Breaking News: Dr Conrad Murray Sentenced To Four Years In Prison | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 29 November 2011

Breaking News: Dr Conrad Murray Sentenced To Four Years In Prison

Dr Conrad Murray was this evening November 29th jailed for four years for involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson. The sentence will be served in the Los Angeles County jail. 

You think he deserved the maximum sentence?


  1. With overcrowding in California's prisons, how much time would he really serve?

  2. It is a pity that this man has to serve punishment for a Michael Jackson that was dead long before his death.But the question again is why should the man decide to administer such drug to him in order to kill him? For an open society like US I think he deserves what he got.Our country Nigeria should learn from this.America is country that believes in justice and rule of law. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, things are done with impunity.

  3. Yep! He deserves it

  4. No, nt fair @ all. MJ was a grown man, wen he decided 2 take drugs.

  5. Gen Gen linda is really charging ohh...not up to 5mins that i watched the sentencing on SKY youve put it up on blogger already!..Super Blogger u are!!!;)

  6. cus he is black that is why...............any way,,,,,Man dont worry.."Oju lonpe sii......Na only eye ee tay reach

  7. An unfortunate incident of drug dealer vs drug addict gone wrong lol

  8. No! I don't think he deserves to be Jailed, but God knows best. He has been through enough public humiliation. Am happy the trial is finally over, At least himself and his family can have some peace.

  9. THis is not a black or white issue. This is being ethical and unethical. He broke a medical code and should be punished. Is this gonna bring Micheal back? NO! But this, sure as hell, will stop some doctors from doing WHATEVER!

  10. He deserves to be punished. He owed Michael a duty of care. Its good so that others will take their profession serious. How would Michael's family feel if someone wasn't blamed for it? Watching d whole trial, surely, he doesn't deserve to walk free

  11. Conrad Murray will serve only 2 years. Unlike some of you, I'm merciful. I have decided that he will serve only two years. That's my decision. Case closed :)

  12. he doesnt deserve dis,at least they have destroy his medical certificate, destroy WHAT he had build for so long, dis is not fair at least he didn't kill him with knife. if you take a good look at dis man, u will see dat he is a God fearing man, he has done great and free medical for people as they came to testify. they just want to punish him dats all, but God dey my brother.

  13. The Price of Greed..does he think he was the only Doc..MJ approached??..he was just the only one stupid and greedy enough to be his house/home doctor..
    He's well paid in his profession but guess being in LA he craved the movie star excessives!!

  14. This are the ethics that bind you..once you become a Med Doc..he took a MAJOR risks..of course feel a tad sorry for him but the lure of money didn't make him think st8 about his Med Cert..

  15. Thank God say no be Naija else MJ people would have all committed every to providence, God giveth and Him taketh. Then days later the Doc would probably repeat same on someone else. Hope Naija docs will begin to sit uncomfortably cos it can be their turn. Haba, only last year, some alcohol inspired one forgot a towel inside my sis belly and the poor lady almost lost her life untill it was removed three weeks back. More prisons please sorry, penitentiaries for misguided docs please.


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