of that term. Even if one concludes homosexuality is a sin then the only situation when it should be punished is when it is perpetrated on an unconsenting victim or a consenting minor. If we view the situation logically from the christian faith homosexuals should be treated the same way as adulterers and fornicators. If we also view the situation from a functional biological standpoint then we can conclude that homosexuality is an aberration in the fabric of nature. Anthropologically speaking the only natural sexual act should be between a sexually mature male and a sexually mature female. Pedophilia, bestiality, homosexuality are then termed 'sexually deviant behaviours' Putting in the Nigerian factor; homosexuality just isn't part of our culture. Now all this big grammer na just to give una different view points on the matter. I personally feel homosexuality is unnatural with reference to our reproductive function. For Heaven's sake the Maker fitted males with a round peg for a round hole and not a bacteria infested hole. But still I view homosexuals the same way I view fornicators and adulterers and I dont discriminate against them.
    I pity our unborn children. They'll probably be exposed to gay rights apologetics before the straight ones. And the way pop culture is going on about this issue they'll soon start discriminating against straight people like us.

  77. Clap for yourself PATRICK ONYEMA you must think you are super intelligent now don't you? Sometimes i wonder how the word dumb don't have an even dumber word for scums like you (I tried refraining from name calling but your post warrants it) All this buffoonery must give your life a meaning well i guess not coz there's a hole where your soul should be.

    When the gays are prosecuted, jailed and even killed that surely will bring peace to Nigeria huh provide food for the poor or perhaps bring joy and fulfillment to your home.
    Ride on PATRICK with your ignorant raggedy self, someday all the hatred you harbor will confront you in the part that hurt most.

    For me & my Fam its live and let others live (as long as you aint hurting nobody, yourself or messing with kids/underage)

  78. In case you've all forgotten, the ibo guy is HIV positive. So he's just going to keep on spreading the virus wherever he will be. So sad!

  79. @ anon Mar 23, 2012 01:55 PM I like your comment I am female and you r right, bt also you r very angry, you shld really 4gt these ppl they really can't think most of them, that is why we r where we in the worl! Hissss

  80. @anon Mar 23, 2012 01:55 PM still me I am female, its in the bible about man not laying with man will find it and send it. Its a sin much like fornication.I want to share cos I looked 4 it, but stumbled upon it a few days ago(Many hypocrites here, I am not one to judge).leviticus 18 verse 22. We all have our battles. We shld learn to encourage each other to be better and not point fingers. JESUS said he without sin cast the first stone!

  81. @anon onyema patrick HIV is more prevalent in gay guys because of penetration through the anus, feacal matter, blood staind e.t.c. Ur sexual health clinic will tell you that.I am not homophobic, am just a realist I am female...I have nothing against gay ppl, we r all sinners I am yet to find a pure human being without sin. Hypocrites are the worst ppl they scare the crap out of me....I can't fathom how their brains work.

  82. Re; Onyema,
    My sexual orientation is non of your concern, and to be honest whatever it may be, I have no qualms with it.

    I have to address some of your arguments here, re; empirical research done into the nature of divergent sexualities.

    On the basis of what you have written, it is evident that you are the one who uses circumstantial research to back up your own weak arguments and agenda.

    Levay's research into human sexuality was published in 1991 (Over 20 years ago), and lets not forget 'Mr Sensationalist' his work coincided with the spread, hysteria surrounding the Immuno-Virus you refer to (First case 1981), and even though that could have contributed to the inconclusiveness of his research, that does not take away from the fact that he still made some interesting finds.

    What I'm curious about is where you get the idea that his research is widely discredited? i that from your church pastor, or are you an eminent scientist yourself, who has carried out similar line of work from a non biased position and found it to be so.

    Most people who are educated with see that if he's work was discredited, then that would mean we would have to discredit the findings of other well known psychoanalyst such as Freud and Ulrichs.

    Onyema, I am psychology graduate myself, I didn't just fall into cyber space to start rambling like you do, go and do your home work and stop faking intelligence, it's typical though of the Igbos.

