Thousands protest and sign petition to take the Kardashians off TV | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 16 November 2011

Thousands protest and sign petition to take the Kardashians off TV

Organised groups, and Occupy Wall Street are trying to get the Kardashians off television for good! Petition organizer Cyndy Snider said in a statement:
In a grass roots effort, we have collected [thousands of] signatures for a petition asking E! Entertainment to remove the Kardashian suite of shows from their programming. We feel that these shows are mostly staged and place an emphasis on vanity, greed, promiscuity, vulgarity and over-the-top conspicuous consumption.
Yawa has If you saw the petition, would you sign? Continue reading...

The petition — available at — is just one of the organized efforts to get the Kardashian/Jenner clan off television screens, clothes, and perfume and nail polish bottles everywhere. Websites and Facebook pages are also calling for their ouster.

"While some may have begun watching the spectacle as mindless entertainment or as a sort of 'reality satire,' it is a sad truth that many young people are looking up to this family and are modeling their appearance and behavior after them," Snider continued. "I'll remind you here that the Kardashian family fame largely started with a 'leaked' sex tape."

There's even a petition to get Kim Kardashian's role scrapped in the upcoming Tyler Perry film "Marriage Counselor." Comments on the Talk section of his website range from mild to pure outrage over her casting.

"I really am disappointed in your decision to keep Kim K. in your movie. She is a disgrace to herself and her family. She is a role model and she has disappointed her fans. Let her go. I guarantee she will bring your ratings down. Dump her," Marcell Troupe wrote.

Another fan gave a foolproof way to get in his movie.
"ATTENTION PEOPLE!!! Stop asking for handouts or to be in his next movie!! Don't you know Just make a SEX TAPE and he will cast you in his next movie no matter what his fans think!!!!!!! Kim K did so can you! :)" Jeromy wrote.

Yowza. Kardashian is reportedly working with renowned acting coach Susan Batson to improve her skills for her role as a woman actually working on her failing marriage — something she knows nothing about.

"There is no particular religious or political platform behind our disgust; we are just finally fed up," Snider added. - Yahoo News


  1. Yawaa don gas! Let dem scrap that shit of our screen!fully in support!

  2. If I saw the petition, I would sign it too!

  3. Americans are probably not has stupid as Africans and Britons. Fans of the Kardashians are fools or people with 'fish brains'. In the UK, model Jody Marsh did a stage managed wedding just like Kim Kard... The guy also ran away.

  4. I guess they have a point but I wont go as far as taking their show off TV...they are my guilty pleasure lol

  5. bloody hypocrites casting stones, as if their morals are any better. i'm not saying the Ks are all-right or anything, they have their faults like everyone else, bt if d people petitioning against them are serious, they should stop watching the K shows, and d moment the show's ratings go down, E! will drop them fast fast. there's no need to carry placard and stuff against them. it's entertainment, and that family is E!'s cash cow and they have the right to put up whatever show they want. that's what it is.

  6. I like their show but I think Kim needs to be cut out of it. She has made a mockery of the marriage institution and that is not a good thing for young girls who look up to her as a role model. 72 days for christ sake? Is that a joke??

    Kim is a fame whore and should be axed from the show. Let her look for her 15 minutes of fame elsewhere!

  7. Are you sure d Karadashians didn't start this thing themselves? Their PR is quite good. They formulate rumours. I dont trust those ppl. Besides, theres hardly anything like 'bad publicity'. Any kinda publicity is good.lmao

  8. yes i will sign it, whenever i go home my younger sis is on that channel and would scream if i attempt to change it to correct movie channel. yeah scrap it i say.

  9. Isit by force 2 watch.. Change d fuckn channel if u dunt wana watch.. i dunt watch it.. i bliv its a BS show n its full of acting but rily its nt by force to watch.. period...

  10. i wouldnt sign, its called entertainment and there are worse on tv jare..i agree that they are vain and crazy especially that their mama, i hardly ever watch the show, but the girls are also very hardworking.

  11. nothing but pure/clear case of hate,,,,make dem leave dem jor

  12. Linda, I wil sign n ova sign 2. Dis family has done more harm 2 homes, kourtney treats her bf scott like trash, i once saw kendal told her fada bruce 2 shut up n get out of her face n al kris 2 do was 2 tel bruce he made d gurl angry, can u imagine dat. Abeg dey shld go joor am fed up 2.

