Topic of the day: Blogging; 'Rape' to the Journalism Profession? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 11 December 2011

Topic of the day: Blogging; 'Rape' to the Journalism Profession?

Let's discuss this topic. What's your opinion on this? Is blogging a rape to the journalism profession?


  1. Blogging and social media is killing traditional journalism. I like it. Traditional brick and mortar journalism business died over five years ago. Online journalism and faster breaking news, wider audience and low production cost is the future of journalism. The "future" is now. Rest In Peace "Traditional" Journalism, I don't miss you.

  2. Blogging is not a rape per se of the journalism profession, but rather is a compliment to the profession.

    'The goal of journalism is to convey reality as accurately as possible, and as enjoyably as possible so long as accuracy isn’t sacrificed.'

    Going by the above quoted goal of journalism, it can be seen that blogging also has the same goal, hence, blogging serves to compliment journalism profession.

    According to David Cohn, At its best the aim of journalism is “to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.”
    It can also be seen that blogging has equally been performing that role.

    Journalism and blogging are Siamese twins that can not be separated.

  3. Are journalists just seeking attention by making this claim or what? Blogging is for personal takes on any events of your choosing, people will follow u if they like the personality that comes through from reading from your point of view as a blogger, u dont charge ur readers to come n read ur stories, they just do. Journalism on the other hand is etched in 'reporting objectively', it isn't an offering of personal points of views, that said, i know newspapers n co now offer personal opinion columns which is just as well...but they charger their readers for the effort they put into researching n reporting, so how can they call blogging a rape???

    Personally I commend blogging in naija cos they really began to open up n delve into underground issues which the main stream media n so called journalists refused to report about for ages- look at the explosion and attention now on domestic violence issues,power abuse, security issues, corruption in and around society, etc... the opening up of these conversations I personally attribute to the voices crying out over the internet first. A typical example I cant forget, we had dealt wit Kidnapping bout two years in the east before I saw any mainstream newspaper give it the due attention, infact at that point most of my friends in Lagos didnt understand what I meant wenever I brought it up in conversations. Even the Niger delta crisis, critical as it was didnt begin to get attention until bombs started exploding left right n center, this was sumthin that had been a brewing issue for years!.. n there are lots of examples like that....

    For a long time out so called journalists (my uncle included) were busy hob-nobbing politicians, getting paid to publish chosen stories and failing to report the back stories, and thanks to multiple bloggers/internet, now societal expression will continue to abound!

    'Rape to journalism profession' my ass!!! make these journalists no let person vex abeg!

  4. Lindah!!! Why the use of the word "rape" rather inappropriate. Very naija kind of dated grammar. Pls substitute the word. Don't forget u have readers outside naija we don't misuse words like that.

  5. Blogging is not a rape or equal to journalism. Anybody in their right mind will not take a blogger seriously.

  6. I dont think so... what i feel is that its just a way of expressing ones passion.. but probably in a relaxed or informal way.

  7. The first question that came to my mind is what makes a Journalist a professional. Whatever it is can also make a blogger a professional too.

  8. Journalism and blogging are different thing. So keep the mouth shot whoever hurt.

  9. WTF. Ken rapes Barbie. The things men do amazes me ---->

  10. yes it is a rape...even from behind, bloggers just copy and paste stories and rumor without thorough investigation like a journalist who goes to the street for verification, bloggers write for free tickets to events , and also to be popular using the back door route.

    no offeinse...just my 2 cents

  11. Using the word 'Rape' in this context is very inappropriate! Rape is not a word to throw around and use leniently. Please can you change the title of this post.

  12. Journalism is rape to eyewitness court testimony...


  14. No it is not at all a rape to the journalism profession because some bloggers write better than any journalist and that's the truth!

  15. Blogging is blogging and journalism is journalism. My two cent though

  16. Sign of the times.

  17. Chicken and Chips11 December 2011 at 18:16

    My opinion - the best thing that has happend to the 'writees'.
    Now Jounalist have to 'up' their game to be on top.

