I'm getting reports that Susan Yusuf, popularly known as Susy Q, the lady who owns SQ lounge and was recently in the news about ending her Jonzing club partnership with DPrince, was today stabbed to death at her flat at 1004 flats in Victoria Island.
According to the report, Suzy Q was stabbed to death at her flat on the 6th Floor of D Block, 1004 flats. The man who killed her jumped from the 6th floor (12 stories up) to his death when people were rushing towards him.
The man who allegedly killed Suzy Q...pic taken at the scene of the crime |
So so sad and quite unbelievable! Will definitely find out more about this and bring it here...
OMG....so sad, that use to be ma hood back in da dayz 1G4.....I salute !
God forbid! I don't wish it on her. I mean this lady looks young and happy. How does she deserve to me murdered? NO NO NO! Father take control
horrible!was @ 1004 when it happened. Heard her boyfriend killed her. Multiple stab wounds, he even cut her stomach open with a bread knife.
Na wa ooo
God forbid bad thing i pray it's not true...chai this life
this is so sad but true. A friend residing in the same block even send the picture of the dead murderer. We need to pray Nigera. This is not. Right!!!
"My CSI hat on" Whodunnit??? DPrince is prime suspect. What a pity!!! Our society is descending into a state of 'amaghinkpaemeya'. May her soul rest!!!
Dear Lord!!!!
......wow. Now what is happening in nigeria o. This sounds more like a movie. Hollywood movie for that matter. Nways only God will save us. RIP
OMG!!! May her soul RIP... This year 2012, we need God's protection more than anyother thing!
wow! end times...give you lives to JESUS..for real.
Wetin happen , na crime of passion or deal gone wrong... Waka passs..
Sad for the guy who jumped.
I pray her soul Rests in Peace... d world has certainly gone haywire men! No one's to be trusted!
May she rest in peace. Tomorrow is not promised at all.
whoa thats terrible. So a murder and a suicide at 1004 today? Thats really not good news. Na wa o!
So sad may her soul rest in peace!amen
what is naija really turnin into? a suicide murderer in another form nt BH-formula! God pls intervene in naija's mata!
OMG....This is wickedness...May she RIP.
did this happen in Nigeria or abroad?
what reason will someone have to KILL her? http://giftemezu.blogspot.com/
Nigeria is really changing. I mean every now and again you get to read of heineous crimes hitherto unassociated with our clime. Na wa o. God help us. What could have led to this? Poor poor lady. What could become of her status with God? Hope she had a relationship with Christ o. After every, na that one matter pass o. My deepest condolence to her loved ones.
WOW!!!!! If u see d'priNce RUN 4urlife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
What's d world turning into?
na wa oh! really unfortunate.
Na wa o!
Wow! What a wicked world! I didn't know Nigerians could do the crazy shit white folks do.. May her soul RIP and may God have mercy on the murderer's soul
I really pray this is not true, gone too soon! Very lovely Lady, had a fashion sale at her Club 3 years ago!
Rest in Peace Suzie Q.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm www.gideblog.com
So sad
Amarachkwu and Annonymous O4;23,You must be either so lame or just enjoy talking crap to mention the D'Prince as prime suspect. Someone fought his gf,and murdered her in the instance and out of fear of dealing with the consequences,he committed suicide and you're mentioning D'prince here..smh...Btw,it hasn't evn been confirmed that the dead person is suzie...
This is really scary. I feel so sorry for her family. Quite an industrous lady. What a loss! If the killer was her lover than I'm glad for the instant justice bcos in naija people get away with murder all the time. May their souls rest in peace.
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Oh jst shut upp! And don't put pipu in trouble. If yu don't knw wah to type jst shut upp. Must yu calll DPrince? Na s
Elenu! Na so una goo deyy put pipu for wahala. If na only rest in peace yu write dat one for do. Don't put DPrince in trouble oh cos of the misunderstandin deyy had!
They dint tell me...I was there..they were fighting first and she was screaming "he wants to kill me" so peeps were trying to break the door down then all of a sudden her voice faded and the door was broken down...only for the guy to be afraid and ran to the balcony and jumped down.......
Dear God this ɪ̣̝̇ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ SAD
So pathetic. May her soul rest in peace
so sad!!!!
So what has Dprince got to do with it, stick to the story and stop trying to implicate dprince.
