Pres. Jonathan slashes basic salaries of all political office holders in the Executive Arm of Govt by 25%. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 8 January 2012

Pres. Jonathan slashes basic salaries of all political office holders in the Executive Arm of Govt by 25%.

During his broadcast yesterday, President Jonathan said he's slashed the basic salaries of all political office holders in the Executive Arm of government by 25% and assured that there will be cuts in others areas, including government travels, and the scrapping of government departments with duplicating functions.

Some of the things he said...
·    25% cut in basic salaries of political office holders in the Executive Arm.
·    Scrapping of agencies and departments with overlapping functions as recommended by a soon to be presented review report.
·    All Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) must cut overhead expenses immediately.
·    Funds saved from subsidy removal must be spent prudently on national infrastructure, power supply, transportation, irrigation and agriculture, education, healthcare, and other social services.

Sorry, I don't trust this Government. Basic salary slashed by 50%, what about their allowances? That's where they make the most money...That should be slashed by 89%.


  1. Oh Linda you see what I see tooo.......... Jona we are watching oo

  2. Its not enough. He shud slash it by 45%, no more foreign travels for all levels of government oFficials, allowances rduced to 50% wit all other policies he has enumerated. Then we wil know that he is serious.

    I was suprised he talked less of the security situation in the country. He shud wit immediate effect impose state of emargency on adamwa, niger, yobe, borno and bauchi states. Fred

  3. GEJ Administration shldnt be trusted, his Government has fail'd us in soo many ways, he is just sayin rubbish so dat NLC wil nt embark on d Strike, If I hear! Slash ko Slash nii!!! Wat about underG cuts?

  4. Does this president know what he is doing please?

  5. They think we're stupid. we take home salaries too, with allowances. we know what 'basic' means. crappy leaders!

  6. They kip playing with our inteligence. So he never thought about this until we the masses voiced out. And as if we dont know they wil stil hav a way or two of recovering the slashed salaries compared to the common man. We shouldn't trust dem politicians.

  7. Lol 89% not bad

  8. slashing salary is not the problem o! i've said this several times - it's corruption! the amount they steal and get through other questionable means is 100 times more than their salary...even if they earned $2 a day, they will still magically end up sending their kids abroad and buying mansions there! God Bless Nigeria

    a 25% cut for the executive arm of govt isn't as good as it sounds. Why?...
    Firstly most of the money they waste/chop is in the form of allowances, and lavish benefits not basic pay (this is to reduce how much they get taxed, and create the illusion that they earn as low as their private sector counterparts.
    Secondly, the pay cut doesn't include National Assembly and house of Representatives, ONLY the EXECUTIVE arm of govt. But N.Ass and House of REPS are just as expensive to maintain.
    There's other reasons but I just thought I'd share the obvious ones.

    Also, the amount of money they allow each other to steal and get through unofficial channels is a bigger problem. Ghana-must-go steeze.

  10. He tinks by slashin dir basic salary will ease Ôƒ tension,‎​​♈ nt allowance-469 National Assembly members gulp N1.12 trillion and it's ok. But 160 million citizens gulp N1.3trillion and it becomes an issue, d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ ve recoverd loots worth trillions of naire, werr did d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ kip dem, it can ƃ used Τ̲̅ÈŒ develop Ôƒ country, since its stil Ôƒ country's money# S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ many bad tinz apenin,boko haram ɪ̣̝̇§ doin dir own-GEJ again_ ☀G̶̲̥̅ud or badluck. #Confused#☹

  11. that's why none of you are running the country, or will ever run the country....simple fact!
    Why don't we just print money and improve everything that is wrong in the country!!
    What a bunch of dumbasses!!!!

  12. The Minister of Finance and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, on Saturday admitted that Nigerians don’t trust the government because of the failure of successive administrations to fulfil their promises to the people.

    The minister, who was interviewed on the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria’s current affairs programme, Radiolink, which SUNDAY PUNCH monitored, said the issue of mistrust, had posed a challenge to different governments.

    Okonjo-Iweala said, “I really agree on the issue of mistrust; I think it is part of the problems governments faced over the years. Nigerians have not seen their governments fulfilling promises. I really understand how people feel and that is why this government and this programme (fuel subsidy removal) must be completely different.

    “These programmes we are going to implement will not be handled the usual way; they will be overseen by a committee that has trusted Nigerians. President Goodluck Jonathan already announced Dr. Christopher Kolade as the head of these programmes, I think everybody knows his antecedent. When you have this kind of committee with people who are known for their integrity, they will make sure every aspect is implemented.”

