Step brother chops off 3week old baby's hand | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 9 October 2011

Step brother chops off 3week old baby's hand

This sad incident happened in Akwa Ibom. This 3 months old baby boy, Etimbuk, had his right hand was chopped off by his step brother after a quarrel with the baby's mum.

The perpetrator of the evil act, Mr. Nathaniel John, 30, was killed by the youths of their community after committing the atrocity.

Read full story here


  1. That's exactly what i'm talking aboutjungle justice baby! since people commit all manner of atrocity and go scoth free or get a slap on the back, i think it's better this way, cos when rappists and muderers remember they can be hacked or burnt to death if caught, i'm sure most if not all of them will have a re-think!

  2. That's exactly what i'm talking aboutjungle justice baby! since people commit all manner of atrocity and go scoth free or get a slap on the back, i think it's better this way, cos when rappists and muderers remember they can be hacked or burnt to death if caught, i'm sure most if not all of them will have a re-think!

  3. Disadvantages of polygamy. The so-called evil man shouldn't have been killed. His two arms and legs should have been cut off. Such pple shd be made to live with the consequences of their actions. Death is too easy a punishment.

    Poor baby :-(

  4. what is wrong with us in our country. Why do we maim and kill at will. This person that cut off Baby Etimbuk's arm had no fear and then the youths that eventually killed the perpetuator without having him go through the law also had no fear. When white folks begin to insult us saying what is wrong with us lies in our genes we get upset. The Police , The government, and a lot of people in Nigeria who are Nigerians just seem to be generally F%&*@D!!!!

  5. Yes thank God he's dead. Wicked man.

  6. Linda,o baby,this ur blog don almost turn hammer house of horror o!
    This is so sad,wicked and demonic.It just goes on further to show that the end is near.There is so much wickedness all over the world.
    I have a baby and i have been so skeptical about putting him in a creche at 4months.This has further reinforced my fears.
    If only mothers knew what their children are faced with when left with strangers or even relatives.My mom left her job when i was a child and i am much better off for it.She left her career to take care of us.
    Not referring to this story but in a bigger picture,lets not be too carried away with the good things of life and forget our children.God will help us protect them.

  7. Oh God !! Wonders shall never end ! SMDH! Whyyy ?!!

  8. Ohh God! Wonders never end SMDH whyyy

  9. Father in heaven what manner of wickedness oh my!
    in tears, a 3month old baby? why is mankind wicked??
    I pray the baby grows the hand back

  10. Tales of baby mutilation, jungle justice, rape and bombs...Oh Nigeria, when will your stories change?

  11. Heartbreaking and sad!

    I submitted this news to newser:

  12. This is not human they 4 live d animal so dat dey can cut him part by part

  13. this is so sad...#crying for the little boy

  14. Linda is it 3weeks or 3 months? Horrific!

  15. eeyah dis is wickedness in high places oo. kia see the poor baby is now suffering for the sins of his mother! kia @least the guy should have faced the mother not the poor baby! now the baby has to live all his life with one hand! some people are wicked in this life sha.

  16. Dis is man inhumanity to man.... God is watching.

  17. I hope the step-brother goes to jail and they should throw away the keys. What did the baby do? for God's sake?

  18. Of course, this being Nigeria, no one thought to try to surgically re-attach it.

  19. May he neva find peace even in death Insha Allah...Amin.

  20. Oma se o. Poor baby...cant imagine the pain he'd be in. Between when and when did the arm shrivel that it couldnt be reattached. Trust naija hospitals.
    Its times like this i support the death penalty.

  21. which useless law. nigeria resemble country wey get law. abegi, roast that idiot to nonsense.
    ABA rapists, una turn dey come. kill by the sword, die by the sword.
    o ton.


  22. OMG !!! In shock:(( When I read the story not that its okay I thought it was a 5year old or 10 year old that did it. 30year old man?? Good God!!!

  23. yup..jungle justice. exactly what they should have done to Arowolo after he killed his wife. when the courts and law enforcements are useless, the people need to take matters into their own hands. end of discussion

  24. God, have mercy on Nigeria. Too much anger, wickedness in Nigeria. Old and young, all need therapy, counseling, and morals. This is just too much.

  25. No hard feelings, but akwa-ibom people take style wicked well well... Its only in akwa-ibom I have seen kids of 5-10yrs walking the streets mad, its only in akwa-ibom I have seen father kiling four of his sons remotely, mother killing son remotely for buying JETTA, neighbour killing neighbour for buying OKADA, and the list goes on and on. This is the height.

  26. No hard feelings, but akwa-ibom people take style wicked well well... Its only in akwa-ibom I have seen kids of 5-10yrs walking the streets mad, its only in akwa-ibom I have seen father kiling four of his sons remotely, mother killing son remotely for buying JETTA, neighbour killing neighbour for buying OKADA, and the list goes on and on. This is the height.

  27. This akwa ibom people sef, dey wicked o. Second by Benin people. I dey fear them. My family in the village live close to a family from Benin, na so the mama dey put pepper for her kids yansh, when dey misbehave. One day, my family confronted her. She pulled out a cutlass, I was scared to death.

    This is a very sad story. Poor innocent baby. I hope one day, this kind of evil will be put to a STOP in Naija. Someone mentioned counseling/therapist, I agree. Its much needed, majority of Naijas don't deal with issues, hold it in and become resentful. This is so transfer of anger. May God help the baby.

