Naija's Sexiest Couple...Period! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 October 2011

Naija's Sexiest Couple...Period!

These two have got to be the sexiest Nigerian couple! So much hotnesssss, it's almost a crime...damn!


  1. Funny eh! Is that a shaggy wig? Ikechukwu looks his best and she spoils it with her hair. She normally looks beautiful.

    @Linda, `period` is old English because teenagers of today would assume it is a woman`s monthly...

  2. Fanta and Coke couple if you like mineral drink

  3. I do not find the male attractive one bit so I will have to differ on them being the most attractive couple.

  4. Hey. How is she sexy? Because she be white? Linda, you no serious. There's nothing sexy in oyinbo skin. Here in London or anywhere, you will never catch me with oyinbo or half cast girls. Been with oyinbo girls. Worst mistake, ever. But, never again. Been around. I know what I'm saying. Black women are the most sexy and most beautiful. Believe. I got no respect with black guys who go with oyinbo women. Oyinbo women are cheap and easy. Any dog can have them.

  5. Anonymous 7.50 Her hair looks great, i wonder what YOUR hair looks like *rolls eyes* and FYI period is not old English, where did you get that from? FULL STOP is called a PERIOD in american English and the word period has been used to refer to what YOU know as MENSES even before I became a teenager so what are you on about?

    Please people should learn to respect themselves instead of coming here to hate on people that they should take as their younger sisters (like anon 7.50) just because you feel YOU deserve their lives :p

    Did I offend anyone? Oops #ok bye

  6. Miko da Pimp who cares about you and who you date? Silly Racist! Are there no easy and cheap black girls? Welcome to Lagos...yet black girls channel their looks after white girls, hair to make up to clothes

  7. @ Mike..WORD!! Interracial relationships are sooo unnatractive to me.

  8. Abegiii. Hot couple ke? The babe is decent but nothing spectacular. As for Ikechukwu, I've never found d guy even slightly appealing.He has one kind hungry look like dat that doesn't sit well with me. Not fine at all..

  9. @Anon October 28, 2011 9:10 PM ..... Because "black girls channel their looks after white girls, hair to make up to clothes", that makes white girls sexy / beautiful or better than black girls? Daffie, you no well. You silly low mentality person. I should bitch slap you with back of my left hand,... but, I don't want to get my hand dirty. Go headbutt a sharp knife. 

  10. Whenever someone compliments a light skinned person some people automatically assume it is because of their complexion. I mean who mentioned Sarah being sexy because of her complexion??? NOBODY!!! So please GET OVER YOUR INSECURITY!!!

  11. What is wrong with you people,her name is sarah ofili which shows she is Ibo,she is jû§t light Skinned..genes probably..N seriously how can you say they are ñøt cute together??

  12. @ anon 9.47 the point is you don't have to bring down white people to show that black is beautiful... everything he said about white girls can be true about a black girl. its not by coming here to insult people that fall for mixed or white people. Who has the low mentality now?

  13. y'all just need to stop hating!.

  14. linda ikeji u are right,i think they look sexy together(dark & fair) but i think u over exaggerated it.mike,u're being overly judgemental,white,black,orange and green are all created by God.ikechukwu has made his choice and you were disrespectful lashing out your thoughts about which girl is better......pls respect pples choice so yours can be respected and hu said ikechukwu is not cute......well i think he is....i think you're mistaken cute for beauty.

  15. They look good together, but I beg to differ with Linda's opinion because Sarah is hot, Ikechukwu isn't. For them to be Nigeria's sexiest couple, they both have to be hot.

  16. The girl is average, very average. And Ikechuku is not sexy at all. Where is his upper lips? Am not hating, not the slightest. Linda gave her opinion, am allowed to give mine. Period!!!

  17. Her wig is made of dog hair.

  18. Na wah oh! Eh eeh so una just dey kill una sef for person wey dey sleep like baby for night? It just dey like say i enter the studio taping of SPEAK OUT! Where some people dey for and others against the motion. Unnecessary panadol dey kill oh!


  19. A significant chunk of Nigerians make such a big deal out of light skinned women even the ones that look average, which is most of them. Sarah O is a pretty girl, but she is not the second coming of Beyonce; so chill out.

  20. Yes they may be cute but how can you just assume they are Naija's sexiest. Wots the yardstick and how many other couples have you measured them with? Ok, because they are in the limelight? Linda abeg ooo. Many wey fine and sexy pass them full ground.

  21. @Princess, so you knew it as "menses". LMAO! Must be a local princess.

  22. nice couple.........visit

  23. Linda myabe you should post their sexy picture so we could agree they r the sexiest then. Don't know her, like haven't seen other pics of her and there's definitely nothing sexy about this one photo or... has 'sexy' lost its meaning?

  24. What d fuck is with all the hating? Fair or not Sarah is pretty she is half White n half black.what does rave have to do with anything? If you haven't walked in their shoes do not judge them! You all sound daft And jealous.they r together get over it.hating won't put money in your bank.those of u cursing the babe I'll love to see your faces

  25. KAI BUT I LOVE THIS GIRL SHA!! IKECHUKWU I DE VEX O MAKE I NO LIE. shes pretty much one of the sexiest babes out there but ikechukwu no fine or sexy abeg. leave matter.

  26. She's NOT white you wankers. She is mixed and grew up in Warri. Why are you always hating on your own? That's why people deny Nigeria anyhow.

  27. Lol @ Hottest... You ain't seen nothing yet...

  28. They are beautiful together.....
    others please stop you sarah and ike..

  29. There's something ruggedly sexy about Ikechukwu and as for Sarah, she has a very nice body (sexish)and an attractive face. She seems down to earth on her blog.
    Plus i wonder why people keep missing the point about being yellow. She's of mixed parentage by the way.

  30. This is PR for them. Can't you lot see the adverts?

  31. heard he gave her swarovski that true?

  32. clearly Linda likes controversy... any story based on people's looks is going to create traffic to her blog. its just fun for her. they are ok and i congratulate them but really linda is the major trouble maker here.


  33. LIB bloggers be positive for once.

    whats wrong wit her hair?? it looks neat now.are u carrying ur own natural hair?

    bcos u cnt afford expensiv weavons, let those tht cn afford it use it.

    d hair looks neat and fits her.she is beautiful, whether black,white or orange.why cnt u guys jst see d truth and say it?

    am sure all ya haters look like mgbekes.

    its ugly pple or those dt bliv dey r ugly tht badmouth fine pple.

    post ur pics lets see.

  34. I think they look good together and so in love. I wish them all the best!

  35. I see you, Jay and Bey....

    In your dreams. Ike, go get a real job, showing ur abs is not a job, okay. Sarah, go do smth with yourself, trying so hard to be Bey.
    Are you kidding me, this is the sexiest couple in the whole of Nigeria?

  36. C'mon nice for once. Appreciate good things and it will gravitate towards you. They're clearly a happy couple and believe it or not they re sexy n cool together. Hrd smone talkin abt her hair....helloooo!!! i'm a lady n sarah's hair luks gorgeous. Don't despise what you desire cos i know most of u running ur bad-belle mouth here want to be lyk her or him *just sayin*. So pls, don't be a hater, just be happy for em, aiite.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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