Wendy Williams breaks down talking about Whitney’s death on her show | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Wendy Williams breaks down talking about Whitney’s death on her show


  1. wendy williams is a terrible opportunist and as usual, is using this to gain more publicity. She was one of those that ridiculed and tore down Whitney for years! Even in the 2003 phone interview Whitney was like Wendy stop talking about me - you don't know me. If wendy cared, she would have reached out PROPERLY to Whitney not call her out, ridicule and embarrass her constantly. that is neither care, nor love.
    In a nutshell, Wendy Williams WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU, YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE! Please save your insincere crocodile selfish tears.

  2. This transvite looking tramp is so fake and used this acting gimmick to gain fans. The crying was so fake and forced, couldnt watch it had to tune off,
    Holly wood is crazy. People who dont give a flying fuck about her all of a sudden are talking about been her best friends and how she inspired them. Fake people. I like Conie railey `s reply on E red carpet when juliana asked her what she thought about Whitney demise, she said she had nothing to say. Better to be honest than to be a fake liar.

  3. WW is an emotional lady. Things like this esp when a highly successful 'Black' woman(she talks about race alot on her show) leaves the world.

    The 1st source of info I heard about her sunset was on your blog. It didnt come as a surprise to me but when 1 of her songs, Your love is my love esp the line:
    If tomorow was judgement day; And I'm standing on the front line;
    And the LORD ask me what I did with my life;
    I will say I spent it with you...;
    was being played on radio, that was when I realised that she was really gone.

    Why did she die a day before the grammys? To me, there is more to her death; drugs are only being used as cover up.

  4. Abegi!Wendy should just keep mute!!!!! she can go on with telling about herself but plssssss, keep whitney out of it! RIP Whitney! wendy, drama queen, how are you doing? cry me a river wendy! go on!

  5. This tranny who abused the hell out of Whitney throughout her career. She called her a lesbian, junkie, fake arse and all sorts. Now this? Her tears are as fake as her person.

  6. Its almost just hitting me... the struggle dat she had to go thru and sadly couldnt get away from for too long... It is a very sad end to what woulda been a great lesson learned story... I watch Wendy daily and love her much too, she has always always rooted for Whitney thru it all, cos she understood her struggle...

    I hope that most importantly anyone who sees this takes away the message of helping anyone we know who might be hung on something bigger than we can handle.... Lets keep looking out for each other world, It is my vals day message of love...Fight for ur loved ones who r struggling wit any form of addiction, It is a battle dat must be fought with perseverance and empathy and most of all Love... God bless and keep us all.. xoxo!


    For more than a decade Wendy Williams radio show (before she got her tv gig) was all about making fun of Whitney and her drug problem. I was an avid listener and i can say 80% of wendys show in the mid 2000 - on her NYC show was always making fun of Whitney.
    Whitney even once called her and blast her . Check youtube and listen to it.

    I cant stand fake celebrities like Wendy. Now that she is gone you are shedding tears. When you use to make fun of her - you forgot that and judged her forgetting all the beautiful songs she had made for us before.

    I am so not surprised of her fake tears, immediately i head Whitney had passed i immediately thought in my mind i can imagine Wendy will come on tv with some fake tears on Monday and lo and behold i was right. I even tweeted her Sunday night and said @WendyWilliamss - hope you are satified now - she is gone and you cant make fun of her anymore like you did for years on your radio show.

    I will never ever forget the times Wendy use to DAILY make fun of Whitney -

  8. Hmmm. Well, I do hope that we begin to reach out to people instead of judging them. All Christians should see this as a wake up call and pray for their kids, because many kids grow up, leave the nest and is trapped by the demons of drugs, alcohol and so forth. May God grant us all the fortitude to bear the loss of Whitney. Her death affected me as if she was a family member. I also shut down,was unable to do anything. I wept like a baby. Whitney loved hard and that is why it was so hard for her to cope with the breakup/divorce, like many of us. May God help us all in our different situations.

  9. that tranny bitch!!! fake ass!!

  10. I will always love Whitney because she loved deeply. She was a real person and as with real people we have flaws. God rest u darling. My heart goes out to Cissy Houston and Bobbi Kristina. Bobbi was Whitney's world, her love for her daughter is very inspiring. Love, Love u Whitney.
    As for Wendy no comment.

