Bishop David Oyedepo brags about slapping female member of church | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Bishop David Oyedepo brags about slapping female member of church

“I slapped a witch here last year, do you remember? The witch came back in February to come and apologise! To beg me to please forgive her. She went back to her witchcraft company and they told her ‘Ahhhh if the man says you’re dead, you’re dead’.

So the slapping was in 2009, the bragging was in 2010, and we get to discuss it in 2011. Please watch the video to see the rest of what he said...amazing!


  1. Linda,pls what do u intend to achieve by posting this,its 2yrs ago for christs seriously ur blog is gettn very annoying.think well before you post stuff,ok? And give us better news

  2. Linda leave the prophets and their ways!
    suffer not a witch to live

  3. Linda ikeji mind wat u post abt pastors,I belive ther ® oda fins ƒõя̲̣̥ u τ̅☺ post pls take heed

  4. Linda! Linda!! Linda!!!. be careful!!!!, your r reminding me of the chidren that mocked Elisha in 2kings 2v23, please leave this Man of God, after all when moses did evil against God by marrying a foreign woman, and his sister spoke against him, God gave her leprosy, its not her place to judge God's servant. why r you fighting and defending a witch bikonu!!!

  5. **yinmu** why didn't he have that on tape as well (d confession session). #liarpantsonfire.

    Harassing poorly/non educated morons (d fact that all of the 'winches' were looking like househelps is not lost on me. no tush witch) and God punish in advance and arrears all morons that would start spitting bull about "touch not the anointed..." and such crap. God punish all of una.

  6. The Witch deserved to be slapped or even more. I have no pity because we do not know what these witches have done to people. How many people have lost their lives because of wickedness,blood suckers, evil sacrifices,et.c . How many people have been left widows, childless, orphans, widowers because of the wickedness of this world. If you are not ready to leave your witchcraft wicked ways, you deserve many more slaps.

  7. can't even speak proper English. ** after slapping him (no be female again?). May God Almighty harass you and the barbarians in your church that applauded you and still continue to do so.

  8. Linda darling,,,trust me am not his fan either but make you free am,,,,on that last day,God will judge us all,and i quote....matt7;22-23 many will say to me on the last,Lord Lord,did i not prophesy in ur name and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? then i will say to them plainly,i never knew you,.

    so pls allow God to be the judge eh my dear,,,,,pls pls pls pls let the pastor be....on that day we will all give account of wat we did with our time on earth.

  9. linda, i see ur site interesting, but u are going far now by publishing d doing of d man of God, u better stop it or u see the wrath of God, do condemn them, be very careful. if it not ur church dat does not mean u should b publishing any bad happening instead of the good deeds that happen in the church.

  10. I don't know why all these so called 'men of God' think they are minigods. Upon seeing the first video where he slapped the girl, I saw arrogance and pride overtaken him. Someone came for the so called 'deliverance' and after he had given her a slap, said she should go to hell. Was that how Jesus condemned people to hell? Remember the prostitute and how Jesus dealt with the situation. These people are clowns with a lot of ego!!!

  11. He's a sick man who ought to be hospitalized for delusions of grandeur. It's still a psychiatric condition in many places. and his enablers (aka his idiot congregation) should go for evaluation too.

    Hell has a special place for fools and egotists like him.

  12. i so pity u linda,u want to add this to your numerous problems,note m no oyedepo fan or member

  13. Linda its like you've never had an encounter with a witch before. They never do you strong thing thats why you dey yan all these things. If i were the one i'll give her a good kick to the belly. What the hell is a witch coming to the church to do if not to attack people and as God will have it she was fizzled out.

  14. Ok, so does this justify the slapping? I dunno. Well, a self confessed witch who has possibly caused the death of many or done many other harmful things...what is a slap compared to witchcraft activities? If you heard a witch caused the untimely death of one of your close ones...would you want to slap the witch? I guess you would want to do more than slapping. I initially thought the witch was ignorant..but in retrospect, she actually confessed to being a witch!! We all heard it.I heard a UK lawyer has filed a suit against Oyedepo.If the witch told him 'I caused the death of your brother on Ore Road'..would he still rep her in court...just thinking o.

