Rihanna, a victim of racist abuse in Portugal | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 19 December 2011

Rihanna, a victim of racist abuse in Portugal

Rihanna had to go Bajan to deal with a racist man she ran into in a hotel in Portugal...continue to see more of her tweets...



  1. so she ups her game by calling him a female private part. I guess the score is even

  2. Think we need a bit of good news to go with the yuletide season..this is a little kid who won a literary award...thanks


  3. And for the record most of the Mediteranean people Greeks-Italians-Protuguese-Spanish can be the most hate filled people you would ever meet!!..more so than the Anglo-Saxons who get all the stick!!

  4. So who gives a fuck??????

    Linda, your posts r kind of on d downward slope lately..

  5. Racism is when a white blackberry is expensive than d black one.lol

  6. The smelly little idiot can never achieve,what you in his lifetime. Beats me how people think they are better than other,due to colour or origin. Can he make a strand of human hair? Don't mind him boo.

  7. LOL Rihanna crazy mehn! Welcome to europe Rihanna. Lots of crazy ass racist pink heffers there. Remember, they are the ones the pink heffers in amerikkka descended from so basically, don't expect much from them. It's basically same shit, different location.

  8. if na Beyonce..she go dey do sme sme!!..see caribbean babe..pure fire..

  9. Yes oh Riha,thank God u showed him what blacks are made up of.Stupid man


  11. How does Rihanna calling herself a "nigga" help elevate her? How does her calling the man a derogatory version of a woman's private enlightened the other person? She just simple confirmed the man's opinion and proved herself to be ignorant in a situation where someone already thinks that she's less than. She could have expressed herself better but the girl is uncouth and has always been known to have no class. You can put a person in his place quick and sharp with a few words that hit straight to the heart. She has already WON the war by all that she has accomplished with very little, to exchange words with such a person in a RAZZ way does nothing but have her swimming in the same murky, dirty water so what's the difference between the two of them...they are both ignorant!

  12. anon @ 5:18, I would have to agree. I went to school with a lot of portuguese people and their descendants and they are the most racist group of folks I have come across. Italians are no better.

  13. Every country in Europe have their fair share of racists. Portugal was one of the countries that benefited from slavery. That dump was nothing until they went to Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil and stripped them of all their natural resources to build up their dump of a country. when they left Mozambique 85% of the ppl were still illiterate. Disgusting bitches who think they are better than Africans when it is Africans that made them something.

  14. Riri is jst onpoint... Lv ds chick

  15. Just dropping in again to let everyone know that we are one. We live... We die.... We resurrect... Lol at the whitees

  16. She is right. The white has all the racist in 'em.

  17. Do you know what it the nationality of that racist? So don't attack other countries randomly. Racists do exist even in Rhianna's hometown.

  18. i would be ashamed to be a fan of this girl or her music.

  19. she should go to hell jor, na 2day dat one start?

  20. go girl.........


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