Will Smith caught Jada and Marc Anthony in family home? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 25 August 2011

Will Smith caught Jada and Marc Anthony in family home?

That's the cover of InTouch magazine, which was released yesterday, making a series of claims about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith's marriage, even alleging Will caught Jada and her Hawthorne co-star, (Marc Anthony joined the cast of Jada's TV show Hawthorne last year) together in one of their homes in Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, Will and Jada looked happy as they stepped out in Malibu yesterday. (Pic on the right).
Do you believe InTouch?


  1. I thought they had an open marriage so why is he jealous? Or is it because it's someone he knows?

    Also, i read Marc dissociated from Scientology which JLO was so willing to embrace. The Smiths are closet Scientologists so why will Marc want to be with Jada if he dislikes the sect?

    One thing though, is there is something definitely wrong this time around with them.

    Forget all the smiling in the pictures, it's just eye service.

  2. lolzzzz lets watch and see because the will i know wnt break, I DEY LAFF OH

  3. Us Weekly is fast becoming fake gossip tabloid.

    I dont believe them.
    People take one thing and turn it into another.
    Will a few yrs ago, cracked a joke about "open marriage" and tabloids spread it.

    Will and Jada are smart folks, you can only fake happiness for so long, and no one will fake it for 13 years, esp considering the type of money between the both of them. Even their kids earnings are under them. They both appear genuinely in love and need each other. Each is dominant in their own way.

    Every marriage has their own problems, but this is just someone trying to make a few bucks. Unfortunately it doesnt appear to be so...NEXT!!

  4. They look solid as a rock. I dont believe this marriage is finishing any day soon. Haters should kick rocks!

  5. SMH @ people carrying water for someone else.

  6. Hello...Will Smith twitted that its all a rumour...so guess thats all we need to know.

  7. Oh please, nobody takes in touch magazine seriously...they always come up with a bunch of crappy stories. They dont know how to separate acting from reality!

  8. There is always an element of truth in Press assumption...

  9. "kkdlegend said...
    lolzzzz lets watch and see because the will i know wnt break, I DEY LAFF OH"

    Where do you know Will from? Mumu comment.

  10. marc anothony is not even as handsomer as her hubby.. or successfull... excuse me intouch

  11. for u all information.. they are suing the papers involved!!!

  12. Could it be that the tabloids were stitched-up? Jada Pinkett Smith + Marc Anthony??? It don't make sense, but if its true, then, 'size' is not everything.

  13. caughT Them doin woT...Talkin,Dancin,Cookin,WaTchin film,playin or ......,he nidz To b specific :D

  14. i dont believe this.....c'mon...gossip mags ehn

  15. intouch weekly? lmaooooo... as soon as i heard they were the ones who broke the story i just hisssssed ... Do u know how many celebs hve sued or threatened to sue them.. intouch is a tabloid...nobody takes em seriously.. if u do then u stupid.. end of story. lmao @ them saying will smith ran out crying when he caught j'lo and marc anthony.... bwahahaaa like serioussssly??????? iys all BS! Jada will NEVER leave Will.. esp for marc anthony? c'mon son she ain't stupid. I think this whole shit started cuz marc anthony is jada's new love interest in her show 'HAWTHORNE"... and the foolish pple now cooked up a cock and bull story just to sell their mag!

  16. @ Anonymous, 10.55am, i though it was Trey smith that tweeted?

    There could be an element of truth in the gossip. Forget d pictures. The married ones here can also tell u they can even fool the kids they live with, into thinking all is well. They might not be broken now, but could be on d rocks and will break the knews if and when ready.
    with an open marriage, shldn't it last forever? afterall what normally causes wahala is: shagging outside.
    Jada might not even get that much after d divorce(if any) there was a prenup. smart move

  17. why will any babe in her right senses leave a bloke like will smith for a weasel like marc anthony, even as i bnobody sef, e go hard me to friend d mab, he looks very scruffy n unkempt, but den again,jada pinket be like dry sugarcane, please let dem swap places, let will enjoy volumtious j-lo,whilst marc anthony n jada cn rub bones together!

  18. hope you've heard they're suing, so this story isnt real.

    Btw, why do i get a feeling that a lot of people are happy with this news,ie assuming its true. This world sha, marriage dont mean nothing no more


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