  15. My Goodness!!If a girl says she is a witch,is it not possible that this girl has a fixed false belief and may be have first rank symptoms of schizophrenia or even a systematized delusional disorder?( I went to med school so i know that much!!) Bishop Oyedepo has shown how VERY ignorant himself and a lot of people who attend winners are. This is a reflection of the Knowledge the bulk of the Nigerian society claim to have. What he should have done was to refer to a mental health service for appropriate psychiatric evalutation to rule out any mental illness. SHAME!!! And the 'backwardness' of Naija Continues

  16. what is your beef with this man, come out clean or is it just a ploy to drive traffic to your blog. Do not enter realms you can not chest

  17. y does he seem arrogant to me.His aura does not come across to me as genuine.

  18. It is awfully irrational that someone who claimed to be a good sensible human being would see a thing like this and still find a pointless reason to cover it up instead of saying the truth. Worshippers of man there’s nowhere in the bible Jesus beat or slapped a demon poses person neither did he oust anyone to hell. The Mr. bishop has to know that the battle is of spirit and not flesh and blood, and if truly he has Gods power then he is not supposed to be acting on people confession rather than to follow the directions of Holy Spirit by knowing the mind of God concerning the problem and the best way to handle the situation to save the soul of the poor girl instead of banishing her to hell in such manner or can he treat his own children that way.

    The issue of a witch is a thing of spirit and has to be grip in spiritual as well. So why can’t you deliver the poor girl in the first place or does that mean you are negotiating with the witchcrafts since you didn’t have any power to conquer them. The bible made us to know that God is in spirit and those that worship him will do so in truth and spirit and not by mental accents. (John 4:24).

    I have always said it that one can be a pastor and bishop by profession and not with the power of God. And that you have the power does not mean when you are surrounded with fleet of cars and houses everywhere because even criminals and dubious people can have that as well. If you are a true servant whatever you would say for God must be infallible and accurate because God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19).

    Also, to have Gods power is not about do you know who I am? But remember what the bible said that the rich should not focus on their riches and the poor must not concentrate on their poverty because a man may be poor and sick in the body and yet be a friend of Jesus and also a candidate of heaven. “When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Luke 18:22).

    Prophet TB Joshua sends 30 trailers of rice to the destitute in 6 different states including Muslims here in Nigerian just last week with cash of (250 Million Naira). A genuine servant of God must be humble, sympathetic and lovely kind of person and must know what it is to be poor, loved and hated, praised and humiliated in order to maintain a balance between their responsibility to God and man. (John 16; 16, 19-22).

    We shall know the truth and it shall set us free. It does not matter your church and always supporting your pastor in all things like many do here because the church and your pastor cannot stand to defend you on your last day. One can worship in any living church just as TB Joshua usually said but what matters is to let the people know the truth about the gospel of Christ Jesus which is (LOVE) and the only way to please God in order to make heaven. Meanwhile, the truth is there already but many choose to perish out of ignorance. And in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

  19. u guys should leave Linda alone, haba!!! is she the only blogger reporting about this story it is all over the internet. abeg.

    And for Christ sakes its her freaking blog so she has the right to post whatever she likes, just leave her the hell alone!!!!

  20. False prophet! He is not a man of God!!! A lot of religious Nigerians are just dumb and blind. God has a lot to judge when he comes.

    See how the man looks like a fish and lizard hybrid. Yeye man!!!

  21. Seriously? There are people defending this pastor because they are afraid of "the wrath of God?" We are almost in 2012... FREAKING 2012!!! and some of y'all think it's ok for a very wealthy man to slap another fellow human being because she said she is not a"witch?" OH HOW I WEEP FOR MY COUNTRY NIGERIA.. SEE WHAT RELIGION HAS DONE TO MY PEOPLE.

