How I met my wife - Obiwon | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 October 2011

How I met my wife - Obiwon

Obiwon Obiora:
I met her at her sister's wedding. I came because of the groom actually. He was a client of mine when I was working in the bank. This was July 14th 2007. I reluctantly attended the guy's wedding and when I came, it was almost done. I wanted to see the groom, say hi and go. The first person I saw was Nkechi. I asked her the whereabouts of the groom and she took me to him. Afterwards, she and I exchanged pleasantries and exchanged phone numbers. Now, we are married.
Obiwon's wife Nkechi Ezeife just graduated from Nnamdi Azikiwe University where she read Banking and Finance.

I think I need to start going to weddings o. Since women are meeting husbands there...:-).  But usually I avoid weddings. I feel like it's one of the most boring gatherings ever! The last wedding I went to, I nearly pulled the weave from my head...:-)


  1. awww aint love a beautiful thing?hmmmmn

  2. awww aint love a beautiful thing?hmmmmn

  3. just like most fairy tales... what a happy ending!

  4. Lmao! Linda ur just a clown..was there a fight at d wedding dat almost got ur weave pulled off? Congrats to Obiwon n his wife though.

  5. I feel you on weddings can be a SUPER BORE!! Trust I have been to so many weddings in Lagos, some that made it to Bella Naija biko, I thought they were way boring with everyone forming. Like whats the point of that?? Anyways two of my very best friends got married 2 months apart and their weddings had to be the most fun I had ever had. Not because they were my best friends but because my friends and their grooms made it a point that we all friends have hung out with one another at some point and when the couple are friendly people , who always have a way of bringing people together the wedding was bound to be a good time. I invited two of my friends who had met my other friends once, I was a bridesmaid and didnt have time to really entertain anyone. My friends had the time of their life as soon as other party guest recognized them they called them to have a sit , eat, drink and be merry. I would check up on my friend and I was so not needed as my friends had taken care of them. So it all in the friendships and how everyone relates to one another, plus I had so much fun that i may have met my future husband at one of the weddings *wink, wink' .
    Flash forward a month later my thirs best friend, his wedding was nice but I swear to God I wanted to yank my weave off. His friends and the brides friends are not the friendliest of people at all and funny I knew some of this people, all na to form and I cannot stand people who form. I was so bored I actually left early and I was quite disappointed. At the end of the day its not how lavish or small a wedding is. Its the crowd of people that make the wedding.

  6. Hahaha. I'm with you on this. Weddings are sooooo boring! Such a total yawn!

    Beautiful couple. They look very in love.

  7. I want my readers are welcomed. I took this bold step in puting this mail to public domen. Just to shame the devil who always put shyness in me from talking to women. Am a vertalking positive to Linda on my behalfy shy person.
    Linda my baby, Welcome back to Naija. Hope you came friends and well wishers on this blog to assist me in . Reactions from with lots of good things. I came back from Japan with special love for you. Two weeks vacation to tokyo is pretty good.
    Adam and Eve created love, Romeo and Juliet made love, Julius Ceaser fought for love, Samson died for love. Terry and Linda will stay in love.
    Linda my dearest, sweetest, fondest, fantastic, extra-ordinary, paragon of beauty. I hope this letter meets you in a fabulous state of metabolism, if so doxology. My principal aim of writing this letter to you is to gravitate your mind towards a matter of global and universal importance, which has been troubling my soul. The matter is so urgent and important. Even as I am writing, my adrenalin is 100 per cent on the Richter scale, my temperature is rising, the windvane of my mind is pointing North, South and East at the same time; the mirror in my eyes has only your divine image. Indeed when I sleep, you are the one in my medulla oblongata, and I dream about you. I went out to sea in my dream, and I saw you; surrounded by H20 and you in your majesty rose from the abdomen of the sea like Yemoja, the avatar of beauty. Oh, Lord be with us! We are thy servants.
    As you can see, I am in a serious dilemma. And I want you to take my matter seriously. At this junction, what our Lord said on this matter is germane. Matthew 7:7He says we should ask, and we shall be given, we should seek and we will find, and that we should knock, and it will be opened unto us. Iam asking you to consider my request and tell me what it takes to make you my Angel and my precious gift from God almighty. I am asking, seeking and knocking at your door. My prayer is that thou should open so that thy servant can enter. I want to wake up in the morning and see only your face.
    I want you to be the only sugar in my tea, the only fly in my ointment, the butter on my bread, the grey matter of my system, the oxygen in my head, the planet of my universe, the wall clock of my room. The conveyor belt of my soul. I pray that you realise the gargantuan nature of my predicament. If you delay, my life will be like tea without sugar, like a snail without shell, a Xmas goat without a horn; in fact I'd become an orphan. In fact I'd kill myself to show you how serious I may be. What is life if I can't wake up in the morning and behold your face? You model of pulchritude, patiently created by God on a Sunday morning before he went on a deserved holiday. Please Linda, let me be your Romeo. Make me the Adam to your Eve. Shakespeare said it all: if music be the food of love, play on. I want to emphasise, universally and responsibly, that you are love itself. You are the metaphor, oxymoron, thesis, antithesis, irony, gerund, conjunction and the adverb of love.

