Christians tried to bomb Church in Bauchi, police say | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 27 February 2012

Christians tried to bomb Church in Bauchi, police say

8 Christian men (pictured above after their arrest) were arrested yesterday attempting to detonate explosives at a church in Miya Barkatai village of Toro Local Government Area in Bauchi State.

Witnesses said the men, all Christians who live around the area, came with sophisticated weapons, explosive devices and tried to set them off in the COCIN Church but were overpowered by locals who handed them to soldiers, who took the suspects to Bauchi for further investigations.


  1. suffer na there name, from military beating to men on black suffering

  2. Those pple r nt Christian but boko haram pple disguisn as Christians. Dats their new strategy. Of course they attended church yeah dnt they nid 2 spy on d church in order plan their evil deeds. Think pple!

  3. there's nothing "Christian" about what they are being accused of doing.Who writes like this in the 21st century. Why not just say 8 men. don't insult our intelligence please.

    1. nobody is insultin anybody's intelligence,the accusation has always been MUSLIMS in Nigeria re in support of what BH is doing,nw i believe findings by these Northern Islamic Societies. Lets not be decieved by Religion or Ethnicity and lets phase-out TERRORISM.

  4. I hve just one prayer! O God arise in ur anger and judge dese bombers!

  5. Its so convenient to catch d christians but when boko haram goes nobody catches them. Puleeeeeese! We are not fools, we all know we is responsible for dis act

  6. @ anonymous 1:33 am. So I assume that it ok to write 'muslim' men instead, because it is not "unIslamic" to bomb a church. People need to stop with their double standards the moment we realize that race, 'religion', gender does not intrinsically make people saints or devils is the moment that we would better understand the world and our expectations from people.
    Thank God they got caught though!

  7. hw christains are nw people of a community are trlling u dat their neigbours dat are christain wanted 2 bomb a church and all u can think abt is dat they are agents of boko are always very ignorant always tring 2 remove blame frm their religion......thank god they where caught and no one suffferd....they shl better punish them well

  8. Rev. Soja Bewarang, the President of Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN), has dismissed a report that some members in Bauchi State attempted to bomb a branch of the church.

    Addressing newsmen in Jos on Monday, Bewarang described the report that some members in   Tilde Branch in Bauchi State wanted to bomb the church on Sunday as “false and malicious”.

     Bauchi State Police Commissioner, Mr  Ikechukwu Aduba, had said  in a  statement that some members of the local church took explosives to the church and attempted to detonate it to settle an internal dispute.

    The statement said the police arrested eight suspects in connection with the incident.

    But Bewarang described the report as an attempt to confuse investigations into the bombing of the COCIN headquarters Church in Jos early on Sunday by suicide bombers.

    “It is a malicious blackmail to sweep the Sunday attack under the carpet.

    “As the president of COCIN worldwide, I want to say that there is no leadership crisis in any COCIN branch. The pastors know their members so anybody, who was arrested, should be taken to the pastor to identify.

    “Nobody from the media contacted me or any COCIN pastor in-charge of the church on the report. The Commissioner of Police did not contact COCIN before going to the press; it is clearly an arranged, sponsored blackmail,” he said.

    Contributing, the Chairman of Bauchi State Chapter of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rev Lawi Pokti, denied that such incident happened.

    “The commissioner of police did not contact me as the Bauchi CAN Chairman on the issue. It is unprofessional of the police to give a one-sided report without proper investigation,” Pokti said.

    Pokti, who is also the Regional Council Chairman of COCIN in Bauchi zone, said that the statement from the police was meant to “embarrass the church’’.

    He cautioned the police officer against allowing himself to be used by people out to persecute the church.

    Bewarang, who also spoke on the Sunday attack, urged the federal and state governments to take the Boko Haram threats more serious.

    “This church is where Gov. Jonah Jang, former governors Solomon Lar, Fidelis Tapgun, Joshua Dariye, all the Plateau senators, Gen. Jeremiah Useni, Joshua Dogonyaro, House of Representatives and Assembly members, worship.

    “Imagine what we would have been saying now if the COCIN president, governor and all these eminent personalities had been in the service when the so-called Boko Haram suicide bomber struck!”.

    Bewarang said that the church had been receiving threat letters for the past five years and consequently fortified itself against any form of attack.

    He wondered why the church and other security formations had become targets of the sect’s attacks, pointing out that COCIN had been carrying out its activities peacefully for the past 107 years without attacking anybody.

