"I am not responsible for Super Eagles defeat" - T.B Joshua | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 11 October 2011

"I am not responsible for Super Eagles defeat" - T.B Joshua

The man of God predicted that we won't qualify for Nations Cup...and we didn't. Some people are blaming him. Pastor T.B Joshua is having none of that. He tells encomium magazine:
Nobody can claim to love Nigeria more than I do. I only tell people what God revealed to me. I can't control it. During the ministrations two Sundays ago which was televised live, I said God revealed the outcome of the encounter to me which was not favourable to Nigeria. They should check my track record. All my predictions on Nigerian football have been accurate simply because I love football and I always pray about it before the match


  1. Can he predict what stocks will do well?

  2. I believe the man of God he is man of his word's


  3. hahaha @lucidlilith, i wish he could do stock predictions as well instead of wasting time predicting football scores lol

  4. Hmm.....and he hasn't used his power to pray for change in Nigeria. How powerful.


  5. please can you predict when our leaders will start using the brain cells in their heads to actually move this country forward?

  6. Typical of TB Joshua. TB Joshua is "... man of God ..." ? I am more woman of God than he can ever be. On a lighter note, since he is in the business of making predictions and foretelling the future, as rightly pointed out by LucidLilith, Can he predict what stocks will do well? No, he can't. He's super fake. He needs to stop using the name of God or Jesus to mislead people. I won't mind if he uses lucifer's name instead of misleading christians. How come this hypnotist / soothsayer / babalawo / witch doctor does not stop deceiving people? How come he is not using his father's name? Maybe sales / offering / membership will drop? Soon he'd be calling himself Jesus of Nigeria. Even the devil accurately predicts anything. When it's success, good news or attention grabbing headline, TB Joshua claims credit. When it's the other way, though he distances himself, yet as opportunistic as he's by nature, uses the press coverage to boost his popularity. Where is God or Jesus in all this? Stupid Nigerians and black people foolishly follow this charlatan as if he's God / Jesus or holy man. He's nothing but a deceitful hypnotist masquerading as "pastor" / "man of God". If he's a man of God, why does he keep taking credit? Why? Did Jesus Christ take credit for any miracle / healing or predictions? NO. Sometimes, I think Linda Ikeji, just like some Nigerian "journalists", sold her soul to the DEVIL and is now in T.B Joshua's payroll. I won't be surprised if Linda Ikeji suppresses my comment just like she's done on comments about other 419 religious leaders and fraudulent politicians operating in and outside Nigeria. I wonder how much money Linda Ikeji makes from these undesirable and deceitful people. If TB Joshua is a man of God or whatever he claims to be, then he ought to heal all the physically challenged people that came to him. Jesus Christ healed the sick, disabled - including the physically challenged that he came across and those that came to him. So why not TB Joshua, aka Man of God, do same as Jesus did? How come TB Joshua so called healing and miracles are selective? TB Joshua is a bogus faith healer and his miracles, prophecies and healing are fixed / fake. This is not an attack on anyone. I am stating a true christian fact and spiritual truth. Jesus Christ did not divert attention by sending anyone away with bags of rice and their disabilities. http://goo.gl/w7uda 

  7. Abeg TB Joshua should go and sit down one place. With his fake occult powers. What is there to predict? The super eagles never qualify anyway. I could have predicted it. NEXT!

  8. @ajalah travel
    so you expect him to pray for you to get off your backside and fight for your rights????
    siddon dere expecting help to come from heaven !!!

  9. @ajalah travel

    Your comments are interesting, hard-hitting, to the point and very funny. Are you a comedian? What is your real name?!

  10. @Anonymous olojukokoro i hope say you understand where i dey go with my yarn? Because from your oral diarrhea, i fit tell say your brain dey odoh dimensional.


  11. err,biko make una give me TB's no abeg, i need him to predict wen our outstanding salaries will be paid, am dead broke.

  12. follower nd believing in God of T.b joshua12 October 2011 at 00:45

    people be careful with ur comment,this is a real man of God not a boy of gods.....

  13. Are you a true servant of God in Christ Jesus but why discriminating?

    (1 John 2:6) Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

    TB Joshua you can only do your best and live the judgment to God almighty just as you know that nobody can ever change his living words. Although mind you that the negative response you are seeing today was exactly what the apostles of Christ who started this journey before you went through. So it is either the Nigerians will believe in you or not the supernatural being that is behind you will ever let you down.

    In spite of everything the adversaries struggled to bring you down failed instead you are getting credits in all corners of the world even to the extent of non Christians in Muslim countries been converted to confessed indeed there’s power in the name of our lord Jesus Christ only through the medium of your anointed water which peoples all over were used to be set free in all varieties of melancholy/ authoritarianism.

    Ever since TB Joshua is this and that. I think is better for us to end it up that Satan has finally taken the glory of God seeing as Joshua is thrusting mountains at the same time as deception. But the bible says it this way in book of (Leviticus 19:18) "'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself and also pray for your enemies. I am the LORD”.

