Quote of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 22 December 2011

Quote of the day

"If Goodluck Jonathan does not remove oil subsidy, his government will crash”. Gov Adams Oshiomhole said at today's Town Hall Meeting.

Heard his full speech on the debate today on NTA and I was highly disappointed. From the mouth of a former NLC president? The man who fought furiously for the masses in the years he was Nigeria Labour Congress president. Weeks of strike and protests, compelling government to reduce the price of fuel. Now he's in Government and he's singing a different tune. What a damn shame!


  1. linda, subsidy removal is necessary. However the question is if government is going to put the money to effective use.

  2. President Goodluck Jonathan23 December 2011 at 00:41

    Quote of The Year:

    "If Governor Adams Oshiomhole does not shut it, I will unleash EFCC on him and crash his political life”. - President Goodluck Jonathan (said on Linda Ikeji's Blog).


  3. Adams,i can't believe a man that has stand for the people is now fighting against them because of Government.that's too bad.

  4. Nigeria labour force leader saying this?
    I'm not that judgemental,but i sincerely don't like the sound of this.
    How can he say such things because of of being a governor?
    This man has fought for the people before,i don't know if he's really fighting against them now.
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  5. so u linda dont know that,,,that man adam and evil love nigerians so much?but jokes aparts linda,like things fall aparts,,,nigeria will be very much good like a kingdom if we can have 3 person like oshomole,,,just believe me,,and believe me too,,that any day he fuck up to the people that keep him in that hot seat,,hhmmm,,he die or prison,,thx

  6. Linda, you obviously did not understand it. It's simple. He got to the government and caught the bug. He has tasted it(Ghana must go kind money bag) so what do you espect?

  7. Its not a shame Linda. By the way, the times are different and have changed. Oil subsidy has to go if Nigeria's Economy is to survive the on going Global Economic recession. The question is what structures have been put in place by the Govt to palliate the impending short term increase in Fuel price.
    Being in Govt does not mean turning a blind eye to reality. Probably if Linda were to be a Special assistant to Rochas, you will also sing a different tune though from a more informed position. Oil Subsidy will go. The debate is not weda it should go rather WHEN is would be removed. Its inevitable!

  8. Lol. D man had a career plan!

  9. Pls check ur statement,it is if he removes not if he does not

  10. Absolute Power Corrupts...

  11. LOOOOL... Have u seen the quality of his new safari suits? No more Sura the tailor safari suits mehn. The man don advance,in other words they all wanna share the money. He doesn't give a shit abt the masses. Never really did. All that 'comrading' was a means to an end. SMH

  12. I stand to be corrected, but i do not see the BENEFIT of this removal to the ordinary masses, like myself. If this NONSENSE is implemented, the cost of petrol would go as high as N130/N140 per litre....this in turn would cause an increase in transportation, food, housing, e.t.c,,,,,and guess the only thing that'll remain constant (or probably decrease)???: SALARY!!!!


  13. No need to be disappointed. The view changes when you are in the driver's seat than when you are a passenger. Truth is, I was in the private sector but now I am a technical assistant in the Ministry of Agriculture and some of the government policies I vigorously opposed in the past, I cant in good conscience do so now because I have a better understanding of the facts and more information at my disposal.

  14. Linda, you got it all wrong, I hope you did listened to him very well, ...He said that Subsidy removal is very crucial now because of the funds being borrowed by Government to fund budget(s) but that those guys that impoverish this country should be tried and be punished according to the laws of the land, that's what He meant, he also challenged Goodluck's Govt in fighting corruption 1st b4 removing the subsidy.

  15. Linda are u surprised????? Money and position can make people talk shit while they think they are making sense......

  16. It seems this people have made up their mind not to listen to the people they claim to be leading, they are on their own now. Nobody have ever said removal of subsidy will not help the nation, that again is if there is anything call subsidy in the first place. What we have asked for are the following; (1) Put in place the requirements that will make removal of subsidy productive to the nation, why must we continue to import petroleum products that we have naturally here in our land. (2) Pay the minimum wage with its arrears so that we know we are empowered to pay for the increase, why must it take the government decades to pay yet to remove subsidy will happen overnight. The minimum wage trickles down to every sphere of this nation directly or indirectly (3) Prosecute and jail all those people who have benefited illegally from past subsidy as you claimed, companies were named to have benefited without any link to importation of fuel nor were they registered for such with CAC. In addition all those who have looted the country in the name of privatization are still going about without been punished, its time to start holding them accountable (4) Put in place the process of building more refineries both big and small in every community in this nation if possible. Then remove subsidy and we know it will work. Failure to do that means putting hardship on the people and asking them to pay for government inefficiency and inability to enforce the rule of law

  17. so uld suggest he tells a lie coz he was champion on one side of the divide? truth is subsidy is more expensive for the masses coz the country can not financially handle it for another 2 years without going flat broke and borrowing. now where will the same masses be then? we should ask for structures that will ensure the suffering is mitigated coz anything short of subsidy removal equals brokeness for the country simple and sad.

  18. Well,I think i can categorically see from this blog that an average nigeria is irrational and i am being honest. we need to look at the fact and what other people that even refine oil in their own country pay for petrol. It is long overdue but the problem is misplaced priority. The chicken in the case of Nigeria has come to roost and it is either we swim or sink. We need to start doing things properly to compete on the global stage and i will campaign vigorously that infrastructures should be the focus of the govt and not hand-downs and subsidies.

  19. A shame that none of them is talking about the refineries working to full capacity 100%. petrol minster said 24 months which was what she said 2 years ago and are we not into 2 years of her tenure is the refinery not supposed to be working now i think una see am they really take us for foools abi we shall see

    i am sorry for ngozi iweal that good name that she has would be tarnished for life i pity her

  20. Kudos Kele, the oil subsidy must go and let deregulate the stuff like the telecom sector. We can bear to be import petroleum from other Africa nations. Ghana don was boosted that they will export energy to Nigeria.

  21. Stupid Talk, I was very disappointed!

  22. Stupid Talk, I was very disappointed!

  23. Linda, leave sentiments and consider the hard economic facts that are staring us in the face. Subsidy will crash the economy if we continue the way we are going. If Oshomole wants to play to the gallery like others, he can easily do it for cheap popularity but the man decided to say the truth even when he knows it will make him unpopular. My salute to him. It takes courage to take such positions. If Oshomole was not bought when he was an ordinary civilian, I wonder who will be able to buy him now when he is a state governor. If you express the way you feel about an issue does not translate to being bought over.

  24. Can you believe that Oshiomhole is an Oxford graduate and one of the best educated Nigerians?

    I hope he loses the next election in Edo State. No wonder a pastor of 'doom' said he did not see him winning again. Oshi omole na ni o! Oloshi!

  25. MR JERRY, ....God bless you real Good, it is better that we suffer for awhile and balance the equation wella, than trying to please people @ the detriment of few powerful Nigerians, and live posterity to pay the debts that we accumulated, ...A real gold must pass through fire, so it is for a fine salt, make una think am!

  26. linda he is right. jonathan has seen shege since entering govt. u r a nigerian and u know nigerians take advAntage of any situation. u can imagine how these oil companies r milking us dry. things won't improve for the average nigerian in terms of fuel prices but at least all those millions on susidy will be used to do other things.

  27. what do u expect>>>>

  28. Truthfully.... Dont blame him. He is privy to better information which informs his present decision. The govt doesnt hate us. But they have to make unpopular decisions.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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