Global News Headlines | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 5 September 2011

Global News Headlines

Will bring you the story about Tinubu and Fashola's renewed war. I have inside scoop..:-) And lol at the D'Banji story...really?. Wow!


  1. This fking magazine with their fking overcrowded headlines! They need to learn how to minimize them and get straight to the point Mchteww.

  2. Marriage was first instituted by God in the Garden of Eden. It is a monogamous, physical and spiritual union between a man and a woman (Gen. 2:21-24), where adultery was forbidden (Exodus 20:14), and dissolution was not allowed.
    God wants the Christian to take marriage very seriously. Jesus said, "What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate," (Mark 10:9 -- see also 1 Cor. 7:10-11; Heb. 13:4.).2 But, because we live in an imperfect world, the Bible speaks about the circumstance of divorce.

    Let's take a look.
    Adultery: Jesus said, "And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery," (Matt. 19:9). The word in Greek for immorality is porneia from which we get the word pornography. Sexual immorality, i.e., adultery, is a grounds for divorce according to Jesus.

    To the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife should not leave her husband (but if she does leave, she must remain unmarried, or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband should not divorce his wife (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

    After examined all the bible references concerning marriage, and divorce.

    On 7th of August, 2011, the leadership of Christ embassy conducted a wedding for one Mercy Johnson and Prince Odianose Okojie
    We all knew we are free in Christ and we live under Grace.

    However, the court granted the divorce days before the wedding, the man in question earlier lied that the lady in Italy is not his wife.

    But I have never heard where platonic friend filled for divorce.
    He also denied the children but the truth came later, thank God for photography evidence and records.

    What is Bigamy? I want to let you know that whatever a man sows he will reap. The court in Nigeria has no right to dissolve the marriage instituted outside Nigeria shore.

    I wish I am understood in context. When God says He hates divorce in Malachi 2

    Why should a bible based joined the scandalous and controversial couple together in solemnization?

    My prayer is that one of those children from Lovely and Prince will end up being a pastor in Christ embassy and correct the ills on the pulpit.

  3. Linda am a huge fan of ur blog, after long london stress alway come here to cool down but i dt think u ve to post some stupid news, especialy frm dis so called attetion seeking magazine.

    very poor story, the front cover is just too busy and lack of taste.
    even if u get pay to post on ur blog u also ve right to turn down some advert as ppl will not take u serious anymore.. still luv u xxx

  4. How did dbanj sell his soul? Why is that when someone is moving forward, there will always be people to bring the person down? I actually don't believe all these useless magazines. They just write stories based on insinuations..mscheww!


  6. What do u think of Magazine that doesn't have researchers but only sycophants, .... they should learn how others in their category came and still went down to the gutters!, I know that sex & negativity sells, ...but there should be caution in doing so, because a libel or two can cripple them < ...linda, if u know them, brief them ooo! ..cheers!

  7. @ Guru Eko Akete, why not start your own blog. Why blog on Linda's blog. Ogini?
    Nawa for Global news oh, na so so negative. I will never read that useless magazine.

  8. I love the description of Chris Oyakhilome as a fake pastor with fake miracles. teehee!

  9. @Guru eko akete.... there are 3 adult involved in this story LOVELY, MERCY n PRINCE... yes dey are all adult so dey can decide watever dey want for themself.

    the same bible u just use to back ur self up also said we should not judge anyone, am not mercy johnson friend am only a fan so dt think am taking side... wen i saw d picture last week dat dey both made it to d alter i was happy for them, in my own opnion i just think lovely just want some attention n sympathetic frm ppl,if MJ is not a in spot light will any1 hear her voice? am sure NO. a friend in canada also told me lovely 2nd child is for another man not prince so how can dey still be together if u ve ur 2nd baby for another man? a lot of things is going on dat only 3 of them can only knw dat we puplic can never understand.
    as for this magazine i cant realy blame them will only blame ppl dat buy it.
    LINDA LINDA LINDA stay away frm dis clueless magazine...LOL

  10. They hit the nail on the head about Mercy Johnson, don't know about the rest... Yes it's true, Prince is still legally married to Lovely, so the church should not be conducting a marriage between him and anyone else.

