#OccupyNigeria Protesters Killed by Police in Ogba (Graphic photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 9 January 2012

#OccupyNigeria Protesters Killed by Police in Ogba (Graphic photos)

A protester, who has been identified as Ademola Aderinde, (pictured above being molested by the police) was this morning allegedly shot dead by Nigerian police at the Ogba area of Lagos State. 

Another one was killed by a stray bullet after policemen in an attempt to disperse a group of young people who had gathered at the junction of their street near Yaya Abatan in the Ogba area to show their support for the labour strike action, fired shots in the air and on the ground and in the process, stray bullets hit 4 bystanders, killing one instantly.

Continue to see what later became of the guy in the green T shirt and the one killed by stray bullet.
*Warning* Graphic photos...


Why use live ammunition on innocent people, Nigerian police? I hope their killers are brought to book. RIP to the young men.


  1. this is why people are afraid to protest in Nigeria. SAD! the guy's life, wasted. the Nigerian police should be the ones joining in on the protest instead of terrorizing protesters that are too fighting for their rights. RIP.

  2. RIP.All for Nigeria!!. Nigeria must be worth it at the end of the day. You are all worthy heroes.And as for those protesting tomorrow..please be very careful.God will protect you all.

  3. Now there is enuf evidence to I'd the police and show their ecounter. Over to u IG, we siddon dey luk. RIP. They never value life in naija

  4. ha oma shee oh.And these so called animals have families somewhere?May the good lord eradicate all their family members on the surface of the earth and may they neva know happiness in their lives any more.They shall all be killed by the sword.Ko ni da fun president Goodluck Jonathan and his entire household.May his household neva know peace.Peace will be far from him in jesus name.Gbogbo won ma ku iku esin leyo kan kan ni AMEN

  5. How would his family feel about his naked picture all over the internet? I think it should be plugged. May he RIP. Too sad

  6. this is so sad. rip
    may God avenge this

  7. i wept when i saw these pictures my goodness is it that these police are not buying the same fuel we all are buying or what? i hope the NBA are seeing these pictures because they need to be instrumental in brining these people to book. i hope fashola is also seeing this picture and hope he would launch an immediate investigation and the killers brought to book.

    in other civilised countries it is rubber bullets that they use not live ones. I hope they catch the monsters killers now that thier pictures are all over youtube

  8. Linda this is Truth..... PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PUBLISH THIS!!!!This is very disturbing indeed. I am also reading that WIKILEAKS admits that they have in their possession secret/classified documents of bank transactions of our corrupt president BADDLUCK EBELE JONATHAN TRANSFERRING 23 BILLION DOLLARS FROM NIJAS EXCESS CRUDE OIL ACCOUNT AND 80 BILLION DOLLARS FROM NIJA FOREIGN RESERVES ACCOUNT, THT THE REMOVAL OF THE COUNTRY'S FUEL SUBSIDY IS A WAY OF COVERING HIS TRACKS. PLEASE GOOGLE WIKI LEAKS AND READ MORE FELLOW NIGERIANS. LINDA AS you may be a blogger but as an aspiring journalist we need to find away of getting CNN to carry an exclusive in depth documentary on what is happening currently in Nija. How can we all go about getting more international exposure of those leading our country. We need those that have have access to CNN journalists/ or Sahara or next to stand up and start doing exposes. we need this forefront of of International news.

  9. this is dehumanizing may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

  10. Occupy your house: Nigerian police forget that they are Nigerians

  11. God will surely punish dis police, may there gentle soul rest in peace. Amen

  12. Dus fucking bushit bastard police kill an incent person.may God grand the decease in paradise bcs is fighting 4 d masses.

  13. linda this is terrible and the news we are hearing is that gov fashola has ordered the arrest of the killers and the names given are Victor Okafor/Segun Fabunmi.

    continue to bring these stories as the power of the internet is very strong since that seems to be the only means now that nigerians can fight for its course

  14. God of nazareth!do they have to kill anyone,this is Just so painful.cant look at this anymore*sobbing*

  15. It a shame to d entire nigerian police force. Fools, instead of them to use their guns against dose politicians. Am ashame to b a citizen of dis community called nigeria.

  16. Oh God!. what is this?GEJ why? Policemen?what did †ђξ innocent protesters ever do wrong?why fire at people aint armed. Why? Their blood will haunt you their killers.GEJ,is this wat we voted you Ƒσя. God arise άŋϑ fight Ƒσя your children.

