NEA Awards Day #2 - 'Jenifa' movie premiere and after party pictures | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 4 September 2011

NEA Awards Day #2 - 'Jenifa' movie premiere and after party pictures

The Jenifa movie premiere took place last night in NYC. More pics after the cut...


Photo credit: AminAmeen Photography


  1. Lord have mercy. Wat are those daughters of Eve wearing in the 3rd picture?

  2. Nice. Everyone had a great time...

  3. Awww Funke Akindele looked pretty.nice

  4. I was there, the after party was badly planned. In a very small lounge that was over crowded. Typical naija unnecessary cheapness. A whole nea party in a small out of the way lounge.

  5. A few things:

    Ratio of women to men 10:1
    Ratio of women without weave : 100:1

    Plus did Susan Peters showed up in a wedding dress, sans veil?

  6. Funke and the big guy from the movie my yori yori love them and p.s. That dude know how to everybody else whos the guy in the purple shirt:)yuuuuummmmyyy

  7. ladies and fake hair? soooo boring. can tell d difference b/w one & d other. try natural girls, u'll likely stand out and be noticed. of we r gunning for indian hair, we'll be looking for Sunita.

  8. ladies and fake hair? sooo boring!!!!!

  9. why do some girls think dat wearing very short tube dresses and fake-ass brazillian hair-do makes dem look fashionable??? SMH!...d girls in 2nd & 3rd pix.... God hv mercy...

  10. After all the tons of fake hair they actually look pretty fake.......i'm so sick of ass length fake hair that i seriously need to pop a pill or i'll go crazy.


  11. Biko, naija girls in yankee: PSA, don't even try it. That ridiculous hooker look of long brazillian or is it indian hair pieces, short tight dresses(looking like a space suit with them funky shoulders), cleavage, toned or bleached skin, fake loubs, fake designer handbags/clutches and heavy make up..Please, please and please do not bring that foolishness to yankee. Americans are known to have this I don't care but I love to be comfortable look..F what anyone thinks...pls lets keep it that way. Leave that rubbish, will do "anything" to maintain look to Naija girls in naija and the U.K

  12. Its nice to see all these young people supporting Funke. Would never think young girls like these watch nollwood yourba flicks. I like their dresses. I guess niaja girls in yankee hav started dressing like the ones in naija

  13. @ Anonymous September 4th, 9.55pm... Loool your comment on Susan Peters is so true. It's a full long pretty gown that could pass for a wedding.

  14. See the roving eyes of the guys in photos towards the bottom.....bliss. Classical 'awon bobo n ranju' God bless that photographer...

  15. na wa oh. this event coulda been in lagos with all the alatika looking babes.

  16. What is our society turning into? If they needed more materials to sew their clothes they should have asked well meaning citizens; rather than wearing next to rags to such an occasion. Where are our morals in this new generation.

  17. lmao @ hecknaw's statement. i was just thinking the exact same thing. naija girls in the U.S used to always looks casual and comfy in their outfits, noiw they dress like all those overly made up, length too long fake weave girls in nigeria and london........

  18. This is very impressive. The show of support for jenifa is very nice. Beautiful people out to have a good time and support one of their own..Nice!!!

  19. #1 is this the first time you've seen babes wearing weave..ahah get over it..Natural or weave its their own business..#2 let me say yes I am a yankee babe, but I also frequent Naija and London...Please tell me the diff in appearance..Dont London babes wear short dresses as well?? Living in London does not make one more fashinable or classy..#3 I attended this party and the venue was super small..okay Im done

  20. Comment above mine was so fking unecessary. Plus all the girls in these fling pics got some serious ashyyyyyyyy legs and knees.

  21. Comment above mine was so fking unecessary. Plus all the girls in these fling pics got some serious ashyyyyyyyy legs and knees.

  22. There's no getting away from it..Black Americans women as always lead and the rest follow..they made vogue wearing those big azz tranny weaves...then all other black women followed plz eaze up on 9ja and London babes...
    Abi..are we to under-estimate or ignore the overtly sexualised images of Beyonce and Rhiana..that filters down to young black women..

