UK arms dealer exported 80k rifles & 32 million rounds of ammunition to Nigeria in 2007 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 13 January 2012

UK arms dealer exported 80k rifles & 32 million rounds of ammunition to Nigeria in 2007

Gary Hyde
A British-based arms dealer helped organise the shipment of thousands of guns from China to Nigeria without the necessary licence, a court has heard.

Gary Hyde partly arranged and organised the shipment in 2007 of 80,000 rifles and pistols and 32 million rounds of ammunition. Southwark Crown Court heard he did not receive permission from the relevant government department.

Mr Hyde, from Derwent near York, denies the charges.

The court was told the shipment involved 40,000 AK47 assault rifles, 30,000 rifles and 10,000 9mm pistols.
Profits 'concealed'

Prosecutor Mukul Chawla QC told the jury his actions were a "deliberate and calculated breach of the law".

"In order to ensure that his criminality, his illegal activities were not drawn to the attention of the UK authorities, he placed and thus concealed profits from his illegal trade into his bank account in Liechtenstein."

Mr Chawla said the shipment required permission from the relevant government authority because it had been partly arranged and organised from the UK by Mr Hyde.

The prosecutor told the jury Mr Hyde had made a statement through his solicitor in November 2009 which said: "I do not believe that I engaged in any activity in the UK which I understood required a licence but where instead I decided to ignore that obligation."
Middle men

Mr Chawla said: "The prosecution case is that the claim that he made in November 2009 is palpably false and that Mr Hyde deliberately engaged in activity within the UK which required a licence."

Mr Hyde carried out his part in the deals with his business partner Karl Kleber, a German national based in Germany, the court was told.

The pair acted as middle men between two Polish companies acting for the Nigerian buyers and Chinese companies, the court heard.

Mr Chawla said commission payments for the deals totalled around $1.3m (£840,000). - BBC


  1. O boy !!! Enough ammunition for anybody to cause wahala in Nigeria.

  2. He should be shot in his balls!

    1. For real! I couldn't have said it better.

  3. Its really crazy... Imagine

  4. And we say we have a government ---this is serious indictment on border control --- customs , police , navy gbogbowon , the government officals are pretending not to read or hear this oooh , we have a bunch of buffons ruling us , it's just by the grace of GOD the we have not been killed in this country , tell me no-one has made good money from them in government .

  5. there are just too many guns and ammunition in nigeria...armed robbers everywhere. boko haram everywhere. niger delta militants everywhere!
    eventually there will be another civil war in nigeria. God help us all!!!

  6. So pathetic,our leaders are igocentric,bad leaders God save Brightocean

  7. Hmmmm.....and they say Nigeria is corrupt!!!

  8. Do you really blame him? Let the stupid Nigerians kill themselves if they want.

  9. We should be most concerned about the exact final destination of the purchased ammunition. Where in Nigeria please? Corruption arises again! Government please deal with fundamental issues that require immediate response.

  10. The Nigerian buyers and Chinese companies should be prosecuted by the Nigerian government.

    The Nigerian buyers are Hausa / Fulani leaders. They used those arms to slaughter innocent people.

    The Nigerian buyers need to be exposed, prosecuted and hanged for treason.

  11. Those arms were what Boko Haram and their sponsors used to start war in Nigeria. Everyone involved should face the consequences of their action.

  12. My God, this is just like that lord of war movie with Nicholas Cage. They ship guns and ammunition illegally to African countries so they can destroy themselves and make billions from it. This is very sad. Africans are their own worst enemy, it's time to stop blaming the white man!

  13. the proble f Nigeria's government is over feeding..their kitchen allowance ought to be reduced so they can make favourable policies....RUBBISH

  14. Gary ko Garri ni. Abeg make dem show Garri Hide pepper.

  15. Here comes 'Boko Haramites'...

  16. Pls i nid one 9mm pistol. Make i take hold body.

  17. All dis arms and ammunitions in Nigeria? And very possibly in d wrong hands. No wonder there's serious insecurity in d country

  18. who bought or ordered d rifles?

  19. Linda the most important questions are: who are their collaborators in nigeria?, and where is the ammunition? It's only when we answer these questions that we will know what we against in boko haram

  20. Y must it be Nigeria?
    Guys ff my blog for news update..

  21. The Great Oracle14 January 2012 at 12:25

    Pple, get worried abt the fact dat d whole of dat ammo came to Naija & not d legal rigmarole in d gist.

    Linda wants us all to reflect on y it is damn easy 4 pple to cause insecurity in Naija with impunity. Whoever took possession of dis quantity of ammo is d Presido of Naija, not Jonathan.

    She may also want to let us no dat der is a way we "stock up & re-energize" as advised by labour.

    Abi no be so, Sisi Linda?

  22. Oloribu. Ole. barawo. So he became a millionaire in pounds by selling weapons of mass destruction. The blood of all those killed innocently will haunt you and all those who paid for and distributed the weapons in naija. Devil in human skin

  23. adejuwon oyebanjo14 January 2012 at 17:06

    The issue is not about the guy importing such into Nigeria, the problem lies with the kind of image some unscrupulous nigerians portray as a means of getting money........this guy couldn't have done this without using some nigerian hands.........It's just a pity that in the name of wealth, we'll go to such extents of destruction

  24. let them put him in naija prison and let the mosquitoes deal with him and i tell you in his life he would never never try this foolishness again he thought he could get away with murder but his yansh was brought out oyinbo my foot

  25. In Naija anything goes! Its a shame

  26. See his Evil and Manipulative Oyinbo Face! Mschewwwwwww! He already has a special corner in Hell!

  27. When crisis arise, media lies are inevitable. The claims reported in this story is unclear and lacks evidence.

  28. Can you imagine this bastard, when UK government are claiming it is black people that carry guns ans stuff.
    But, do we actually blame this guy? No we shouldn't, We should blame our doomed corrupt government as a whole.
    I listen to Straight Talk Afica on OHTV today about the Fuel subsidy strike and the Boko Haram thing, that let to one of the speaker that the Ghanian government had to stop a Coca Cola lorry ( going to Nigeria) pretending to carry the drinks but instead found ammunitions.

    Nigeria is so derailed that only God can interfere. I bet God must have even given up on that country



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