  11. D'banj is sooo hot! phew!

  12. Linda u acting coy girl, but I see it. You really wanted to show us the Mercy headline, but played around it with the Tinubu and Fashola news and D'Banji. Lol.

  13. @ Anonymous 7:39pm (Sept. 5) you are living in cloudcuckooland. Thats all I have to say.

  14. wini syno is speaking6 September 2011 at 11:06

    @ Guru you just spoke my mind, 4 all those people quoting do not judge, Guru Eko is not judging for all i know he/she is echoing the principle found in God's word the bible it is only on the ground of divorce that one can divorce his/her spouse even at that there is room for forgiveness, though it depends on individual, but since Lovely and Prince are seperated it is bad in God's sight for one of them to get married without a divorce. Prince Odianose went ahead to marry Mercy without legally divorcing his 1st wife, if not that the woman heard of his plans and started protesting Prince would have gone ahead to marry without due process, that is to show how dubious he is.But like Yoruba's will always say " the cane they used in flogging the 1st wife is on the roof top" Mercy in your own case that cane is no longer on the roof top it is under the bed so very soon your own flogging will start. @ Guru i concur with you

  15. I just think that we all have to be very careful.Christ Embassy should have investigated the controversies surrounding mercy johnson's wedding and they should have gotten to the root of all before joining her n Prince together. The bible is very clear about Divorce. U must stay celibate and unmarried until ure wife or husband(as the case may be) dies or u both get back together. so for a bible based church to join together a supposedly divorced man and a woman is utterly wrong, except if the marriage between Prince and lovely did not take place. So lets not add sentiments n call white grey!

  16. lol... too obvious!

    We know you posted this mag cover cuz of mercy and her new hubby.

    I like how they called Mr. Chris a fake pastor!..

  17. I like the "Reckless Lifestyle of D'Banj; Sells His Soul to SATAN For Fame: Joins Secret Cult.

    He's not paid me, YET. D'Banj, this is final reminder; pay up or consider your "Secret Cult" membership cancelled.

    I think the Oyakhilome headline should read; Chris Oyakhilome Sodomises Marriages - Solemnizes Mercy Johnson's FAKE Wedding: Chris Oyakhilome, You're Going to HELL.

  18. @Guru Eko Akete, abeg you said it all, anybody that has contrary opinion should go and knock his or her head on the wall. That marriage is nothing but dubious and yes,he is a fake pastor. Bite me!!!!!!! And for the record, I don't know Prince, Lovely nor Mercy but I believe every evidence Lovely made public. May the cry of those innocent kids hunt everyone that supports that marriage. Husband snatchers!!!!!!!

  19. @ anon sept 06, 3:59PM na God go bless u cos u already said my mind. But u (anon sept 05, 9:35Pm) na devil go baptize u. Lying idiot!!!! Which stupid friend of urs told u lovely's son is for another man? Is ur friend in canada or cairo? Na so una go dey lie stupid lies just to justify una ashewo friend/ sister action, idiots! May the tears of those children hunt Messy nackson, their father, Messy's mother and ALL those who are in support of dis backyard wedding! As for pastor Chris, why am I not surprised? Jugdement will begin at the house of God anyways....mtchewww...

  20. Why Mercy johson no try go redeem,,,,make she see how Pastor Adeboye go fall her hand big time.....There are church and their are churches.....Why Mercy johson no try go redeem,,,,make she see how Pastor Adeboye go fall her hand big time.....There are church and their are churches.....

  21. @ Adebola!

    From the name you used on LIB, it show that you are from a Yoruba state.

    Are you aware that mad woman made a good show outside the gate on that day...It is a sign that all is not well.

    And if you agreed with the leadership of the so called church and the couple in question.

    May your own wedding day and the rest of your sibling go the same way. Heavily guarded security will follow you and not your groomsmen or your kinsmen, Ki se epe rara, ase ni!

