An open letter from a Beat FM employee | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 11 September 2011

An open letter from a Beat FM employee

Dear Linda,
This letter had to be written anonymously because we have been ‘instructed’ not to speak to the press. We are appalled by Olisa Adibua’s actions, and feel his physical assault on Dewunmi was barbaric and completely wrong. What’s even more shocking is that he wasn’t removed from the premises immediately. Olisa was his usual self the day after the incident, and was seen chatting and laughing with the GM Deji Awokoya (who was well aware of the assault). He was still permitted to do his show on Thursday, and went on to host the Beat of Lagos on Friday night.

We have no idea why the management at Beat FM has decided to treat this so leniently – he has actually been suspended for 2 months and not 4 weeks like you previously stated. Nevertheless, the majority of us feel 2 months is nowhere near enough, we are certain that anyone else would have faced an instant dismissal and possible legal charges.

To clarify details of the incident, the ‘object’ used in the assault was a brick. Olisa initially attacked Dewunmi with his bare hands then went downstairs to retrieve a brick then came back for part 2. He deliberately smashed his phones and dragged him outside, forcing Dewunmi to recover in a Keke Maruwa parked outside the office till 7am when more staff arrived. The incident was caught on CCTV, but will of course never be released. The GM Deji Awokoya apologized to Dewunmi on Olisa’s behalf, and was given about N16k for his medical bills. Please note it wasn’t a fight – Olisa attacked Dewunmi, and he refused to hit Olisa back because he considers him an oga. Dewunmi refuses to press charges because he’s afraid he’ll lose his job – furthermore since this incident hit the press, he (Dewunmi) has been receiving death threats saying that he’ll be harmed if this incident escalates further.

Olisa has had several run-ins with members of staff at Megalectrics (owners of Beat FM, Classic FM and Naija FM). On numerous occasions he has verbally abused different people – insulting them, swearing at them and threatening to make their life at Megalectrics ‘a living hell’ if they cross him. Management hasn’t reprimanded Olisa once for this.

This incident is sadly just one of many that involves Olisa Adibua bullying employees at Megalectrics.  
To summarize, we hope that the MD of Megalectrics reprimands Olisa ‘appropriately’ to show that this kind of action is unacceptable.  Likewise MNet/Glo need to seriously think about the messages they are sending out to the public if they decide to keep Olisa on as a judge for ‘Naija Sings’.


  1. I understand, is he a God or wat??? i know who dis olisa guy rilly is...I HATE HIM!!!I

  2. pheeww, now we all have to relive the mercy J./lovely/Odi saga in another form. i don tamayan for all dis kain underG info. we go comment, comment so tay, blood go dey tip of fingernail, after all said and done, nuffin will come out of it. abeg make pesin hear word o jere.

    ** sleep sideways, covers head with pillow, arse to the world**

  3. Nah what is going on? He was supposed to be hauled out of the building? Or even taken to court for assault?

  4. i dont understand, is he a God or wat??? he shld nt b allowed 2 go free

  5. This guy need to see a doctor. And even the management will do well with one.

  6. How the hell can Olisa beat anybody, have yu seen dudes belly? That guy can shit out the twin towers. Why didn't dewumi stick a pin in his belly. By now 9/11 we woulda been celebrating the return of the twin towers at ground zero. Anyway non of us are saints, Olisa has learnt, Being pompous, snubbish and fat don't mix. He should be Suspended for a year. I love beat fm. , anger is a demon we all fight. I feel Dewunmi is surpressed and oppressed, not a good look for Beat Fm. I believe Olisa has learnt but he should publicly apologize to the guy.

  7. Can we start a facebook group about this?Can we start a facebook group about this?

  8. Don't know what to think but i know one thing that this is not right.

  9. Olisa should be arrested n charged 2 court

  10. Whenever I see or hear Olisa on air, it is very obvious he is a pompous prick. But I'm quite surprise someone of his level will beat a junior colleague up, cos he knows d guy won't fight him back. The lady that wrote this anonymous letter u tried very well, but u shldn't ve written mnet/Glo shld send him packing at d last line, it spoilt ur work. It looks like u r beefing him as d naija sings judge. Mnet wud ve thot about that against nx season or this season sef. Foolish man, hope he pays 4 this his unacceptable action.

  11. Dats serious, NAIJA I dey hail ooooo

  12. who is this fucking guy........who is this fucking guy........

  13. please lets stand against this like this page on facebook

  14. Sadly Linda bullying by superiors n even ur peers abound everywhere. While I was nt there I will however say I am not shocked because this Olisa guy is full of himself and extremely arrogant, so I am not surprised.

    Like I said bullying abound everywhere n everyday in Nigeria.... I know dis cos I am a victim of bullying. I have a slight defect dat was caused by d negligence of a nurse resulting in my having a problem with my legs as a result it affected my gait.

    I was constantly bullied n made jest of growing up even till dis day by people around me (sadly friends inclusive especially wen we got in2 an agreement) , however an incidence dat amazed me till dis day was when I went 2 a school, passed d exams but was reject simply bcos my physiotherapist said I could nt do certain things. Can we change d mind set of people who feel others r beneath them ..... No!! But can we stop events like what happened at the BEAT fm from happening ... Yes!!!