  17. i heard they killed the policeman that killed the man on green! Goodnews if they did!

  18. OMG!! what did he do to deserve this? may his soul rest in peace and may his killers be brought to book.

  19. Ran a post on this. We all need to be very cautious right now and avoid confrontation with any armed forces. God grant his family the fortitude to bear his loss


  20. My good God..what is this?

  21. stop the senseless killing . RIP Demola .

  22. God will punish d foolish men dat did dis,see how dis young man hAd begged dem and dey still tochured him b4 killing him. As if they are not goin to benefit from dis rally if something good comes out of it. Am beginnin to think d govt has a hand in all dese killings to put fear in d hearts of d youth. FooliSh men!

  23. This is very painful. May his soul rest in peace as I condole with his family.

  24. why must day bet and kill peopll i dont think is right

  25. OMG.....am in tears. The man seems to be wearing a wedding band, who will comfort his wife?. My God this is so sad:-( RIP TO THE VICTIIMS.

  26. May God punish GEJ.May He Rot in Hell

  27. So so sad this is what FG and d police is doing to d people hope d police men that did r made to pay may Rip

  28. Jesus Christ!!! What is this?!!

  29. The evil that men do live after them. Their generation unborn is cursed, for them to kill an innocent man. They shall die tortured themselves. God deal with them

  30. My Goodness ds is so babaric nd i cn see d young man is maried.God go so punish dese blood sucking policemen dat kil 4 fun.Rip dear!chei!!!!

  31. its high time these animalz in uniform are brought to book, may God punish dem 4 takin innocent livez. RIP youngmen

  32. Goodafternoon nigerians why are we wasting our time in crying & protesting against fuel subsidy removal.This shows the limitation of some people's knowledge and also that some people don't want us to move forward enconomically.Pls my fellow nigerians this is 4 our good,the F.G spends#1.3 trillion on fuel yearly in the name of subsidy,the money we could have used to build up the country.The effect of this is the government wants to build companies especially refineries,with that money so that we can export finishcrude oil product,how do U see this going to other countries to refine petroluem it shows that we are not matured.Also this will go a long way in creating employemt 4 the youths which will also increase the economy of ourcountry.Pls my fellow nigerians let's give the government support 4 a while though the price of fuel is high it will come down or it will return to it'snormalcy soon.God bless us as we co-operate with them also remember that violenceis just a character exhibitedby goats thanks Rip to d man.

  33. Nigerian policemen r very dumb n daft. Do these bubble heads not know dat they themselves n their family will suffer from d subsidy removal?. And for those who died RIP!

  34. these police men and their families will die like chickens. They should wait and see. killing an innocent man like this, it will not go unpunished.

  35. Dis ℓ̊s crazy, God help us!!

  36. This is very unfortunate! No point in gettn angry nd using bashful words against our government. Things mite neva improve. D only solution is 4 Christ 2 come soon, and i pray we r nt found wanting.

  37. My fellow Nigerians,in crucial time like this in our history, I regret to announce the sudden DEATH of Fuel Subsidy... Left to mourn him is NLC/ TUC and OccupyNigeria... RIP F.S. ...

  38. May his soul rest in peace. D name of d killer is VICTOR OKAFOR n he is d DPO of pen cinema station. Abt 1 hour ago he was transferd out of d station, two more were even killed by stray bullets.
    If it was BOKO HARAM members he saw, he wld ave taken off his uniform n run, bt ordinary civilian oga VICTOR can kil. GOD wil Punish him, he wil nt run 4eva. HE MUST PAY SO WIL JONATHAN!

  39. This is painful,Nigeria police are bastards...this is not fair,y will they kill a young man trying to fite for his right.God will jugde GEJ ohh,he will roit in hell.RIP to d 2 young men.

  40. The policemen who took this young man's life will never know peace, every good thing they have laboured for shall perish in a day,their children shall become orphans and vagabonds in a day...so shall it be!!!

  41. Police them self do not respect the law. Taking of human life is a normal thing by law enforcement agencies. No check and balance.
    RIP the young guys, they fought for their right.

  42. @Onyediking,
    I'm soory to inform you that you are a pathetic fool. We'll see what will become of you and your useless blog

  43. This ONYEDIKING is a fool we are talking about police brutality u are saying something else. I wish d victims were ur brothers idiot

  44. May God grant you eternal rest. What can we say to console the family of this young man? NOTHING. Fellow Nigerians please rally round the family for support.God be with the family.