    Secondly, on the same point, everyone manipulates data to suit their purposes, Hitler used science to justify the holocaust, slavery was justified by science and religion, according to slavers, black people were a subordinate race, on down to the variance in the size of the Medulla. And today geologist and meteorologist have been found to manipulate data either exaggerate human impact on global weather changes or to suggest it ain't happening.
    So my friend, science is not fact its open to interpretation, just as religion and law (Hence the 2 year sentence...and to be honest, I doubt that would be a regular verdict...they'll probably suspend the sentences, but pretend to be harsh to placate Neanderthals like yourself)......

  83. ....... (cont.)

    Thirdly) On you suggest me debunking you statements of opposites attract as just a cliche, as being some kind of affront to all things fact, I really don't know what to say. If you are so adamant bringing foolish village sayings into a socio-scientific debate then you are no different to religious fundamentalist and simpletons.

    If you are so attracted to opposites, why not go and hump a stool. Opposites have nothing to do with the evolution of the species. You being a black man, on a more basic level, should be attracted to anything but Black women.

    I bet you didnt know that this law of attraction you allude to is more an issue of pheromones, chemical factors that trigger social responses within a species. Nothing is as a simple as man likes woman and that how it must be. You don't get to determine these things, nor those the brainwashing you've received from you embezzler of a church pastor.

    Fourthly) About me using on verified statistics, I never gave the impression that I had hijacked my statements from elsewhere, I'm just giving my own opinion, and that is, most Nigerian Heterosexual men are nonentities; Cheaters, Liars, Lazy Boasters, Cheap, Wife Beaters with inferiority complexes.

    You are obviously one of them, because you responded with so much venom. If I wasn't addressing you, you wouldnt have come to their defense. You obviously got your priorities twisted, where you should be defending the oppressed, you come in support of the oppressors, lol. Small dick syndrome.

    Fifth point) You suggest that people are disgusted by the sexual orientation, then people must serious issues, but I doubt that is the case. You see, the scientific term used for your condition is 'Homophobia', that does not allude to disgust, a phobia is an irrational fear, predominantly in the case of anthropology, a fear of the unknown, so Xenophobia would the same, the fear of other groups or races.

    So what really is happening here, is that you are afraid of Gay people. You probably think in your egotistical, meaningless speck of an existence, that some gay man would come to your door and forcefully have his way with you.

    That is highly unlikely, gay people have ways, beyond behavioral traits that they recognize each other, and you my friend, have absolutely nothing to worry about, it's probably sympathy or an arranged marriage that ensured you a partner, that's if you are in one. Ask your wife now, go ahead i dare you to ask if you were what she dreamed of when she imagined her perfect man.

    Don't be upset, it is how it is when there is no quality, people settle for what is available.

    And finally you have so much nerve asking me not respond, you see where we differ is that I'm educated, I don't shy from expression and no primitive, villager done good, would silence free thinking and my freedom of expression.

    20 years from now, just like apartheid, this issue would have gone beyond your commentary. You will be there in your old age and it will be these same people you insult building our nation and caring for those oppressed them.

    That is the law of nature, that everything must change.

  84. Mrs Quoting Leviticus 18 verse 22, Stop the nonsense, As Christian, you forget the purpose of Christ coming,... he came because the law was killing people, it is by grace that we are all here, God gave moses 10 commandments, and men in the haste to play God added 100s more, and for that we have stoning, killing and oppression. Even Jesus was hung on a tree in accordance o the law.

    When Jesus was asked what law shall we follow, he said I have not come to abolish the la, I have come to fulfil it, he made all so called sins obsolete, by his sacrifice.

    He answered; love God with all your heart and soul, and love your neighbour as yourself.

    .....Now how does the love between 2 consenting adults then contravene what Christ's command for us was? how do we hate God by being in love, even though it is the love between 2 men or two women, in the same way that some people still frown on interracial or interreligious marriages?

    Lets get over using old fashioned values, and nothing is more old fashioned than quoting Leviticus when we know that the same people who gave that LAW killed the person we claim to follow.

    Jesus, not once in all his teaching covered, love, love was all he spoke about, if some followers of his decided to expand, they did so in accordance with their own beliefs.

    Be Christians by faith and conscience, not be indoctrination and stop giving yourself over to hatred and manipulation, because some liars and criminals are trying to distract you from the real issues that you should be worried about, the fact that they are stealing from you and oppressing you with poverty.