  8. At this juncture, let me also say that geography of your body is a permanent allelluia. Not from your body, ammonia, urea and iodine- you are too beautiful for that, what I see in you is milk and honey. At this juncture, brevity is the soul of wit. A stitch in time saves nine. Procrastination is the thief of time. An opportunity once lost can never be regained. Make hay while the sun shines. All that glitters is not gold. The journey of a thousand years begins with a step. This is prescisly what am doing now. What God has put together let no man put asunder. To be a man is not an easy task even if God's time is the best. But time waits for no one. A man without love is like a fish out of water. I know you are a sagacious girl. Only a lizard can study fellow lizards, especially those lying with their stomachs to the ground. The men and women among us on this blog may understand when someone needed a soulmate. Albert Einstein was the one who said that one cannot solve a problem at the same level one was when the problem was created. I need to move from my comfort zone to search for you. The Bible said that he who findeth wife find good thing, Please accept me. We have a lot in common and we are so compatiable. Am from a very happy,good and middle class home. Am a German based Criminologist. Former crime scene director. Now working in a probation department. This is little to say for now. As soon as you consider, my parents will invite you to our home. I have been knowing you for the past 3 good years but never have the liver to aproach you despite the fact that am older than you with about 6 years. fellow friend on this blog, criticism and suggestions are welcomed. Also dont stop attending wedding. People always take note of things.
    See you on a candle light dinna.e-mail terryteddy

  9. Hiaa! Terry, o gi ni? Linda behbeh, over †o you! Linda Ikeji Teddy, na you biko!

  10. Lwkm o! Terryteddy, abeg, r u high on something????!! Linda, me thinks u need to respond to Terry asap!

  11. Lwkm o! Abeg, Terryteddy, r u high on something????!! Linda pls respond to him b4 "love" or whateva it is drowns him. Lol!

  12. That wedding hook-up can be hit-and-miss ohh. One perfect looking guy i met in a wedding so used my head ehh.

    The guys usually know that format so they capitalize on it well.

    Be warned.

  13. I just observed that many words, letters is either missing or twisted from my comments including my e-mail which is
    Its unfortunate. I want you guy to take note of this corrections.
    I wrote; I want friends and well-wishers on this blog to talk postively with linda in respect of my wish.
    I also wrote; I hope she came back with lots of good things. I also wrote; reactions and suggestions from fellow bloggers are most welcomed

  14. i prophesied it that linda's husband would eventually come from this blog........
    who will not fall for her openess that is hardly found with african women expecially regarding sex.....
    two things works for linda...

    oral sex....there is nothing as powerful as oral sex...but however...oral sex is better on few occasions ...not on every sex occasion....
    openess....linda is the most open person that i have ever seen amongs african women...
    success drive.....linda is well motivated to become bigger....

    weakness......her ability to be humble is only in question....but she has more than %60 chance of being humble depending on the man...

    my advice....linda this is ur moment...take it

  15. terry..easy oo..serious matter


  17. Waoh! Never commented on Linda's blog before but for this one o, i must say this.......Terry Teddy you are one baaaad dude! I dont know when i'll recover from laughter.

  18. In my experience,you never find anyone when you go to a place specifically 2 man hunt. Well if you do find, it might be a hungry person u don't wanna get involved with. God's time is the best and please marriage is over rated. Everyone should go fuck off with the pressure they put on pple 2 marry. If I vex sef. I'll not even marry.

  19. Linda, Biko answer Teddy. Looks like he might have connections in high places. *he* cough *might* cough *be* cough *related* cough *to* cough *Patrick* cough *O* :)

  20. @ Teddy Teddy, Ewooo...see love letter*so splendid*e make sense dye! Oya Linda over 2 u 4 ya perusal and consideration.

  21. Terryt if i were i wman i wudv fallen.

  22. lindos!!!u have an offer from terrrrrry!so what do you say?wow this is awesome!

    BTW o,terry which one is what God has joined together let no man put asunder?u neva even write the poem finish u don dey prophesy.wait let linda finish digesting your poem.she'l probably have to read it a million times over!linda over to you!

  23. Hey Linda, meet Terry Teddy... your very own stalker!!!! above!

    I am happy for Obiwon and his new bride. I feel he is a great singer and has a great persona.

    Linda , I think the best place to meet people is in school... I met my wife in Uni and it worked for me. We complement one another and I feel it is one of the greatest Opportunities I had while I was in Naija. Like Chris Martin had said about Gwyneth Paltrow- 'It was like winning the lottery'. However you are not in school so you would need friends introducing you to people they know and are sure of.

