Between Liz Garvy and Dencia | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 7 November 2011

Between Liz Garvy and Dencia

Dencia                                       Liz Garvy
This is kinda like stale happened like two weeks ago, but just in case you missed it...then enjoy...:-)

So Liz Garvy, a well known fashion entrepreneur with a few boutiques in Lagos, got into a nasty girl fight with former friend, upcoming Cameroonian singer and us-based video model, Dencia, at the bathroom of the Eko Hotel, venue of the Headies Award which held last month. The physical altercation which saw Dencia almost stripped naked was the outcome of a friendship gone sour. 

Basically what happened was that Dencia went around telling people that Liz stole $20, 000 from her when she visited her house in the US last year. Liz was furious about the allegations and was waiting for a confrontation. They met at the Headies Award and all hell broke loose.

A few days after the fight, Liz Garvy released her version of what happened between them. Read it after the cut...

Former friends Liz and Dencia

Reprudencia (Dencia) added me on Facebook in 2008 and I accepted. She kept in touch via phone calls and FB mails. She said she liked making friends with Nigerians and I noticed we had some common friends on Facebook. So I relaxed and accepted her as a friend. Then she kept asking me to send her money so, she could get me good bargains during sales. I told her that I would rather visit;so she could take me round the stores where I could get the bargains. Anyway, anytime I was in the States, I would send her a mail saying I was around and she would say she was in some country or the other. Then in September, I was ready to open my Surulere and Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria outlets so I took a trip abroad. While in the UK, I was chatting with Reprudencia and she was trying to sell me some skin whitening injections and pills. I told her I wasn’t interested in getting light, but my friend that I was staying with said she was interested and I passed the phone for them to talk. They spoke for a few minutes and agreed to do business. The next day, my friend sent Reprudencia $2000 and she promised that the package would be ready by the time I got to the US.

She had been advertising surgeries and her being an agent for some surgeons. So I told her that I might be interested. A week later, I was in L.A (Los Angeles), I lodged in a hotel and she picked me up 2days later. She said she was moving into a new place, so we went together to pick the keys from her landlord. She asked if I could stay at hers, of which she had to collect a loan from me to buy some things for the house. Next day, her flat mates moved in. She had introduced me to a website, telling me how it would be nice to order sunglasses from the site; I did just that, since the owner of the site was supposedly her friend. I found out after a week of staying with her, that everything she had said to me on FB and BB were all lies. She had no car, no house, absolutely nothing and no job, I rented the car she drove around and even paid for the bed I slept on and I paid for everything from groceries to clothes she picked while I was shopping for my business.

She talked my eyes off about me being black and fat, till I agreed to follow her to the surgeon at least for consultation. By then my friend Blossom, had come to meet me in Los Angeles because we were due to go to Las Vegas. We all later went to see the surgeon and he quoted $18,000 for liposuction, of course I made it known that I couldn’t afford it. There and then the doctor stated that he could not give a discount because there was an agreement with Reprudencia, that if she introduced 3 clients she would get a body makeover, it dawned on me then that she was trying to make us pay for her surgeries...Things went awry from then on.
 She tried every trick in the book to get money from me, including trying to talk me into paying for a fake social security card. She took me to her so called friend, who supposedly had the link, she even stated that he had done hers for her and she would advice I get it, so I would be able to get a credit card and ‘other things’, I noticed at her friends place, that they were quick to accept whatever I proposed to pay, so I excused myself and had a chat with her about the so called deal.
 This girl went as far as stealing my credit card to go shopping, without my knowledge. When I realized what was happening, I called my bank and reported.
At a point after 3 weeks, I had discovered she was a scam artist, so I had a confrontation with her. I contacted an Italian friend of mine, who warned me about her, he told me she duped him and a couple of girls from her country-Cameroon...So I had to tell him what was going on, he advised to confront her.
The day I confronted her, she flared up and threatened to call the police to throw me out. It took my friend and her friend some minutes to calm her down.