  45. If it's dsame protest we had in Makurdi-Benue, den, it's no enough reason to take someone's life. For God's sake, where are our leaders takin us to? Again I ask, wht hs dis killin got to do wth strippin dis poor guy naked? I guess we'v nt got d real version of dis story.

  46. It's so ridiculous to see such a thing and these police men, could kill someone who is even fighting for their same rights...it's so ridiculous. I hv always said it that Nigeria police are only strong or ferocious, when it comes to harmless citizens. Yet, we hv boko haram.


  48. Jonathan, should be ready to kill all of us!!!! Bastard.

  49. It has just been confirmed that Governor BabatundeRaji Fashola has called for the immediate arrest of the trigger happy cop who killed a Lagos protester this morning.The state police command has subsequently arrested him and he has been handed over to the state CID. A big Thanks to Govnr Fashola&everyone using the BBM to spread the information so swiftly here...We will surely see to his prosecution & makesure he is penalised accordingly.

  50. You see most of the police and mopols in the south are northerners and the ones in the north are southerners. They mix them up intentionally.

    These ones in the pictures obviously are hausa men. Like GEJ said BH has infiltrated the government at every level. There will be more of these kind of killings. The hause policeman is out to kill has many southerner as they can. God help us.

  51. Instead of them to join in the protest, they are killing pple. Later If u call them about armed robbery they will say they haven't gt fuel in their cars. ANOFIAS!!!

  52. I suspect these policement to be representatives of boko haram in the force. They brutally killed him the way boko haram kills. May his soul RIP. As for these boko haram policemen, their evil will find them out soon. God bless Nigeria.

  53. barbarians we call policemen. i wish i could pick a gun and blow off the brains of the stupid DPO, vICTOR AKPAN WHO KILLED THIS PROMISING YOUNG MAN

  54. This is why I have some doubts in this occupy Nigeria movement even though i'm 100% for the cause. Why are there onlookers when they are manhandling the man? People are looking at film trick instead of a massive crowd attacking the police. Now the man is dead everyone is carrying his corpse and saying omashe oh! Will that solve anything?! If it were your brother would you sit back and watch while he is being manhandled? The minute we solve this issues of seeing things as not someone else's problem but a collective challenge the easier it would be for us to overcome this evil in our society!

  55. barbarians we call policemen. i wish i could pick a gun and blow off the brains of the stupid DPO, vICTOR AKPAN WHO KILLED THIS PROMISING YOUNG MAN

  56. I do not live in Nigeria so i must say i do have a very limited knowledge about the situation at hand. Although, I think Goodluck Jonathan seems to know what he is doing, he is actually going to make the nation greater if he had a chance (dont judge yet pls). However, he should have built the people's trust before making any decision. I was b orn in Nigeria so i do have a rough understanding about Nigerian history. I understand and know and felt that Nigerians has been through a lot of corruption in the past as a result they dont trust their governments nor care which is fair enough, therefore, Goodluck(sounds weird in my tongue saying that name) is actually in the wrong by not slowly building the country or rather the trust of the people before making hitting them with a bomb like that, like where are they suppose to start from, theres enough poverty in the country already. Furthermore, he should have given a reasonable explanation before making such a decision. As for Boko Haram (damn shouldnt have used upper case letters for their name) and al qaeda i personally believe these people are cowards, they are like men with no sperm. They are COWARDS, you dont go around killing people all in the name of religion... you crazy or dumb? Pssh! Again like al qaeda these people are mentally derailed and have no idea what 'religion' means, i believe they shoudld all be captured and left in a psychiatric unit and stay there for life, you know the way satan followers are illiterate and confused, thats what they are, i am telling you if you interview one of them today you would automatically believe they are officials dullards like that stoopid Muhammad guy, like seriously, the guys looks like he doesnt know how to recite his alphabets (actually thats too much work for him), ghe just looks like a typical dullard. therefore, when we all come together as one and build a wall against these people and let them know that No is a HNo, like i said they are mentally derailed therefore, they will agree they are stoopid people.
    As for that police officer 2bitch someone shudda taken the gun and shot his ass" frightening looking man as well. Him and his team should be detained and jailed for life, never knew police officers were dumb and also the family of the boy should sue the police force (huge compensation) and i think the people presxent at the scene should also sue for psychiartric injury then when the public has sucked all their money as a result when the public are protesting, Goodluck will tell them not to shoot or rather send them out unarmed.

