What do you think about 'open' relationships? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 4 August 2011

What do you think about 'open' relationships?

Jill Scott asked this question on twitter yesterday and the responses she got was quite amazing. A lot of women seem to be okay with being in open relationships. In fact, quite a number of them recommended it. Do you have an opinion on this?


  1. Depends on what the relationship is all about.

    If casual dating, yes. If exclusive, heck no.

  2. I have no problem with it, after all in todays world most people are in open relationships without knowing, married spouses cheating on each other is pretty much the same as being in an open relationship.
    As long as your open about your relationships and your protected i dont see the big deal! that is just my thought!

  3. E be like say all the men have left her high and dry and so she was to go through this route. I would like to say to Jill Scott, you have have a child and so every single decision you make has to be thoroughly thought through.

  4. As a christian it's wrong in the sight of God,but as a woman,it's the best sort our men's cheating ways..haba!!! If men insist they must cheat,let them also understand that what is good for the goose......... It's a good option.but for Gods sake....meanwhile I suspect it's the norm these days in Nigeria ...not that I blame anybody [ wink!!]

  5. I did not expect this from Jill Scott. What kind of example is she setting for her young son, if she does go through with this kind of decision? I doubt that she means this, she's got a new album coming out so this must be away to get her twitter jumping and creating a buzz around herself by delving into controversial topics. And yes, this is controversial in that African Americans don't like discussing issues like this generally as oppose to white people who are more likely to be swingers or polyamorous.

    My opinion on open relationship is it does not work! Everyone goes into it thinking it's going to be great/fun but in the long run, someone gets all soft, pink and turned out! You either shit or get off the pot! No be like dis disease dey spread?

  6. The woman ends up getting hurt in an open relationship cos a man can have sex with no strings attached, but the woman soon starts to get emotionally involved hoping that the man would love her someday. Meanwhile he have started a commited relationship with another women. its a quick route to being a suicidal woman.

  7. and then alot of people will condem polygammy like seriously isnt polygammy more honorable, at least you knw where the man is chuking.. *rolls eyes*

  8. Open relationship is ok if they both agree to it. Will and Jada Smith are in open marriage, Monique is in open relationship.

  9. Open relationships are just excuses to be polygamous. It is basically komkom without cover. Wait until your boyfriend or husband claims that the reason why he gave you an STD is because you approved him having an open relationship. As for me, its a matter of choice. Stay with only me or move on. I cannot afford to be thinking of the places that your pilonglong browsed in the name of cheating or open relationships. Self respect is an important thing in a woman and it seems that women are losing it.

  10. delicious,
    stop spreading lies o!
    Will and Jada are not in an open marriage.

  11. Na frustration.
    Jill is a good girl.Her ex husband left her high and dry big time.

  12. For the married ones I abhor it because what God has joined together, let no man put asunder . For we singles, it ain't a bad thing cos these days, love doesn't exist. Advise for all of us especially in open relationships , use condoms (protection) because you just have one life to live on earth .

  13. Errr no! I dont understand this kind of behaviour that is the norm for animals to be then practised by humans! Open relationships is an excuse for promiscuous behaviour, can one go to sleep at night knowing the other half is cheating around? KMT...rubbish! It is a very dangerous mind set not to think of the calamities that follow for example multiple preganacies not to think of the STD's being passed on, emotional trauma and potential retaliation from those that feel offended. Enough said!

  14. Hee hee i have learn a new name. Pilonlong.... hee hee.
    I see that heartbreak can cause the mind to wonder far. Why didnt she suggest this before her heart was broken now w=she wants to be tough.

    Na she wey know.
    As for Me and my BODY HOUSE no thanks. I understand men might want to cheat but abeg break up with me first. Heart break can heal but i dunno how to cure Aids!!

  15. Open relationship...just another name for legalized adultery...

    Perhaps its time we begin to re-examine the reason for marriage. I mean, why get married to one person if you are just going to continue philandering with anyone that catches ur fancy?

    Or am I missing something here???

  16. This chichiluv person, how does asking what people think about open relationships get interpreted as "Im trying to decide whether to go into an open relationship"? Can you see how people fail exams?