  11. [QUOTE=Elle.Varner;9240781][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35HiDv2uJds&feature=player_embedded"]Whitney Houston meeting Brandy, Monica and Clive two days before her sudden death - YouTube[/url]

    Pay attention why is Clive keep saying tribute. Whitney looks nervous and jumpy.

    Comments from Rhymeswithsnitch
    I reckon Ray J was supplying to Whitney, Chaka Khan was explaining she shouldnt have been around him in the last weeks I watched that video why would Clive be giving Whitney a tribute like he knew she was going to die notice Clive had on his Purple tie. Purple is a sign of death with the PTB

    Due to this type of evidence, there should be no one who is confused about Hollywood being the Devil's playground. Being heartless, evil, selfish, greedy, self-centered and vain is what fueled this party and gave it the green light to go on. If ppl really cared, then things would have been handled differently. Especially with ppl having the knowledge that her cold body was still upstairs and hadn't been removed yet. Clive being the top dog as he is, didn't need anyone's approval to continue or cancel the party. So that part about asking Cissy, was a joke. Clive is the one who calls the shots, not Cissy. And in the industry money is the motivator, not by personal feelings. Then he had to nerve to crown Jennifer Hudson as the "next Whitney", the nerve. All that mattered was to celebrate the great revenues this story will generate.
    They even had celebs complaining about the Ambulance blocking the in coming limos. As if Whitney's passing was a burden. It's nothing but pure evil.

    I got a cold chill watching that video. @5:39 thank you for the link. I've been wanting to see that vid for a while. I've read on many blogs about Whitney supposedly interrupting their interview. And the side-eye Brandy's supposed to have given here. Why does Brandy do that thing with her hand like she doesn't really want to touch Whitney @0:05sec mark of the video? ...What gave me a cold chill was Clive saying to Whitney "play a tribute" or something like that. What the hell? Ugh! I can't stand him. Him throwing that party shows what Whitney REALLY meant to him. Shady b*****d. And Monica and Brandy attending that party speaks volumes of them also. I'm no longer supporting either artist. I saw the way looked at and treated Whitney. Even the way Monica was all about her in the interview with her, Brandy, Clive and another woman. Monica's a snake. Yeah i said it. And to think i was always in support of her when people would drag her on this site.[/QUOTE]

  12. Absolute RUBISH!!!
    Wendy should give it a rest. Please!!!

  13. Sharks like Wendy will use even the dead to gain ratings.
    Any comment, negative or positive, he-her doesn't care.

  14. Anon February 15, 2012 6:56 AM; Clive Davis is a handler. Whitney is better off dead than alive. He will make money from her catalogue of songs. If we are to be conspiracy theorists, he "offed" her. I've always read that Ray J is a drug dealer. True or false i don't know. I still believe he was in that room but has removed himself from the equation.

    Wendy is messed up. She should get lost with her di*k!

  15. Save ur crocodile Racist, ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡) (-̩̩̩⌣́_⌣̀-̩̩̩) tears dear Transversite William. We know better. Annoying bitch but entertaining show.

  16. Save ur crocodile Racist, ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡) (-̩̩̩⌣́_⌣̀-̩̩̩) tears dear Transversite William. We know better. Annoying bitch but entertaining show.

  17. dem tears may be fake

    dem tears may be for ratings

    cut wendy some slack

    no one speaks ill of the dead

    and its easier to make fun of someone if you dont understand their why

    and i guess it was easy for wendy to make fun of whitney cos as she says she was a user as well but she pulled through

    personally i dont get why whitney couldnt pull through.....

  18. How do y'all know she's being fake. Gosh Nigerians are so damn judgmental get off y'all high horses and take a break from walking on water and see that Wendy might be really sorry. She ain't making no money off this she said she was gonna speak on it once and keep Whitney's name out her mouth. It's y'all who need to chill. Smh.

  19. Where d heck is bobby brown

  20. http://www.eurweb.com/2012/02/janet-hubert-wendy-williams-crucified-whitney-when-she-was-alive/

    Must See!


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