  13. Even though the things they said are quite true, there's freedom of association please. Just change the channel if in doubt.

  14. *Now booking my flight to america to go and sign*...Yes! i want it out dat badly...they are beyond stupid!

  15. i concur!

    too much of everything is bad!

    everybody is doing a reality show!

    you want reality show? visit jungle city in naija! then you all would know what REALITY is all about and not all these stage-managed acting!

    #long hissss#


  17. All i can see is cute lil Mason.
    On a serious note,they should free them joor, they are just biz minded and though they don't add value in any way to the lives of young youths,rather promote rubbish(drunkenness,divorce,disrespecting parents,really vulgar use of words,greed,fornication,partying,cohabitating abbl)beef and not concern for the moral welfare of American youths is the drive force of this petition.There are even more heinous morally decadent programmes on TV so why all the focus on the K sisters.

  18. i wont sign Though i dont watch i admire the family cos they have a very strong bond which every family should emulate .they are also very hardworking and are good business people ...

  19. hahahaha bad belle pple,if it bothers u so much and if u think its dat easy,or u think dey dont deserve wat dey have,go make ur own reality show or better still go n make a sex tape n show da world,,,,or isnt dat where it all started,
    my point is,their method mite not be the conventional way of making money but they work hard and dey deserve every dollar dey make,,,so instead of hating find sumtin unconventional n make money out of it 2 if u think its easy.


  20. its thier life n its e-tv's business weda its scrapped or not. if de scrap them..well, ive got so many other interesting things to watch. if they leave them...i am not forced or glued to watch them am i? i got choices.
    if de give me d petition to sign...would i? NO! i wouldnt..cos its thier wahala afterall its not like their show is d only thing being shown on tv. I have option of zapping past channel 124 if their show is on.

  21. i wl gladly sign d damn program off my screen....yinmu for their nonsense

  22. I signed it yesterday. I was the 25,429 person to sign it.

  23. Its all entertainment and I actually enjoy watching it so hell no! I wouldnt sign any petition.

  24. me i knw deve done lots of wrong tins but dese family is ver industrious,dey are making mad cash.i like kim o,i ll be honest

  25. LMAO!r they forcing people to watch it?

  26. I will not sign it.
    Aanyone who watches that trash and dozens of other so called reality tv series on tv needs to have their heads checked.
    It is a sign of stupidity.
    same with the Big Brother series.
    If viewers ignore them, they will go away.

  27. i just signed the petition simply because i am a bad belle

  28. @ Anonymous, November 16, 2011 12:25 PM. You’re a fool, who told you we in the UK like the Karadashians, I and most of the people I know think it’s a senseless show for thick and superficial people. I don’t know who Africans like on TV and neither would I comment on it. I am a proper Oyinbo Girl and role with Nigerian people in the UK. If you don’t know don’t talk, Bloody Idiot, Making my blood boil.

    Thats my View
    Nikki UK

  29. @ Anonymous, November 16, 2011 12:25 PM. You’re a fool, who told you we in the UK like the Karadashians, I and most of the people I know think it’s a senseless show for thick and superficial people. I don’t know who Africans like on TV and neither would I comment on it. I am a proper Oyinbo Girl and role with Nigerian people in the UK. If you don’t know don’t talk, Bloody Idiot, Making my blood boil.

    Thats my View
    Nikki UK

  30. LMAO!r they forcing people to watch it?

  31. Jealousy go kill some pple,if e worry u go do ya own,besides dey didnt force anybody to watch,like dem or hate dem,sign it or not,its all ur opinion n it dosent count,so mo una go siddon for una misery and let dem be....

  32. If you want to sign the pertition, Click here:

  33. their show is frivolous stupid and boring ...about time i will sign the petition...nonsense and rubbish!!

  34. I would sooooo sign d petition. Yeye pipo!

  35. Kim Kardashian Naija16 November 2011 at 15:31


    Search yourself, some of you looove this show..

  36. That's not all, there's an app now for people to block all things Kardashian!!! I live in the US and will definitely be signing if I come across the petition. I am so over it with the K's!!!

  37. How is this our business??

  38. Linda, Linda Linda, it is not & wall street o! its some lady- Cyndy Snider that is starting this petition. They just made reference to and world street. Go to yahoo news for full details.
    BTW no body is forcing people to watch, people watch because they want to... all i see here is bad- belle. People should Leave them alone, and focus on their own life. Period!
    Hate is disgusting!!

