National Enquirer's Whitney: The Last Photo. Right or wrong? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 February 2012

National Enquirer's Whitney: The Last Photo. Right or wrong?

A chilling photo of Whitney Houston dead in her coffin was published on the cover National Enquirer, alongside a bold headline 'Whitney: The last photo.

There's been serious backlash since the photo was published. Some people think it's just wrong! Do you?

To see the uncensored disturbing photo, then continue...

Meanwhile, preliminary results of Whitney Houston's autopsy report point to an accidental overdose of prescription medication...


  1. She's dead, makes no difference...

  2. That is life!! Wright or wrong we all have one common destiny.
    The play is over and Whitney as acted are part well to her own ability.

  3. OMG! That's just tasteless! Abeg!

  4. ONOME says......................
    awwwwwwww she looks so peaceful.RIP Whitney.
    The family wanted this to be a private family affair..It should have been kept so and the wishes of the family respected.
    Poor lady,exploitation to the core ;someone sure made money for this.And she is oh so defenceless

    It's wrong.........

  5. So not right, R.I.P Whitney!

  6. Shes looks beautiful and at peace. Nothing wrong, it would have come out anyways. RIP Whitney

  7. CNN had the whole burial live

  8. Haba! 500,000 dollars jewelry!!! Isnt that overdoing it? With this exposed by the enquirer, someone's grave might just be the scene of a future crime!

  9. Unacceptable! I even feel bad for looking at it.

    Some people have no respect. The magazine should be sued!

    1. Exactly i feel bad for looking @ it

  10. $500k jewelry? If that is true, then I hope her grave is as secure as a bank vault. Otherwise they just gave a blank check to grave robbers

  11. So sad that people will sink so low for money :(

  12. Now coffin is now referred to as jewelry....kai,i don madt

  13. People deserve what she was like for the last time. She was loved and celebrated by many. On the other hand, all those jewellery of $500,000 and gold slippers are just a waste of money and unnecessary.

  14. I really do not see anything disturbing about this photo Linda. She just looked like she was sleeping.

  15. they should let her rip jo

  16. I dnt fink itz nice putting up her pix n i fink they nau want to blame her doctor bcos thatz wat they alwayz do as in d case of Michael Jackson

  17. Thank God they did not take it from the front but it is still very wrong especially since the family kept it private
    disrecpectful how about the closed ones feelings?

  18. here d go again national enquire what is d use of this pic just let her rest

  19. R.I.p Whitney. I will always love you.

  20. Her corpse is meant to decay and return to dust. So whats the need for such an expensive jewelry? Being dead, she does not even know whats going on. Perhaps, they wanted her to belong to the high class ladies in the world of the dead or sell the jewelry to start up a business there? Lol.

    1. "belong to the high class ladies of the dead or start jewellery business ?that's mean, haba!

  21. linda , there have no officially stated that cause of death is accidental overdose of prescription medication.............. stop speculating

  22. People are dying of hunger in less developed world. Why bury $500,000?
    To lure thieves or what? Such would feed many families in Haiti. I tire oh

  23. Wow,like someone mentioned...,she's beautiful and peaceful almost like she was sleeping,unbelieveable!
    But for me,since the didn't want her pictures out and it did come out then :((((!
    Rest in peace Whitney!


  24. looks like shez taking a nap. smh

  25. This is not right. it is extremely distasteful. Her family's and perhaps her wishes should have been respected. After all, they allowed us into their private pain by airing her home going. It is disgraceful on the part of the person who took the picture and sold it. I am not even proud of myself for clicking on it and viewing it. I hope people boycott this issue of Nat. Enquirer. They overdo these things and have no barriers.

  26. She looked gorgeous even in death

  27. Linda: please take down the photo as it shows disrespect to her memory and the dead. If her family wanted the photo made available, they would have published it. A little bit of empathy goes a long way. RIP Whitney...

  28. Her family sold the photo rights to raise money for Bobbi Kristina apparently. She looks so peaceful. Meanwhile would we get Dr Murray style court case for over precsiption?

  29. Its wickedness to bury such amount of money. There are living people that would have benefited from it. Mr Sam Mbakwe buried his mother with millions of Naira jewlry but at night thay were stolen and the body left without clothing.M/s houston had financial problem before her death.Vanity of vanity. I now know that her relatives do not know better.she will appear before God for judgment definitly not dressed in gold.

  30. I am utterly disgusted by this repulsive move by this racist newspaper Enquirer. This is why Miss Cissy wanted to keep this whole thing private. The family begged entirelessly for privacy and respect.

    You would think the lil wrong that Nippy did in her life (like we all fall of the wagon) surpasses the beautiful music she made for us.