    During your own time, unknown yellow fever and lastma will guard you to the fake altar.

    And if you are a woman, what it takes to be a complete woman is husband, Aki or Paw paw will lead you to altar.

    There a lot of 9ija women and non 9ija outside the country with children that they cannot point to their father. Is because of all these thrash.

    @Eccentricity...Whereever you are,the wrath of God is not far from you and your household...GBAM!

  22. @ Guru Eko Akete, I reject all your curses in Jesus name. They are not my portion. And when in the post did I agree with their wedding or the church. I say back to sender. And please again go and write your own blog and stop cursing on Linda's blog. You wrote all thsi bible verses yet you are cursing. Oti mad!!

  23. I think all d pple who tink a church as reputable as Christ embassy wud conduct a wedding without investigation ESP on a wedding dat caused so much negative media r drunk or crazy or both.

  24. If a mad person displays outside of a place where a supposed joyous event is taking place, omo dats a bad omen o! Mercy Johnson has offended d gods of d land! Bad girl! Greedy thief!!

  25. @ galore"there are Church" really???? are your lesbianism ways slowly eating your brains up?you should always remain quiet to save your family's name

    To all those cursing others and even saying who go to hell,you will have God to answer one day

  26. Well like i said, if the marriage btw Lovely and Prince dint take place, then no wahala! so to say whoever said Christ embassy dint investigate is crazy or drunk or both is really unnecessary! k?

  27. Anyone who calls pastor Chris fake,may d GOd of Christ embassy strike d person dead

  28. wini syno is speaking7 September 2011 at 14:25

    @ Tatianna Dike is that the type of prayer Pastor Chris teach his members,who ever heard that Christ Embassy has it's own God. Pls for your information God does not answer such heartless and baseless prayers which are on called for because according to 2peter 3:9 God is not slow respecting his promises, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. So even if the person you are praying 4 God of Christ Embassy to strike dead is a sinner the true God will only wait 4 the person to repent and not 2 kill, Unless d Christ Embassy God is a twin brother to Amadioha or Sango

  29. @ Adebola...Ogini?
    So u dey fear, read all the line. Is not a cause is just a wish as an authority. Awa o si ni idi ko baje

    May your own wedding day and the rest of your sibling go the same way. Heavily guarded security will follow you and not your groomsmen or your kinsmen, Ki se epe rara, ase ni!

    "During your own time, unknown yellow fever and lastma will guard you to the fake altar.

    And if you are a woman, what it takes to be a complete woman is husband, Aki or Paw paw will lead you to altar"

    Which one be God of Christ embassy again?
    Truly if that God is alive, your pastor will not be going around with Armed Men and heavy guard.

    Go and see babalawo for Ijebu, fear no dey catch dem cos of thief or armed robber or kidnapper, na only una pastor fear dey catch
    Eru Obodo Ti Wa!

  30. guru plz go and get a life,your probably broke and frustrated that others are living good and you'r not

  31. Sara and tatianah una do well o! Sorry for u both! U guys r obviously blind...."God of christ embasyy" lwkmd! really? Abeg make I no talk too much

  32. @September 7, 2011 9:38 PM aka GURU, why are you linking me up with the 'God of Christ embassy' statement?did i say so in my comment ? not only are you are a broke ass you're also dumb,people like you are completely a waste smh

  33. 'let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone....'

  34. @ sara if u knw me in person u won't call me broke. Seriously, cos I can feed u n ur low I.Q family! Idiot! Wat kind of english is "pple like u are completely a waste"? Go to sch n study english well n while at it tell ur folks to imbibe sum morals into ur stupid self cos u lack dem!

  35. @September 8, 2011 7:19 PM, sweetie the day you can afford to pay my house girl's salary for just a month is the same day hair will grow on your father's teeth,so until then broke ass.........

  36. @Adebola,,,,am so surprised at ur first comment??its really out of place.......

