Naval officer kills lover, self | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 30 November 2011

Naval officer kills lover, self

Unfortunately this murder is being kept under wraps because it involves naval officers. The Nigerian navy two weekends back lost two of their Naval officers. A female naval rating called Itoha and her naval officer live-in-lover, Henry.

According to the neighbours of the couple, who until their deaths lived at navy town, Ojo Barracks, Lagos, the naval officer returned from a joint task force mission in in Jos and accused his lover of cheating on him with another man while he was away. Neighbours said the couple, who had been planning to marry, argued and fought frequently. This particular night was to be their last, as the Henry in a fit of anger stabbed Itoha several times with a dagger and then turned the dagger on himself.

Their neighbours who heard the screams of Itoha rushed to their apartment and managed to get her out of there. Unfortunately they came too late. Itoha died at the Naval hospital, Ojo where she was rushed to. Henry died three days later.

The flag officer commanding (FOC), western naval command, Rear Admiral Emmanuel Ogbor said in a statement.
The command has constituted a panel to find out exactly what happened that led to the death of the ratings. This is something the navy does not want itself to be associate with if it actually happened the way people have been claiming. We condemn it in totality because it is sad that two young persons that came together to join the service to serve their fatherland and out of primitive and barbaric behaviour , they end their lives in that manner. The navy will get to the root of the matter and find out what happened.


  1. Hia! First acid bath and now this.. This Love of a thing is becoming a risky business these days o..

  2. the naval press officer should be sacked for issuing this statement. so unproffessional! and what is the issue with government and disassociating themselves with incidents that are obviously linked to them? first is the Abia state university incisting the rape case did not occur in their school and the first lady towing the same line and later retracting her statement. A simple statement that states that the Nigerian navy will investigate the matter will suffice instead of the lengthy description and unnecessary blowing of hot air

  3. Na dem know. It seems that nowadays, nigerian men and women cannot date and/or marry each other and live in peace under the same roof without eventually either stabbing, maiming or killing each other at the end. To be in a relationship is not by force you know even though society is trying to tell you otherwise. Now, two young lives have been wasted. I fear people nowadays. You don't know whom to trust.

  4. SHUO! this is surely the last straw! im officially a nun...ah love is becoming a dangerous game in naija now oo! so people cannot love without pouring acid and stabbing? Psychos in naija too? u see why i no like person to love me too much because they could get paranoid and just kill u oneday all because they love u too much to lose u to someone else...abeg i dodge am oo...people pls love sensibly! had she left him,she would be alive now.

  5. hmmn by the way he was a naval officer? ehn so even our so called security bodies are not well upstairs? most of these naval/army/police men need to be thorougly examined first before getting sensitive jobs like dis. Do they actual go through all the selection process and assessment centres? do they actually ascertain if they are okay psychologically before letting them protect people and properties? How can an unwell man protect other people?

    Naija we have a long way to go sha

  6. This kind love this days,,i no understand oo.............

  7. Absolutely terrible. Don't know why people do these evil things. Why kill yourself and the lady when you could just break up with her.

  8. Serves them right, and I hope more of them would keep dying like that. I always rejoice whenever I hear that something tragic happened to any member of Nigeria's useless armed forces. The only thing they are good at is terrorizing and humiliating 'bloody civilians' on the streets everyday. The other naval dogs that stripped a lady naked and assualted her a few years ago, have they been punished? I hate these military fool with a passion. Let them all die for all I care. Bloody cowards who only know how to show their power on defenceless civilians.

  9. since when did love become by force for Nigerians? Na wa oh!

  10. well, why cheat on someone you claim to love in the first place. its so sad everyone is now resorting to western nonsense called breakups. Cant you be faithful just for once all through.The lunatic is not only the male officer but the female that cannot keep her legs closed . Animals like goats open up for everyone dat comes their way. Ladies practice Faithfulness just for once and life will go well for you. Do your part

  11. If a man can beat you, he can eventually kill you, if you get even one slap, LEAVE HIM. When we all drum this message into young women & men, fatal domestic violent incidences will decrease.

  12. Its a traagic story indeed,but please don't confuse the masses.were they naval officers or naval ratings?

  13. But that nave man go to far killing him self he should have send her paking than doing that

  14. anon 9:08pm did u see her cheat on him? where u there? even if she cheated on him so what? are they married? he had no right to kill her. guys cheat all the freaking time, he should have ended the relationship like that is the proper thing to do! its sad that people actually think like u!

  15. Signs of the end tym

  16. Hey Linda, you would have wrapped ur hair, u look like a brides maid except for the wedding dress

  17. @anon 11:01 Am.. They were naval ratings and not officers. I wonder why the media mixed that up!

  18. Anon 9.08: Were you the PI that was hired to prove that she was cheating? There's a 50% chance that the guy's suspicions could have been unfounded.

    Advise: Think. Then type.

  19. @ December 1, 2011 7:35 AM....It would be very easy to get angry at someone like u or that careless comment u made dere, but it would be foolishness to do dat.

    I understand dat there are many animals in uniform doing harm to civillian citizens, but they do not represent a majority of the military men and women who live in n fight for our country when they've been called to act. To wish people u dont know 'death' is to invite the same wrath on urself for anyone who shares something in common wit u dat might be doing something wrong too. Its like saying all doctors should die because some doctors perform abortions on women to kill unborn babies.

    I speak as a child who grew up in a military background, with the finest Father who died doing his Job for this country, I speak as someone who has seen and experienced the tremendous loyalty that fine officers share between themselves and to each others families. Only recently 21 generals turned up to pay my widowed mum a visit just cos it was a saturday ...its called Respect for someone they once knew and shared time with...That kind of support goes a very long way in helping people stay strong while trying to move on...whether u choose to believe it or not as there are a bad minority making headlines, there are a very good majority who remain in the military to do good despite all d hiccups they have to deal with.

    Not every thing is good about every kind of person in the world, and I guarantee dat there are many military personnel who stand against such brutality too. It is just not good enough to wish death on an entire group of people you obviously know sooo little about.

    As for this Naval officer he only killed himself cos i guess he didnt want to have to be court-martialed...This is a grievious offence and even in death amazing but true a charge will still be brought against his uniform (its a principle)...and he certainly would not be recieving any rites of respect due to a service man or woman on death... But I just rmbrd he's a 'rating' not an 'officer' so i'm not sure what applies...

    I pray this senselessness is appropriately dealt with sha to pose as a lesson to others...

  20. This is some Romeo and Juliet tinzz! Lol

  21. Romeo and Juliet kpichikam!

  22. @ Kween, they are all the same...officers and ratings becos they all behave like animals. Foolish military pple

  23. hmn na wa o,its quite unfortunate,i was a living witness of d incident,i saw both harry and itoya alive when they were brought into d hospital on that faithful saturday morning,kudos to d doctors on call for their urgent response but yet destiny had its way,d last words i had from itoya was water,water,water, indeed love is a snare.


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