  22. Linda you have always done a good job. Nigerians have been brain washed so much that they them self don't no what it means to be a man of God and to correct you guys commenting. There is noting known as a man of God every man and woman are men of God, because we were created in his own image. Coming to look at it if it was a member of the house of reps who gave a fellow citizen a slap you guys commenting will be the first to shout it just says how the problems of the country could over cloud our thinking covering our eyes when we see the truth.Neither am i blaming the pastor for what he has done but him bragging about it shows how little an human brain could be when exposed to the power and wealth of the world. Question is if this pastor was poor just like the woman he slapped wold he have lifted his hand to hit her Nigerian need to be smart and also see life form another prospective.Please we are all humans and we should treat each other with respect even if the member of your house is a witch and let God judge them according to there did.

  23. I wonder why Nigerians complain so much about how messed up our country is, when the same people condone barbarism. These pastors, or whatever they call themselves, thrive by preying on the poor, weak, and desperate. I don't remember Jesus banishing witchcraft by assaulting people, makes you wonder what God this pastor really serves. What is wrong is wrong, so spare me the BS by trying to rationalize and "leave it up to God" this pastor's nonsense. God gave us a brain and eyes for a reason, people need to start using them, what is wrong, is wrong!

  24. Still waiting for what he'll do to the like of babangida, obasanjo, atiku, tinunbu etc for stripping this country naked of naira and throwing the entire nigeria into poverty.
    He'll probably command leprosy on them. Mtcheeeewww, yeye.

  25. Linda, your readers are quite funny.
    I can't shoot

  26. Its obvious you are a witch Linda,cos I wonder why you keep going on and on about this story.He that breaks the edge the serpent shall bite.

  27. Nigerians are so one sided, we are the typical example of monkeys see monkeys do, we follow the leaders but we fail to standup for ourselves. If it were Imam that did this, LIB will almost crash with horrifying comments about muslims. Only God knows his true worshippers. Poverty in the making.

  28. being educated has nothing to do with knowing God.....

    linda the men of God in nigeria are different from the ones in the states...

    the men of God in nigeria are functioning with so much annointing......

    linda, if u want to keep on attacking this great men of God go on....

  29. All of you saying "becareful Linda" and supporting Violence against witch (I mean women), May Amadioha fire all of you.

  30. linda calm down and leave it for god dont get things complicated for you. go and pray to god so he will give u direction on things to post and what not to so u dont put urself into wahala with jehovah.

  31. Linda, beware of annointed men of God. seriously, God could erase you like that...........abo or lan so fomoluwabi. to ba denu e , a di odidi.

    He slapped a witch. Elijah burnt 100 innocent messengers, they still begged him on top the curse that he cursed them. dont post this really. its not for the readers. its for you. sora e, kolorun naa si so e.

  32. Let God be true and others be liars. Dont put your trust in a man, but God only.

  33. linda whats ur problem with dis matter i support u d first tim bt again no.abi u b witch,y u carry d matter for head?she deserves it u put all witches n witzard under ur feet.

  34. Most Nigerians are so daft. That is why you people will continue to languish in abject poverty. You people worship pastors so much it is disgusting. How do you know Oyedepo is a man of God? So if he picks up a gun and kills someone, you idiots with no brain will make excuses for him right? Goes to show you how gullible most nigerians are. That is why I will never take you people seriously because you just follow blindly like sheeps heading for the slaughter house. Mtshew!

  35. "being educated has nothing to do with knowing God.....
    linda the men of God in nigeria are different from the ones in the states...
    the men of God in nigeria are functioning with so much annointing......
    linda, if u want to keep on attacking this great men of God go on...."

    I cant believe someone will write these, what is the diffrence between Nigeria and US men of God is the annointing that they operate on is the brain washing of the poor people. If that was the US, he will be in jail by now, or apologising to the poor girl. Fake men of God,

  36. This is a spiritual matter that shouldnt be reasoned with the understanding of man. Dont look at the incident as a physical slap, it is not 'violence against women', spiritual matters are far beyond the matters of the flesh. God bless you all with more understanding.