  85. @anon----When Jesus was asked what law shall we follow, he said I have not come to abolish the la, I have come to fulfil it. Exactly, just because its in the old testament does not mean it does not apply today. Why r u so mad...I am nt here to judge or insult, like I said I am just being realistic, and I stumbled upon this passage. And it covers homosexuality. Yes JESUS precahed love and it is by his grace, that fornicators, adulteres, every immoral sexual act has nt put us in condemnation with GOD. Does not make it right. Like I said we all battle with something in this life....we shld not pretend/ignore it. Pray as ak GOD for guidance to show you what that scripture really means. Becos it took me yrs to come across this, I used to say it is nt in the bible bt I found it myself. I show you love by telling you the truth according to the word, you can accept it or ignore it.

  86. @anon Mar 24, 2012 04:09 AM I am female if you read through my comments again, you will see that we are on the same page, except for the part where I disagree that homosexuality is right, like I said its a sin much like fornication, and like I said JESUS said he without sin cast the first stone, and you took the words right out my mouth JESUS came to fulfill the law not ABOLISH it, I can justify fornication and say I have a bf we are serious we are sexually active but we are getting married, bt that does nt make it homosexuality can be a pardonable sin much like fornication. ( If there is such a thing as pardonable sin, I was having a conversation about this, not sure if there is, bt if there is it must be). It is judgemental attitudes like this that ppl exhibited back In the days, when JESUS preached love....I have nothing against homosexuals we are all humans with feelings.

  87. @anon Mar 24, 2012 04:09 if you refer to our government nd some of our fellow citizens I agree and I ave nt lost sight of that.I am a chrsitain by faith! Like u I read my is difficult to find ppl with a brain in this country.I see it all over the blogz and everday interraction with ppl. I wish I knew more ppl like you in my life..cheerz

  88. Re; Cloud Seeker,

    You were making some valid points until you diverged with some weird associating of terms.

    You equating homosexuality (An attraction to persons of the same sex) with adultery (sexual infidelity to one's spouse) and fornication (sexual intercourse between partners who are not married, which most people are guilty of) is not really conclusive.

    How does cheating on someone you have vowed spend your life with, have any bearing on two people wanting to be in a relationship, but being prejudiced, criminalized and discriminated against have any moral connections?

    Perhaps if homosexuality was not so demonized, homosexuals would probably show the rest of society what real relationships based on true love is, Then probably it wouldn't appear as fornication.

    Far worse is you suggesting the relationship between to consenting adults, regardless of the fact that they are of the same gender is somehow relative to sexual deviancy such as pedophilia (Sexual intercourse with a minor) or bestiality (Sexual intercourse with an animal).

    How do those compare? do dogs and babies give permission or comprehend the engagement of intercourse?

    All your suggestions are coming from a slightly ignorant and biased stand point, where you think homosexuality is just about sex and the acts of it thereof.

    OK two men can not conceive, but then there are heterosexuals out there who can not either, they adopt or they find surrogates. What's the shape or supposed use of sexual appendages got to do with anything?

    People need to stop spreading falsities, I would suggest you ask a gay man personally what their feelings are and stop listening to propaganda, and using 2000 year old explanations to justify ignorance.

    A catholic priest molesting children, or those teachers sleeping with pupils that are in their care do such things for power and gratification, they do it because they abuse their high positions. They are no different from rapist.

    A Man or woman living under constant fear of their life, but wanting to love someone just because they have an emotional connection beyond their control is just human.

  89. God destroyed sodom cos of sodomy so don't start saying what you don't know about the bible... In sodom,they were known for this act.... God help all of us.

  90. Even the VP as in vice president of Nigeria is a frigging faggot. Everyone in kaduna knows that. I can't stand him. Bad luck plus queer equals wat is happening in naija today.

  91. and this gay guys are peoples husband oooo!!! wahala dey.....lord have mercy.

  92. U can be gay all u want, but pls do not come here to say that God or Jesus supports u being gay. Every sin is sin, be it prostitution, adultery or homosexual. And for those of u wondering where it's in the bible in the new testament, here it is....