    While I don't feel he should be sacked by any of his employers. (As I think dis is 2 harsh) I think measures should be put in place in our work place 2 prevent things like dis from happening starting with mutual respect 4 everyone irrespective of their status or watevea. re. While I was nt there I will however say I am not shocked because this Olisa guy is full of himself and extremely arrogant, so I am not surprised.

    Like I said bullying abound everywhere n everyday in Nigeria.... I know dis cos I am a victim of bullying. I have a slight defect dat was caused by d negligence of a nurse resulting in my having a problem with my legs as a result it affected my gait.

    I was constantly bullied n made jest of growing up even till dis day by people around me (sadly friends inclusive especially wen we got in2 an agreement) , however an incidence dat amazed me till dis day was when I went 2 a school, passed d exams but was reject simply bcos my physiotherapist said I could nt do certain things. Can we change d mind set of people who feel others r beneath them ..... No!! But can we stop events like what happened at the BEAT fm from happening ... Yes!!!

    While I don't feel he should be sacked by any of his employers. (As I think dis is 2 harsh) I think measures should be put in place in our work place 2 prevent things like dis from happening starting with mutual respect 4 everyone irrespective of their status or watevea.

  15. After reading the alleged statement released by Dewunmi, i was fuming and thot he was an idiot for letting money and fear of loosing his job silence him.. but then, i step back and put myself in his shoes and i kinda see why he has chosen to suffer in silence. However,what i wud love to see happen is this dewunmi guy to summon a bit of courage and see justice being done. God will take care of his own and another job will come. As long as we continue to brush issues like this under the carpet, its an unending cycle..shame on Olisa the big bully.

  16. If Dewunmi gets a good lawyer he won't need to work another day of his life.


  18. For some reason, I have a feeling that it will all go and stay under the carpet, case in point 'Who wants to be a millionnaire'
    I have heard people say this bullying thing happens everywhere, but what pains me is that the 'notable' people are the ones who are now making it a way of life. I wonder if the coys in question can't see what that says about them.
    I am not new to the stories about Olisa and his cocky self, so e no fall my hand at all, he just went too far this time. We respect talent and gift, but that does not go to say u are God.
    I feel for the news guy cos he is just trying to keep his job and in doing so, has forgotten about his dignity and selfworth/respect.
    Na wa o! We take the piss in this country.

  19. wow!!!!!Never thought olisa will be capable of an act like this. so he is a thug!!! na wah. "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"

  20. Never thought that olisa will be capable of such an act. so he is a thug??? well..."NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER"

  21. this is absolute nonsense! i hope Glo Naija Sings does not use him to portray their public image anymore!

  22. Olisa probably acted under influence of substance usage. No same person would act that way. Effect of being high on drug. He must be made to head to a rehab, bitter truth must be said.

  23. All I wanna know is wat all dis statements wld do cos its obvious olisa is nt just a looser bt also a thug.dewunmi is nt only scared of losing his job bt afraid of d threat on his life.olisa shld b made 2 pay for all he's done period.

  24. I am still suprised there hasn't been any comments on his state of mind at the time of the assault? It was reported he was coming from the Industry Nite event at about 3am. He was most likely under the influence as he is known to be a very heavy drinker. If this was the case, it only makes the matter worse....justsaying

  25. Olisa is a big fool. He tried this with Jim Iyke and Jim beat him blue black and people were crying blue murder. Olisa was syupid enough to touch the butt of Jim's date so Jim Iyke showed hin ho not to stray/assult a girl

  26. A nation filled with Monkeys and Chimps. Glorified Animals. How could anything good come out of that Country??

  27. Linda, kudos to you. No doubt you will bump into Olisa or you may be getting threats already but you still chose to keep us updated. We need to start doing what is right in this country.
    Unemployment and poverty should not be an excuse for not doing what is right. The GM should be sacked for associating himself with the Olisa whilst an investigation is taking place. In addition, giving Dewunmi 16k for medical bills signifies that he knew the matter was serious. What kind of GM apologises on behalf of his junior (Olisa) who has clearly done wrong? It tells me that the GM cannot reprimand Olisa and should be relieved of his duties.

  28. Who owns BEATfm?

  29. Only in Nigeria. Bunch of idiots ruled by fools, idiots in every sense of the word. what good can ever come out of them.

  30. what olisa has done is very wrong. it is also very important not to judge just from hearing one side of d story. i dont believe that the guy just stood there while he got his ass whooped cos human instincts would have made him defend himself. he would either fight back or run..Plus all these "anonymous colleagues" that are commenting and sending letters that claim that they were present...did they just stand and watch Olisa beat Dewunmi? Did they try to stop Olisa from beating him up? The answer i'm guessing is NO.then this open letter...are we sure he/she is a colleague or jst another bad bele. In my opinon, there are too many unanswered questions!

  31. Linda Ikeji is actually right, Olisa was suspended for one month, not two months. I work at beat. That's fact!

  32. he does afterall work for 'beat' fm!