She claimed the company she ordered the injections from had delivered when we went out and since no one was at home, they took it back. So I asked for a proof that she ordered them, either an online receipt or a credit card statement that shows the transaction. At that point, she realized I had caught on, so she sent an email from her laptop to the so called company, and then replied herself, via her Blackberry. She had totally forgotten that her Blackberry had a signature, so unfortunately at the end of the so called reply sent by the company, there was her name, an indication that it was sent from her BB.
At that point, I was shocked to my bones, it dawned on me that she was a thief and I had been duped. The sunshades, social security card, injections, credit card I decided to leave, I called a cab, by the time the cab arrived, she had gone out. Her landlord was at her apartment fixing her toilet. I moved to a hotel and waited for a week to see if the injections she claimed to have ordered for my friend would arrive. By then, my friend was upset, she said she would hold me responsible because I was the one that knew Reprudencia and she had sent the money because I said she was my friend.

The little time I spent at Reprudencia’s I saw her tell lies upon lies to her friends. She told them she had bought the house, she claimed the car I rented was bought by her. I couldn’t come to terms with such fake life...she’s was living a champagne life on a palm wine income and making people on Facebook believe the grass was green on her side.
On getting back home and realizing we (Blossom & I) had left, she started accusing me of stealing her shoes and clothes. That sounded absurd to me. First, she is a UK SIZE 4 and Blossom and I are size 12. Secondly, how I was going to sell used clothes in my stores was baffling to me.
Thirdly, the shoes she claimed was stolen were a pair of GianMarco Lorenzi copy that she bought for $130, I sell these shoes but I don’t own one.  
She had told me her sister seized her passport because she was traveling too much instead of going to school...She must have told lies too, so I would not know all the so called trips she claimed to have made were not true. Then all of a sudden she sent me a mail 3 months later claiming she couldn’t find her passport and she was sure I must have taken it.
She’s a full Cameroonian citizen with a US student visa, so what on earth would I do with her passport. I don’t speak French and I have a valid US visa so I couldn’t get my head around the accusation.
I have proof of the various scams, mail exchanges between her and I, chats between us, chats between my Italian friend and I dated last year.
She claims to have an arrest warrant for me; I have been going back and forth from the States since late last year and even this year.
Didn’t I go through the airport when I left Los Angeles back to London?  
She claims to have a video of theft concerning me, I would like her to produce it or be ready to present it in court.
I own four stores in Lagos; I have no partners, so I wonder how on earth I would be stealing clothes from a tramp like Reprudencia.


  1. they r both silly!

  2. I was wondering why you never blogged about this
    That dencia is a no comment
    Lemmi just grab my kuli kuli and zobo
    And wait for the comment
    Wanna join me?

  3. O boy! After reading this, Kai! If it's true, the Dancia na thief O! Even for her music videos I noticed she wasn't real mentally. Kai! Only time would reveal all liars.

  4. O boy! After reading this, Kai! If it's true, the Dancia na thief O! Even for her music videos I noticed she wasn't real mentally. Kai! Only time would reveal all liars.

  5. somehow i believe dis version of the story....

  6. Liz's story seems very believable.....she should sue the tramp for theft and defamation of character....

  7. well,dencia was in the same uni as myself(in Cameroon).halfway into her studies,she left for the us.I really dont know what to believe because i know she is from a rich home back in Cameroon.She has also appeared in US based videos which means she should have earned some money.Dont think she is as broke as her friend makes her look.The surgeries are true,she;s had a total makeover which she does not hide.But ladies of nowadays,stop washing ur dirty linens in public...shameful ......

  8. Two ugly, plastic, cheap, fame whores looking for uneccesary attention and washing their smelly dirty linen in public!
    I hope that plastic looking dencia can just go back to frigging cameroon and not contaminate Naija for us!!! Bloody Slut!!!
    And to think she turned up at the headies in a wedding dress? Classless!