The Prince may have nothing to do with it. Certainly looks like a crime of passion. Maybe she was leaving Him.which kind men all these girls choose to date sef na wa. Be wise ladies apply wisdom don't dump ur boyfriend if he beats u up just run for your life
Oh my God,may God save all of us in Nigeria.
What is this country turning to? Bad Sad breaking news everyday.
I bet the guy did not plan for the suicide move.
OMG!! in this our lagos?!
Foolish mama put! So who deserves to be murdered? Those who look old and unhappy? And which father are you calling to do what? Take control of d dead body? Nigerians and their foolish talks. Someone even said end times! Is it because it's a high profile murder case? Do u know how many people are killed daily in ur street alone? Not to talk of d whole naija. Nigerians should start thinking before talking Abeg! This foolishness don too much.
Its not strange...some of us have been victims of BF and husband abuse. Some of us are lucky to survive it, some are not.. RIP SQ.
We need establishment of psychological treatment centres seriously. SHRINKS clinics are needed!
Is D'prince d BF? Why should ppl run when they see him?*smh*
God forbid bad thing! This is very cruel and wicked. so sad, i pray the people behind this plot will be brought to book
So sad and she so young guess she isn't married self may her soul rip amen
This is so sad. Has the identity of the dead guy been confirmed?
May her soul R.I.P.!!!(Dis is rily sad)...Nigerians n gossip.sum pple r already sayin D'prince is a suspect,pls shut ur trap n stop sayin wot u do nt know.
Why would any1 say dprince is d prime suspect?pls check ur facts n don't just blab...may her soul rest in peace....
Dear anonymous @ feb 10,2012 03:04 PM pls send the murderers pix to my mail albertowilliams2011@yahoo.com think I know this guy who frequents this place
May her soul RIP. Its probably might not be d'prince. Wah if its either of her frnds coz of jealousy or her bf only God knws d truth is we shuld just live our lives like its our last coz u can't be promised d nxt min. God save us n help us all..... Amen!!!
I was cooking in my kitchen when I heard screaming so came out and saw them carrying a female and ppl were shouting help!!!!then I saw security and guys with sticks shouting he is still here let's man all the exits,next thing I hear HE IS HERE!!apparently he landed at the backyard of flat104!apparently The guy was trying to escape he went to the next flat 604,and the girl in the flat started shouting that he was trying to enter her flat thru the balcony in the parlour so I think out of fear he jumped down!the guy didn't die immediately he tried to get up!the security was alerted by a neigbour that he heard her screaming,they had to break into her flat to rescue her but b4 any1 cld offer their car to help her to the hospital she died!ppl were reluctant to help!its so sad!really sad!she was gutted as in all her intestines were out!!spate of domestic violence is becoming a trend in nigeria!problems alien to our culture suicide bombings/husbands killing wives,wives killing husbands!!!heard she owned the flat she was killed in!Just saw that some1 had deflated the front tires of her car???
all those calling dprince it is only God that will forgive you. I have read reports where they said her boyfriend is the culprit and some of you now want to use badbelle that you have for mohits or dprince to spoil his name by attaching him to this poor womans death. May God judge you accordingly
So sad,may ha soul rest in peace.Amen.But now D'prince will b a prime suspect
What a shock
i love d blue accessories in d first pic. perfect for a tube dress
U re sooooooo empty in d head.
my take on this sad incident is that something serious must have transpired between them to escalate to him stabbing her.
criminologists ll tell you that stabbing anyone especially a loved one face to face in cold blood means its personal and the rage/anger must have been sustained and powerful.
for the guy to jump and kill himself means he wasn't in his normal right senses,and the act was not pre medidated.if it was then he would have carefully planned his escape and would have allowed himself to be captured
i am sure there is more to this than a simple stabbing and suicide which people close to them will know about i can bet that the guy especially will have confided in people close to him over the weeks and months because this shows the rage/anger would have been steadily building up before getting to this stage.
a lingering though is that why didn't they meet in maybe her business premises?
or a public place like an eatery or something?
it suggests that whatever they had to discuss was really personal and also their relationship was relatively fine until something probably triggered the altercation maybe the guy learnt something which ignited the rage/anger
How are we sure the man jumped? Someone might have killed her and pushed him. Or was she pregnant for anoda. In the absence of Horatio, i would like to take up this case.