  57. you know, I have a feeling that these men are not police men, just touts that happen get hold of police uniforms. May his soul rest in peace.

  58. Majority of Nigerians are wicked sha that is why we produced wicked and inhuman leaders ..and that is why we are so religious and nothing to show for it , shame and shame ..

  59. Majority of Nigerians are wicked sha that is why we produced wicked and inhuman leaders ..and that is why we are so religious and nothing to show for it , shame and shame ..

  60. barbarians we call policemen. i wish i could pick a gun and blow off the brains of the stupid DPO, vICTOR AKPAN WHO KILLED THIS PROMISING YOUNG MAN

  61. 80 percent of Nigerians are wicked and that is why we produce very wicked and inhuman leaders time and time again ( it is even getting worse ), ..and that is why we are so religious just to cover our brutality and perverted minds ,the only thing we under is Money and money , if all the prayers that have been prayed on Nigeria was actually done in another country those country will be paraDISE , nIGERIANS PROBLEM has defied logic and it should recorded in the world book of records . sell the country off to those that can rule it e.g the chinese or koreans , it is so evident we cannot rule ourselves ...we are a disgrace to the human race , the earlier you accept it ,the quickers things will change , just look around you , it is a mess and shambles , ordinary crude oil refuse to benefit the country because of our culture laced with perversion and greed . we have problems and we do not know it ..logically you cannot resolved a problem that you do not know you have .it is that simple.

  62. why is he naked? it looks like his cloths were worn after he was killed. dont think its same person though its all the propaganda being propagated by those who want the fuel subsidy retained. nigerians please dnt be used

  63. To all those cursing GEJ, the curses are directed right back at you and your families. Wot rubbish? Why must yoy curse GEJ. Did he order ANY policeman to kill. Any country with sense that will have that number of people protesting will always have security in place. Gej did not train the policeforce neither did he give a shoot to kill order so why must you curse him? Just curse the trigger happy fool and move on. So we must blame gej for even people who fart? I am against the subsidy 100% and want our voices heard but I am not cursing gej for killing any1 becos he has not killed any1. And u wonder why ur lives become miserable in the future.

  64. I would kill an officer tomorrow.

  65. linda dis is so sad ..i dont know why all this cannot be sent out to the other civilized country for them to see what nigerians re going through in our own very soil...if its in iraq and india now bbc news and abc news would have televised it and the whole world would av seen it...the only thing pple associated with nigerians is 419..nobody ever thought of what drove them into robbery and fraud in the first place ..when someone is hungry u become angry and do anything to put food on ur table ..pls b=find a way to share ths story and pix with other orelevant pple outside of the country and let them know what a typical nigerians go through ..is not all about the luxury and big parties we re known for ...how can d police who re meant to protect the pple and whom salary re being paid from our taxes do dis and go away with it..this has always being happening and will continue to be happen...what happened in libya is not as bad as this b4 the other nations intervene ...but they didnt know until someone bring their notice to it...i personally actually sent this article to bbc news and share the pictures with them ..i hope and pray someone will see it and deem it fit for a breaking news and let the whole world see how we were being killed silently in nigeria and nobody is talking about it...if we keep quiet ...do we know who it will be tommorror...so we must act fast !!!thank u

  66. Senseless & heartless policemen. The poor innocent citizen was protesting in his view for a good course. Are the police force in Nigeria able to carry out their assigned duties to their full potential. Correct answer is NO not before or after the removal of fuel subsidy. A good example, when robbers are done with their operation, try calling them & they will tell you their vehicle has no petrol (that was before the present state), please send them a vehicle to pick the policemen up. Nigerians Where do we go from here?

  67. I pray that the wrath of God will begin on the person that kill those innocent guys, peace will be far away from that police man or men, This 2012 will be a year of saddness, pain and sorrow for him.

  68. This is horrible... The Nigerian police and their lack of respect for human life is legendary... Linda, use this your medium to carry out a campaign of justice for this guy. this is one murder too many...

  69. RIP. You guys died for a great cause. We would continue to occupy, marching round the high walls of corruption just like the israelites did at the walls of jericho. Soon, we would blow the trumpets and the wall would come tumbling and crashing down!