    The minister promised that government would handle post-subsidy programmes ‘very transparently,’ adding that it would publish the amount of the subsidy savings each month for Nigerians to verify.

    She added, “The information from the Petroleum Resources Ministry and the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation is that they have contracted the people who built these refineries to come and do the turnaround maintenance, which was not done in the past. People were brought in but it was not properly done.

    “They have gone to the original people and they are expecting that within 18 to 24 months, these people, having built these refineries, will really do the proper turnaround maintenance that had not been done.

    “We expect that when we bring the people who built the refineries, it will give us value for our money and we will be able to refine our own oil here, and that will help to bring down the prices.”

  13. Wen you vow not to see anytn good , you wont see it.. Be a role model linda.. Nobody said you shldnt do activism but no leader had ever done ds.. Remember to be truthful and knw there are other views

  14. This Jonathan is just an Orangutan,slash ur bloody allowances for starters,he must think Nigerians are imbeciles WTF!!!every fucking thing this guy does by default is wrong,ahn ahn.Jona stop already,u must hv basket for brains,the Ram said fuel subsidy was gonna be removed in April,when did Jan.turn to april?d fools can't even identify the faceless cartel in d oil sector stealing our money.Jona Jona Jona!!!be guided...

  15. Iam sorry to say this - my president is a madman. Goodluck ebele jonathan is a madman. 25% is nothing.

    The budget for the purchase of newspapers in the vice presidents officer alone is 58.4million. If you decide to buy 40 newspapers at 350 naira everyday for 365 days (a year), it will amount to 5.1million. How on earth did they get 58.4million? Let him start wit this. Iam not a fool and I know nigerians are no fools. Fred

  16. Other world leaders would shelve trips in this time of grave security and economic unrest,but no,our leaders have more important "parties" to attend and go off to celebrate SA who have succeeded in gainning a measure of stability after decades of war.

  17. Nigerian politicians and their scams. Does GEJ, his fellow politicians and their group of advisers think we are stupid in this country?
    25% of their basic is definitely not enuf. If the basic were N3m, that means they would only part with N750k of their basic while keeping all the other allowances. That's absolute bollocks. I am a salary earner and my basic salary and all my allowances are taxed. Why shouldn't they tax their's too. Let them take a 75% - 80% pay cut in their total package because that is exactly what the inflation caused by the supposed "fuel subsidy removal" will do to the Nigerian economy. Dropping the value of the "real income" of Nigerians.

  18. Abeg Jonathan and the three arms of govt should slash their salaries and allowances by 90% so that we know it's #real
    And please, y'all should quit talking bout the NLC like they're the messiahs cos they've already been bribed and are prolly hyping the strike to appease the masses...

  19. Its a starting point. There is obviously no pleasing u humans.I can only pray for Jona. They will just kill him. All these greedy politicians that are used to the flamboyant lifestyle he now wants to rain on their parade. Anyway Jona keep talking, we listening and watching. May the good Lord direct ur path

  20. Dear naijas. News flash but u guys can curse this man till you're blue in the face but not an evil thing will happen to him or his family. Nigerians themselves are wallowing in sin and u think God will listen to u guys. He has turned or is starting to turn His back on you naijas. The christian leaders are busy using His name to gather wealth,while the churxh goers are mostly worshipping to attain wealth and nothing else. Infact a lot of xtians have hardened unforgiving hearts. They serve two masters: money and Christ. Of course they serve one more than the other. Ur guess is as good as mine. Some muslims are murdering hundreds in His name while the other half are just gathering wealth by using both black magic and koran to gather wealth. The atheists or juju worhsippers are busy destroying lives of those they are jealous of with their evil power. The youth are too engrossed with entertaiment, worldy things, drinking, sex, making money by any means necessary, trashy music, material flamboyance.The females obsessed with brand name fashion, dead body hair, car and apartment. The few percentage that believe in nothing are just lazy bums who go around "hailing" the rich to be handed peanuts. Not to mention the heartless ones who rob, assasain, kidnap for yet more money. Take a look at the man or woman in the mirror first. Are you guilty as charged? Better turn back to God first in honesty and in truth if you want Him to answer any of ur nonsense prayers that another human being shld die.