    @Annon Sept 5,9:35pm..........i read Guru Eko Akete's comment over and over again and i still cant see how he/she has judged anyone,,,,,get this right:God has standards and principles and no matter how much we try to fine tune God's words,,it doesnt change those words a bit,,,God has spoken already,,,there's nothing anyone can do about it.......u claimed a friend of urs in Canada knows lovely and said her second child was for another man,,,,,how true??if truly the second child was for another man y did prince Odi attend the baby's christening??y did he deny ever marrying Lovely in the first place?y did he deny the children too or did ur friend also tell u that even the first child was not for Prince Odi??.......pls think deep on what u hear.......

    A member of Christ embassy told me the church didnt conduct a marriage solemnization for MJ and Prince,,,but the church conducted MARRIAGE BLESSING........I asked where in the bible is marriage solemnization differentiated from marriage the best of my knowledge,,the bible only preaches MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZATION which includes blessings so for Christ Embassy to start differentiating what is not just to please themselves and not GOD,,I am highly disappointed,,,,,
    I call it CHRIS EMBASSY,,,, cos the rules of the bible are not regarded but the rules of Pastor Chris gain grounds,,,y didnt MJ try deeper life,RCCG,CAC and a host of others,,,,if the laws in the bible cannot be put into action in the church of God,,i wonder where it will be enforced....God is no respecter of any man...

  37. @Madam sara there is no such thing as "housegirl" dearie..she's only ur "househelp" but u obviously dnt knw dnt u apply as my assistant so I can send u thru a good school where u can study the english language, huh? I really pity u! Am done wit u! @Sleekreek...u av said it all AGAIN! Just as every wise and responsible person has done before but I guess most pple are now blinded by what they hear and see our so called "celebrities" doing so much that they av shut their ears to d voice of reasoning...or how else can one begin to comprehend some of d comments on dis blog? Sum1 even said " u r only jealous cos they r living a good life n u r not!" can u beat dat? Like really? U call dat a good life? There r no 2 ways about it...God's words cannot be changed! Not for anybody.....Meggy

  38. meggy/guru/broke ass,keep your bitterness to yourself just cos ur BROKE and struggling in life doesn't mean we are all are like you. Why should a child of God be struggling when our father himself has declared us as the seeds of Abraham?
    so you can keep ranting off about other peoples lives while they will keep living the Good life
    p.s until your bank account is up to that of my house-girl, i will no longer degrade myself by responding to someone so penniless

  39. @
    Seeds of Abraham? You have been brain washed with heresy.
    Life has phases, good and bad
    I pity u

  40. Guru, Wino, sleekreek u guys rock! @ lady jaye I aslo luv d description...Lmcao @ meggy pls dnt reply that sick person called sara, she obviously got mental issues! Wtf? Bisola

  41. @Bisola never mind dearie cos I dnt reply such tins..I already said am done wit to d "mental issues" though..@Anon 4:14pm "seeds of abraham" cracked u up too, didnt it? I also had a good laugh..... Meggy

  42. 'And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise' Galatians 3:29

    WOW poverty is really a disease, God forbid such.I thank my Father i have not and will never be infected with it

  43. Sara or watever u call urself u should shut d f up! U sound like a retard! Av read all tHe comments here and I must say that u r very myopic and shallow in reasoning! Won't be surprised if u chose to start insulting me too. Linda u need to start scrutinizing the kind of people u allow to comment here! Dis is so irritating! Wat has seed of Abraham got to do wit d issue at hand? Do u read ur bible upside down? Smh

  44. @September 11, 2011 10:14 AM,i've degraded myself enuf by replying to the penniless guru/meggy, i wouldn't go further by reply to you okay?buh bye

  45. Wat kind of grammar is dis sara of a person even writting? U claim to b living a good life yet u couldn't spend a bit of ur moni on education. Dats strange and funny.please carry urself and leave this space! I have never commented on this blog before but right now am forced to tell u to shut up! Ha! Dnt u get tired of displaying your stupidity here? Go and play with your toys!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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