    As for me my memories of Nippy will forever remain beautiful, i will not let the media make me think different. The media is the devil itself and everybody knows the illuminati killed her cos so many things dont add up

    Tell me how a 5'10 person drowns in a small hotel bath tub - type in hollywood illuminati on google. I know for sure her death was not normal - many things dont add up. When she was singing jesus loves me with Kelly price she looked fine - and then when she was coming out the club sweating like everybody else cos obviously its a club they get that bad shot of her and say she was this she was that. The fact that her body laid in the room for 8 hours from 3.45 to 12.45am before it was taken out and the fact that Clive made the party go on while Whitney was dead 4 flights up the hotel is just mind blowing and unbelievable.

    I feel sorry for those of you who continue to stay ignorant for the evil going on in the music industry in satans strong hold - Entertainment Industry"

  31. Please dont be so gullible and so stupid and retarded just cos the fooolish mag said she was buried in 500,000 jewellery you believe it. Why do some of you act like kids. Any tabloid tell you something you just take it and run and believe it - absolutely disgusting.

    For EFF sake dont believe everything the media tell you - especially not ENQUIRER and not CNN or any other main stream . I do NOT respect anyperson who reads national equirer. Not an ounce of respect.

  32. the post i just posted was for you kcee - believing that 500K nonsense, are you that gullible and slow to believe everything you read - like DOHHHHHHHHh seriously. Enquirer said 500K so you believe it. Msctchewwww

  33. Linda and you had to put the pic on ur blog!!! Desperate blogger!

  34. I bet u some hustlers are getting ready to dig up her coffin to loot some of that 500,000$....

  35. she looks gorgeous and peaaceful.

  36. RIP Whitney, sleep peacefuly. Your voice lives on.

  37. She actually looks very beautiful. Some years ago in my town, a very rich man who died was buried in extremely expensive custom made coffin and his corpse was clothed suit, shoes, ties -all designers and a gold wristwatch. The very next day, his naked corpse was seen by the road side. Even the coffin was stolen too. Something similar may happen to Whitney except security men will be at her grave 24/7, which of course is impossible. Its all a waste. $500k can feed a whole state!!!

  38. @hot&cold.. Shut up.. Ode! Y den r u on her blog if its not2c&read tatafoo.. Desperate blogger, desperate reader! Fool.. Jus open ur mouth&ch@shit

  39. Her mortician did a good job

  40. Look cynthia,you think America is your home town,c'com now.

  41. I am ok with it. I am sure many wanted to few her remains even though her mom didn't want it so. Whitney shared her awesome talent with the world and many wanted to see herbody after her death as well. Rip whitney. You are missed.

  42. She was beautiful alive and deceased. The funeral home did a fabulous job.

  43. i fail to see how you of all people find this picture disturbging.

    No be you dey post dead (and dying) bodies for us to see here everyday.

    Or is it because she is Whitney Houston that her dead pictures should shock us more.

    Be consistent

  44. Anon 6:20. You must be a fool or terribly stupid. I have not seen the pic and will not deliberately do . I only posted my comment. Linda is a very desperate/greedy blogger! Let her enjoy while it lasts. She should learn to draw the line sometimes. Always enjoying cheap fights/gossip just to entertain fools like you.Yes I read her blog when i feel like but I don't buy every crap she sells. Now go and stfu! Linda if u like don't post this.

  45. abegi who den dey fool with a fake ass overdose. thats the way they always take them. There was a look of fear in her eyes the day before she died as if she knew they would take her out very soon. I saw her photo a day before she died on media take out and she looked scared and I had a feeling that a few days after the were going to take her out and lo and behold she died the following day. You can see that look on even Mjs face. they always look mournful. Evil people.

  46. wrong! wrong! wrong!!! Allow this family to grieve in peace abegy


  47. so sad for her death. when she needed money when she was alive nobody helped her now she is dead they are burying her with $500K jewellery what a wicked world!!!

  48. She looks beautiful to she's just asleep to be awake soon...sleep on beauty...xoxo!
    As for Natn'l Enquirer, wat were they hopin to achieve....*hisssssssss*

  49. i think her fans deserved to pay their last respect to her by laying her in state, seeing her dis way made me weep and realize that she's gone forever. she looks really at peace am sure she wanted the same for her fans.but cissy why the expensive jewelry? una get luck say no be naija, i for personally organize to dig that stuff out. RIP nippy...

  50. hi all
    i am in the u k she is loved over here ,she was my time a teen when she started
    i am sorry they puplished the photo of her , she is at peace,she looks very peacfull. and lovley i hope the family find out who did this,but it is out now shame on the national enquirer,i have always got this mag from my local shop ,but i did not this week i may not get it again,

  51. I love you Whitney! and i do hope u made it to heaven!!!

  52. As bad as it may seem that this was published, i'm glad to see it. I love you Whitney! Rest in peace dear...


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