Suzy & her boyfriend may your souls rest in peace. May God also forgive you all for anything that will prevent you from being with him. Amen.
The price of a flat in 1004 should reduce now that pple know a murder has been commited there.
Because she and Dprince aren't business partners again doesn't mean he killed her. So guys watch ur mouth. May her soul rest i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace sha
There is more to this story o. Its unfortunate oh dear!
To the person who said sad for the guy???!!!why not sad for susan yusuf too
Na wah o! How can man be so inhuman 2 anoda man? Dis is realy d end-times! People pls repent & give your lives 2 Christ 4 d end of time is realy near. A word is enuf 4 d wise! RIP dear one...
not fair at all. to think that the idiot(God forgive me) then jumps to his own death.
THIS STORY REMINDS ME AGAIN THAt life is evil.they all smile with you but surely ur success is to much for them, it is "chuking" their eyes. this morning i will be listening to Obey's track ; ara mi ese pele pele!
well, thank God for another day!
SQ, r.i.p
Sad..Sad..love gone sour..what a gruesome death..I remember the spat with D'Prince over some club..double jeopardy..
Ever since that Club jonzing matter started hitting the media, I've been scared for her #NoJokes. May she rest in peace.
D wicked shall neva go unpunished,suzy may ur soul rest in peace,
Short of words..first time just read about her deal with D'prince not quite long? So sad she was murdered but at least her soul hunted the murderer down!
May her soul rest in peace..
I've been trying to reason why this guy wud kill her and then jump down. On the contrary, i think he was running for safety. Maybe he was in the room when the killer came for the lady and hoped he would at least survive if he jumped. I pray they get to the bottom of this terrible mess. May they RIP.
too much CSI is bad...
may her soul Rest In Peace
So sad.
The lesson here is that we all need to come to terms with the fact that the era of steward/cook/house girl/houseboy is fast gone!!!
May her soul rest in peace
WOWWW!!!!wat could hav happened...all dis end tym tinz
This is madness
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace...but this is horrible nd sad..
Did u guys hear abt d lady dat was butchered by her errand boy in 1004 Estate last nite ? She was rushd to d hosp but a few mins after she died. Apparently dey wer tgda in her aptmt it was her shoutn dat alerted her neigbrs n dey tot sum1 was being raped not knowing she was being butchered. As soon as d security of d estate broke d door d lady was in a pool of blood wt her flesh all over d place n den d bastard errand of a boy jumpd out of d back window from d 9th floor n died instantly. Guess who d lady is ? Susan d owner of Suzyq nite club behind Zenith Bank on Ajose Adeogun. She died last night wt her yellow gold Rolex on her hand n heavy bracelet on her wrist n ankle !!! D name of d errand boy is or was Idris. Very Very Sad Indeed.
With the recent biz controversy, l strongly believe it was staged to look like a murder-suicide, but was actually a double homicide. But as per naija, we will never know the truth. May both of them rest in peace.
Ma her gentle soul rest in perfect peace...this is unfair...it's horrible nd saddening
Ppl shld stop allledging that da prince killed her pls let police do their work
May God help us all...Amen!
I can't believe this. May God almighty help us o
The wicked are doing more wickedly! God have mercy!
Wth!! Speechless.
This is becoming too much! Why are our young ladies been killed evryday? I know the babe very well, infact her bestie is my friend. Needless to say, she's in pain presently? Ladies pls pls we all need to learn how to protect ourselves, a little knowledge on self defence is very much important right now cos its obvious we av lots of maniacs in our society now..peace! ....Meggy
This, to me, is quite suspicious. The man who supposedly killed her might have been sent by someone. Sometimes we even get the wrong story. It could have been that he entered the room and found her dead and ran away before those who came in could hold him responsible. Anything could have happened.
S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad!!! Puttin an end to sm1's life @ ds point after all the struggle is very painful.RIP Sussy Q.
Wat does dat tells us gals, trust none even ur boyfriend. It's sad
Omg that's so sad. Rip suzzy
S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad!!! Puttin an end to sm1's life @ ds point after all the struggle is very painful.RIP Sussy Q.
Idiot why are u sad?
Its sign of endtime! Only those that dwell in the secret place of the most high will survive.