    Dr. Otis Redding

  70. Pls my naija people do not kill me am 1 of u but am just saying my mind 1 love

  71. I don't blame 'em (police), when almost all'o 'em are O'level holder.
    Imagine,Nigeria security force employing ilitrates,thugs,sadist,matafuckers,broke Ass Area boys.why willn't they kill inocent people.there spoken english is nothing to speek of (bomb),there written english is always a letter bomb.atitude jes like the goAts,like a dog.
    Police are your worst Enemy 'case you don't know.

  72. Dis is pure wickedness...... We implore d gov't to listen to our cry...... Cus dis is gettin out of hand

  73. HATER IS BACK!!!!9 January 2012 at 21:00

    oh no! PEOPLE SHOULD PLEASE SIT DOWN IN THEIR HOMES! POLICE!!???! Their souls rest in peace!

  74. This is at last the Jonathan we duelly stood for and elected as our president to our own detriment....the struggle continues...we will win..no matter what..we will match on...the prize would be paid

  75. Demola wasn't protesting he was playing football on the street when the police van came and began shooting in the air he wasn't fast while running so he was grabbed some others were shot also but they survived one annoying thing is while those who survived were rushed to a private hospital they refused admitting without a doctors report they had to take the victims to the police station to get the report before they were treated at county,RIP DEMOLA

  76. Do not kill is a divine law. it will be worst for those that killed this young man. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.


  78. this is a classical example of police brutality... it will not be accepted.... not now... not ever.

  79. Abeg u guyz shld go n die jor

  80. Officers should be prepared to fall in cold blood tomorrow. Triger happy idiots.I would personally kill one.

  81. LINDA madam protest supporter and the rest of u guys...who makes peace with war?do u really think the protest can end this?if after everything the government refuses to reverse the decision nko?if they stayed in their house and looked to god fr help to survive in this country who knows maybe nothing would have happened to them...protesting is not the way out..the government and the masses..both groups have been insensible in my opinion


  83. @ONYEDIKING...I refuse to believe that you are daft, and this goes to all those daft and stupid people saying the subsidy removal is good because it will help build refineries and all that bull crap. The truth is if our government were not so fukin' corrupt, we wouldn't be needing any subsidies in the first place. Nigeria has more than enough money to do any thing they want including building refineries and all other crap they claim they would be using the money for.
    Our leaders are very greedy and have stolen billions and trillions of dollars...including Jonathan. We are an oil producing nation, and we shouldn't be going through all this suffering. There's still no constant electricity, bad roads, bad schools, no jobs, and yet you say this is for the good...PLEASE DON'T EVEN SPIT THIS RUBBISH FROM YOUR MOUTH AGAIN.

  84. this is what happen when you vote based on ethnicity rather ones vision or past achievements. as an igbo man, i never voted for goodluck because i knew he was corrupt person, and never went to college. he cannot even speak english along with his bush wife.

  85. @ranting...you are as stupid as GEJ and all these police officers that keep shooting at innocent Nigerians. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

  86. @ranting...and for good measure...I inclued my name to piss you the heck off! I am not going to be annonymous...mutherfucker!!!

  87. Nigerians, please read the insightful article below and shine your eyes:

    On a recent trip to West Africa, the newly appointed managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde ordered the governments of Nigeria, Guinea, Cameroon, Ghana and Chad to relinquish vital fuel subsidies. Much to the dismay of the population of these nations, the prices of fuel and transport have near tripled over night without notice, causing widespread violence on the streets of the Nigerian capital of Abuja and its economic center, Lagos. Much like the IMF induced riots in Indonesia during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, public discontent in Nigeria is channelled towards an incompetent and self-serving domestic elite, compliant to the interests of fraudulent foreign institutions.

    Although Nigeria holds the most proven oil reserves in Africa behind Libya, it’s people are now expected to pay a fee closer to what the average American pays for the cost of fuel, an exorbitant sum in contrast to its regional neighbours. Alternatively, other oil producing nations such as Venezuela, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia offer their populations fuel for as little as $0.12 USD per gallon. While Lagos has one of Africa’s highest concentration of billionaires, the vast majority of the population struggle daily on less than $2.00 USD. Amid a staggering 47% youth unemployment rate and thousands of annual deaths related to preventable diseases, the IMF has pulled the rug out from under a nation where safe drinking water is a luxury to around 80% of it’s populace.