    Blogging hasnt stopped major magazines if you look at international counterparts.

    Blogging and technology is saving lives. Gone are the days we only depend on journalist for the whole story, now if you report any lubbish, twitter et others will put you right.

    I say more hardwork for Journalists. Dig for the truth I say or dont repot at all.

    Chicken and Chips reporting for Linda Ikeji Bloggerworld TV ;)

  18. Yes blogging is a RAPE to journalism profession.Infact bloggers should be called impersonators who take delight & pleasure in presenting news that are not truthfully & accurately verified such as rape,violence,physical & natural disasters,murders etc.A trained journalist not Yes! Magazine Oo...that have/employ 'quack' journalist or whatever they call themselves as journalist publish the worst articles i've ever read in my life; presents news accurately,& truthfully which will bring good causes to make his immediate & remote environments a better place,with proper verification,seeks permission b4 revealing & publishing anyone's name and while doing all of these, he is conscious of professional ethics by working according to the principles of the job.But here*blogs* no secrecy,no privacy...nothing.I know how many times we've corrected Linda or some of us here corrected Linda on use of words,grammar errors,the way she potrays & presents her sub-heading*topic*,the way she reveals ppl's identity*name* especially rape victims & many more and uptill date she's not improved at all.If na journalist, he or she 4 don receive sack later tey tey for not taking correction.How many young chaps read newspaper this days? It's either they are on facebook, Tweeter, Linda Ikeji's blog he he he...*u no do me anything*, and other media vices galivanting 4rm one website to another.That is why sex,rape and other corrupt nonsensical issues are on the high rise and now order of the day.

  19. Lol funny coz i no d tweet dat made u start ds topic.well do it in a classy way like bella naija &stop acting as if uldo anythng to get derogatory news abt some1

  20. Bloggers don dey rape journalists ke?na wa o !Linda who u wan rape ni

  21. IT can never and will never be a rape to jonalism profession. bloging is what one like doing while jonalism is a profesion you do for liking what you do

  22. Hi Linda,
    Dictators(i.e.politicians) and capitalist(owner of big publishers) are greatly affected by this inventions hence they wanted to see an end it.
    No! No!! No!!!
    That is our weapon in this century.

  23. No it is not. Blogging is blogging and journalism is journalism. End of.


  25. Blogging is not a rape 2 jonalism rather it a plus 2 jonalism. Survival of d fittest.

  26. well it true...blogging raped journalism...well
    bcos..ani body can av a blog..and it just dwn right stupid...journalist av gotten different universities across,d world and a blogger who nebi has 3,000 follower on twitter takes 2 his laptop and writes..and everybdy will tell everybdy about it and his a hit it just like youtube..REBEcca black..upload dat quack tin called a video and she got over 100million views..while pple who go on research ,critically analyzing get over a re rip off...2 journalism because..i just ned 2 right well with no grammatical errors and i am safe.
    from fashion
    to top magazine..blogger have throw away journalist...from dere jobs with dere outrageous blogs .and topic.....

  27. Blogs tread the thin line between reporting and story-telling. Because most of the stories posted are third party and require little or no investigation/footwork etc; its comes of as the lazy way of reporting news.
    calling it a rape on journalism is an exaggeration though

  28. In what way, if I may asked. Are journalist now afraid or feel threatened by bloggers? If they are worth their salt, they should do their thing and let bloggers be.
    To all my fellow bloggers, I am happy to announce to you all that a new community has been launched for all African Bloggers.
    Come and sign up now for free and secure a good spot and create more exposure to your blog.
    See you there.

  29. What of journalists who are also bloggers?

    Some bloggers use news items and fail to credit their sources of information. Would you defend those types of plagiarism? I would not.

    It maybe because they are ignorant and did not know it was wrong but some bloggers do it on purpose in order to make it look as if it was their article(s).