  23. I also attended this event. The problem with promoters in Yankee is that they fail to deliver a quality event (Especially NY promoters who tend to host events that end in people fighting). The venue for this party, which was the Jenifa premiere after party, was extremely small. The Jenifa premiere was part of the NEA weekend. If you look closely MI was in the pictures at the after party but he actually had to wait outside for quite some time due to the lack of organization and professionalism delivered by the NY promoters of the afterparty. Such a pity that we have naija artist fly in from Naija for an event and they are subject to such poor service. The NEA was much better in terms of delivery but could have been better especially since this is NYC. Things should not be watered down. The after party for the awards show another failure at another small venue, with of course, lack of organization. I do believe that some of these promoters need to step their game up otherwise these naija artist won't even bother coming to Yankee. This will disappoint true fans of these artists. As per the Naija girls in Yankee vs. UK/Naija at events, No comment except that, there is some truth to what was said and I live in Yankee!!!!

  24. i thought i was the only one that noticed all the weaves. GOSH, STOP IT! you can wear a weave but please it should look subtle or blend well. whats up with the 30 inch fake shit? something that is so damn straight and shiny, etc. its so ridiculous to look at. and the dresses? no comment. i believe the "fake/diva/dramatic" look is in style, but its not for everyone, PLEASE!
    a handful of people looked good though.

    Funke looks good, but something about her look seems Granny-like. Funke, you are not even 40 yet, abeg!

  25. @my naija lifestyle first of all were you even at the event and second of all if your so "pro" real hair why is it that you were the first to spot the Brazilian hair? Fix those naps before you hate on those that can actually pay to buy Brazilian hater!

  26. Susan Peterz I luv u but u nid a new stylist asap. Like what hair is dat. And what red lips be dat? And the undersized dress. Im sure u can do better on ur own. Fire ur stylist.

  27. O pls!! weaves have been in existence for decades now and they look more real now than they ever did so could u all STFU! And for all those talking about making the weaves look more natural, what the heck r u on about? we all know what the typical African hair looks like so.... As long as the hair doesn't look like a hot mess, then u r good to go. And for all these men talking trash about weaves, try maintaining your natural hair for just 3yrs, let's see how it goes.

  28. Wow lol at all the comments...
    I agree with the whole extra long hair hating but all i will say is, if u can rock it well fine but if u can't please leave it alone Brazilian and Indian hair are too expensive to look crazy and someone can tell straight off the back it's fake.

    2ndly, u can rock a weave and keep it natural and have people that don't mind their business guessing if it's real or

    3rdly, as others have commented about the small venue used to host the NEA; this is why i didn't go becos i knew this will happen (it's a cycle that i don't understand why these promoters cannot break). I hate to stand outside for hours then they tell you it's too packed to get in. The promoters are being cheap because the very first or second one i went for was done at MARS 2112 and it was big enough with different why can't they try to get a nice location. I believe the tickets were sold prices ranging from 20-40 dollars so why the falling of hand????

    If they had gotten Webster hall am sure everyone would get in and there will be space to socialize...#amjustsaying..

  29. I agree with the comment regarding the venue. Webster hall and Mars 2112 are/were big enough venues. Even BLVD would have sufficed. Using Canal room and Luxe is a failure waiting to happen.

  30. Since when did it become a crime for ladies to wear very long weaves? As for the Brazilian hair comment, if you cannot afford one,don't go hating on people's pictures that are working it well.These people came out to support Funke Akindele, where were you? Many of the pictures ya'll are hating on are actually beautiful,so don't bring personal vendatas here.

  31. It is pretty obvious that the ladies dressed in the 2nd picture look classy, as for those in the 3rd, that's on another level. And what is this debate about weaves? Everyone needs to stop being so hypocritical.

  32. To me, the girls in the 3rd pic look tacky but the ones in the 2nd are really ok just like the way most girls dress at nite to go out in the UK. Love the one with the poka dot blouse and blue shoes except it doesnt go with the bag


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