Dr Conrad Murray Found Guilty In the Death of Michael Jackson | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 7 November 2011

Dr Conrad Murray Found Guilty In the Death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's doctor, Dr Conrad Murray, 57, was today found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of the legend. The verdict was reached over ten hours of deliberation time.

Dr Murray will be remanded in custody without bail till sentencing, which is Tuesday November 29th, 2011. He faces up to four years imprisonment and also losing his medical license.

What's your thoughts on this?


  1. He's so emotionless.
    "This re-affirms that Doctors have a moral and professional responsibility to do what is medically necessary and not what is financially beneficial."






  3. At least he got a fair hearing and a chance to defend himself plud the jail term is only 4years.He will be out in no time.A light punishment by all standards

  4. I'm sorry but I disagree. How can you not see the pain that has been etched in his face for however long this joke of a trial has been going on?

    He should be struck off, fined and charged with gross misconduct but PRISON?

    Michael Jackson was an adult. An adult of sound mind who has been on drugs for YEARS. He took responsibility for his actions by dying.

    Murray shouldn't be made a scapegoat to satisfy these useless'fans' that want to continue idolising a man they obviously didnt know who obviously had problems with prescription drugs.

  5. So because MJ was a legend people should go to prison because he died?

    People need to separate the music icon from the person. So will Amy Winehouse's family look to sue her ex husband for introducing her to drugs? it ridiulous how people think.

    As sad as it is that he is dead (and I'm a fan of his music), people need to take the rose tinted glasses off

  6. Unfortunately, Conrad Murray is just a scape goat in this case.
    MJ's death wasn't entirely the doctor's fault. From his "pushy" dad to family members that did nothing to stop him from falling into the hands of the parasites around him. MJ was given drugs by others before Conrad Murray but he is gonna take the fall for them. MJ was a 50 yr old man who should have known better.
    Conrad Murray was just unlucky.Others who helped in killing MJ indirectly have gone scot free!

  7. Here's the video of the trial.


  8. i feel so bad. i see no reason in why he should have been given the guilty sentence. its not like Michael was administered propofol without his consent.i'm glad its only 4 yrs though. its quite a fair punishment

  9. The way I see it, he should be sentenced to at least 20 years in jail. If he had called 911 as soon as Michael went comatose, he may be alive today. Yes, Michael participated in this unholy act and was probably aware of the consequences but I believe he trusted that the dr would not abandon him the way he did and try to save his interests first. Total trust in the hands of someone that at the end cared me about himself than the life of a human being, a superstar that brought so much joy to the world. Rot in hell dr conrad.

  10. this is bullshit....micheal jackson was a legend but also n addict so lets face tht n just let it go.no point y this doctor shld b punished

  11. What is Involuntary in Manslutter? Maybe they should also arrest and found guilty the owners of the corner shops that sold Alchohol to Amy winehouse. MJ kill himself.

  12. On the drugs and death list, Micheal Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga

  13. This one wey Conrad Murray enter pass one chance walahi.....Its unfortunate he is the one to be used as scapegoat.
    I honestly believe Jackson was a disaster waiting to happen.
    To all Doctors who read this,never put a druggie before yourself o!

  14. Thank you @ Pretty lashes, u said it all! The man was in pain all through this trial and also MJ and his family killed himself....They knew what was going on all along and no one stopped it it'll something went wrong! Conrad is just the instrument for the pain...am sorry for him cos he does not deserve this! MJ nor Mary jane should go answer to his God for what happened in his life...but pls free Conrad!!!!!

  15. Please Google: conrad murray freemason

    You will see Dr conrad murray in freemason regalia. Wow. Illuminati took MJ, then got Conrad Murray a very, very light prison sentence.

    "According to Fox News, He Met Michael Jackson Through Masonic AEG Executives"


    Was La Toya Jackson right about the Michael Jackson’s death illuminati murder conspiracy???

    Sony Music, an illuminati organization, is the one benefitting in MJ's death and is taking MJ for all he’s worth.

  16. @ Pretty lashes, its clear you don't know the gravity of what this man did. As Blunt said, its a pretty light sentence considering all. The man basically killed MJ. I'm a doctor myself and CLF said it all. That's what the Hippocratic Oath (the oath all doctors take) requires of you!! As a doctor, he should NEVER have given the drug to MJ at all. WTF are u all saying? So Diva, if a patient says he wants to die, a doctor is allowed to help him? This is the reason he was found guilty and not to placate fans!! Did u guys even watch the trail and see all the damning evidence presented against him?

    And its clear illiteracy to compare alcohol with Propofol. Propofol is NOT sold in any cornershop. In fact, ONLY A DOCTOR can get access to it and that is why MJ needed a physician to get it. And Conrad was foolish enough to agree.

