Senate Deliberates On Bill Prohibiting Same-Sex Marriage | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 28 September 2011

Senate Deliberates On Bill Prohibiting Same-Sex Marriage

A bill prohibiting same sex marriage scaled the second reading at the Senate yesterday Tuesday Sept 27th, as senators described the act as ungodly, morally and religiously unacceptable.

Why are they even debating it in the Senate? It's not like the issue of giving rights to gay people has ever been considered in Nigeria. And are gay people even asking for rights to marry themselves? If some Nigerians can justify three women being brutally attacked and treated like animals for being lesbians, then I don't think our society is ready for gay marriage...let them debate something else biko!


  1. they are working. Are they not?. Looters. When wud dey pass bill for capital punishment on the public office holders?. We r waiting. While majority of dem are gayz, who is fooling who now?they are working. Are they not?. Looters. When wud dey pass bill for capital punishment on the public office holders?. We r waiting. While majority of dem are gayz, who is fooling who now?

  2. These people are not serious. The reason the clamour for legislation for same sex marriage arose in the western world was because unless married, certain tax relief and spousal entitlements were not available for cohabiting couples only married ones.
    Homosexuals and lesbians felt it was discrimination as many of them were in long term relationships but could not get married as marriage for same sex couples was not legal. Now it is legal, same sex married couples are entitled to the same spousal entitlements especially in terms of taxes and death as heterosexual married couples.
    How does this affect us in Nigeria where there is no legislation to support common herterosexual couples and the laws of the land are not even followed?

  3. Linda,na wa for you oo.Some of our senators has not made a speech since dey became a senator so this is there opportunity.I know a senator from my state whom has never made a speech at the house.As for same sex,only God knows what will happen to a man that dares open his mouth to ask me for a date.May His soul Rest in peace in adavance.I had to quit my previous relationship cos she was a lesbian

  4. The truth is most of them up there are down low men. Married to women but actually enjoy sex better with men. God help us. Nigeria is becoming sodom and gomorah o

  5. Yeah...right! They are not deliberating on boko haram, but they have time to talk about same sex marriage.Wait till boko haram bomber blasts ur heads off in that chambers.They should first legislate on public officers stealing public funds,boko haram, gbo gbo e, gbo gbo e.Same sex marriage is not really an issue with the average Nigerian.The real issues are; power supply,good roads,security of lives& property,employment.I rest my case.

  6. pls dey shud shut dia holes and discuss important issues. most of dem are on d downlow. i know atleast 4 of be dem pay my friend 4 sex.idiots!!!!

  7. gays may not ask for their right now, but a time is coming when they will

  8. my opinion LINDA, i think its a good thing dosnt matter if they are joblez. They should pass the damn if the western world haz gone crazy and has no grandparents ,i tink we stil have

  9. Nigeria and its lost leaders! How did this issue become the priority of the Nigerian Senate? Which one of the goats went to bed and woke up the next morning with the foolish idea? Where are the gays requesting marriage that they are banning? Will they ban government corruption too?

  10. Thank you KEMIISMREALNAME. Thoughtless fools who never go behind the reason for anything the do.

  11. Have they finished putting laws in place that will severly punish sex offenders and child molesters? Have they figured out how to curtail boko haram? Nigeria is such a useless country!

  12. And the Petroleum Industry Bill is left languishing...

  13. Kemiismyrealname; well written.

  14. How does this debate put food on the table of the average nigerian, create job or bring an end to the seemingly insurmountable security challenges this country is facing? These law makers are so stupid and jobless....jst sit dwn there blabbing rubbish and collect huge salary for doing nothing.
    In this their so called "debate", are they paying attention to both sides of the argument, or is this just an exercise in futility, whereby they have already made up their minds on the outcome. Did they pay attention to scientific explanations and discovreries with regards to homosexuality? Have they considered the effect this bill has on the economy and survival of this country, what with the exploding population and millions of people who are poor and unemployed?
    Further, what is the purpose of engaging in this debate when same sex relations have already been criminalised in the the criminal/penal codes respectively? Did they avert their useless minds to this fact? You cant place something on nothing and expect it to stand.
    Shameless greedy monsters!!

  15. The question is, Why are they making this issue a topic of discussion? Nigeria is not ready for same sex marriage and it will never be. It is one thing to be Gay, Bisexual bla bla bla, and its another thing to demand for same sex marriage. If been legalized, do you think Daddy and Mummy will dress up in their best Abada to attend such weddings? We are a people that are bound with by societal norms and culture. They should talk more about better issues that will provide the populace, security for them and their property. They should look into issues of human rights and looting public funds. Haba? Requesting for same sex Marriage is just like a tale told by an Idiot, full of sounds and furry, signifying Nothing. ( shake spare)

  16. Nonsense!
    We have more important issues that affect the value of Nigerian lives and they are talking homosexualism.
    The height of misplaced priorities.

  17. Naija will never seize to amaze me. I swear, the northerners can VANISH from the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned. They make my skin crawl bcos they cause so many troubles and try to act all humble.

    I know homosexuality is more rampant in the North, but who cares about a stupid bill for some mallam guy who likes to take it in his butthole, then go home to his 20wives...mschewww. or some useless girls who are looking for attention.

    If some of these empty heads can gather together like this, i don't understand why they can't do the same to address some of the most critical issues facing Nigeria. So, now they want to act all modernized or what? RUBBISH.

  18. My dear the country need help and until we understand that we r no where..... They are all just a bunch of disorganized mess

  19. They should passa billon them being aristos!! OshiSco!!!!

  20. the only way to stop them looting is to pay them the same minimuin wage paid to civil servants dat way its only pips who ar truly ready to serve contest.all d money n pips killed for election will also stop.infact all d olodo thieves will b runin away from govt work.

  21. Abujakenneth said..

    There are lots of things begging for legislative attention that our Senators are unmindful of, rather their concern is same sex marriage. That is why the ended up editing all we watch as films in the name of preserving our culture and moral values while they end up contributing to the death of millions of Nigerian because of their gullible minds. Money voted for education, health will end up in private pockets year after year. They are just deceiving themselves and not me.

  22. Abujakenneth said..

    There are lots of things begging for legislative attention that our Senators are unmindful of, rather their concern is same sex marriage. That is why the ended up editing all we watch as films in the name of preserving our culture and moral values while they end up contributing to the death of millions of Nigerian because of their gullible minds. Money voted for education, health will end up in private pockets year after year. They are just deceiving themselves and not me.

  23. Thieves who do you think you are deceiving. One day We Nigerians will rise up with one voice and that day we will get all of you theives. Just wait and see.




  25. Most of the states has allowed same sex marriage. A studies shows that most of the gay are curious about their sex, that's why men like to marriage with gay.

  26. Na d job wey dia boyfriends send dem go do be dat
    Bloody pot bellied down-low buffons

  27. We need our rights

  28. idiots of no comparison,is this boko haram or militant matters that wants to ruin the nation? instead of the maladministration focus for something good they are debating of ungodly matters..fools

  29. uhm, when almost all of them are having sex with men themselves hiss!! So if they pass the bill, then what? Nigerians are such hypocrites. I do not condone same sex marriage but I just think Nigerians like follow follow too much jo!!

  30. If this issue is even worth deliberating in nigeria then the world is about to end. It is written that it is a sin! God made man and woman and told them to be fruitful and multiply whats with all these useless stuff?

  31. c'mon guys free them now,they are forming busy don't we all at times?you know,when the boss is coming and you quickly type balderdash into the system*winks*


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