  37. Pass without dropping any comment. Dear Linda be careful.

  38. Phuck all this self ordained Bishops n if yu are down with them,phuck yu too....its as easy as that....

  39. Is the "winch" a man or a woman?!!! Tell us you phoney faggort pastor. I wish that fool would slap some woman I know and I will introduce him to a real witch! I wish he would do that in a civilized country and see how long he lasts in the "business".
    Smh at all the ignorant fools applauding this clown for!

  40. I love Linda, cos as una dey talk she is still posting more about una "daddy" LMAOOOOOOO!!!

  41. Linda, darling, I love you. I do. I think you and I will be fast friends. A wise man once said that a good man does no good by being silent. There is no just God that will punish you for calling out evil. We have eyes and we can see. This is why Nigeria is not moving forward. We are our own worst enemy. A former slave once said, " I freed thousands of slaves. I could have freed thousands more if they knew they were slave". The thing you have is your voice. Do not hesitate to use it in calling out oppression and wickedness in high places. Forget about these foolish people trolling the internet.

  42. LMAO are you guys kidding me right now? When it was homos, see people condemning. Now this man slapped a woman with his pastoral office and you say judge not? O ga o!!

  43. I still respect that Bishop but i think it was wrong for him to lay his hands on her. Very wrong. Get a hold of yourself sir. I wonder how he fares in spiritual matters requiring greater deals of self control and the likes...whatever happened to letting God fight His battles?
    These house helps are always being made to realise they're witches...i'm not going to be surprised if the whole charged atmosphere in the church led her to want to confess what she's been led to believe.
    I remember confessing to stealing my mum's money way back just cos she's always suspected me, only for her to discover the stash somewhere, leading her to wonder why i took blame for what i didn't do.
    Inasmuch as i dislike the activities of witches, but what if she isnt one?

  44. linda just be very careful about men of God you know the bible says that a natural man cannot understand the things of the are not spiritual enough to understand what goes on in the spirit so please stay clear of this.

  45. Linda I understand why the bishop slapped that lady it s called HOLY ANGER but this one prayer point can scatter ones destiny please I still love u jor delete this post u know some men of God use the bible against people even if they are wrong they challenge him with his word and the bible says he honours his word more than his name so please delete this post I am no oyedepo fan I stopped being an oyedepo fan when his son pastor isaac oyedepo used and dumped most CU girls including Tosan and settled for someone else

  46. if you are dumb enough to toy with the LORD'S ANOINTED, you need a slap yourself. i am certain that you have no spiritual roots so do not use your physical eyes to judge spiritual matters

  47. Wat Bishop david Oyedepo did was Right..I was @ d Tabernacle dat day,d Witch was slapped..Y wuld she say She's a Witch for Christ?..Dat Made d Bishop Slapped her..Bcux God has no Witch,instead He has Angels..Bishop is nt Braggin wit it,He's Sndin a Msg Across to his Children Dat we shld nt b Scared Of any Witch Or Wizard..I Luv Bishop Oyedepo.He's God sent..Angel David .Stay Blessed All

  48. morons!...i detect fear even in d way they type 'LINDA,BE CAREFUL".yáll mk me wanna puke.oyedepo should be punished.gbam!

  49. Linda,pls be careful wat u post.Who knws maybe u are unmarried yet becos of the witches tormenting ur destiny.suffer not a witch to live.Linda,pls be careful!

  50. So a slapped witch walked the street of Nigeria for a year before seeing the bishop again to apologise, apologise for what??? .... hmm ... Nigerians are just freaking gullible. shame shame shame ...

  51. interesting ... so after the slap the witch didnt get delivered? she went back to her company? ... bottom line: slap isnt a weapon of warfare in xtaindoom ... all of you calling on linda's head should go get your head re-examined. so what of she talks about pastors? blind worshippers of men drown in gross ignorance of the one true God.