    P.s - I hope u guys remember this is a US based doctor so its not only in Naij that doctors do stupid things.

  17. why would he want MJ dead? is he on the will? or wat is it? with all the debts MJ left! are we sure MJ did really wanted to sleep so badly and since he is already a drug addict over used the drug?..... left to me, my own opinion: dat doctor was jst unlucky wit MJ. ó ti 'so ré daron

  18. See folks to understand this, you really have to understand the legal implications of being a doctor in the US (and not Naija or any other country), we are extremely strict here. I watched the verdict in the doctor's lunch room today at the hospital here in the US, and pretty much all my colleagues had already condemned Murray. You see we are trained that your license is at stake for crap like this, so if you have a patient that is trying to make you give them something that you know medically is beyond what they need, you tell them, sorry its you or my license...so bye bye! Murray got greedy and it cost him a lot. Even after making the mistake and wahala happened, he wasted time, and didnt call 911 as required.

    1) If this had been conducted in a hospital, MJ would not have died.

    2) If Murray was an anesthesiologist, then one can argue that he was trained for it, but he's a cardiologist and isnt trained to deliver anesthesia.

    3) Even if the jury was made up of medical doctors, Murray would still be found guilty.

    Would Murray be in the hotseat if it werent MJ? Probably not. Again at any point, he could have walked away from administering care to MJ, when he realized that he was risking his license, but he didnt. He should have known better.

  19. @ the Doc, no I'm aware there's a difference between alcohol and proforol. As a doctor its shocking you also don't know the ill effects alcohol has on the system when consumed in excess so for you to dismiss it like that is surprising.

    I know it nothing close to being the same. I also know that doctors have to swear an oath, which is why if you had read the whole of my post you would have noticed I said strike him off, CHARGE HIM WITH GROSS MISCONDUCT. If it was the GMC that dealt with him direct or handed him over to the police who eventually sentenced him to prison I will completely understand. A jury of medical doctors finding him guilty of gross misconduct is completely understandable.

    I don't for a second justify what CM did, he was well aware he was bending the rules and was probably benefitting immensely financially from it but the fact is that BOTH parties went into it eyes open. MJ courted CM, probably solely for the purpose of giving him the drug.

    MJ wasn't some 'poor soul' who made good music and was conned; because of his good nature; into taking proforol.

    The reality of the fact is everyone has to take responsibility of their actions. Whether your name is MJ, Conrad Murray or Olu from Ikeja. My point is that this whole thing has been romanticized. People need to get over it.

  20. I'm sorry that comment was for the anonymous doctor not da doc

  21. @ Preety Lashes

    Quite frankly, I don't get the basis of what you're trying to say. The evidence against him are enough for one to scream for the electric hair. This man was on the phone with his girlfriend when MJ stopped breathing! He wasted time before calling 911! And he didn't even tell them initially that he had given MJ propofol!

    So because MJ was an adult and a music star, it makes what Dr. Murray did okay right?

    Legend or not, MJ was first of all a human being! And this guy basically played 'ludo' with a life he was supposed to protect!

    He'll go to jail (for 4 years max), he'll be set free and life will go on for him. But will it bring the dead MJ back? That's the question you should ask yourself.

  22. Can this bring the pop star back 2 life, abeg make dem allow case rest jorrrrr!!!!!

  23. Dr Murray swore an oath to preserve lives and because of the financial benefit he was receiving he let himself be compromised. That is the fact. Buying alcohol from the street and having a supposed PROFESSIONAL administer such drugs to you under thise circumstances are completely different. He had a duty and failed in his duty simple. He could have walked away long ago but he didn't so he has to pay.

  24. I subscribe to the story which
    maintains that Michael Jackson was
    assassinated (medically by this
    doctor who, perhaps through
    masonry, was obliged to some high
    ranking person in the New World
    Order and there was a political
    motivation). This theory, which can
    be found online, maintains he was
    not killed just to get hold of his
    estate - a most disirable gem - but
    more importantly, because he had
    agreed with a suggestion by the
    Prince of Bahrain that Michael use his
    upcoming concert venue to
    introduce to the public their mutual
    friend, Jane Burgermiester.
    A few weeks before his death this
    woman, a well known European
    activist, had submitted documents in
    June 2009 to the FBI offices of several
    nations charging high ranking
    medical, U.S. government,
    pharmacuetical and global health
    officials with planning and executing
    mass murder for profit.
    Had Michael lived to make any sort of
    a positive gesture towards her
    during his concert, she would have
    gained the attention of millions of
    Jackson fans rather than have her
    filed FBI claim be submerged by the
    corporate media.
    Her charges filed with the FBI are
    highly political because they oppose
    the New World Order and the
    investment of its corporate and
    western governmental elite in the
    H1N1 vaccination that soon will be
    given to millions.
    Some doctors and scientists are
    convinced that H1N1 is a combined
    human, bird and swine flu created in
    a laboratory that will cause far more
    infective deaths than it may prevent.
    The WHO already has declared a
    global pandemic and should the
    number of deaths continue to grow,
    Burgermeister also was trying to
    prevent western governmental plans
    to join with military power to
    enforce mandatory vaccinations on
    an unsuspecting public.