  39. lol @ anon 12:34pm haha ur reason is so funny! like if it eventually happens ur sis can find an alternative channel to watch uno :)

  40. I would definitely sign it!

  41. Give me the petition, i will readily sign it.

  42. can people just leave the Kardashians alone and tune to TBN or Rhema Channel or CNN atleast? bottom line no one is forcing you to watch, just like no one is forcing you to watch big brother!

  43. don't they get pulled off when people STOP watching them? the only reason they are still around is cos people continue to watch them, therby boosting ratings

  44. High time this nonsense is taken off the screen indeed

  45. Abet abeg...I'm not a Kadashians fan but let truth be told, they make for good tv and are making their $$$ well. If u want the show cancelled on the premise of bad behavior, then u might as well ask for all reality shows to be cancelled eg Real Housewives, Basketball wives, Jerseylicious, Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette and the list keeps going on and on.
    If u don't like them, it's as simple as flipping d channel. Simply as ABC!!!!

  46. Haters!!!!!!!!As if you were forced to watch. Na jealousy go kill una.....Haba!. signing won't change anything. These people have made it whether you like it or not and nothing can change that instead,the publicity would even make them more famous......mmmmcchhheeewww!!!!!!!!!!

  47. must everything be bad belle?
    a lot of youths watch this shit and model their lives on it.
    It may not concern you as an individual but it should because this shit affects societal values

  48. its about time abeg....take it off and yes,i will sign the bill!

  49. I used to watch their show like crazy but got tired when Kim started dating Kris, bcos I knew it was fake. So, before the whole wedding sham happened i already stopped.

    I basically cancelled the whole E channel. I got tired of reality shows. Hell yeah, i will sign it.

  50. useless silly women existing in that family

  51. ive just signed and i was the 73,347th person. no b bad belle, u gain n learn nothing bt vanity hia, pls let dem go, anything dat doesnt add value to ones life, shld b scrapped. i used to b an avid fan, evn setting my sky box tv to record the series whn im out, i had to ask myself what i was gaining and whn i cldnt cme up with half an answer, i stopped. same with facebook, big broda, soaps et al. i dont begrudge acct holders on facebook, its fantastic for networking esp if uve gt a biz or idea 2sell etc, bt spending hours looking at pictures n reading some obviously fake comments is very fickle to me so i quit. like i said, if it doesnt add value, pls let it go, even human beings sef. i go thru my phone on d 31st of december yearly n delete pple dat ive nt hlpd grow nor hve dey hlpd me grow positively in d year abt 2go n r nt likely 2contribute in d new yr, n i enter d new year with new vigour n less baggage. dont get me wrong, a little entertainment isnt bad as u cant b serious all d tym, bt in its own way, it has to b constructive, u shld b able 2cme away wit smetng positive aftrward. i rest my case.

  52. I Love the kardashians <# why should they get off T.V? Kim divorced her husband, the money and giftshe made off it she's giving it to charity...what else so you peolpe want. No one's perfect..move on!! there are other celebrities that have done worse!

  53. How many people are popular because of their sex tape? even Pamela Anderson where is she now? no where, she made a sextape, someone leaked it and she turned negative to positive! shikena..she has invested in alot of things and she works hard for her money so it makes no sense , even if the take off their show, she's still gonna be popular and earn millions! SHIKENA!!!!!!

  54. Nne, get me d paper I want sign pls,hurry!!!!!!

  55. Nne pls get me d paper,I want sign hurry!!!!!!!! No tyme

  56. how about they get rid of jersey shore first?
    btw see little Mason with the beach ball! too cute

  57. wats dt nau, u dnt wnt 2 see em dnt tune in 2 dt chanel jst change d channel not al dis crazy protest n ish

  58. for my freaking sake, please leave the KARDASHIANS the hell alone....i cant do without seeing those gorgeous faces....hate it or love it they are made.i am about sending Buka Haram to blast off the head of Cyndy Snider for even conceiving such a malicious idea. mscheeeeeeeeeeeew!

  59. Pls everyone should leave kimmy alone!! Reality show isn't realistic at the end of the day all depends on how interesting yours get so plssssss!