    He said that the church lost property worth more than N100 million in Sunday’s attack and called for aid from the federal and Plateau governments.

    Meanwhile, the Council of Ulamas in Plateau has condoled with COCIN over Sunday’s attack and described the incident as unfortunate.

    A statement signed by its Chairman and Chief Imam of Jos Central Mosque, Sheikh Balarabe Dawud, pledged JNI’s readiness to employ dialogue in resolving disagreements with its Christian counterparts so as to restore lasting peace to Jos and Plateau.


  9. @AnonFebruary 28, 2012 1:33 AM,
    I no blame you sha. Only God know who gave you internet access. If your imbecilic brain can still accommodate new information with your legendary I.Q. of 24, then you best become aware that Nigeria is a country polarized along religious lines, hence the word "Christian" in the title. Did they also teach you in "21st Century writing" to start a sentence with a small letter, omit the space after a period, replace question marks with periods, etc? Must everyone comment sef? Haba!!

  10. Fucked up muslims disguised as Christians ..... ADM

  11. So after the muslims tried to push away the scorn their religion is suffering at the hands of Boko Haram by saying the bombings are political, they get a few fools to pose as christians, fumble with some gadgets in public glare and get caught. Really we are suppossed to be that gullible - for the love of christ!!! Who wrote this piece? The write up seems more intent on establishing the 'bogus' religious affiliation as the 'fact in issue' - I'm very dissappointed with you Linda.

  12. They are christians, get that into your heads! If they were muslims it would have been the same thing, besides, this isn't the first time a christian has been caught trying to plant explosives at a church. Such double standards! We need to put our emotions aside and be objective. These people are criminals irrespective of religion. Muslim, christian or atheist, a criminal is a criminal..

  13. Oh my goodness!this is incridible,what do we called these men? Christian sect......christian boko.....christian haram.....

  14. Its is easy to say muslim/islamic people bomb places, even though it has been said repeatedly "they don't represent islam" but now that chritians have been caught, people are getting insulted and saying they are not "christians". Why can't we just accept that these individuals act on their own agendas and has nothing to do with religion

  15. ... And Linda, that's not the whole story. Apparently, these guys are members of the said church they were tryin to blow up. They had a diagreement with a faction of the church which in turn led to this. Boko Haram has made us lazy. Every atrocious crime we attribute to the group... No one wants to use their head and be objective... There goes our so-called unity

  16. How were they overpowered by villagers if they had sophisticated guns and bombs? Something smells fishy wit this story.

  17. A house cannot be divided against itself.these men are wolves in sheep skin, they are paid to say that they are Christians. May our good Lord blind their eyes and seal their dirty lips for that blasphemy.

  18. those people are not christains coz christains wont stoop that low.....rubbish

    1. Christians won't stoop so low!!! Is rev King not a christian? Plz think before u talk. Talk about double standard. Most of us Nigerians are hypocrites.

  19. funny what the comments are when they mention that the guys are said to be christians. compared to what it usually is when muslims say boko haram guys are not muslims, they are not acting accrding to the teachings of islam... but it is already clear that so many people know islam much more than the muslims themselves... very funny.
    Now they take to be defensive. whoever they are, God will see us through.

  20. They are not christians abeg...this boko pple feel we r as dumb as they are..make d soldiers use blow n electric shock arrange them.

  21. All your christians are in denial and won't accept your brothers were caught trying to bomb the church
    some of you 're worse than boko haram but just cowards

    May Almighty God guide you to the right path and open your heart to the truth

    I Attest to faith that there is no divinity but Allah and I Attest to faith that indeed Mohamed is his divinely exalted servant and his divine Messenger

  22. @anon feb28,11:16am,u have said it ol,MAY ALLAH BLESS U, U said it o ,christain r so so funny somtimes,y dont u guys accept ur brodas and stop dis denials,kai SUBHAN ALLAH

  23. This is Anon 1:33 am,

    Some of you need to chill. I didn't know LIB readers have mind reading As a practicing Christian, i don't know of any any Christian doctrine that promotes arson and manslaughter. The writer of this story is just trying to drag Christianity where it has no business going. If he wants to be more descriptive, why not say "8 Nigerian Christian Arsonist/Criminal". I bet then, most of you will be up in arms insulting the writer. I'm not one of those people that assumes anything. I never thought BH nor AlQueda were Muslims , based on their actions. so people please chill and Christian know this is not how we are taught to treat others, hence my taking offense. Peace and Love. It doesn't matter what religion they are, nobody is above the law. Its just a badly worded heading in my humble opinion.