  52. Hi Linda,
    Please Fire on !!!
    Total population of Christians and Muslims is less than 50% of world population.
    Nigerians, think twice ....Nigerians wake up .....Billionaires pastors.... because we are gullible...


  54. From all the comments, I see ignorance, stupidity, and gullibility from Nigerians.Who is a man of God?who gives the title?who's worthy? For all those screaming Linda's a witch, i've heard this before"it takes a witch to know a witch". Just like NO one has the right to Judge the Bishop, THE BISHOP had no right to judge and condemn the girl to hell.For those of you that choose to be misled and fear the "man of God" more than God himself, know that it will lead to destruction if you don't repent.I wonder if religious sycophants would have reacted this way if it was another pastor that did this, I was upset with both the girls' comment, (there's no such thing as witch for Jesus)and the bishop's action, but the bishop had no right to slap her or condemn her to hell, is he God??? this goes out to those comparing this incident with when Jesus chased people buying and selling in the temple, how dare you compare Jesus with Oyedepo, how dare you???!!! It's ridiculous to think that any "man of God " is above errors,It's written in the Bible Rom 3:23 for ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard, Bishop Oyedepo is "man" like it or not, pointing out his mistakes is NOT I repeat NOT a sin and would not incure any wrath, what would incure wrath is how he's being corrected, O how stupid people have become,God, please shed your light of understanding on gullible christians that don't seek or worship you in spirit and in truth!!!!!!!!!

  55. We fail to look at the fact that the witch claimed to be a witch for Jesus, where in the bible those it talk about witches for Jesus. i believe the man was angered in the spirit. Now Linda, i am a son of a pastor a grand son of an Anglican priest, my grand dad fought against the maltreatment of ladies, i did not like the scene but then we don't know if he acted on the instruction of the holy spirit. so i will advice you if you are not careful Linda you will go back to this man to beg for forgiveness. i cant count how many times people had to come back to this man of God to ask for forgiveness after saying evil this about him behind him. i will advice anybody who has commented evil about him to have a rethink and pray to God for forgiveness

  56. The near fanatical frenzy of the pentecostal army and the very real fear of being ostracised makes a lot of people who would otherwise speak up duck in fear. Dissent is not welcome and in an era where every next action is subject to superstitious scrutiny, one better be on the right side of the divide i.e. on the side of the majority. A majority enveloped in near hysterical paranoia, a majority driven to a hypnotic stupor from an excess of a cocktail of misapplied religious verses and constantly on the edge from not knowing if they are 'robbing God'.

    If one attempts to side with the vulnerable precious child one will be branded a witch because that is all they see when they see her for the they see through their Man of God's eyes. Whom you want to kill you first de-humanise.

    How did it get that we've become a people who can't tell right from wrong? When did the values so plain in the Bible about Christ become so cloaked in a staple diet of 'enemies', 'witches', 'fear'? When did the yardstick for measuring our walk with Christ become 'how wealthy a man is'? Are we truly a reflection of the Church in the Acts of the Apostles?

    Because we have failed to see and teach the premium value that is truly in each and every one of us; rich or poor, young or old, white or black; their 'God' will always be a respecter of persons; coming down hard on the poor and on children but excusing the wealthy and powerful.

    It is why the elite politicians who rob the populace blind (and who because of their stealing cause road accidents from bad roads, poor health care etc) will be given front row sits in the Man of God's altar. For him the 'HOLY ANGER' is not stirred up mightily to 'SPIRITUALLY SLAP' the theiving politicians. And No, that 'holy anger' will never slap a child from a western country or a rich man's child, for those ones in the MOG's eyes have a premium value (and quite rightly so).

    Those who stay under the yoke of such teaching and and refuse to speak for fear, I say 'yes, what you fear is real, it is the hordes from the MOG and the MOG himself. Because of his words, your compassion for the vulnerable has run dry; you would give to your MOG rather than clothe the poor or feed the hungry. You see an enemy of Christ when you should see Christ Himself when you look at a child (even if you would consider the slapped girl a sinner).