  25. Michael killed himself...the US justice system just needed a scape goat. Michael would have died anyways either by legally or illegally obtaining the drugs he was addicted to

  26. I'll advise he first a plastic surgery if the guy get mind and make him come Nigeria and continue with his medical profession, that's what I think...he go make am wella...we can call it Dark Medicine or Black Medicine.
    i donno when all these oyibo people would understand that Africa is so so safe, you dont pay much taxes and there is virtually no law!!!!

  27. Micheal jackson killed himself not this man haba

  28. OH please.. @ Da Doc.. I watched it at work too and I'm a doctor in the US and believe it or not this is a slippery slope that has been created due to a man that use his power to gain what he wanted. Most docs believe at my hospital that yes he was wrong, yes he should have lost his liscence but to go to Jail? Michael jackson consented to it. It was malpractice not manslaughter.
    The same people that are shouting for him are the same people that wanted him dead when he was on trial for sexual abuse. And his family??? really you guys didn't know the guy had a problem. His family and friends killed him for not having the guts to keep him straight. May God help conrad. What pissed me off was all this tv commentators that get $150K per episode are mad that he was getting $150k per month. If he deserves that then yes he should get it. I don't see anybody mad that actors get 10mil for a movie, but got forbid a doctor make a good amount of money.

  29. micheal kill himsef jst unfourtunate drag dis Doctor to his miserable life.......i am a true fan of MJ...but if you watch nd listen tothe trial nd not wat the fans nd family are wanting, you ll knw dat it s supply nd demand..MJ s freak we all knw it @ PREETY i accept all u says jare.............................................. this guy s dead gone for life most we remaining suffer for his wanting? imagine the Doctors wat his family s going thru? He s an Addict case close!!!!!!! the word jail s Never if then? AMYS WINEHOUSE bF must go to jail tooooooo

  30. that is too bad to hear,but if truly is innocent God will see him through.

  31. Dr. Murray is the scapegoat in this conspiracy.

  32. < Dr. Murray is a scapegoat in this conspiracy>

  33. Pretty lashes is obviously a moron. Go and look up 'Hippocratic Oath' or is that too complicated for you hun?
    It wld have been a misconduct verdict if administering propanol outside of a hospital was the only issue. The case became one of involuntary manslaughter on account of Murray's actions after MJ stopped breathing. He didn't call 911 immediately, didn't inform paramedics of what he'd administered etc Doctors have said MJ wld probably have been saved if he'd given them all the info. Now, if that's not involuntary manslaughter then what is???

  34. abeg wat are u all saying. wasnt it obvios MJ was going to die after his 50th birthday, wat were they expecting that he will die due to natural causes? Abeg the man doesnt even deserve to go on trial, talkless of 4yrs in prison. MJ was an adult, people shld not suffer for the wrong decisions he made!!!

  35. michael jackson killed himself he was determined to shop for a doctor he would force to do what he wanted if not dr murray it would have been someone else...so many doctors before him had been treating him for insomnia>>

  36. There are NO winners in this situation. Michael lost his life, his family lost a son/brother/uncle, the world lost a legend and Dr. Murray lost his integrity, medical license, practice and source of income. This is what happens when God is not present in people's lives. May God see about them all.

  37. His family are showing their faces now when he`s dead..where were they when Michael needed help?
    RIP MJ!

  38. To anonymous 6:36 u must be thinking with ur butt crack!!!! So they told u that the FBI is in other countries besides the US? U people saying MJ consented Murray giving him the propofol and this case somn to do with the illuminati must all be smoking that same propofol... U say u want to die and a doctor accepts to hasten the journey to death at the expense of his license for that money that I'm guessing he wasn't smart enuf to save... The doctors hear have explained the cons of Murrays actions and u people r still arguing blindly... Tsk tsk... It's SAD

  39. Dr Murray was paid $150.000 U.S dollars each month to care for Micheal Jackson. I think the celebrity status got in the way and he gave him anything he wanted. Dr Murray should have known better not to give the medication at home, also considering how frail Micheal Jackson was at that time, it was best to say NO and walk away. Why they say money is the root of all evil? When you are paid well by one of the world's richest celebrity, you just want to do all for them even when it involves breaking the law. Why didn't Dr Murray talk to a pharmacist to ensure that it was okay to give a certain portion to Michael rather he went and bought the medication from the industries themselves and gave it at home to Michael. This story is very complicated and I feel sorry for both parties. 1) Micheal passed away and Dr Murray might end up losing his medical license. To get a medical license in the United States is not a joke and even his reputation is gone. May God comfort them all, it's a sad story with a bad ending.