    So I deduce that is precisely what TB Joshua is do exercises having known all the indictment Nigerians are laying on his forename and linger quiet knowing splendidly that nobody fights for truth rather it can only fight for itself just as been stated in (Luke 16:10) "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

    If you call yourself a true child of God then being like Christ is not by mental accent.

  14. Nigerians rush at anything in the name of God or miracle. There's nothing new in TB Joshua's religious scam......., there was Baba Ram Dass, Werner Erhard, Wallace Fard, Haile Selassie, Ron Hubard, Sun Myung Moon, Rev Ike, Sathya Sai Baba (Sathyanarayana Raju), Emmanuel Odumosu, who styled himself Jesu Oyingbo (Jesus of Oyingbo), Rev. Jim Jones, David Koresh (the leader of the Branch David), ......Where are all these false prophets today? They are all in hell waiting for TB Joshua....... Rev. Emeka Ezeugo will also join them in hell. In the 1980s (at 17 Emmanuel Street Maryland) in Lagos State Nigeria, there was a well-known "religious" / cult leader. His name was Olufunmilayo Immanuel Odumosu. He was popularly known as "Jesu Oyingbo" (Jesus of Oyingbo). He was also known as Chief Odumosu. Google his name. He, just like TB Joshua, in partnership with newspaper proprietors in Nigeria, brainwashed and led thousands of souls astray. Someday, the hand of God will catch up with TB Joshua and his brainwashed followers and ill-informed sympathisers. 



  15. @folawiyo ur tone is bias filled and LACKS fact! Ur RANT is baseless and d purpose hereby defeated. Hush!

  16. Wow am so ashamed that people will post comments insulting a man of God.

    Whether you believe it or not JB. Joshua is a man of God just... I am not a member of his church but if half of the pastors in Nigeria spend time giving to their communities as much as he does instead of buying Jets etc... I think Nigeria will be a better place.

    No one I repeat no one has the right to judge a Man of God but God himself.

    All of you calling him names are incurring the rot of God on yourself. A prophet sees what God wants him to see not his will.

    I'll advice you'll look for Christ and give your lives to him instead of sitting here calling a prophet names.

    All of you expecting him to pray for your problems are all dumb.. Salvation is an individual race. He's chosen his calling so should you'll.

    Make ona sidon there dey wait for stock to do well and expecting him to pray Nigeria to turn a green leaf in a day...

    Nigeria is every body's business so deal with it and stop all these dumb hating.

  17. @Folawiyo

    I can see how dumb you are..
    What does Linda and journalists in Nigeria have to do with selling their souls to the devil?..

    Am very you've not read the bible or even attended church before. Whoever you are please eh... get familiar with your environment and stop talking nonsense. You speak blindly yet you're so confident and sure with your comments...lmao.

  18. After all the negative comments against this man of God then we just have to understand now why Nigeria is failing in everytin bcos we can't just open our eyes and brains to see,understand and appreciate good things, look at our well trained doctors,scientist and the rest all outside the country bcos this nation as fail to recognise or appreciate their values, The western world always appreciate things like this that's just why they keep growing in every sector and for us we are always good in looking for genuine/fake people when everything in this country is collapsing i think it is high time we unite and support the people that are trying to move this nation forward the best way they can rather than allow your self to be used as a blockage against the growth of this nation in racial/ethnic/religious ways.

  19. if he claims to be a man of God,so be it. 'thou shall not judge'. And he has the right to do whatever pleases him with the 'power bestowed on him'..

  20. I dont understand why we would call ourself christains and publiclly disgrace and embarrass ourselves this way.

    If you call yourself a christain...how dare you insult the man of God? The bible clearly says 'you should not judge' (matthew 7:1)....I am not a member of his church neither have i ever set my eyes on him.

    @Folawiyo - You talk about why shouldn't he heal all the physically challenged people on the streets......My dear, it shows you do not read your bible if you claim to be a christian. The bible says Even Jesus Christ could not perform miracles in some places due to their unbelief (Mark 6:5)...If someone does not have faith, how would they get healed? Did you read the story about the woman with the issue of blood? Jesus said to her - "Your faith has made you whole" Not his own faith but her faith. So when next you decide to disgrace yourself in a public forum like this....atleast back it up with bible refrences.

    You are saying this is not an attack on anyone....clearly you are attacking. Romans 14: 4 says Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls.

    Someone is asking....why he hasnt used his power to make a change in the country? The change to be made in the country will be made by you and I. Nation building is not a task for the pastors or government alone. It is our collective responsibility. You dont sit in an arm chair to merely criticize people. You too can make a difference. Be the change you want to be in Nigeria.

  21. Why bring religion into football this? Siasia should be held responsible.

  22. I guess most of the people TB Joshua is fooling were kids or were not born some years ago.

    He using "juju" in the name of god. The journalists that revealed his secrets went through hell.

    He told them to come to his church and rub their tongues on the floor so that he could forgive them. One of them is Yinka Ayefele.

    Ayefele had an accident on his way back from that satanic broadcast interview and became crippled. His boss died over a decade later. I don't need to mention his name.