  24. Its un4tunate dat certain individuals hav allowd dem selves to be misguidded nd turnd in2 miscreants by selfish, wicked nd evil people who desire ascertain power,wealth nd fame by all means. Wether christian or muslim bombers d 1 truth I knw is dat der re sponsors for al dis evil acts, bcz no1 wil b a bomber widout any beneficial reason, some act base on wat d hav bin promised, others bcz d re manipulated bt 1 tin w pray nd dsire is dat every devil disguised in human form 4 d destruction of dis nation wil knw no peace nd dat justice wil b exerted on dem. D whole issue is saddenin. Hmmmmmmmm

  25. only GOD can see wat we humans can cant see.........fight those who fight against... JEHOVAH..

  26. I wonder when Nigerians will realize this bombing is way more than religious battles. Some people r behind d bombings. What happened to all the victims they've bin catching they've never linked them to anybody or any group. Its our Government playing gimmick on us

  27. If you believe this, you can believe trash. Don't ever trust Nigerian police on things like this. Remember Baba Suwe was accused of drug trafficking, just like this issue, every one started blaming him until the truth surfaced.

    Some association of muslims issued a communique that Christians are bombing their churches. In order to prove their word as fact, they made arrangement after few weeks to really convinced us it is true.

    Muslims on defensive line of their religion. But they have fundamental teaching that Boko Haram people act on to carry out their dastard attacks.

  28. ALl you idiots talking about that they are Christians, did you even pause for a second to think about how that sounds? Why would a christian bomb their OWN church??? What do they have to gain from that? It would make sense if the article was saying that it was a Christiam plotting or caught trying to bomb a mosque or a synogogue...given the bombimg climate in Nigeria what sense would it be for a CHRISTIAN to bomb a church instead of seeking retribution and bombing a mosque? What is the change? Oh so now Christians have joined the muslims to start bombing in Nigeria?? And the Christians are the fools who will bomb thier own house of worship??? All stories lately have been of muslims bombimg christian churches so what is bringing along this sudden change of modus operendus if not for the fact that it is actually MUSLIMS behind this latest incident...Thus i give credence to those who are saying that those caught are simply muslims disgusing as Christian...dont be fooled

  29. *Yimu*
    They think we not intelligent abi?
    Awon oniro buruku.

  30. But why are u ppl lik dis, now i knw dat cristians, hate muslim its so obvious , how can somone say such a tin, ha na wao, so all of u are saint even d wicked ones, why cant we stop dis madness & talk how to eradicate dis ppl. Well, wat i knw is dat the God himself knws d one worshiping him, and boko haram of a tin i never see dem as a muslim, d ppl dat kill their own brothers, wat do u expect, dey are terorrist, zombi for dat matter, so please lets be realistic.

  31. ol of u sayin how can christains bomb churches blah blah blah okay if u guys say boko harams r muslims y will dey attempt to blow off a prayer ground in maiduguri on sallah day,rubbish mtchew dis r christains and it was a christain dat confirmed dey r christains.

  32. I would just like to let everyone know, that they are fucking idiots. And when i say everyone i mean everyone.
    This is because a person would need the intellect of a retarded mexican sasquach to react in anyway to something said by the bedazzling nigerian police force.
    So i ask you all to grab on to something and yank your collective heads out of your collective asses.

  33. Perhaps SOME Christians just nurse personal hate for Islam cos i have SOME of them too as good friends that would speak the truth even if it involves their brothers. Christian bombers were caught now you want them to remove christian from it when you happily attach them to Islam.

  34. lol!, lol!, lol!



  35. It amazes me that people are trying to deny the fact that the men were christains. They were identified as former church members abeg! its so easy to insult muslims when boko haram operates but now that xtains have been caught people are saying its "conspiracy" "muslim men disguised" etc. what of the christain man that disguised as a a malam to blow up a church in bayelsa? or the xtain woman that wanted to bomb the church in Bauchi? All of a sudden people dont believe police statements anymore, but have been believing police statements on bokoharam! ha! Naija people! double standards. God is the one that exposes people o!

  36. There is nothing wrong with the heading. The message must be passed across. The bombings are being done by xtains too. Christains be warned. There are evil men amongst you too.

  37. If Rev Soja Bewarang likes he should deny till thy kingdom come. if not a heartless pastor you hear of such in your church and you are waiting for police to come and report to you first. Does the pOlice report to Mosque leaders first before publishing reports?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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