Video: Nigerian Physician Brutally Beaten at Barnes-Jewish Hospital | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Video: Nigerian Physician Brutally Beaten at Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Security guards at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in Saint Louis, MO beat up a resident physician. Read all about it on the physician's blog here


  1. Erm.. Context? Where is this place, why was he assaulted? Would be ag ood start.

  2. Is there any law to make this brute pay for this?

  3. Probably the reason why he was assaulted will be a good start as noted above

  4. Your title is just way off.

    Okay. First Linda, he wasn't beaten because he was a Nigerian.

    He stated that he was beaten because he was "deemed as "mentally unstable," a "security threat," beaten up two times, hauled to jail for ~ 48 hours, and charged with assault and trespassing..."

  5. Wats the crux of the matter? .??

  6. actually have to read his blog to get the whole picture. This is a very sad case; this kid didnt do anything...I would like to know other ways in which we can help him. Even if he was indeed unstable; it doesnt warrant this kind of beating...being denied emergency treatment. He better be sueing for billions....i would continue to keep him in my prayer sha.

  7. Kray-z / Lay-z / Jay-z14 September 2011 at 22:00

    Olisa again?! Na wah oooh!
    Why was he assaulted?
    Which of the guards in the video is Olisa?
    Has he been in touch with a lawyer?
    Is he suing all of them or just Olisa?
    Why don't he blog the incident on his blog. Went to his blog and the content made no sense.

    Seriously speaking, I'm sick of Olisa of this world beating people.

  8. He shouldn't have been beaten and he should indeed sue and I hope he wins. THOUGH, I read his blog and he only alluded to "problems" without specifying what they were. He clearly has some issues and the email exchange only serves to make him look irrational. He should talk to his lawyer about putting all this on a blog, it better serves as evidence for a court case not fodder for gossip blogs. PLUS he can be sued for defamation.

  9. Alicia says...said...15 September 2011 at 00:08

    ehn now it happened in america all those 'abroad' people are not talking again! mscheww see the way all of you were like nigeria is a useless country and there is no law on assault now where are you guys? come and talk oo!*Yimu* the earlier you guys realise that abroad is not perfect what happens in naija also happens there the better for u guys!smh

  10. you guys should come and comment ooo hia if its olisa's case all of you would be yarning come and yarn now asin your yarns are needed now

  11. Linda, this is a bit confusing. pls summarize the gist for us. Why was he singled out and being maltreated? Is it a case of racisim or was he diclosing things that theyr trying to hide. It's a bit hard to understand the whys in the story but i hope he sues them for defamation of character for trying to brand him mentallu unstable n for trying to ruin his carreer. Being a fresh medical school graduate myself--this is just disheartening. It seems that struggle just never ends!! u fight to get residency and then the same program will fight u n try to destroy u??--very discouraging I tell u!!

  12. The organization of his blog seems a bit erratic. But two key things stand out to me

    1) How do you go from meeting and exceeding expectations in your second year review to all of a sudden you're being labeled as unstable?

    2)in the video posted how do justify restraining a man who is unarmed and sitting on the floor by 9 men who seem visibly larger than him on the grainy picture.

    I feel for the guy. Looks like he was going through some stuff his 3rd year. But like in all American Workplaces, what is true for all black people is that you need that one Oyinbo oga that has your back rain or shine.

  13. I hope he is ok. But I have to ask myself " if this were Nigeria what would ppl say?" ppl on here talk as if nothing unjust ever happens in America. LOTS of unjust things happen here TRUST me.And ppl get away with it

  14. America is one country where you are black first, and everything else afterward. I have heard so many stories of the injustices mete out to the highly educated in that country simply because they were black. For those who want more info, there is a hyperlink below the video that links back to his blog, go over there and check it out. There are lots of documents posted and details about this case and its history.

    He seems like a very brilliant person who unfortunately got on the wrong side of the hospital, and so they set out to frame him. I hope he is victorious in his case. So sad.

  15. that guy has some screws loose imo.

  16. @ Anonymous 8:45pm - the title is NOT 'way off'. The guy IS a Nigerian, he IS a resident & he WAS brutally assaulted. Linda never said anywhere that he was assaulted BECAUSE he's Nigerian.
    + to everyone else wanting to know why he was assaulted in the first place, I doubt that that's the most pressing issue. NO ONE deserves to be assaulted for any reason. That's the point!
    Like everyone was advising Dewunmi on this same blog, I hope he takes them to the cleaners!

  17. The guy has a good case if he gets himself a good lawyer. However, i have seen many foreign Doctors go through these sort of Discrimination. American Hospitals are just not welcoming to foreign Doctors, especially African Doctors. He keep all the records and get himself a good lawyer.

  18. Missouri is another one of the unfavorable state to the minorities. But America is just not friendly to foreign Doctors.

  19. it happened in Yank. Likely to get some sort of justice.

  20. Alicia says...said...15 September 2011 at 10:52 read the article Mr man and stop asking unneccessary questions!

  21. I'm sorry to say, I'm sad to report, but reading his blog, it seems he has some sort of mental challenge.

    If life experience is anything to go by, I'd say schizophrenia, but then again, I'm not a psychiatrist.

    As for him being black, green, or purple, it has nothing to do with it. If you are deemed a danger to your environment, you will be forcefully restrained/ejected. To be deemed a danger you could threaten yourself or others.

  22. He should go all RODNEY KING on em. however, i want to know wetin he did. cos i wont judge the story just from his point of view. notice how they didnt do anything to him in d begining of the video? wht did he say that suddenly prompted them to assault him? abeg the story never complete. he can however sue for excessive use of force amongst other things. And yeah i think i saw OLISA ADIBUA aka the Pot Belly Champion aka Bully my Junior Staff just cos i can.

  23. Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton should be contacted.....see how levels go change then.

    Racism is real in yankee whether people talk about it or not, it exists

  24. Errm why did he get beaten up?

  25. I think the guy is kolomental! His blog doesnt make sense at all for a so-called physician! Maybe he was trying to pass off as a physician...who knows!

  26. this reminds me of sci-fi movies where medical people are just so shady! I have always known it wasn't just movies it happens in real life too! its pathetic sha this world is gonna spin around 360 degrees some day

  27. not everyone walking around is sane

  28. @Swiss beatz's interesting lovelife, i must confess i agree with u. The man certainly has some mental challenges. The part where he said he arrived at work dressed in full military uniform and informed the security personnel that he represented the president of the united states, it was right here that i confirmed my rising suspicion as i read his blog. I don't blame the hospital, there has been many cases of mentally unstable people showing up at work and shooting everybody. Theses guy clearly has some mental challenges.

  29. Why don't we hear about these things on news, you should contact local news telecasts or national telecast to post this on.

  30. A lot has happened since September 2011:
    - - The criminal charge brought against me has been dropped and the criminal record expunged, after spending $40,000 (forty thousand US dollars!)

    - - I filed a civil lawsuit today (01/25/2011) against the hospital and its agents.

    - - Local news media finally carried the story today (01/25/2011); hopefully a national/international media will carry it as well.

    I thank God Almighty, Linda Ikeji, and everyone who has supported me through this ordeal.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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