    He (Jesus) said, suffer not little children to come unto me. He also said that Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me'. If you are a follower of Christ and not of the MOG, you would know that it is more important on that day that the MOG's miracles are not your yardstick for heaven. When He separates the sheep, His question will be based on Matt 25:31-40.

    Please be like Jesus, let your life be about doing good in your neighbour's liffe (think like the good samaritan). Do no allow yourself be encumbered with 'fears' that did not bother the early new testament Church 'of witches or robbing God'. Lay your all at the altar for the sake of the poor, weak, orphans and all other vulnerable people and stop creating Gods out of Men.

  57. Franklyours Rafiu and few others (sorry I can't mention all) have written in wisdom!!!

  58. Make everybody shut up joor...if Oyedepo is of God,he'd continue to grow irrespective of what u guys say here n d reverse WILL happen if he's not of God.
    If dis incident happened more than a year ago why re they bringing it up nw???*hidden agenda*?

  59. Linda, what is your business with this man? If u r a Christian, go and read what the Bible says about judging others n pointing fingers on His chosen servants! You r in NO place to judge claiming he is "bragging" and "assaulting"! remove the large speck in your eye first b4 posting stuff on others and by the way, it'd be best 2 start blogging about sensible things!

  60. Nigerians are such big fools, and I make no apologies. To think some people will actually condone the acts of Oyedepo is appalling and continues to prove to me that Nigeria can never get better. Shame!!!

  61. Nigerians are so evil and not as holy as they pretend to be. If you read your Bibles well, did Jesus not come for the sinners?? If you say she should be killed because she is a witch then how does she get saved, secondly who made you God to decide who should die?? Hypocrites.

  62. @ Web_Designer....Obasanjo actually attended his church in the past. Even Goodluck was laid hands on by Adeboye.

    Point of the matter is: He only did what he did because this girl was defenseless and looked poor. He will not ever have tried that on a rich man's child or abroad. He knew he was gonna get away with it. Simple.

    Why didn't he do an alter call for political thieves when Obasanjo attended his church??

  63. all of u dat commented on papa wrongly u re all mad cos he is a man of god,i wish it d time of old testiment of of u would hav be put 2 death.and u linda u tink u re posting dis to make money! u cheap lagos ashawo go to hell nd get fuck by a dog.chistian re nt faithful at all bu a moslem can nt do dis is becos jesus came to die 4 our sins dat is why we still leaving.fools

  64. Hm. Mmmmnnnnnnnn, be very comment. It is not every fly that passes that you turn to look at......caution! Caution! Caution!!!

  65. Fools. Stupid ignorant people talking about "Men of God" - WHO TOLD YOU HE IS A MAN OF "GOD"?


  66. Oh my God, you people are so backward, so because he's a man of God he has the authority to slap others?. Nigerians have placed their spiritual leaders higher than God himself...In western world, the witches declare openly, however, if something happens to us we attribute it to the enemies, the witches , the mother inlaws and the rest, instead of us to pray to God and believe that Only God has the power to afflict us with whatever he wants and only him has the power to heal us or was it the witches that attacked Yaya or (Job)in the bible?. God actually tested his faith, and he passed because he never attributed it to anyone. Sincerely Nigerians are perishing because of failure to recorgnise God as God alone, this is due to poverty and lack of exposure..

  67. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. Just as the Father has sent me, so I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20: 21-22)

    We are not fighting the flesh and blood so the bishop has no reason whatsoever to battering and expelled her to hell at the same time. This is worst thing a so called servant of God would ever do. Christian lives come from Christ in himself because he came to save the world from bondage in which he sacrificed his own live to achieve. Why the bishop would condemn an image of God to hell instead of delivering the poor girl and save her soul since she is in the house of God she deserves freedom than condemnation. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:17).

    “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:6-8)

    So if Jesus was constantly casting out demons, always telling the apostles to cast out demons, and the apostles too were always casting out demons, then it should only be logical that the Church should continue to still cast out demons when needed. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

    (Ephesians 6:12) This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world. And so, it takes the things of the spirit to battle with the spirit while the lesser would relinquish. So, bishop she later came back and apologies to you over what? And the followers would say amen to such story. Because there’re many that is claiming they are born again but still under encumber out of ignorant.