    Romans 1:25-27 CEVUK-EN
    They gave up the truth about God for a lie, and they worshipped God's creation instead of God, who will be praised for ever. Amen.
    God let them follow their own evil desires. Women no longer wanted to have sex in a natural way, and they did things with each other that were not natural. Men behaved in the same way. They stopped wanting to have sex with women and had strong desires for sex with other men. They did shameful things with each other, and what has happened to them is punishment for their foolish deeds.

    STOP CLAIMING THAT IT'S OK TO B A CHRISTIAN N B GAY. AND STOP POINTING OUT OTHER PPL'S SINS OUT N CALLING THEM HYPOCRITES. AT LEAST, NOBODY IS PROUD OF DOING BAD. Its not okay when gay pple say, he who has no sin cast d first stone... the issue is not who had no sin, we all have committed one sin or the other. The issue is, IS BEING GAY A SIN AS MUCH AS OTHER SINS? If it is a sin, then hide ur face in shame n ask God to help u. Don't come here saying u r a Christian n it's okay to be urself a favor, read Romans Chapter 1-end and go figure.

    It's one thing to know u r weak, n Sk God to help u, it's totally wrong to say u r sinless n make God a liar, be it gay, adultery, stealing not select sins that pleases u n say it's okay then be quick to call others hypocrites. Fact is homosexuality n lesbianism is a sin according to the bible.

  93. Faggots faggots faggots. Scum of the earth.

  94. @anon Mar 24, 2012 12:36 PM
    Thanks 4 passage this states things clearly here concerning homosexuals in new testament fornication e.t.c. We shld try to help each other be better don't be to quick to be hateful, too many of that going on, I have said my piece, b4 u dish insults out to somebody 4 their wrong ask yourself am I better and pure if not. Be more compassionate and help.

  95. @anon Mar 24, 2012 12:36 PM
    My question to you is, its okay to point out being homosexual is a sin and condemn them, but its not okay to remind the condemers that they sin too? Now that's fo sure being a hypocrite if you r quick to condem wen u r a sinner in a different type of sin. The right thing to do wld be to extend a helping hand and advice.

  96. Re: Gay Anon
    I care less if you choose to hump your dog in the comfort of your house but the moment you want to make it the darling of every impressionable kid through subtle or open display of your weird act, then it becomes my business, everyone's business, public business and government's business.
    Now to address your lies, first let me point out your confusion and apparent lack of grasp you have shown in your hurried and unintelligent reply. While you admitted that Simon Lavey's research had some obvious shortcomings that rendered whatever findings he made inconclusive and can't be used as a basis for conclusive claims, you, in thesame confused state talked about interesting findings, like that did anything to warrant claims that humans can be born gay or are born with gay genes. Stop confusing yourself with mumbo-jumbo jare.
    His work may have been carried out 20yrs ago, it still does not remove the fact that his research till date is the most detailed, and well known controversial research on the disparity between the the homosexual brain and that of the heterosexual brain. If you have any claims of any recent research that has been more profound, ground breaking and widely disccused than Simon Lavey's work please go ahead and let us know. You are in the habit of presenting hear-say and baseless assumptions as facts. I am curious that you could not find any profound recent work to back up your frivolous point.
    You call yourself a graduate of psychology and you regurgitate this garbage knowledge on cyberspace? Where the heck did an intellectual midget like this one graduate from? I bet your lecturers are worse than you. You should cover your face in shame, you give psychologists a bad name. Imagine how you had to resort to talking about manipulating data and results to suit your twisted aims, I bet that was your method in school.
    I had to ask you to give us empirical evidences that same-sex union and homosexuality in general is a problem caused by congenital genetic disorder which can't be blamed on the personal resolve of the homosexuals not to curtail his lewd sexual desires. Nobody is denying the fact that every human being experiences different desires( yeah, the good, the bad and the ugly ones) at some point in the cause of our lives, it does not mean we should succumb to every one of them because we feel them. Your claims of hormonal and genetic imbalances are at best hypothetical, there is no such documented evidence that shows the direct relationship between this hormonal and genetic imbalances and the sexual preference of an individual. Do well to argue your points with references to such a lie; it is like telling us that there exist gay genes or hormones and their presence can turn a human gay. So to such people it feels natural to be sexually excited by members of their own sex. Can we also claim these "gay genes" for Bisexuals or probably they do not have enough "gay genes" to help them decide where to pitch their tent? Can you honestly assert that a majority of homosexuals actually started out as natural homosexuals, with the so-called complicated sexual leanings occassioned by abnormal hormones and genes. So what about heterosexuals that willingly became gay converts; did they all of a sudden wake up to realize they have these defects. Do you wonder why it is prevalent where it is legal to practise it openly as against societies that gave an outright ban to it?? Does it mean there is a direct correlation between the laws that allow it and the spread of this "CONGENITAL genetic" and "hormonal imbalances" of yours that you so vaguely talk blab about. Don't you see the folly of such argument. Lets be realistic here, laws are made to protect humans from themselves, shikena!!