  23. na waoooo.see christians they abuse themselves !
    Linda,na only you i go beg make you no vex for the insult that Folawiyo insult you..Thank God atleast today is not Muslims turn to be insulted!Jo ma binu iya oko mi!!!

  24. @ Meroh - Thank you! You said exactly what was in my head.

  25. Don't be hating !!!
    I dont personally see anythin wrong in his deeds, instead, I pray to do same in terms of giving alms to widows,orphans,physically challenged et al.He even extends to people with other religios belief.So, wot thu....?
    Do not judge so that ye be not judged. So says the book !!

  26. @fayiwola abi na folawiyo,u just ranted!!!pointless,baseless!

  27. All I want him to predict is when he's going to stop being a fraud.

  28. What is difficult to man is possible before God. All the same Christianity is a relationship between God and man and not a politics.

    @Bidemi…. So you are still waiting for the day TB Joshua will fall while he is getting acknowledgment all over the world. In fact, I was privilege to watch his Emmanuel TV and I am so surprised that what I saw in his life is fairly disparity in what people like you are saying about him. Mehn, they say see is believed. I also see Shelton Benjamin with War Lord and many other wrestlers, foreign musicians and movie actors and actresses in this man church.

    You can imagine presidents from different countries governors, ministers and thousands of foreigners from all part of the world are falling into Nigeria consistently because of this man. Peoples in all kinds of sickness like HIV, Cancer, Fibroid, Mental disorder, Overdue pregnant, Difficulty in walking, Demon molests and all manners of deceases both physical and spiritually just to mention but few. Many were discharged from hospitals after they have tried medically and turned around in searching of solutions in their dilemmas, even many has been to India for surgeries and yet could not find proper solution to their problems.

    And finally they decided to try Synagogue church of all nations when it seems that all efforts proved unsuccessful, but it is only by mentioning the name of our lord Jesus Christ that every of all this troubles in their life’s are been cast out eternally for free of charge. And TB Joshua will also assist then in the areas of financial supports for the salvation of their soul either for transportation or life establishments. At least, he spends 10 to 15 millions of naira in every month in taking care of the destitute without minding who they are or religious facet and where they come from. And also giving scholarship to their children’s from primary to the university levels and establishes those who cannot go to school.

    Even today thousands of Muslims are under his scholarship and as for the disables he is restoring their hope and gives them a new life. Thousands of elderly once are under his monthly remuneration with bags of rice every month without knowing any of them but in showing the love of Christ. He is settling broking families and also a husband to the widows and baized their children’s under his scholarship to any level. He sent thousands who are under his scholarship to the best universities in the world to study their masters this year.

    In every Sunday you will see thousands of Muslims aficionados and non Christians coming to his church to receive the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ uninvited, because there’s nowhere you can see a signboard of Synagogue church anywhere in the world. Still multitudes are coming from all corners of the world having seen the mightiness in the name of Lord Jesus Christ in the life of Prophet TB Joshua. I suppose it takes only the spot on superiority of Holy Spirit to achieve such.

    So you can watch his Emmanuel TV in your house to see things by yourself and then tell me how you are still wishing his down for the past 25 years he started his ministry even at the age of 29 in the year 1989 till now Joshua is 45 years of age.

    We are sons and daughters of love let love lead. (1 Cor. 13:13).

    Thank you all and remain bless Linda.

    James C. Igwah

  29. some people dey try oh............you go siddon write epistle and wait for person to siddon read am. the painful thing be say after all the yarning, e still end up as miss yarn.


  30. @Folawiyo

    You are a shame to Christians. I dont attend Synagogue myself but I watched the prophecy on youtube and it is real no doubt. Whether he used the devil or God is not your problem. You are no judge to talk about people.

    If Paul, Peter, james and the apostles can be criticized greatly then TB Joshua's criticism is no news. he would continue to grow while you critics keep on talking

    He does to me what even our "righteous ministers" don t do.

    I attend Redeemed christian Church of God but that does not make me blind to truth

  31. @ajalatravel welcome back oooo i don miss u die,linda well done ur blog makes me laugh wen am sad i just come to ur blog and read comment and LAF lAF LAF....TOKSYB

  32. @ajalahtravel October 12, 2011 11:43 PM. I always look forward to your killah comments. I don't think they understand the full meaning of your comment. I've summarised it:

    Misyarnned Epistle of Brainwashed Religious Cult Followers of Nigeria.

    This is serious.

  33. whether he is Using the name of God or not, the FACT is people are being transformed and changed. Every one will be judged after this life, its the personal relationship with your God and if you are doing His will.

    I do wonder with pple who always critisize TB Joshua ha ha! I mean there is freedom of worship, so if you dont believe in his ministry then back off and mind your business, our God is democratic He don't force things on pple, so you do your thing and TB will do his thing,by the end of the day we are all in a line towards the grave! whether this one will go to hell or heaven its God's business!

  34. Thanks dupe and the two anonymouses. Bless una.



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