Best Fashion Photo: Nigerian Photography Awards 2011 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 1 August 2011

Best Fashion Photo: Nigerian Photography Awards 2011

This photo you see here by Fotolighthouse won Best Fashion Photograph at the 2011 Nigerian Photography Awards. Is this an award-winning photo?


  1. what's with the gloves???????????

  2. I think it is more about what the photograph represents. If you look at it with the plain eyes it just looks like any other random facebook profile pic but in another case... it's classy.

    However, it's also possible for there to be better pics

  3. i guess, cause she still manages to look great despite the dirty environment surrounding her.

    but i've seen better

  4. and what is the credibility of these awards?

  5. So many things wrong with this photo. Firstly they are in someones house. So it looks very staged. If they were on the road and perhaps the driver had a helmet it would have been amazing.
    The background is just not right.


  7. She is simply beautiful! Leave her alone.

  8. E make sense sha


  9. Wetin be this?

    Fine girl yes.

    She dey channel widowhood?

    Black Glove? This is Gothic?

    Africa is known for being colorful?

    Please Wetin be this.

    All I see is fine face, channelling Goths or Widowhood.

    Mba, not feeling it at all.


  10. Am a UK base photog..and the last time i checked there's somfing called DoF, that reservoir in the background wrecks it, and the biker was the wrong choice...

  11. I haven't seen the other photos but I like this one (minus the gloves). I agree with Noella, that's the USP of this photo. Okadas have now become a major element of transport in Nig so it's relevant.

  12. Rio of informationnigeria.org1 August 2011 at 23:10

    I think this picture is simply fantastic! If you've seen the Monalisa picture in a sufficient number of movies u should probably wonder why it is so popular and so treasured. Art goes far beyond beauty, sometimes appeal and creativity are most important. The lady here is distinct from her surroundings and looks totally out of place in it. Yet her cool demeanor shows that she is not faced, almost as though she's unaware. Brilliant.

  13. Sapele Babe in Lagos1 August 2011 at 23:13

    If you are not authority in photography pls dont commrnd because you weill certainly msake a nuisancr of urself cus u do not know the nitty gritty of photography. Lovely job here

    1. ... Ur English says a lot about you.

  14. get out of your comfort zone people!!! It's not suppose to represent naija, its just a freaking Gorgeous photograph! I totally love the concept. Please Nollywood reinvented which random facebook profile? who dash!!

  15. Why do Nigeria designers emulate American designers that's not cool they need to be more eccentric!!!

  16. SiSi London ... it's a concept. If you don't get it, scram back to the kitchen

  17. That aint okada,that's a 500cc motor bike (like a Kawasaki model) only that the rider wasn't kitted,from the tank to the rear tyres,i can't be deceived as i used to ride one of those. Beautiful,but clothed in somewhat a non African outfit,nah...there's no originality in this

  18. I love the picture. Trust alicia to be negative. Maube if Linda had said the model or photographer was igbo now, we would have gotten an "igbo kwenu" from her.

  19. @Sinach, so unless you are a widow, you are not allowed to wear black? (Linda, you hear? Lol). It's not some dull black dress and she has loads of bright accessories (love the turban). All you pretensions pro-african ppl, when last did you wear trad, you would just be shouting, "this is unafrican, that is unafrican". You can like to do your own photography exhibition, let's see how african you would get. 1 would think you are an expert on all things african sef. puhlease.

  20. Some of the elements of art are balance and variety and the beauty of photography is to create a lasting image in the brains of the viewers. This photograph from an artist`s perspective is an award winning photograph.

  21. Nigerians irrespective of who's organising the awards, can't we just give them a pat on the back. we can never grow @ this rate. The picture is beautiful , if u had seen beyonce on the pages of vogue dressed and posed like this . would u react this way. na wah . pheeeeew

  22. classy and creative but not def best photo in terms of the quality...

  23. I think it's fiiiiierce...even though we can do better, it's a fabulous starting point.

  24. I am very interested in photography so I know a thing or two about this subject. The photo might be good but it lacks something or some sort of class to make it elegant enough for best fashion photo. I have seen some young Nigerians doing wonders with their camera lenses, an example will be Eniola Alakija. Put his name in google and take a look at his work. A photograph should be 90% story and 10% everything else. This is something Eniola Alakija does wonderfully.I will also question the credibility of these awards. seems anyone can win an award in Nigeria now.

  25. Noella, Ʊ are on point.

    It is a faboulous pic. Though I wish we could see the others.

  26. Noella, Ʊ are on point.

    It is a faboulous pic. Though I wish we could see the others.