  9. Na real wa.....

  10. Dats y i don't hav gf's cos dey r the fakest shits on earth,all i hav 2 say is @liz shld 4gt eva knowing wateva her name is cos u r bigger dan her & dere's nuffin she can do abt it

  11. Lol @ old story. Hasn't Liz gavy been proven to be a liar and a fraud?

    I remember seeing her lipo medical story somewhere on the net. yet she denies doing any such thing here. na wa for some people

  12. Dear linda,
    i always read your blog and BellaNAIJA, i emailed you when i saw this story as it is all lies,liz gavy is lying i was there when all this happened,i was staying at Dencia's house too,visiting for modeling and joe exclusive too wa sstaying there,she has a four bedroom home,i hope my story can be read,I am not friends with Dencia anymore,but she was good to us all and regardless of how things ended with us i still think this is wrong,liz gavy did do liposuction,blossom did liposuction when they read this they will know who it is,blossom you were bleeding to death after your liposuction,dencia had to go to school she gave us her car and took a cab for me to take you to the hospital so you don't die because your so called friend liz gavy left you to go hang out with her rich friend delma.
    i wonder why reprudencia has not said anything because she has proof of all this things,liz you stole from her,we cameback 22nd october you an dblossom had ran away after stealing clothes and shoes from her house plus the things she bought to be your partner 3 people testified when the police came,you vandalized her house after blocking toilettes with pad from y'alls nasty liposuction. i even have pictures of you blossom sleeping in the car while i was driving you home.
    liz gavy you were borrowing money from dencia and blossom as you were broke,you stayed at dencia's from day one,which Hotel? paige can testify when dencia came back to la she picked you up from dencia's friends house and brought you to woodland hills.
    i went shopping with you guys in the outlet where you paid 500 and dencia paid 3200 at bebe and she even had discounts
    this world is full of so much,people can never win because of haters,as much as dencia is a bitch and all she is a sweet person helps alot of people and helped you,you should not lie like this,
    you even proposed to take me to nigeria because i am tall and slim to sleep with men guess if i was getting famous and did that i will be on blogs too, Fat people are haters i said it.

    pls Dencia put this bitch on blast,this is not fair

    before you all come and say it is Dencia it is not,go back to her tweets/twitpics all the way in October you will see pictures of all of us hanging out as we were all staying with her

    and all this problems eveb came up because of some injections dencia ordered for liz as liz was tryning to lighten her skin and dencia got mad at liz after she left her friend to bleed at home for her to go it,blossom if you are supporting liz know she will do you same,you are a hypocrite i remember all the shit you said about her when she left you in the room bleeding to go eat and when she came back you were smiling with her.thank God i am not Nigerian or ghanian or whatever cuz you hoes are trifling as hell and are evil to do a thing like this after someone helped you.
    dencia stole and shopped with your card?the girl had a room full of clothes and shoes she does not even wear this is just terrible and annoying and you even lir about not doing lipo?God will punish you with a bigger belly.
    liz gavy and blossom you know who this is and just for fun i will send your lipo pictures to this blogs too

    1. Dencia is fun of tweeting and posting comments as though it was someone else. I strongly believe she posted this comment to make it look like a witness.

  13. scandal dey sweet...............chai dencia OMA BERI BERI TO BA MU E

  14. I believe Liz for some reason.

  15. Seems like liz garvy is jelous & bitter to me. Anyone with brains would just laugh at her story. She contradicts herself plenty of times and just the fact that u did all this for someone u met on FaceBook !!? Sry bUt dencia is the one winning here! All these things are happening because she's blowing up!

  16. chicks chicks, chicks!!!

  17. I believe Liz Garvy is telling the truth. But next time, start your friendship with people, carefully. You just don't open up your life to strange people. Some things that are private and important, such as your card number should remain that way.

    Once bitten, twice shy.

  18. Wow, what a nasty mess!

    Lol@ drinking champagne on palm wine income...LMAO

  19. Biko Linda,again who the hell are these people???

  20. GHEN GHEN!!! When breeze blows foul yansh go open, e don dey open oh! Yakata! This is serious! I can't wait for Dencia's side of the story! Hehehe!