  40. I think they were just looking for someone to blame, God forgive me o but if Amy Winehouse had a inhouse doctor they will blame that one too despite the kind of life she lived. The western society just want to have a scapegoat instead of focusing on the ills that killed the man. No one is talking about all the children he molested now.

  41. Michael Jackson was a walking disaster and Dr Murray was snared by his greed, what a messed up outcome!

  42. This is the link for Conrad Murray's profile - life history - from the Caribbean island of Grenada to the United States of America. Interesting read.


  43. Na wa ooo. Awoof dey purge belle, big time. But will this bring MJ back from hell???????????????

  44. We're talking about the law here. We're not in Nigeria where people can commit professional atrocities and pocket huge sums of 'hush' money that involve the taking of life without facing the consequences.

    Fact: Dr Murray went out of his way to smuggle drugs out of hospital to 'treat' Michael and keep him happy in his addiction to such drugs...drugs that should NEVER be used out of hospital

    Fact: Other doctors stopped treating Michael when it became obvious that continuing to treat him put them outside the bounds of what was acceptable within their medical practice and made them liable for any risks that ocurred including the loss of life. They knew the risks and so they advised Michael and when he wouldn't listen, they stopped treating him.

    Fact: Dr Murray went out of his way to cover his tracks on his very risky practice of plying Michael with dangerous drugs so he remained on Michael's payroll. His motives in doing so was for money not out of his duty of care to his patient.

    Fact: When it became obvious that Michael was unconcious and fighting for his life, Murray refused to seek emergency help until it was too late. To make matters worse he administered wrong CPR.

    Fact: A verdict of involuntary manslaughter does not mean Dr Murray actually intended to kill Michael Jackson. It means Dr Murray was RECKLESS in his treatment and professional duty of care towards Michael and that his recklessness led to his death. It means that when it came to it, Dr Murray exercised poor judgment and made bad decisions which resulted in his patient's death.

    The jury in coming to a verdict of involuntary manslaughter would have had to consider the following points:

    1. Did Dr Murray observe a duty of care towards Michael of the standard expected of any reasonable doctor, given the evidence and facts above?

    2. What would any reasonable doctor have done in the same circumstances? (the test of reasonableness is defined by what is seen as accfeptable practice within the medical profession.) So using that test, would other doctors take those drugs out of hospital and treat Michael with it? Would they or wouldn't they have called emergency services when it was obvious Michael was fighting for his life?

    3. Did Dr murray's actions directly lead to Michael Jackson's death?

    Murray was found guilty because on the evidence, he did not provide a duty of care of the standard expected of any reasonable doctor in the circumstances. His negligence directly resulted in his patient's death.

  45. if not conrad murray it would have been someone else...he just got caught in the line of fire...


  47. MJ was an adult and is also responsible for his own death.However, this Dr could have said NO!He should have known better than to give someone propofol.

  48. @anon 9.37 am November 9th- Well said. Some Nigerians are quite dense and clearly unable to grasp the simple principle that as a doctor, you owe your patient a duty of care to do no harm! MJs consent is irrelevant here, the daft argument some of the people on this board are advocating is that 'if a patient tells his doctor to slit his wrist with a knife exposing him to the possibility of death, provided the patient gave his consent, the doctor is not liable'. Conrad Murray administered propofol without adequate monitoring equipment nor adequate understanding of how to revive a patient who has suffered an adverse reaction. Conrad Muurray delayed calling the emergency services for 20minutes. He also failed to assist the first paramedics on the scene. Had he called 911 immediately he discovered MJs unconscious body, MJwould still have been alive. Had Conrad Murray taken the simple of opening MJs mouth to permit oxygen entry into MJs system, MJ would still have been alive. If Conrad Murray had monitored MJ instead of abandoning him to call his numerous girlfriends MJ would still have been alive. Conrad Murray did EVERYTHING incorrectly! His actions cost MJ his life hence why he was convicted. The posters on this board are clearly typical Nigerians who are accustomed to a country where laws are disregarded, victims are blamed and a culture of impunity protects criminals. This is why they find it so difficult to understand that doctors take an oath and are BOUND by that oath. Key word is 'BOUND'. In assessing a doctor's liability, the active factor is the ACTIONS of the doctor, NOT the demands of a patient.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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