Knighthouse parts ways with MoCheddah | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Knighthouse parts ways with MoCheddah

The entertainment company announced today that MoCheddah is no longer under their management, and will no longer be recording for the company’s record label division.

The joint statement when you continue...

Rapper-singer Mocheddah and her management company KnightHouse announced today, that they will no longer be working together.

The debutant, who has just obtained her B.Sc from the  University of lagos, told journalists in Lagos she's 'moving on to search for other opportunities' while still maintaining a close personal relationship with KnightHouse, the label that discovered and nurtured her to stardom.

KnightHouse CEO Rogba Arimoro says the label is proud of what it has achieved with the act in over half a decade and ' we wish her very well in all her future endeavours'.
'We will continue to support one another and make sure the relationship remains as cordial as possible' both parties said in the statement.

Mocheddah has in the past year, won the prestigious Channel O awards for most gifted female video as well as being named the MTV Brand New act in 2011.
Her debut album Franchise Celebrity was released to enormous critical and commercial acclaim in 2011.

'I'm working on new projects both for myself and with my colleagues. And I'm excited about the promises the future holds and I pray God sees me  through all the way.
No word yet on whether she's planning to become self-signed, or if she's moving to another label.

Mocheddah's new contact details
For enquiries and bookings
 08030667544, 08054128979,


  1. Amazing, and the trademarked Def Leppard font is what she decided to use for her name? Okey Dokey...

  2. So happy for her, those gus shafted her no be small.

  3. better say things you are sure of.

  4. Who wants to bet Mo Cheddah moves to Mo' Hits Records next? Knighthouse are not going to introduce her to Jay Z or Kanye are they? At some point, the people who discovered you and made you into a star are no longer good for you so you move on. It's just life.

  5. she is still a great musician with a lovely voice, loveable personality and will do well no matter what label she is on.

  6. why? she no fit sing? i no even like the name sef! give me mo'hits jooor!

  7. victor says dats gud 4 mocheddah..nw nbody wil sign such a loose gal..

  8. She is a talented young lady. She'll do well with any good label.

  9. Lol.......i av heard dis news like...since 2nd wk of jan nut it was on lowkey. d real gist was dat she went all out on the label dat made her. She was telling dem dat it's cuz of em dat her new single see me, isn't doin well at all. Does she constantly block her ears wit cotton buds to forget dat she is a terrible singer? She ought to be kissin knighthouse ass. She is the next Kel. Data wat happens to pride witout talent.

  10. Daisy, hOW do you know that 'those guys" shafted her?Do you even have any proof to that effect?What stories have you heard about Mo's working relationship with Knigthouse?
    Please stick to facts and not hearsay and wish her well instead.

  11. For every 'act' tat succeeds, their are a thousand who don't. What makes the difference is the people who support at your high, low and in between. Knighthouse wasn't just a label but family. MoCheddah will be history within two years. Watch this space...

  12. @ Daisy,shut ur friggin trap,u don't know the facts,so stop making ayamatanga said,knighthouse wasn't just a label,they were family and were ready to do anything for her,took her to stardom and nurtured her to win awards but she chose to bite the fingers that fed her in a very silly way.she'll be history in less than a year.I agree,watch this space...........

  13. I like Mo cheddah. I think she might move to Banky W with wizkid, I don't know what label that is.

  14. @ ayamatanga- two yrs is forever. 2 months 3 days tops 30 seonds; is the length of her relevance.

  15. @ truth teller- u r wicked @ 30sec tops. Mocheddah is Kel in d makin.

  16. MoCheddah will move on. Have you all forgotten how Asa left her mixed race recording boss. Asa has gone Plc.

  17. Lmao...comparing Mocheddah with Asa is like comparing an okada with a Lear Jet. Remember that Asa didn't need promo or gimmicks to sell

  18. @anonymous Feb 16...Its EME...


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