  97. Onyema, its obvious you're intelligent and I'll credit you that, but I'd urge you to be less radical with your views and explore where your intolerance originates from.

    Is it a matter of self established observation or a correlation with general consensus, but that often changes. Homosexuality was only legalised in the western world 50yrs ago, under careful analysis and soul searching.

    Regardless of Lavey's work, you need to be more open with your ability to analyse and evaluate events and evidence. I would suggest that the purpose of education is to free the mind from manipulation and miseducation. The educated elite have the luxury to think for themselves.

    I have no qualms with you, like I said, I can see i'm not talking to an invalid, it just amazes me that you would refer to research and not analyze the world around you with your own eyes.

    Don't let the propaganda of pro or anti gay enthusiast draw you into choosing sides based on personal bais. Some people refuse to treat black people with respect because of ignorant miseducation that we are unable to hold rational arguments.

    Regardless of our different views, beliefs or way of life, we are still brothers. And I apologise if I offended you, because admittedly I took this debate too personally.

  98. No be 14 years again?????

  99. In simple terms, a sin is a direct violation of the tenets given directly to us by God! 'And God said unto to Moses though shalt not...'

    A law is given by men and used in accordance with social norms to develop cultural uniqueness and identify, 'don't eat pork, you must be circumsized, women must cover their heads, you must give tithes, you must not listen to commercial music'....

    These appear as religious laws that set people apart from others, giving moral obligations for inclusion within a set.

    They differ from legal obligations that focus on moral responsibility, which are based on upholding a humanitarian code of conduct. Which is freedom from fear of persecution, freedom of expression (like Linda uses with her blog) and a pursuit for happiness, through responsible means, based on sound judgement.

    Every human being has the right to exist without fear or persecution, and must abstain at all cost from terrorizing and oppressing others for their differences.

    Back to the 'Laws Of The Jews' the Bible clearly states that they were God's own people, to separate themselves further onto their God and distinguish themselves further from 'Gentiles' they added laws to the commands given to them. It was these laws that turned them into 'religious zealots of rituals and doctrines' and not followers of God in faith and spirit.

    You can build a mountain and stand on top of it and shout how much you love God, but if your heart is filthy then your work is in vain.

    From using the Synagogues as Market places, to observing Passover feasts and abstaining from eating certain foods, to not wearing mixed fabrics, they'd lost sight of what matters. Looking to Heaven. And getting there was not complicated, no amount of acting holy and knowing scripture or unfailing prayers would do it, just pure love for God, and his creation.

    So yes there is no disputing that there are laws in the bible, the distinction is between what 'is law and what is sin', a sin is not - the smoking of a cigarette or drinking beer, or having an argument with a friend or eating pork or even being lesbian or gay.

    A sin is infact what is mentioned in the 10 COMMANDMENTS, the adulterers, fornicators, murderers, covetous, and haters of God (the haters of the image of God in their fellow men).

    We are all guilty of something, but still we live by grace, because our faith as followers of 'JESUS's examples is not to pretend to be holy, but letting it show in our works, (what we do for our neighbours, how help the poor and lowly in our societies and how we live by example)

    All this; this person is a faggot, this person can not be Christian, he should be put in prison or killed, these comments I have read, including one suggesting that the punishment for homosexuality is somehow a pandemic that is even killing innocent children, is all a bit too pityful. THESE when you analyse them are the true sins. Promoting and delighting in murder!