    (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. A genuine Pastor / Servant speak the word of God accurately while other speaks empty talk. "For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure. (John 3:34)

    Prophet TB Joshua prophesies concerning the death of the North Korean leader two and three weeks ago has later come to fulfillment just as he said and it is so awe-inspiring. Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26).

    A person who isn't spiritual doesn't accept the teachings of God's Spirit. He thinks they're nonsense. He can't understand them because a person must be spiritual to evaluate them. (1 Corinthians 2:14).

  68. Linda well done for posting. Man of God or not he has no right assaulting an ignorant local woman. If she is a witch, cast the demon out or just move her out of the church. Not hit her after all Jesus never touched a soul. When Peter tried it when Jesus was being arrested, Jesus stopped him. I fell in love with Christianity because of Jesus' compassion and hope he has in all even the man with 7 demons.

  69. @ anon 10.15

    holy anger??????


    what an ignorant fool.

    For the first time Linda Ikeji seems to be using her blog for something purposeful.

    To the fools masquerading as "believers", please understand that violence is violence.

  70. Linda Ikeji!!! Leave Bishop Oyedepo alone...

  71. just shut that gutter you call mouth if you dont know what to say.

  72. I wonder why people waste their precious life/time disturbing themselves on issues like this. This person you are talking about isn't a human being and doesn't think like you think. He doesn't operate in human frequency at all and I'm too sure he will never read all these absurd comments. I advise you to go do something better with your life/time, he is enjoying his life in Christ Jesus. Go find your own life and stop been jobless.

  73. LINDA IKEJI!YOU ARE A FOOL...WHAT MAKES ME THINK YOU ARE A WITCH!!!! dont talk about prophets like matter what!!!... after all that has been said of T.B.Joshua and is not for us to judge.....ever heard the saying,small minds discuss great people....thats what u just did...........i know u wouldnt post this.........BITCH

  74. What he did was pure assault and in a civilised society he would have faced charges. Yet the sheeple rise to defend him. No wonder ghandi says I love christianity its your christians I don't like much

  75. @ methinks...what you need is salvation and deliverance if u can utter such about a servant of God and God's people..beg Him to show you mercy!!
    and i really dont think this is an appropriate is in no mans place to judge..leave that to the king to judge(God)

  76. I think he should apologise to the lady.... slapping not allowed.....

    Witch or no witch u cnt be doing that man.... JESUS would not do such...

    I think he should repent and apologise...
    God will minister to him.

  77. Hey Linda, good post.

    Do not mind the lots of "Annonymous" posts warning you about the wrath of God and about judging. Frankly, many Nigerians have confused God with Nigerian mythological demi-gods.

    Funny enough, Paul, Peter, Stephen, James etc. never threatened anyone about impending wrath should they be criticized. For goodness sakes, they were killed, yet they prayed for their persecutors. Very strange Christianity in Nigeria today.

  78. Linda leave these idiots.... And we wonder why naija is a failed naition. Cos fools are afraid to speak reality.

    The same pple telling linda not to judge are approving oyedepo judging.

    I have said it, these pastors have become larger than God.

    Beware of false prophets, the bible warns us. Let those who have eyes see. Afterall God made us in his likeness and gave us brain to differentiate right from wrong so we don't need any spiritual eye to know this man in an egotistic, arrogant, lunatic.

    Of all the evil things done to Jesus, did he ever slap anyone? Yet pple can excuse this madness.

  79. @all who think he was wrong for slapping the girl: the girl blasphemed by saying shez a witch for JESUS. Nobody saw any thing wrong with what she said yet they blame the servant of God for reacting to this blasphemy.*sighs*BTW linda this happened long ago why post it now? am with him 100percent on this and there is nothing wrong with what he did. if u think u are stong go slap a witch an see if you'll survive it.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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