  21. sha! loll.....but she def ...why believe someone you just met on facebook? life does not work like that though. I hope she beat that dencia babe well!

  22. Na wa oh, b-a-b-e-s n needles. Dis Facebook love has gone sour. Thank God 4 u Liz, 4 ur xcape, nxt tyme u wil careful. Gud lessön 4 everybodi. TRUST NO ONE

  23. "Champagne life on a palm wine income" Now that is classic.

    Team Liz Garvey all the way. I find Ms. Garvey's statements to be credible. Prudencia, Dencia, Dency or whatever you call yourself...take a walk back to Cameroon. You're no Nigerian. Your as fake as your breasts.

    1. Ta maman idiot. Pute! Embecile!

  24. What an experience! I dunno but francophone africans seem so shady. They are pathological Liars. Especially those from Togo or Ivory Coast, I guess it's in their DNA. I stay away from them!!! When they want to come near me I run for the hills!! LOL.

  25. Reprundencia...Blossom...Liz Gravy, which kain names be this? when no be say na cartoon person dey watch???!!!! mchewwww! dem all no well together

  26. Reprudencia Is A bitch, Aristo to the core. She's so desperate for fame. she's someone i know inside out. I know when she was planing to go to Nigeria to fuck Gay Banky W... She's a thief with her fake plastic surgery self....

  27. i know that cheap girl is a tramp, Cameroon girls are full of all lies cheap just like my brother's Cameroon girl frd her good morning can send you to hell...mean while girls everything you see u call a frd and those that want bcm white by injecting nonsense in their bodies God made special and yet they don't appreciate it by calling God a fool for making them what they are.

  28. I've been following this story myself. Firstly it was clothes worth $20,000 not the cash equivalent. Secondly, i think you should take a look at this story:
    I'm awaiting part two to this sleuthing cos i don't think Liz is as innocent as she's making out to be.

  29. That was long, but I read it. Dencia sounds like a bitch. That's why people are warned against adding anonymous people on FB. A friend of mine went through a horrible ordeal as well, thanks to FB friends.

  30. If she is so law-abiding, why did she agree to go with her friend to get a fake social security card/ If the US authorities are reading Lind's blog, she could be arrested (both of them) for conspiracy to commit fraud. Mtchew.

  31. wooow! thingz happen .......u cnt trust any1 tho..

  32. Interesting fact check on Dencia since she was 100% Camerounian until a few months ago.

    However, I noticed that since attempting to launch a music career from Gidi she is now Nigerian/Camoroun.

    Which part of her lineage is Nigerian, mom or dad? If so which part of the vast lands of Nigeria does this parent come from?

    Her nationality does not increase or detract from her 'obvious talents' but in a world where the profile of an entire nation can be raised or conversely besmirched by the actions of a single individual, it is important to properly identify the nationalities of such ambassadors

  33. people like Denccia are liars,thieves and decievers, i hope Liz and others out there have learnt their lesson to screen people before making friends....

  34. Loves it!!! Drama like this brightens my day.. Linda now you're blogging.. Ladies atleast you know now that not all that glitters is gold and beware of Facebook stalkers and stans, I know I do... Pls part 2, curled up on my fave couch with a glass of wine and ready.. Lmbao!!