  28. am sure the photograph won because of various elements like lighting, angles, shadows the overall look and technical stuff as well. the picture itself may have been for the model, so th idiots complaning, have no basis if you are not a photgrapher or an artiste all you will see is a girl on a bike wearing black. kudos to the pics and the photographer .the awards will grow if you think you can do better next year send your own entry phsweeeee

  29. Linda we would have to see the others to know now. This picture tells a story.

  30. Oga UK photographer, I am a Naija based photographer. I think the environment is a key part of the message. I feel blurring the reservoir any further would distort the whole background and the message of contradiction that Noella hinted. I would have agreed with you if the purpose of the photograph was to frame and hang on the subject's sitting room wall. But for the purpose of art, I think everything ties together to give a strong message - classy babe, on a bike, in a wrong environment, yet graceful and calm. Use your photographic mind to visualize it.

  31. @Mark Crofton, this was a "fashion photograph", what story exactly is it supposed to tell? Don't people read before jumping to comment?
    @Fifi, shut the fuck up! how in the world is this photo copying any american designer's outfit or concept? is it until she wears calabashes as a bra that you would regard it as african? Pls look up the meaning of eccentricity before bandying about the word, you obviously have no clue what it means.
    Free the credibility of the awards, at least some people took up the challenge of showcasing photography talents, instead of the usual useless city people awards, that make no sense whatsoever.
    It is a simple photograph and different in its concept. Noella, just put it right. & to the people shouting that it is unafrican, is she supposed to be in a jungle and carrying a spear? I'm confused o. Or it is until she wears aso-oke or george that you would know how african it is? She is in a typical Lagos environment. Lagos is an urban city and is just as african as it gets. If it was in a very posh place now, it's these same people that would say it is pretentious.

  32. Didn't know there was such an award. I've seen better pictures than this jare. I like the styling though

    Muse Origins (Creative Nigerian Features)
    Muse Origins

  33. @Mark Crofton, don't you mean Jide Alakija?

  34. I just love it!! Dont know why but agree with Noella on all her points...being her cool calm self no matter the enviroment, I think!

  35. @damie, you're a complete MUMU! first of all, i didn't even read who was in the photo or who took it. i saw it and saw what Linda asked about it and i commented. go and take your negativity elsewhere. and i wonder why you chose to only call me out when i can see AT LEAST 5 other people with the same sentiments. i cant stand BITCHES like you, that wanna create any issue when there is none..

  36. @Alicia, please don't blame Damie for 'damming' you. Maybe it is because you make a lot of comments on this blog as if you live or dine here. I beg eee shake it off!

  37. Nigerians! Always negative.

  38. well dr is room 4 criticism bt 4 me it's a nice concept...and it really luks classy.

  39. I get the story of the photo but the execution is poor. More thought could have been put into this shoot and photo. Photography is not an easy craft. I believe people should go to school for whatever craft they are interested in. This is a poor presentation of the rich vs. poor story they are trying to tell.

    If you are representing a Nigerian society, then the lady should be wearing something an affluent Nigerian living in Nigeria would typically wear.

    I do not like ---the angle of the picture, editing,...the nonchalant presentation of the rich lady and bike guy, her costume (poor presentation of the contrast between the rich and poor), etc ...

    Kudos to the photogragher and his/her team for winning the award but we can do better!

  40. @Wow I mean Eniola Alakija, he is a cousin of Jide Alakija. You can view his work here He is up and coming but I feel his images are very strong.

    @damie, surely you do not know much about photography. Every photo tells a story, fashion or not. Do your homework.

  41. The Picture is so so lovely, Nice one

  42. @ Damie. Pls tell themm ooooooooo

  43. Can someone please tell where it is written that the photograph must be African? Why do some Nigerians like to complicate issues. It is a fashion picture and that is what it is!! A fashion photo is meant to showcase fashion products which in this case are the turban, clothing, and accessories. I think this photo did justice to that. Now showcasing this with a rich vs poor story is creative. Yes I agree there is room for improvement but I think the award is deserved. Kudos Fotolighouse

  44. Anita on the back of a bike? hell yea it sure is a

  45. Scotty, no one said she had to wear African clothes. Read properly before you start commenting.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have your own understanding of this picture and I have mine so cool your temper.

    Even if the model was dressed in African inspired clothes (not completely) I would have appreciated the pic a little bit more. She doesn't have to wear bubu. Style the model in something the modern Nigerian woman living in Nigeria would wear and take it an extra mile..It's a photoshoot.


    That picture poorly portrays the story of the rich vs poor in Nigeria/ Africa. It is obvious that that it is the story. Why can't it showcase something outrageous but still realistic? The fuck? that dress is out of place...The poor model is looking like Elizabeth Taylor used to dress in the mid 50s.
    This is why the West can't respect our craft. We don't take our culture and embody it properly. Nobody cares to see an imitation of the West, we, Nigerians especially, have so much to offer, yet we don't do shit about it.

    This is why people did not appreciate Mai Atafo's imitation of the Will and Kate's wedding outfits. Unless you are a tailore, a designer should be original. When the white man steals from us, he takes it and makes it his own...the black man on the other hand, will steal it and over do until they eff it up. Lol. Just kidding. For real, I just want us Nigerians to start embracing our culture cuz our culture is the shit!

  46. Nice pics Anita...u look lovely


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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