Am staying Single...may ur Soul rest in peace!!! Amen!
Omg! Susan??? Who did this to you? She was worried about a lot lately. Susan? No! This is not true. Please tell me it not true please!
Sad stuff
May God help us oooooo may her soul rest in perfect peace ÈŠ̝̊̅ pity d pretty lady, Only God can help us
So surprising.....what did the dead man gain in return since he is dead too, poor lady. May God help us and give us a pure heart
Gawd! Why in d world wd someone think of murder as solution to a relationship issue? Na wa o!
D̶̲̥̅̊i̶̲̥̅̊$ is unbelievable,U̶̲̥̅̊ mean D̶̲̥̅̊i̶̲̥̅̊$ pretty queen has been mudered,her spirit is tough D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅Ï„̲̅ d person D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅Ï„̲̅ kill her †☺ join her quickie,well suzie Q,rest in d bossom o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ d almighty G̶̲̥̅̊Æ¡̣̇̇ÆŒ̲̣ ,ѱє̲̣̣̣̥ L♥√ع U̶̲̥̅̊ bt G̶̲̥̅̊Æ¡̣̇̇ÆŒ̲̣ L♥√ع U̶̲̥̅̊ da best,
Nigerians have started watching too many hollywood movies. Biko, lets go back to tales by moonlight. This is so tragic. Never thought I'll see the day such a thing will happen in 9ja.
Im so irritated and mad at this news. Wtf mehn *sigh* Rip
God have mercy on our souls. The Bible clearly states things happening coming close to the end of the world.
I pray that I will continue to live a life WORTHY OF CHRIST, till the second coming of CHRIST. I pray for the power to share the true gospel of christ through my lifestyle.
I pray those who do not know you, who are not living their life according to YOU, that they will come to truly give their hearts to YOU.
may her soul rest in peace...havent they identify the guy that did it?
Have all these things always been happening or is it because of facebook and internet that we now hear about it? I af taya o! All these tales look like scenes from nolly bolly or hollywood. not Nigeria. smh
The foto of d "guy who jumped" looks shady n untrue, if he really jumped from that high, he wouldn't land like that, all comfy n no awkward angles or blood spatters...........I'm just hoping this is untrue, cos we naija ppl, when we learn bad thing na our own dey bad pass.....case study Boko haram
May her soul rest in peace!!!God pls protect her family nd nigeria too.Let ur will be done.
the guy jumped,he deserved to die.possessive bastard, i believe even if he caught her sleeping with someone else so what? or his hiv positive some guys are uncontrollable.monster,he didn't think of his mother and hers and other family members, very painful
HMmmmm,dis is sou sad! May her gentle soul RIP
If ı were to call up my knowledge from james hardley chase.the storıes always end up poıntıng to the least suspect and not thıs obvıous "murderer who commıtted suıcıde"polıce should get to work fast:ıf only we had lıke a scotland yard here.RIP really sad really really sad.
Bbm broadcast is going round today that it was her errand boy Idris that killed her
Quite painful
Hell no increadible
oh dear...poor girl may her soul rest in peace...
So sad this is happening in Nigeria,we never had the guts to pull stuff lik this,m guessing its d tons of cocaine coming into the streets,this is what it does,gives u balls to do evil things.
RIP sussy. dont know her but from all ive read it seems the dude was paid to kill her since he had proximity to her and cos he isnt a professional or probably nemesis his getaway plan was foiled and he met his water loo. but God knows best. Lord protect us all and lead us away from evil. amen
9th floor seriously?errmm Oga 1004 has jst 7floors kindly get ur facts right!and for d people pointing @d'Prince ask God to forgive u!That's all
@anon 12;33
SHARRAP DIA LOL who told you my hypothesis is from CSI
seriously though its partly from csi but i studied criminology in university
its really sad that those who didn't have any idea what the girl went through to make her money will now start fighting over the property uncles aunties will start coming out of the wood works really sad...
pls let us take life easy its not everything we can sort out with force and violence on monday a lady pissed me off and i was going to relax but i though about it and walked away maybe if she had calmed down and diffused the situation while using style to let the guy leave her house things would have turned out differently this is why i admire white people.
if you are debating even good naturally with a white man or woman as soon as u start raising ur voice that is the end of the conversation they ll walk away.
look at seal the reason why heidi klum was divorcing him is because of his temper typical naija
Its like too much CSI is worrying some of you commenting.