  35. To the person that wrote that long story,it's very clear that you are a lair.

  36. its funny how liz gavy spends her time on blogs replying and leaving comments,clearly this babe has nothing to do with her life.Dencia has not even responded,you attacked the girl but you spend you time on blogs i don't believe you,you need more people

  37. Linda,Linda ,Linda .......I love u,u r too much,this dancia na wa .liop is not a big deal na. If the other girls did it so what?Dancia come up with a better story please...and as far as u being a star in nigeria,thank again,it will never happen,this is as far as u will go,on blogs and all that ,your 5mins of fame is over

  38. Linda,Linda ,Linda .......I love u,u r too much,this dancia na wa .liop is not a big deal na. If the other girls did it so what?Dancia come up with a better story please...and as far as u being a star in nigeria,thank again,it will never happen,this is as far as u will go,on blogs and all that ,your 5mins of fame is over

  39. why am i not surprised smh...i am barely a student and she was asking me for 2000 dollars to go to nigeria for watever that she will pay me back, i didnt give her luckily for me.....i always wondered how her boobs and butt got so round back wehn i saw her she was skinny as hell..smh datz sad!

  40. Actually I read Liz's account like three times and she does contradict herself a lot. Waiting desperately for someone else's whitening injection? that's hard to swallow and how come you hung around Dencis for so long after you found how much of a fraud she was? and Liz you did get Lipo. I can see just by looking at recent pictures of you and to November 7, 2011 6:51 PM. Please send the pictures to Linda. We internet amebors need to break this case sharp sharp. The liar must be revealed.

  41. They both fuc...k rich men for money so why are they both casting stones or rather why is Liz casting stones cos Dencia has not uttered a word to her so makes me wonder

  42. cococj... I would have to give you a big ass HI 5 for that. They are very fake and shady. especially is that small country mentality they have. They have to be crafty in order to survive among Nigerians looool. One of their kind told me that she lies so much she does not even remember what the truth is anymore.

  43. You people should not judge Cameroonians based on stupid stereotypes..You are the first to complain about stereotypes (Nigerians=drug dealers/ Nigerian women=prostitutes) and still, you throw the stone at other people and culture you know nothing about. Reprudencia is Reprudencia, she does not represent Cameroonian women. Or would you say that the nigerian prostitutes in Italy represent nigerian women? You people should think before posting non sense.

    Let us not take things out of their context. Thank you

  44. ya'll seen this????

  45. ya'll seen this????

  46. Miss Emeh I don't know where you live, but you obviously don't know anything about music video Vixens. They don't make that much money ok. The fact that she has appeared in couple of music videos doesn't mean she's rich. The ones that make money actually sleep around with musician etc. I don't care 4 Dencia or Liz Garvy, but don't leave a comment if you don't know what you are talking about.

  47. honestly, is it really nigerian ppl calling cams liars and thieves, mannn, y`all need a good reality check bcoz u are all the same. I am from a french speaking country and always try to defend nigerian people whenever my friends try to crucify them, even in my country we associate nigerians and cams to thieves, real banditos, so pliz stop talking nonsense, in every country u always get both sides, good and evil,
    As far as the story is concerned, pple pliz be real sthg ain`t right, don`t just support that liz whateva bicoz she`s nigerian, i beg oooooo
    I love you all my nigerian people, coming from a proud francophone,,, GROS BISOUS BIEN BAVEUX A TOUS, MUACKKK

  48. Goodness gracious! The ony report I believe so far is Anoymous November 7, 2011 6:51 PM. Liz it seems someone has some hardcore dirt on you. You may want to chill out. Both both ladies are messy as heck and the fact that Eliza was looking for the quick getrich scheme but something went sour along the way is not lost on me

  49. nigerian women are good at bragging and putting down other women.

  50. Stepeed shallow babes.

  51. Linda you mean to tell me that there was no one at the fight with a working camera phone? We need some pics of the half-nude Dencia...and pronto!!!

  52. Abeg while u guys are talking, what is the name of these skin whitening pills/injection?

  53. Liz Gavy, yeye dey smell jare.

  54. Hi Linda,I love your blog,I live in Boston and it's on of the things that keeps me close to home,when I read this i so disappointed in u,you r too big for all this,remove both stories,I see took the first one off I think u should do the same this's clear that both girls r looking for attention,so please I love u so much don't gave them what they want,let them go else where,thats why they got 9jaflims and other local ppl,not u,u r too classic for this,me all my friends even my grand mother has been reading your blog for years now,this was just a turn off.....and you bitches need to stop.