    Although Nigeria produces 2.4 million barrels of crude oil a day intended for export use, the country struggles with generating sufficient electrical power and maintaining its infrastructure. Ironically enough, less than 6% of bank depositors own 88% of all bank deposits in Nigeria. Goldman Sachs employees line its domestic government, in addition to the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is widely considered by many to be the de facto Prime Minister. Even after decades of producing lucrative oil exports, Nigeria has failed to maintain it’s own refineries, forcing it to illogically purchase oil imports from other nations. Society at large has not benefited from Nigeria’s natural riches, so it comes as no surprise that a severe level of distrust is held towards the government, who claims the fuel subsidy needs to be lifted in order to divert funds towards improving the quality of life within the country.

    To be continued....

  88. continued....

    Like so many other nations, Nigerian people have suffered from a systematically reduced living standard after being subjected to the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP). Before a loan can be taken from the World Bank or IMF, a country must first follow strict economic policies, which include currency devaluation, lifting of trade tariffs, the removal of subsidies and detrimental budget cuts to critical public sector health and education services.

    SAPs encourage borrower countries to focus on the production and export of domestic commodities and resources to increase foreign exchange, which can often be subject to dramatic fluctuations in value. Without the protection of price controls and an authentic currency rate, extreme inflation and poverty subsist to the point of civil unrest, as seen in a wide array of countries around the world (usually in former colonial protectorates). The people of Nigeria have been one of the world’s most vocal against IMF-induced austerity measures, student protests have been met with heavy handed repression since 1986 and several times since then, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. As a testament to the success of the loan, the average laborer in Nigeria earned 35% more in the 1970’s than he would of in 2012.

    Working through the direct representation of Western Financial Institutions and the IMF in Nigeria’s Government, a new IMF conditionality calls for the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Olusegun Aganga, the former Nigerian Minister of Finance commented on how the SWF was hastily pushed through and enacted prior to the countries national elections. If huge savings are amassed from oil exports and austerity measures, one cannot realistically expect that these funds will be invested towards infrastructure development based on the current track record of the Nigerian Government. Further more, it is increasingly more likely that any proceeds from a SWF would be beneficial to Western institutions and markets, which initially demanded its creation. Nigerian philanthropist Bukar Usman prophetically writes “I have genuine fears that the SWF would serve us no better than other foreign-recommended "remedies" which we had implemented to our own detriment in the past or are being pushed to implement today.”

    The abrupt simultaneous removal of fuel subsidies in several West African nations is a clear indication of who is really in charge of things in post-colonial Africa. The timing of its cushion-less implementation could not be any worse, Nigeria’s president Goodluck Jonathan recently declared a state of emergency after forty people were killed in a church bombing on Christmas day, an act allegedly committed by the Islamist separatist group, Boko Haram. The group advocates dividing the predominately Muslim northern states from the Christian southern states, a similar predicament to the recent division of Sudan.

    To be continued....

  89. CONTINUED....

    As the United States African Command (AFRICOM) begins to gain a foothold into the continent with its troops officially present in Eritrea and Uganda in an effort to maintain security and remove other theocratic religious groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army, the sectarian violence in Nigeria provides a convenient pretext for military intervention in the continuing resource war. For further insight into this theory, it is interesting to note that United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania conducted a series of African war game scenarios in preparation for the Pentagon’s expansion of AFRICOM under the Obama Administration.

    In the presence of US State Department Officials, employees from The Rand Corporation and Israeli military personnel, a military exercise was undertaken which tested how AFRICOM would respond to a disintegrating Nigeria on the verge of collapse amidst civil war. The scenario envisioned rebel factions vying for control of the Niger Delta oil fields (the source of one of America’s top oil imports), which would potentially be secured by some 20,000 U.S. troops if a US-friendly coup failed to take place At a press conference at the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, AFRICOM Commander, General William Ward then went on to brazenly state the priority issue of America’s growing dependence on African oil would be furthered by AFRICOM operating under the principle theatre-goal of “combating terrorism”.

    At an AFRICOM Conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008, Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared the guiding principle of AFRICOM was to protect “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market”, before citing China’s increasing presence in the region as challenging to American interests. After the unwarranted snatch-and-grab regime change conducted in Libya, nurturing economic destabilization, civil unrest and sectarian conflict in Nigeria is an ultimately tangible effort to secure Africa’s second largest oil reserves. During the pillage of Libya, its SFW accounts worth over 1.2 billion USD were frozen and essentially absorbed by Franco-Anglo-American powers; it would realistic to assume that much the same would occur if Nigeria failed to comply with Western interests. While agents of foreign capital have already infiltrated its government, there is little doubt that Nigeria will become a new front in the War on Terror.