  100. Human beings, like I've said from the beginning are all created by God, we come in all shapes and sizes, until we see the blueprint to God's creation plans, let's not start claiming we know his intentions and we are privy to speaking on his behalf.

    The God we worship today, be it Allah or Yahweh is borrowed, and even the Romans borrowed him, the English redesigned him when they realised the Romans where using Him to make money out of them and then the king had the opportunity to divorce 5 times as a result of his redefining of God.

    The Arabs borrowed him from the Jews and the Jews borrowed him from the Ur & The Chaldeans, in what is now modern day Iraq and Iran (an offshoot of Zoroastranism).

    Before he arrived on our coast AND OUR CHURCH MEN AND WOMEN BEGAN USING HIM TO GET RICH, we had our own beliefs and our own ways of living. Before IMANS STARTED DECLARING FATWAs, we had our own beliefs.

    But indeed there is something special about this 'One God' he loves all people and desire we all just get along. Unfortunately these people that he loves so much don't want to share him, even though they also are privileged to have him.

    The Jews, in yearning for exclusivity, made them miss the messiah right in front of them and today they are still waiting for their saviour to come.

    Pride making it hard for them to admit they made a mistake.

    If I live by the example that Christ set, I will not bondage myself in 'guilt sin' the sin of thinking I've sinned so I should sit in misery, instead I will live my destiny, born into the life I was meant to be born into, not forced into hiding or worse suicide. If that means everyone hates and some want me dead so be it. IN MY GAYNESS, I HAVE HURT NO ONE. And I will forever defend those coming from the hatred I've faced and let people know there is another way, acceptance.

    So many people have blood on their hands and don't know it. You terrorize people and they take their lives and fall into misery and depression, you alienate them from family and push them to the fringes of society like outcasts and scapegoats.

    What satisfaction do you get from that and what happiness would your God get from that? What about the mother who labored for her child who has to turn her back on her child, because she must abide by society. Stop playing ludo with peoples lives when you can't begin to fathom its purpose.

    Being gay is not a sin, it is another example of human existence, it is not about sex, it is not punished by disease (grown in a laboratory), all these things are the lies told to you to fuel your fears (phobia) search your souls and see if you've met a gay person personally that fits the image of a person going to hell, or a person who is a criminal?

    When people are paraded on our medias as scapegoats, its often to further an agenda, and though some of those people do good things, they will never be creditted for it.

    Though most of you are hardworking, in the western world Nigerians are portrayed as 419 scammers, religious militants and uncivilised/uneducated brutes, this furthers an agenda. No one sees the good sides of our nation, its even getting to the point where we don't either, this will only aid in destabilising our bonds further.

  101. re Onyema, its obvious you're intelligent and I'll credit you that, but I'd urge you to be less radical with your views and explore where your intolerance originates from.

    Is it a matter of self established observation or a correlation with general consensus, but that often changes. Homosexuality was only legalised in the western world 50yrs ago, under careful analysis and soul searching.

    Regardless of Lavey's work, you need to be more open with your ability to analyse and evaluate events and evidence. I would suggest that the purpose of education is to free the mind from manipulation and miseducation. The educated elite have the luxury to think for themselves.

    I have no qualms with you, like I said, I can see i'm not talking to an invalid, it just amazes me that you would refer to research and not analyze the world around you with your own eyes.

    Don't let the propaganda of pro or anti gay enthusiast draw you into choosing sides based on personal bais. Some people refuse to treat black people with respect because of ignorant miseducation that we are unable to hold rational arguments.

    Regardless of our different views, beliefs or way of life, we are still brothers. And I apologise if I offended you, because admittedly I took this debate too personally.

  102. Re; Sodom & Gomorrah,

    I've read my Bible and my faith (Christianity) is not a private members club.

    I am fully aware of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and you rightfully mentioned it was destroyed because of sexual immorality. But there's a distinction between people standing outside Lots house attempting to rape members of his house-hold in an act of hatred and human depravity, and 2 men or women who in their hearts have a profound sense of love for one another wanting to live without persecution and abuse in mutual fidelity, within a context of an adult relationship.

    Sodomy never referred to homosexuality until VERY recently, perhaps in the last century as a way to demonize gay people it has become popular (Some linguist suggest it could probably originate from the middle ages.