  17. Anonymously speaking, that is...4 August 2011 at 19:44

    Anonymous 4.43pm - Before you jump on the defense, check out the information. If google what Delicious said, you see for yourself that Will and Jada have admitted to having an open relationship. He has said that if he or she wanted to have sex with another person, they discuss it before doing it. They will not proceed if the other doesn't grant permission but it is a total possiblity in their marriage. They say it keeps the marriage fresh. It is a known fact in Hollywood (this is from an eye witness account) that Jada likes women! Of course, Will has had the gay rumor following him for 20 years.

    It isn't my marriage so I personally don't care. They can do what works for them as for me, I will continue on my boring old traditional route because I too fear the wrath of God.

  18. if it's going to be open then it's not much of a relationship is it?

  19. No o. My husband or boyfriend is mine and mine alone. What has this world turned to?

  20. 9ice...true talk....here in Africa..Open relationship= Polygamous....B4 u know it the so called western world will be fighting for Polygamy!!!!

  21. @ you this anonymous person posting on August 4, 2011 7:43 PM

    Sorry, o na you FFFFFffffffail reading and comprehension! Jill Scott said "BEEN CONSIDERING" in her twitter post which means she hasn't yet taken a decision on the matter hence my response! If she had made a decision would she have asked what people thought of open relationships? I think at the point, she might not care.

    Na wa for some people to jump down others throat without even having their duckies in a row!

  22. at least STD's and AID's wont catch her by surprise

  23. open relationship is no relationship as far as im concerned. relationships are all about intimacy and getting to know one another and building something good together. it is easier for guys than gals in open relationships cos girls are emotional creatures. we like exclusivity. any guy that considers that to me is on a long thing. i rather have a one night stand and never see the guy again than have sex continuosly with a guy with nothing to show for it. no strings, no future, nothing??? hell no not my cup of coffee

  24. Our forefathers were minding their business with their plenty plenty wives, each one looked after, then they came with bible and now we are gisting 'Open relationship'.

    'Get off my land'.

  25. There's no such thing as an open relationship in my eyes. Either you are exclusive or your not. But like someone said, a lot of people are in open relationships and don't even know it lol.

    If both parties want to screw each other while screwing other people, why even call it a relationship to begin with?

  26. I couldn't do it personally. To each his own.

  27. watever floats ya boat abeg.

  28. 4 all those peeps always sayin every Mr. Dick has got accomodation problems, I think it's d other way round. Women have become so materialistic that they really don't give a hoot bout wat anyone is sticking in dem as long as he's got someting to offer. Even if she's very sure he's hooked. It's a gal that wud want 2 f**k her boyfriend's best friend, it's still a gal that wud want to f**k her bestfriend's boyfriend, it's still a gal that wud want to f**k her sister's boyfriend or husband, it's still a gal that wud want to f**k her boss, his brother, his father n his son, all for a lil somting that's neva gon get her far enough. (Gals r gals problems).

    As far as I'm concerned, to ma mind without a doubt, every relationship is open as long as it's got some kinda feminity involved.

    Truth b told, I'm not gay though any who's in tha house can come n confirm it.

  29. as far as am concerned it cant work for me

  30. for all those who are insisting that Jada and Will have an open marraige....this is an incerpt from an interview she had:

    Insane I know!!! While being interviewed by National Public Radio, Jada had this to say to end the quiet buzz.

    “I don’t have an open marriage and no, we’re not gay – and you don’t trust that? Well then there’s nothing that I really have to say to anybody about anything, because at the end of the day, I’m living my life, and I’m happy.”

    Jada has said it.......LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!

  31. An Open Relationship is not my way.

    Don't know about any other person buh its not the best for anyone especially d girls.Having that mindset breeds unfaithfulness and infatuation big time.


  32. open relationship simply means d parties involved are totally confused....chikena

  33. Get your facts right... Monique is in no open relationship.... Small brains and mind stop sharing rumors

  34. Before God it isn't right. before a sane personality it isn't right. morally it isn't right. come to think about it, If you have respect for yourself and you spouse why cheat when you know there is no string attached. they say a lady once layed is always layable and at any corner.how about your conscience.How will you fell if you catch your spouse cheating or he/she brings HIV to your sweet marriage.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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