  55. White woman wanna be, Dencia is a lousy singer and looks like a call girl / hooker / escort / sex worker / ashewo / prostitute. I can't stand black women who bleach their skin. They all probably suffer from low self-esteem / low self-image. Use your mind, not your body. Smh.

  56. tatafo - World's Trusted source of the Best Skin Whitening Injections like Glutathione
    Injectables like Tationil, Glutanova, Saluta, Germed, GSH Detox Forte, Ridutox
    side effects: Its side effects include nausea, vomiting and stomachache and its usually used n treatment for HIV patients...enough said goodluck on d journey

  57. These two lowlifes need to go somewhere faraway.

  58. @ tatafo one of the famous skin lightening injection i'm sure dencia used is called 'erucesni hcum' try it.Its a popular Russian effective bleaching product

  59. Hmm this is too good to be true.My question to Liz though...Why did you hang around with Dencia after you realized she lied to you about her house,car and gat no job?Hmm there is something someone is not saying.Liz you had lypo come on na..see your picture before and now.

  60. @Cococj I think it is absolutely wrong 4
    U to generalize ve u met all women from togo.

  61. Please why is this news? SMH

  62. Anonymous said...
    Reprundencia...Blossom...Liz Gravy, which kain names be this? when no be say na cartoon person dey watch???!!!! mchewwww! dem all no well together

    November 7, 2011 8:51 PM
    read this post just to see the for the post,really don't need this in my brain nor life!!!

  63. Anonymous said...
    Reprundencia...Blossom...Liz Gravy, which kain names be this? when no be say na cartoon person dey watch???!!!! mchewwww! dem all no well together

    November 7, 2011 8:51 PM

    i read this post just to see the comments..and as for the post,don't need this in my brain nor life!!

  64. @cococj y dont u jst shut ur mouth instead of sayin nonsense,ar u sayin that ther are no pathlogical liars in naija or in ur home town,dnt judge evry body wit one person's sins.btw i am naija.mtschewwwwww


  66. My question here is "Why the hell would anyone wana bleach?" :d

  67. My question here is 'why the hell would any of these girls wana bleach?" :d

  68. LMAO HAFINA!!!! just read dat backwards

  69. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet story! lmao!

  70. To all of u talking rubbish about Cameroonians,learn to remove the speck from ur eyes first.what if i say nigerians are drug traffickers and prostitutes?they are known all over the world for this.their accent can keep u in an ICU,just to mention a few.So pls,judge the individuals concerned,and not their nation.

  71. Let's not forget that Dencia, aka, skales the singer's sister, is half nigerian/cameroonian. By the way we all seems to forget that once upon a time southern cameroon was part of nigeria, so guys stop making reference to her country,cuz yall dont know it. First of all this story to me, is rubbish, and full of questionable statements. This two needs to sit the butts down and correct what ever that went sour in the relationship without bringing the public into it. I think some people just be bad belle people, and wont let the other shine, i beg make both of them go hug transformer, while i pour cold water on them...mtchewww idiots, a disgrace to woman hood, especially our African women. We should never stoop so low, as to become a thing of jest in the eyes of our enemies, rather we should strive to lift eachother up,even when they wrong us.

  72. Liz,has always being a thief, Dencia I do not know,but Liz has always being a fraud and a thief....a liar and world's most fake girl.....that she was able to leave IMO early in life and has faked it for so long shouldn't make her forget so soon! If it's not phone she's stealing from Anulika,it's nene's clothes now it's Dencia. Why don't u go on n tell us more about ur lipo? Did u finally get to go to school after all ur years of NFA in Abuja? Elizabeth,a lil word of advice,try n curb ur stealing habit n get a life,while at it,get a real one babes........have u being able to pay the bank loans used to set up ur shops? Hurry up oohh Farida Waziri isn't such a nice woman.