  30. They are supposed to complement each other rather than compete with each other.There should not be seen as a "Rape"

  31. Lol at people who say rape is an inappropriate word to throw around. It's like saying the word fuck is only used for sex. Chill out you ignorant dweebs.

  32. Αll this saying about journalism or blogging. Nobody is defeating anyone. If you are slow and daft at embracing latest good tech, that's your palaver. Linda, i don't what spring up this topic but as i said, though i am an amateur in the field not my career, journalism and blogging is different. Journalist just say their thing through the radio or tv without to feedback from the viewers. Abi people no get something to say ni. No comment is daft or nonsense blogging does that. People share their thoughts and comments about the info being relayed to them. Is αll about communication. CNN i know engage in blogging in αll their programs and i follow them very well. i don't know any Nigeria media that does that. Pls help any i am yet to find one. So naija jounalitically media should brace up and put final touches to latest thing in art jouralism(add blogging your profession). At times, when i am depressed or jobless, i just log in to some of favourite bookmark blog or very informative one and blog αll the way. It's fun. Bloging till i die.

  33. Traditional Journalism in Nigeria especially is fraught with several disadvantages, for instance, the Nigerian National Television (NTA) was serving the interest of the Nigerian Rulers,
    You dare not broadcast news that exposes the failures of the government, you must praise sing the rulers even when the wickedness is glaring, The Government use NTA to lie and deceive the masses, they hear the Noise of war and revolts and NTA says the People are singing National anthem
    Now when the private media started, they were also compelled to abide by certain rules that does not support professional journalism which is Truth
    Don’t forget the many times Private TV stations were shut down because they make certain news public and informed the masses
    AIT (now compromising) was shut down
    Channels also was shut down and several threats was handed to the Radio station,
    If you observe the Trend of their broadcasting intelligently, you will find that to a large extent, They are still operating with the fear of revocation of their licences
    I think Blogging is the sword that pierces through the back of Bad leaders, they wish they could stop the internet in Nigeria to continue the analogue deception of the masses
    Many of us would have to confirm a news as soon as it goes viral
    Thank God for bloggers, they wake while we sleep to bring the news to our desk thus complementing the traditional Journalist

  34. Blogging is reporting basically but unlike journalism which is based on facts, blogging is based on d blogger's opinion. Its now left for u the reader to decide, not what to blive, but whether to "AGREE" with the bloggers opinion. Blogging being a rape to journalism culd be true and false. False in d sense that it isn't based facts but opinion hence it doesn't/shuldnt affect journalism. And true in the sense dat people's opinion have a way of affecting or distorting the truth.
    I would like to know what dat Innoxx person is on abt

  35. oh please. its called social media and anyone who is smart will tap into it. the problem is that some people just don't like change and won't embrace it that's why they will think in such manner. blogging is a more personalised way of conveying information and people love it so developed news companies were smart enough to employ bloggers so they don't miss out.

  36. The Setting is an auditorium in UK or US the year is 2011. Topic iS "Blogging: Rape on Journalism Profession" Never Ever in a million years wld that word "Rape" be used so carelessly!

  37. They are two different thing entirely. Blogging is versatile and fun.

  38. Anonymous 1:42 pm what are u feeling like?one grammatical guru?
    use one of these people that like forming abi?


  40. Linda i almost called you Bella pls no to these serious topics abeg.If i want to discuss a serious topic i know where to go. This blog makes me laugh after a tough day. Is it that there are no interesting stories to post? Your blog is becoming boring o!

  41. Bloggin is like grafitti compared to Journalism. You sit in front of a Tv, read series of online journals, form ur own personal opinion n copy n paste from all d various media and call that writing,

    Would u compare Linda Ikeji to an Anderson Cooper or Simon Kolawole?

  42. It's not really a rape to journalism but do kill most journalism work, by making it less efficient. Blogging' really is a tool for the internet literate but journalism encompasses all.