  21. They earn 2 million naira or so basic and allowance of 200 million. Who is fooling who.

  22. Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! what rubbish is he on about,even if their salary was slashed by 100% how does it help "mekunu" they will simply increase their allowances which stand at more than their basic salary anyway. These people should just take a long walk off a short plank. I am sooooo p***ed off I could scream. Hey guys it is hard to respond to comments when you are all called anonymous, you dont have to use your real name but then again what is wrong with using your real name?. The Mr/Mrs/Ms anonymous who spoke about banning foreign travel, I have always advocated that to hold public office in Nigeria, you be banned from foreign health care for you or any members of your nuclear family, secondly your children be banned from scooling abroad(Ghana included!)and then see how education and health will be reformed. The lawmakers are not concerned about ASUU concerns because their children are not in the system. Imagine Gej saying he can feel the pain of the common man, the sheer cheek of him, when last did he give his driver money to buy fuel? or when was the lack of fuel in his generator ever a concern for him? This is the heartless man who spends a billion a on food. Na dat food go choke you, kill you and your family. Before you all say which one concern the man family, God will visit the sins of the father upon his children and childrens children.

  23. he shld do the following
    1)slash both allowance by 45%;
    2) slash the presidential fleet by 50%;
    3) aso running cost by 75%;
    4) salary and allowe of lawmakers by 50%;
    5) disburse of 2million naira into the a/c of every nigeria(2m*150m nigeria equal 300m)

  24. All na wash,wat of their monstrous allowances,hes not even reducing senators and reps own,ds man na shege.Occupy Nigeria jare

  25. Who is fooling who?....our politicians don't depend on their salaries, dey depend on inflated contracts.

  26. does Jona tink Nigerians re so dumb???? cutting basic salary indeed wat bout deir alowances???coz dts where most of d money is...abeg jonathan ebele gudluck or wateva dey cal u...u dnt hav anytin to say...leave our subsidy bikonu..until ure able to curb corruption..dnt make d masses b d ones to pay......

  27. GEJ must be joking...Singapore a developed and far better country than Nigeria just had the salaries of its government officials slashed by 50%.In naija u've to factor in d fact that they'll still steal from govt coffers....


  29. you all shuld shut up, this man is trying ! Which other past president ever did that ? I bet y'all want a 100% slash & have them work for free !

    anything the man do, una go still complain !

  30. Basic salary my foot,slash the good stuff then we'll be in business.

  31. He said government travels will be cut yet he has jumped on two private jets to south africa today. SMH. Goodluck rily tinks we are fools.

  32. Can they just go ahead and impeach this Goodluck Jonathan person due to loss of confidence that he able to rule the nation? We should not have to prolong this topic of his lack of ability.

  33. And is attending the ANC's 100th anniversary in SA more important than his burning country??? Barely 24hrs after stating(via a recorded broadcast to the masses)that foreign trips will be cut down to the barest minimum he goes partying in South Africa. Not to a funeral or a summit, but to a party! People to the streets Monday!

  34. the president is such a basket case.mschwww

  35. Do you think that will solve the issues?

  36. Ive lost ma Faith in thé Govt. It's d nigerian Govt against nigerians.

  37. ....and jona has gone to SA for what? the whole country is shutting down tomorrow and it is SA that pain him more after hime saying less than 24 hours that overseas trip would be cut i now believe that someting is really wrong with jona and i hope the air space that would be shut today would not resume for him to come back into the country SMH

  38. Cut their allowance not basic salary! this cutting of salary won't be felt! these thieves are smiling and the common is not! No foreign trip! if you fall ill, do not travel, go to LUTH or any govt hospital including you(GEJ), you want to have a baby, have it there(in Nigeria), official cars mustn't exceed one, no free bags of rice, beans, groundnut oil( oh yes, i have a spy there, their cooks), no private schools for all those reps, hons, Not more than one house except they had it before becoming an hon, rep. No summer vacation except they will travel to obudu ranch. RUBBISH!

  39. Graduates= No jobs
    Educated Fathers=small salary, can't pay for school fees,rent & food.
    Mothers=crying, no money to run the home, kneeling and praying to God for help.
    Children=No school, no sandals,no school books,no teachers, no chalk, no labs but increase in school fees.
    House of reps= 5 houses,5 official cars with free fuel,excess salaries,free food,always on vacations.


  41. I've worked with Govt before. The basic salary is always the lowest amount. The allowances are what make the salary juicy. If they are serious, they should give us specific figures and cut down the allowances by 80%. The basic is a drop of water in the ocean. Insincere louts!


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