    (BUT THERE IS NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE THAT COMBINES THE TWO i.e. Suggesting that Sodomy is Homosexuality),

    Read your bible, study semantics and the origins of words. 2000 years ago the word gay did not exist in the context it is used today' as late as the 40s it meant happy. lol. words adapt, evolve and take new meanings everyday.

    So I wouldn't even argue this with you because I think you can see the argument fails at the first hurdle.

    secondly to the person quoting Paul, and to the ROMANS, even Peter argued he had some radical views. I do not support a team in my beliefs, my faith encourages me to search my soul and listen to my conscience in reference to my beliefs.

    The Romans in context to what he wrote to them (Just like the Greeks) had no problem with homosexuality as a cultural phenomenon, the relationship between two men was a natural part of society to them and often it was part and parcel with the right of passage into manhood, and on the darker side, to prevent women from bearing too many children. This was alien to the Jews who God commanded to go out and when people began to convert to Christianity (in drovss because Judaism wasn't open to non Jews) Paul gave them suggestions, not commandments directly from God, in how to be 'good Christians in accordance with his own beliefs, from the religion he had previous followed...Judaism' suggesting inadvertently that women are not just BABY MAKING MACHINES, a belief that some Religions still uphold.

  103. .....If most 'SO CALLED' Christians had their way, you 'the commentator' would not be allowed to call yourself a Christian. This game of discrimination in the name of pretend faith (religion) is what kills. It is the reason people are forsaking their faith, it is the reason people are dying in their droves, do not let your hands be stained by the blood of the innocent.

    The thing people fail to realise is that homosexuals (even the word is filled with negative connotations) are people too, people who want to follow their hearts.

    God knows we all want to fit a mould, be taller, be less dark, have straighter hair, muscles, be more accepted by society, but the beauty of faith is that we are made in the image of God, and by God we are all perfect, in his eyes, we are all his Children.

    Parents out there would never want to suffer a loss of child, you know how strong that bond is. They might frustrate you, and may never thank you for what you do for them, but you know you love them and would do all you can to protect them, now think of God.

    Unless we intentionally hurt our neighbours for self gratification or any excuse, then I will be the first to cry foul play. But all I see is gay men being forced into marriages through societal pressures, dying of diseases because they are to afraid to settle and live relatively stable lives. All I see is gay people committing suicide and being thrown in prisons and being mobbed by animals, who have no value or respect for life.

    So if God did infact destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, it was because of Homosexuals, it was because of the sexually immoral, pedophiles, rapist and sexual predators, people who use sex as a means of terror and oppression.

    He destroyed for the likes of those people who rape and pillage when there is a war, and those who molest innocent Children in churches, or kidnap women and children for sex slaves.

    He didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because Abraham was chatted up by Steve and Lot went clubbing with Musa, and Lot's daughter was living with her long time girlfriend Jemila, and they all lived happily ever after in gay matrimony.

    Stop twisting the Bible, go and read it and put things in context.

  104. ..Correction,

    para....if God did infact destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, it was "not" because of homosexuals.

    Apologies for typos, you guys must forgive me, there' a lot of food for thought...and typing blurs into oblivion when you think and write.

  105. na wa for all ese epistles u guys r writing here oh.. becos of 2 grown adults fucking their anus off.. whew!

  106. Haven't we moved beyond such ignorance? Hasn't Wole Soyinka pointed the way? Does anybody choose to be gay? Why should being gay still be an issue in a country with such overwhelming problems as Nigeria has? We lack basics - water and light, education, medical care... the list goes on. Who prosecutes the looters who have put the country in the gutter? All properly studied cultures have gays. The Jews were more or less alone in the ancient world in being fiercely against it. They said they had a divine command to multiply. That made sense, as they were surrounded by hostile nations, and marching onto land which they had to fight to keep. Let this nonsense end. There's nothing wrong with being gay. Exclusive heterosexuality as the global norm is recent in human history. Homophobia reflects historical falsehood. This judgement should be reversed and the two men apologised to and giving a huge sum of money for the suffering they have already endured.

  107. We should be more understanding, if an innocent child was molested by them i would take the same position as most you. But the act was between 2 consenting adults. Hopefully the light sentence should do the trick in reforming their gay minds.

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