  33. the price one pays for being a celebrity, some would love and adore you while some would loathe you no matter how much you (do/make) things right.
    he erred and he apologised, i am sure he has learnt his lessons; y'all should give d poor guy a break and stop making a fuss of the dead and buried issue.
    sure a number of you here have one or two people who suffer assaults on a daily basis whether at home/work who need your help; it is those who need your voice, fight for them and let these people be. biko, stop making it your business because he's a celeb.

  34. @anon 7:28pm u wrote exactly dis same comment on d page of his apology! Y r u so interested in making pple feel he's inded sorry? r u paid to do d job? Or r u even Olisa himself? Cos I dnt understand ur desperation o. Lol to d celeb tingy..celeb ko, celeb ni! If not for dis issue, I wouldn't av known he existed

  35. @ anon 9:25pm
    i copied and pasted actually, no need writing same thing here and there when i'm trying to make same point and i am not olisa neither am i in any way paid to do the job; 'm just a reader like you who has decided not to be myopic about this whole issue despite not liking olisa; 'm actually wondering if there's more to all these than 'bullying' which exist everywhere n in every organisation; physically or psychologically and this has happened, the victim has released a press report, olisa has as well as the management. if people have personal issues with olisa they need not tale advantage of this mistake especially not after he has taken responsibility for his actions and apologised.
    u say u didnt know him until this happened? fine, u could be right and i'm darn sure he's one of the many celebs you do not know. olisa Adibua is a Nigerian celebrity in every way even though it may itch you to accept that.
    NB: i am not even a fan of his, i have happened to work with his colleagues at different times and trust me i do not even say 'hi' to him, regardless, i wont bring sentiments into my objective opinion about the issue.

  36. I think it's just sad that you all are clamoring for the worst for Olisa as if we all are innocent. We all have made mistakes and have asked to be forgiven. I see no reason why if 2 grown men have an alteration and decide to resolve it among'st themselves, people can't let them be. If Dewunmi is not satisfied with the way his management have handled the issue and the apology that his boss tendered to him, then he should come out and say so and not be a chicken. A lot of you liken this story to that of a tyrant and his subjects. But I say, history has taught us that if a subject claims he's oppressed or in bondage and he wants to be free, then he should man up, speak up and fight on. Otherwise, he should accept his oga's apology and everybody else can just mind their own business or as we say in naija, go and hug transformer. And as for the Beat Fm staff that sent that mail, Shame on You!!

  37. Dewunmi received death threats all through the weekend.I'm his neighbour. Also he says management has the cctv tape , so they know he was maltreated + beatfm staff have been threatened to keep quiet or get sacked.
    Olisa is very abusive and aggressive. Always yelling. Now this! He needs rehab

  38. Its bad enough he dsnt knw hw to sing yet he insults n renders abuses 2 people. Have Ʊ listened to him judge on glo naija sings? i always feel sorry for the people he insults! He should be given more than 2months!!! What he did is totally unethical!Its bad enough he dsnt knw hw to sing yet he insults n renders abuses 2 people. Have Ʊ listened to him judge on glo naija sings? i always feel sorry for the people he insults! He should be given more than 2months!!! What he did is totally unethical!

  39. so after getting the whole incident on cctv those two silly girls came out to say "olisa isnt violent"...may God forgive all of for the fool that got beaten and came up with that idiotic statement,olisa should have broken his head sef...mayb that way proper action would have been taken....after paying you peanuts,dem wan commot ur eye on top.

  40. The Olisa dude should thank his stars i am not dewunmi. i would have killed his arrogant ass. A manager slapped me once at the office in 2005 and got 3 instant replies. 2 on the left and one on the right. I don't care about money and would rather die on the spot than allow an arrogant son of a gun distort my face for some plastic 'public apology'.

  41. Is olisa that valuable to them? He is an ugly piece of art. I am sure he is replaceable.

  42. M sorry to deviate from the topic @ hand, but is it just me or is no one else here noting the commenters calling us "BUNCH OF IDIOTS RULED BY FOOLS" i call every1 to mind cos this has gone on severally and no one s batting an eye to this. IMHO i believe this is a nigerian blog, in as much as it is open for every1 else to be a part of, it doesnt give any1 right to call us nonentities. M i right or right? because there is a high tendency that the bloggers making this insulting statements are even nigerians. probably nig staying outta its shores, u shld know being there doesnt make ur pathetic lives better or change ur nationalities. pls be mindful of the kind of words u use on ppl ere.

  43. linda where is my comment?

  44. @ September 11, 2011 1:32 PM - Please go ahead and start the facebook page abeg...I'll sign up for him to be removed from Naija Sings and Beat FM at the very least...Where the hell does he get off, treating a fellow human being like that??? The man is just a bumbling oaf and should be made to pay for his unbelievable conduct..I mean seriously!

  45. olisa is an ass wipe! with one fake cigar hes forming smoking. have you met him? with his big belle and pink or flowery shirts. dude cant even tuck in. you go run. if not for his money bet you no woman would look at him twice. Abi him don turn gay dey gay beatfm GM *smh


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