    Nile Bowie is a freelance writer and photojournalist; he's regularly contributed to Tony Cartalucci's Land Destroyer Report and Alex Jones' Infowars.

    Global Research Articles by Nile Bowie


  90. I quite agree with that guy on the AFRICOM article. But that aside, if the FG needs money to build refineries, this is not the first time we are dipping our hands in the nation's reserves, get resources from there and build the damn thing so you can export refined crude oil. But then, who trusts the government, too much corruption so they should not punish us for government corruption from the past and f**k Ngozi, Jonathan, Sanusi et al who think we must bear this burden.

  91. Same reason so many people in foreign country refuse to come home. I tire for 9ja. I ever regret having anything connection with these wasteful country.

  92. May the almigthy God" punish all the policemen in 9ja" they will die' like a rotten lizard' R.I.P ademola' may God forgive u all the sins that u have done knowingly and uknowingly

  93. May the almigthy God" punish all the policemen in 9ja" they will die' like a rotten lizard' R.I.P ademola' may God forgive u all the sins that u have done knowingly and uknowingly

  94. OSSMAN THIS is INHUMAN Regardless of Your BELIEVE NIGERIA Needs a IRONMAN TO Wiped OUT Those CROOKS Calling THERM SELVES POLITICIANS Looking at this animals calling therm selves Police Officers Sooner they will meet their MAKER

  95. The trigger happy DPO Segun Fabunmi, who killed Ademola in cold blood, had previously killed some1 sometime ago. He was dismissed and later re-instated after 6yrs with the help of late DCP Adegbite. He has done it again. He built a house at no 1 Oduwole Street ogudu ori oke with fleet of cars over 15. Let d Police, SSS, Human Rights Activists etc investigate him. Pls re-broadcast

  96. While having sympathy for those affected by the protests it is unfortunate that we are all descending so low using foul language ang cursing the president and the police.We Nigerians have the police we deserve.The environment they operate in is somethingelse.The so called protesters killed more people during the protests than the police could have allegedly killed.People who were killed by holligans and robbers in protesters' skin killed more people and some of the holligans who were killed during the struggle were claimed to have been killed by the police.The Nigerian police is not perfect neither is it superhuman.In civilised society where are compatriots domicile now citizens help the security agents to do their job thereby making the police to succeed and a few cases of police brutality do not make the people curse or condem the whole police system.We are all in this together and we dont all have to agree on the same thing.NO NEED FOR NAME CALLING.

  97. God Have mercy, i was so shocked when i saw the news on www.typicalnaija.com that day..RIP

  98. Hon. Modupe Oladapo-Adekalu30 January 2012 at 12:59

    Nigeria needs to GROW UP and be more civilized because a peaceful protest shouldn't involve taking lives. In Western Nations, citizens protest nowadays without being physically abused or killed; that depicts civilization. Nigeria, what is going on? They say "a fool at forty is a fool forever" You are FIFTY now. Nigeria became independent over fifty years ago but lack of respect with exhausting labor and restrictions of freedom is still prevalent in the society.

    Christians, Muslims, Traditional and all unmentioned religions pray every moment of the day however, Nigeria's situation deteriorate rapidly. Mother Africa, if you exist and this savage violent is beyond your powers, please tell God to intervene in one of your children's (Nigeria's) deficiencies. And let revolution be soon.

    Rest In Peace Ademola Aderinde and those who lost their lives during the supposedly peaceful protest!

  99. Who are this stupid Nigerian police?they are the most useless police on earth,so they kill and go back to their family and they have she pigs as wives. God will punish all of them soon,they and Thier family will not see good. So animals call police think they can kill human beings like fowls. Fooools,Nigerian police are the worst police in the world but is just simple they are dirty picks

  100. Who are this stupid Nigerian police?they are the most useless police on earth,so they kill and go back to their family and they have she pigs as wives. God will punish all of them soon,they and Thier family will not see good. So animals call police think they can kill human beings like fowls. Fooools,Nigerian police are the worst police in the world but is just simple they are dirty picks

  101. Nigeria what a stinking sewer of filth

    a wall should be built around the whole country
    so the animal scum can perish in their own sh*t & filth

    why does the world have to suffer these imbecile monkey black men barbarians


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