This is so sad! She is so
pretty to be so brutally
murdered. Ladies should
be careful when choosing
a mate. Why choose a
Psycho or a man given to
violent rage? Love is not
enough motivation to get
into a relationship.
Character and the fear of
God are treasured assets
individuals must look out
for. R.I.P!
Okponu like u! Itiot! Oloriburuku! Atole! Aridin! Wots DPrince gasto do wi it??? D suspect didn't get away! He jumped to his death! And i don't think he was a suicide bomber! Did is mos def a crime of passion, chikena! If u aint got nohin nice 2 say, jus zip up ur howler! Odeh of d highest order! Mcheeew. RIP Suzy Q!
@ bloglord: I have long known you to be the fountain of stupid comments
on this blog.(Remember d Kanu post? 28/30, and so many more)???
But seriously,commenting on the deceased's accessories was unbelievably crass... even for someone like you.
Couldn't you at least type R.I.P?
Suzy,may you find peace eternally,rest in peace.
WTF!!!seriously?some weird shit sure does happen on this side of the planet!still don't get why d guy killed himself..
u are d only one that's reasonable on this thread right now....i have put 2/2 together and assumed what u typed s what actually happened, someone dd this job and d guy was trying to escape to go shout for help unfortunately d walls were to high for him or he may have being pushed down knowing he wl expose them...whoever dd this, may they never find rest
@lucabree: and heidi klum told you that she is divorcing seal because of his temper right? i feel sorry for you, the papers speculate & you take it as gospel. rubbish!
Whts our bizness wth heidi n seal nw?? Wht kind of wahala is dis?? Too many sick pple walkn d street of Lagos. Its a lunatic like u dt killed dis young soul. Learn 2 stop thinking wth ur ass... Criminology my foot.. Overanalysis. Pscheeeeeeew!!!
Everyone was just coming up with individual cooked up stories,the one i believe was the lady that stays in the same building with her,errand boy or boy friend, the main devil did has been done. let all ladies, even guys be careful of whom we hang out with cos the end time is near and devil is roaring like a lion looking for who to devour. Almighty God know the truth abt it all.
so sad,domestic violence
Its either nigerian men are now into drugs or d world is coming to an end!it has to be drugs o cos I do not see any reason why a man in his right senses wld butcher a woman like a chicken.....pls pls!!God help us!
omg some of you are morons
Really sad... May her soul rest in perfect peace
@ Amara u re very stupid to say D,prince is a prime suspect.After all they saw who stabbed him.
You chat so much shite!!..
may her soul rip!no one deserved to die like that after the guy(idris by name) stabbed/gutted her multiple stab wounds and he even went to the extent of stabbing her arms.after the security were alerted of the shouting frm the flat and they got there to rescue her and breaking the door in the guy was already dragging her towards the balcony to either throw her over only God knows what exactly but the curtains were covered in blood as well as d parlour!really sad way to go no matter what she cld ve done!heard d case was closed today as murder-suicide!really sad!
Natural justice!!!
by natural justice ,i mean d killer's death.
The guy that jumped was actually the one that killed her because he brought out the knife to fight e security before he took off,they had a heated argument,if he was sent,we do not know,all I m sure of was that he brought out the same knife to fight the security
Oh no the guy shld'nt ve died now so that he can name those that sent him.so sad
this is incredible!
The guy that jumped was actually the one that killed her because he brought out the knife to fight e security before he took off,they had a heated argument,if he was sent,we do not know,all I m sure of was that he brought out the same knife to fight the security
Pls if u dnt kw the real Story pls shut the f**kup dis is annoying am nt a fan of D'Prince but i feel you all pointing fingers at the poor guy sud stop it, Haba person wey kill SQ has killed himslf so why linking it to D'Prince again to much of CSI and Monk dey worry Nigerians.Hisssssssssss.May her soul rest in peace.
Na u send am wey u dey sori for am?
some of u all, had beta keep quiet rather wailing ur tongues! Wht u dnt knw is dt u re commiting a sin by pointing at d prince as d prime suspect.let god judge over dis nt you.i pray dt god shld gv d two families of the dead the fortitude to bear their loss
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