  28. LINDA! am so vexed cos according to d source of this story the Bastard perpetrator has not been confirmed dead... i cry for this baby..

  29. Anon 8:58pm, its not everytime you reattach. it was taken off totally so it would have been impossible. if it was reattached, the baby could die of septic shock. I hope you know that even in USA they wont reattach it. I hope someone would buy him an electronic artificial hand in future and may he grow up to achieve great things in his life time in Jesus name.

  30. Akwa ibom is a land of atrocities..they are so evil and cannibalistic ..that is why they are not successful. It is also the house girl and houseboy capital of nija...they still eat human beings ans 404 today (dog meat), and worship mammy water...what will possess a grown man to chop off a brand new baby's limb? i can't even imagine the kind of torment this poor baby would have gone through..this son of cain is more than a barbarian..even sub humans cannot do this!!! hope he dies the way he lived..

  31. what a pity, that beautiful baby boy might have lost his right hand but that's nothing compared to what is happening to his wicked stepbrother who is most likely to be in hell right now
    p.s the youth that killed the stepbrother should also ask God for forgiveness and give their life to Christ otherwise, they too will have blood on their own hands and will also end up in hell if they do not repent
    My prayer is with the baby and his mother,Lord strengthen them and take them from glory to glory Amen.

  32. Abiye u r not serious at all. late titi na akwa ibom man kill am.abi all the killing,acid bath,rape na 4rm akwa`s seems u don`t knw it`s end time!watch and pray.The heart of man is terribly wicked who can know it....

  33. O my God, what is all these ehn?why leashing out ur anger on a poor child who is innocent ehn?what kind of evil spirit got into him to do this?chai God this is too much oooo God.

  34. oh my God

    Goodluck to them

  35. This is a very sad story!
    Thank God he survived and I pray that his mother would get over the pain.
    I'm not being insensitive but killing the accused is also a crime and the people(youths) that killed him are also criminals!
    It leaves me pondering, does a crime justify another crime?
    We need to change our mentality in Nigeria and learn that we cannot and should not take laws into our hands.

  36. Contrary 2 wat d enemy has planned, may God use dis incident 2 glorify his name on etimbunk's life...I jes lv dis matter in d ands of d lord cos vengeance is his

  37. Contrary 2 wat d enemy has planned, may God use dis incident 2 glorify his name on etimbunk's life...I jes lv dis matter in d ands of d lord cos vengeance is his

  38. To you guys cursing all Akwa Ibom People because of this atrocity, i can only say may God forgive all of u...i will not come down to your low-life level to abuse you for the misdeed of one person...shebi all the evil in Nigeria is committed by Akwa Ibom people, which part of Akwa Ibom did they eat your brother, which part of your tribe is totally enlightened and civilised..shei it was an Akwa ibom person that butchered his wife or the one languishing in prison for butchering the husband...if you dont know what you are talking about better shut up instead of spewing what you will be asking God for forgiveness later.

  39. yes, an Akwa Ibom person would prefer to work hard with his hands rather than go into ritual killings and all the other evils you are contending with in your various you can degrade them all you want, but your househelps are honest people trying to make a honest living out of a bad situation..and trying to make sure that their children have it unless all the people form your tribes are perfect, dont generalise rubbish...

  40. this is obviously the work of a sick mind but it's a minority tribe, it's easy to generalise...carry on, you people who are talking down on Akwa Ibom..just be sure that all your tribe are perfect and rich and evil man, no armed robber, juvenile even...people just love to run their mouths ..ode!

  41. Jesus mercy. what on earth has the innocent baby's mother done as to deserve such treatment unto d baby. i wish d baby a speedy recovery and happy years ahead. i pray he grows to do more than what people with 2 hands cannot do.

  42. Jesus Mercy. what on earth has the baby's mother done to warrant this level of wickedness on her child? God where are You? I wish the baby speedy recovery. May he grow to achieve more than what people with 2 hands cannot achieve because i believe this is the beginning of his greatness in Jesus Name. Amen.

  43. Am speechless!!! Wickedness at its peak..

    The guy's hands and maybe one leg should have been chooped off...not killing him..

  44. The man must be a ruthless and cruel animal in human clothing. May d good Lord allow d child to survive dis ill-treatment act of d step-brother.

  45. You guys that are for the defense of the innocent, should realize that the boy got what he deserved and that is DEATH. I support it wholeheartedly this na Naija no be oyinbo country if they tell the police, he would have gotten free by all manners of bribe and extortion, but now he has truly paid the price...

  46. Hello Linda! I like ur blog and there is no doubt you are selling big, but there is One anonymous comment that I completely condemned and 100% disagree with:
    "Akwa ibom is a land of atrocities..they are so evil and cannibalistic ..that is why they are not successful. It is also the house girl and houseboy capital of nija...they still eat human beings ans 404 today (dog meat), and worship mammy water..."

    Akwa Ibom people are recognised as one of the most peaceful people in Ngeria...everybody knows this. The worst of these atrocities happen even more in other places.....for example in Jos, Can you count the number of babies,and other innocent children that have been slaughtered in cold blood? When people want to make comments they should weigh the contents first and stop creating unneccessary tribalistic sentiment...I wish I could see the people that make those baseless and irrelevants comments. Am not siding the evil moron nor am I trying to create a solidarity fan group for my tribe but you should be able to control tribalistic and evil comments

  47. dont know wat to say really in tears.......the will never find peace in his grave

  48., yeah i saw this there


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