  73. This slang match is just like WWF, everybody just running mileage on they mouth and levelling accusation on both these girls. What you aint realise is, there's no such thing as bad publicity cuz at the end of the day these so call barbie girlz or lipo girlz lives will go on regardless. So what if Dencia got served some naija slap in some bathroom by Liz. there's always 3 sided to every story. Society here is hypocritical. Your favourite actresses do surgery and you all hail them, when your sisters do, you slander them. I guess cuz they aint Hollywood. The problem is most of these girl arent friends to each other and there's no loyalty so that's why they always end like this. they jump click to click, so how would you have loyalty. Damaging each other credibility when they could have iron out there differences behind close doors. looks like both girls have their core supporters on here.

  74. Why do people only like to glamorize negativity what about the positives that we can take out of this. Where's the integrity? Drama Drama Drama is all I see on here. D.R.A.M.A..Dumb Retards asking for more attention. Ladies your problem is never really your problem, its how you react to your problems, that's really the problem. In this case in point, yes Dencia must had spread rumours about her one time friend Liz, and the only way she saw fit was to give her a solid beating on that day, which has now become a problem. Self love, self respect, self worth. There's a reason they all start with self. You cant find them in anyone else but you. Now every body passing judgement.

  75. see how american embassy wastes visa's. whn honest pple apply d wont give us. its the likes of dencia d talented nd liz the clepto that get rubbishhhhh.

  76. There is enough sexual tension in this story!! Make una ask well oo maybe its ä lesbian romance gone wrong lol. Liz is ä well known lesbo in lagos so you might never be too sure..

  77. Ok if anyone lives in America you will know all the things liz gavy is saying is a lie,because one if someone steals your credit card and you have proof,they can instantly go to jail I mean instantly so why didn't she take the girl to the police?she was waiting for someone else's bleaching pills,alot of loop holes in her story,you stay at someone's house that long and wait for 4 incidents to happen?never it's not true I do nt believe her.she said she did not do lipo but didn't we see the documents?wow,she said the girl had no house but she bought a bed?how?
    I think I am personally proud of dncia who has not responded to any of this because truly if it is not true I don't think she should bother

  78. Liz is a liar, and cheat, a b***h , and a fake. I have known that skank for years, and i am so satisfied reading this story. She open her own smelling nyash!

    Liz is a thief, always has been, she will lie using her own mother and fathers name. Liz is not 28, she is 34. All the lies she carried from Imo to Lag just makes me laugh.

    Half of the time she is in Abuja, claiming shes in London, USA or Italy. I wont say she has never travelled but she is not as well travelled as she claims. Aside from that, Liz will bring anybody down in order to shine.

    Dencia should deal with that fat piece of flubber and expose her more! Liz has done a good job showing the word what a nuisance she is, she did it all by herself by posting that comeback. Liz belittled herself yet again, and she will always do so, she is classless. Too many banabas have entered her, and shes a big disgrace to Nigerian women who are trying to make it.

    Is this not the same Liz who used to claim she was a Ghanaian? Then South African? LIZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! You no dey tire??????

    Get a life. Go back to Imo.

  79. Finally a person that puts some real work into a blog. I do like what you have done with the blog.

  80. this bitch liz reminds me mor'of my evil cousin staying @ Abj. d same fake & evil life,all they do z mov around town & hook'up wit fat old bald men.. Lwkm.. wel,tru tlk.cnt believe we shr d same last name..*vomits*. abeg jooo... un2 nxt gist.

  81. Na wa o... Liz's story sounds fabricated while Decia's be as e get. Think it's a case of birds of the same feather...

  82. Abegiiii! Togolese women are dirty and they use voodoo and charms alot! Same with most francophone countries! Stop yabbing my naija pple! Wen we come to your country u rush our men like bees to honey! Mtschew

  83. Na wa o no1 wil eva kno for sure wot actualy hapnd so y bother and accuse dis persn or d oda its dier lyf its not urs while ur here tlkn abou dem dier there movin on wit dier lives nobody cares


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