  24. @Terry Teddy Lol nawa o. Are you taking the piss?! You should have sent Linda a private message. The exaggeration doesn't make you sound serious, it seems like you wrote it for the attention of other bloggers. Well you got it so are you happy now?! NEXT...

  25. Terrrrryy tedddyyy!!LOL!love wan tin tin!Linda reply him please oh!lollll

  26. Terry Teddy, You are a joker and I hope you did not write this to be cruel. Linda ignore him Jare. yeye man / person or whatever you are.

  27. scorpio u're right. Writing it here luks as if he's making fun of linda. Linda u can meet ur hubby anywhere provided its God's will.
    U fit try terry sha u can never tell. From d luk of things, its like he finds it difficult to appraoch women. If not common sense shld ve told him to do this out of d blog.

  28. LMAO OH!!wat???dis terry's lyrics n lines are just beyond dis world!neva read such eva even in books...haba!misuse of plenty words....linda pls ansa d young man oh!he seems to b in a lot of pains just by loving u...dis luv na die!!sent from above -__-

  29. u go fear desperate teddy now

  30. Terry Teddy sounds "touched" Linda please don't entertain him he is not well.

  31. LINDA,

    Don't listen to DESPERADO Terry Teddy jare. After sexing the stinking vaginas of German women, he is now looking for an African queen to make his wife. He is an oyibo woman's left over. Let him go back and find wife in that rascist Germany where he resides or better yet, have his parents marry him a wife. If you agree to Terry Teddy now, he will make you go and live in Germany, a very uncondusive society for anyone with brown skin (I once lived there so I know). Hook up with a man that will not take you from your comfort in Naija to some rascist oyibo country. You have worked very hard to make a name for yourself in Nigeria and if I were you, I will stay there and just travel out on holidays every now and then.In the mean time Linda, start saving so you can build a house. Accomplish your goals with or without a man because nowadays, human beings period cannot be trusted and playing perpetual housemate/roomate/glorified maid with a man does not necessarily translate to automatic happiness. It might actually cost you an eye, a limb or your entire life.

  32. @Anon..Oct.,29th...8:03PM...
    It is so obvious that you are a lady. See, let me tell you.."to each his own". Linda is an adult incase you didn't know, so let her follow her mind. MISS ADVICER!!!!
    You sure must have suffered a lot from the hands on men, abi? Better luck next time...ok?
    Uncultured, backward, aberrance advicer,...u berra go sit and be taught all abt relationship.


  33. OLUBAFEMI or whatever you call your retarded self,

    Take your own fucking advise. I am entitled to my opinion you hungry, poverty stricken, primitive, miserable, isolated scumbag! Are you now Linda Ikeji or her spokesperson? You come here running your mouth like a lil bitch because you are probably one of those loser naija men who are houseboys to white women and when your sorry black ass has been used and dumped, you now remember African women exist and desperation sets in. No wonder my post hit a sore nerve with you. Lastly, apish nigerian douchbag, I am a MRS so get it right you filthy son of a gun and don't think I will not tell it as it is all because I am married. Now run back to your oyibo madam you slavish lost negro. She asked me to tell you that her vjay needs servicing. Bloody HIV/AIDS infested chuvinist fucktard!

  34. @Mrs Anon...Oct.,30th...3:34AM.

    I can see u are vexed! but mind u, I hit d nail on d head.
    It isn't any of ur biz what Terry feels for Linda. "Mrs" foot! U married nd u wrote all those ill-words to a good hubby * the same way u speak to ur hubby*

    u berra go sit ur dirty, filthiest, over-sized pu**y and black ass all d way down!
    U are a MISOGAMIST!

  35. @Mrs...Anon...Oct.,30th...3:34AM.

    Thanks to your ex-hubby who trained you alittle before bondling you out of his meaningful life! You would have been so worse....cuz I know you.

    By the way, how on earth did you fucking know that I am HIVinfected? Oh! You thot I was one of those small boys how have had their turns on you!

    TerryTeddy's feelings ain't for
    What about you including your full names?


  36. Terry is sure high on ganja or some serious substance...lmao....cant u just email her and spit our ur whatever.....hiya Linda life is treating u on d opposite..if u gree for this man na grammar and oblongata he go take finish u, I don talk my own o

  37. terry terry.....u get awkward mouth

  38. Terryteddy......are u alrite at all??? LWKM,,,,

  39. i wanted to skip terry's comment buh on seeing ow long it was i was tempted to read it......and now i vve embarrased maself in the office jas laffing......

    Linda i thank God for u cos uu make me smile every morning n make me forget so many things dat make me sad n tthen live in a wishful world.

    And for those cursing am so enjoying it i wonder if they go to a cursing school to learn ow to curse........

  40. Linda,
    You are one lucky woman!!!!!! See as people dey fight for you. Pls be careful of marriage ooh. It is not easy at all.

  41. Terry G is joking. Why are some people getting their panties in a twist over him?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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