  60. this whole tin is happenin cos of that yeye gal called kim much as i love dis show,am in total support of the petition cos i know it will arrange all of them their brain back 2 order.cos them don kolo.the pple r just drunk wit publicity,am sure thats why kim got married and then divorced.i will miss khloe sha.4 kim's sake,plzzz i want to sign dt petition 2 o.mumu gal!!!!

  61. I love that family n nothing ll charge that , pls its called reality show on E ! Entertainment , it's a show n it's entertaining ... Remember u don't hv to watch it ... Y watch d show if u don't like them n u guys that r saying its bad for kids , don't blame ur bad job as a parent cos of d show

  62. All you people saying "is it by force to watch it" are not keeping one thing in mind. When you are talking of something that affects society, you dont think of only yourself; if you have children you will want it off the TV bcos they are not forcing you to watch as you say but they are "forcing" your children who know no better to watch & are corrupting them against your best efforts to raise them right.
    I was the 62,357 person to sign the petition

  63. i honestly dnt know why people stress themselves over vanity,
    as far as am concerned, the K family are making mad money over this petition ish and thats money machine even when u are asleep.
    i dnt love them, infact i hate them and so doin, i boycot all their shows, am having a 2months free holiday and u know wat, i flip the channels weneva the K shows are on.
    if we all boycot the shows, the ratings will fall and the show will be taken off.
    BTW, am in support of the petition.

  64. Ashewo Inc. How can people sit down to watch such immoraliy and call these bitches celeb? We have changed the true meaning of celeb to mean slut and ashewo....Imagine a book was launched about the life of Amy winehouse too?? somebody that died of drugs and manya?? Now these sluts that one of them married for 2 minutes?? Nigerians beware of what you copy ooh, even the people una de copy get small sense....Mchew

  65. @chi chi, real ignoramus you are! I hate when people just become followers like you have turned out...they have evry right ko, it is this right that is ruining the world. How about you remove your clothes and walk naked na, since it is entertainment, you will get paid na, abi? odeh!

  66. Some of you only came here to ''hate the haters'' instead of commenting on the write-up. . . . .mtscheeew! . . .talk your own joor and leave other peoples opinions to them. Anyone who shares a different view other than the usuall "mickey likey" is a hater. .please shut up if you dont have anything to say. And stop bordering yourself over other people's comments. . .yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

  67. @CLF

    "Even though the things they said are quite true, there's freedom of association please. Just change the channel if in doubt."

    "freedom of association"

    Are you serious??? Oh lawddd :) Do you understand what freedom of association means? Se u go school at all :)
    Daffie, are you confusing freedom of choice with freedom of association?

  68. i concur.. i wish to sign tooo.. my 5year old baby is beginning to recognise kim n d whole kardashian crew already.....pls take it off..plsssss

  69. Everybody have been waiting for Kardashian fame to be over. This is the opportunity that allows everyone to voice how they truly feel.
    I used to watch their show. The girls are pretty, their fashion and makeup, so I guess I got caught in the publicity. I think a lot of Black people liked them because they seem to like black people. Which might just be a front.
    But, I'm done with them. I want them off TV. Let me go sign...

  70. i tolly suport ds action. Dia TV show haf got nfn tew offer.

  71. Are people serious here? I heard sumone sayin she used to watch it n realised her mistake and even logged off facebook bla bla...ur kind of person believes in living a hard edged life without shades in between.u delete ur fone contacts 31st december.those who haven't added to your life.You like to play God without givin ppl benefit of d doubt.I'm sure if U experience failure,u may delete God himself from ur life,without caring to know if he may be relevant someday.U don't rule ppl out lyk dat.U feel Kardashians is a crappy show as u realised;allow ppl 2 make their own mistakes n corrections.everyone has wat he gains frm stuffs.I used to watch d show b4 but got bored n out grew it.not lyk I hate it now but I don't go out of my way to watch.I rily don't care much bout it,even fakebook.So pls,u don't force change on lil sis used 2 love teletubbies so much,2 our she's 15 n in unilag.dat one don pass since...if u want 2 scrap it,go 2 mtv,scrap 'Ur momma',sweet 16,jersey shore,big broda,basketballers' wives,bachelor,temptation island,16 and pregnant(not sure of d name).dey all don't teach morals,do dey?infact scrap Mtv,Rihanna,Nicki n all

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