  43. Dear LIB Reader,

    I thinks the topic shud be rephrased thus, "has Linda Ikeji raped traditional journalism?" The obvious answer is YES!

    Am I happy with the rape? Of course, YES!

    Hence, the IG of Police should be looking for both Linda and all her Blog readers.

    This is such a aweet!


  44. December 2011 at 09:37

    The world is fast moving and we must all move with the same speed, swift and accuracy with which it demands, otherwise, we will be left behind.

    Blogging is in the category of new media and it churns out news stories in an on-the-go-manner, while maintaining professionalism for the upwardly mobile individual who wants to stay current on the latest news around the world and on any other subject.

    I speak as someone who has worked in the mainstream media and now, the new media; they both serve their purposes.

    New media has come to stay and blogging being its most exciting baby has come to stay.

    Big shout out to all the bloggers around the world and let me add this, we are no 'rappist', we actually redefine journalism, 'news-on-the-go' is what we are about.

    Linda, I like what you are doing with your blog.

  45. all you guys complaining about the use of d word "rape", get over it. it is a word like any other and can be used metaphorically as it has bn used here. so stop being sentimental.

    go and read..."rape of d lock" and tell d author to change d name.

  46. blogger shld jst stop stealing news

  47. Some bloggers envy journalists and imagine they are journalists while blogging...

    On the other hand, a TV personality like Oprah lied about being raped and it was obvious that she was a lesbian a long time ago.

    If Oprah can lie why can't bloggers? Don't believe all you read about the life of any blogger because it could be another Oprah.

  48. Bloglord (yea dats me) is a blogger who loves to blog.

    stories, gist, news, gossip... fastly read on LIB n odas ( yaaay linda ikejestic! body de sweet u for ds one oh!) than stretching ur neck at newspaper stand to catch headlines...or kissing ur side glass n reading like a flash; headlines of stories (not even the actual gist sef) before the newspaper seller moves to the next car. sometimes we pay for newspaper n the content unverifiable too.
    tuesday n thursaday guardian 200naira yet no true job coming forth for jobseekers hoping to peg sumtin there. one just wasting the small bread wey e get de buy de go.

    some correct aproko gist sef,newspapers/electronic media dont wat r we talking bout here???
    FOR ME OHH, just like my name BLOGLORD, its BLOGING all d way..LINDASTIC IKEJEGBISH,oya, paddle ds canoe de go..n come oh these days u go just put up like three to four gist for morning n thats it for the day..comments sef u no go post. my friend be careful! i know u r sorry..accepted!
    no let my anger grow annoyed next time.

  49. Ada, i like your take.

    Kenyan babe, with your comment, is this discussion too intellectual for you to type more than what you typed? You do know you don't have to type a comment if the topic is too much for you to comprehend.

  50. blogging is different from journalism. however both tell news but in different ways.

    i dont think journalists shld be threatened by bloggers as it looks here.instead they should up their game and tell the news in an unbiased way.

    many journalists tell news according to their own sentiments or personal involvements.

    on a blog, pple cn contribute and even refute a story that they feel is biased or wrong.

    both are different and shld be treated as such.

  51. @ Modupsy, no hard feelings*my opinion k?* @ Austino, he he he...lmao very funny.@ Inibetok, abi Oo...!!!

  52. Blogging n journalism= 2 worlds apart. Fine we get gist (gossips) from blogs. Burr when it comes 2 journalism u r sure of getting an accurate story. N besides in-terms of hard news, most bloggers copy n paste from erm journalist. Besides blogging has always bin in existence but only just became over rated cos most pple use it 2 get cheap publicity.

  53. The main essence of a blog is to package, share and distribute news to modern pals who would not ordinarily care, and, make it more appealing while skipping all the unnecessary blabbing usually made by traditional news tellers, who call the thing they do "journalism".


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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