Did MTN send offensive tweet to a customer on twitter? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 October 2011

Did MTN send offensive tweet to a customer on twitter?

I don't think a telecoms giant like MTN would resort to this on twitter. I just wonder what exactly happened...


  1. I saw @mtnng tweet where they are telling the zaynnabb that the tweet she got was not from them and that they are following her now; so she should send a DM to them stating her mobile number so that they can call her. I believe they cannot be that stupid to send such tweet; I have sent worse things to them and they ignore me.

  2. this hackers will cause warrrr someday with diz there pranks, damn

  3. I'm not saying MTN is guilty or not but they are not incapable of doing it. I called their customer service line some days back and it was as if I was asking a local market woman in Oshodi for directions. The lady's voice was local, her sentences, incoherent but she was kinda nice. MTN!gats lotsa problems but I'm still gonna stick to it.

  4. OMG! So unproffessional but Nigerians too like to curse

  5. lmao.. na wa, MTN sent it jo

  6. This is obviously fake, MTN would never be that unprofessional at all...
    better luck next time GLO!

  7. so basically a lot of people dont know that tweets can be edited..someone can edit a tweet(i dont know how to explain it) but someone can make it like MTN tweeted it...

  8. I must say this is very unnecessary as this @WilDeji is simply being silly. To confirm this on twitter, you only have to check @MTNNG 's timeline and you would see they never tweeted such offensive messages. Someone is just trying to be ridiculous. I just checked their TL, they didn't tweet those messages.

  9. I am a bit confused. The alleged tweet from MTN was to Zayynnab, so what is wildeji's interest in this matter?

    Has anyone asked Zayynnab whether she received any offensive tweet from MTN? Have just checked her timeline, but I cant see anything like that.

    At times, MTN's network(like Airtel) is really messed up, and I confess to sometimes abusing them just like Zayynnab, but I seriously dont believe that they will do that. Maybe someone is just hating...

  10. i do not believe it. Retweets are editable. Unless the original tweet by @MTNNG can be shown to us as a screen shot. Maybe then......

  11. @anon 3:52 @WilDeji retweetd it dts why RT is before d tweet

  12. LOOOL ummmmm that is hilarious as fuck . lmfao

  13. shadybrity.. biko whats your point?

  14. lack of professionalism on both sides

  15. We are all talking as if it is not normal Nigerians that work with MTN. It is very possible that MTN staff sent the alleged tweet. Maybe the zaynnabb will know better.

  16. lack of professionalism on
    both sides


  17. No human being dey work for MTN abeg na dem send am!

  18. I'll believe it when i see an actual retweet of the comment (though if it really happened im sure mtn would have deleted it by now) and not a RT, which anybody can write on their own.

  19. Dunno if its true or false...but it could have been sent unintentionally...staff probly typed it for laughs and pressed the 'enter' key mistakenly. :s
    Whatever, man.....next!

  20. No, Mtn can't tweet that, this hackers are just nut.

  21. I don't think for once that this is done by any mtn crew.

  22. @shadaybrity, I know what you mean. I also recently contacted MTN's customer care line and I was appalled at the customer service representative's grammar, tone, speech etc, though he was polite and helpful. This made me question if his response to my query was correct. Yes, it is good that these people are being employed but MTN or whoever employs them should train them. Make them better. You don't employ people without giving them these sorts of training. It reflects poorly on the employer/company

  23. the way everyone is saying 'MTN cannot tweet that', its 'impossible for MTN to tweet that',just remember MTN cannot type tweets, MTN is a company and the company does not have hands to type any tweet, it is a bloody human staff that typed it and yes he/she speaks for mtn so YES MTN (through its human staff) can tweet that

  24. its possible a staff of MTN sent it. There's been issues of glo staff ringing back customers, after work hours, to abuse them for being rude during their shift. I mean, that is, really taking it personal. (d staff got sacked though) and others still do it.
    meanwhile, tweets can be deleted so if u can't find it on MTN's timeline, do u not reason that it was deleted?
    Anything is possible joo

  25. GLO and ETISALAT will do anything possible to dent MTN's image...A friend of mine works as a manager with GLO and his tweets are always anti MTN...i dont blame him sha..they are only tryna play catchup by pulling down the ladder...bad move.

  26. was in the MTN office in AKURE recently and i can tell u that its not beyond them... i watched as the customer service advisor/agent acted rudely to a customer...having stayed in UK for a while i can tell u that the MTN guy was very arrogant and rude and i had to like step into the case and apologize to the customer thou i dnt work with MTN...they need to go for training of some sort to act professionally...


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