August Lesbian Party Postponed. #lobatan... Lol! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 31 August 2011

August Lesbian Party Postponed. #lobatan... Lol!

I read this story in Encomium magazine this morning and said to myself, you've got to share this Linda; just in case some members aren't aware, or some want to join *wink* *wink*.

Here's how Patrick Okon of Encomium mag wrote it...
The bi-monthly Lesbians Party, usually held in Uyo, the capital of Akwa-Ibom state, has been postponed. Usually it holds on the last Saturday of the month. The cancelled party was to hold on Saturday August 27, but one of the front-liners, a lawyer, is attending a legal workshop in Dominican Republic. A new date is yet to be fixed because the Matron, who incidentally is an Eket LGA-wife of one of the high and mighty in the state, will be unavoidably out of the country for the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, the babe handling the co-ordination for the next party is a certain ex-banker, turned Dubai trader.
BTW, all those females that have been making moves on my person, make una mind unaselves oh. I don't know the kind of vibes I've been putting out here, but let me state again, I love men and men only. I love gay people, I think everyone's sexual preference is their business, but please don't bring that ish to me. Can you guys imagine? Women telling me they love me when I've been seeking/praying/hoping for a man. #Notfair. *cry* lol. Three lesbian approach in the last two months...and they were so sure I would return their affection. #makawhynaw? Lol.

But please oh, do I act like a lesbian on this blog? Do you guys get that vibe?


  1. Thorpe says:I dont fnk so linda cuz yu r not dt type of dnt worry yurself.

  2. How do you love gays but do want them to hit on you??? You approve of the act of homosexuality so you should be flattered when they approach you to engage ,linda. Anway to answer your question, yes you do give out a sorta lesbian vibe on this blog, albiet a calm one. Maybe your Bi-Sexual who knows. However i dont think you are sexually explorative or expressive cos you strike me like someone who wouldnt wanna try new things in bed. Besides, you've consistently admitted that you've been without a man for so long that i dont blame the lesbians for having the wrong idea about you. Meanwhile abeg if you get details of any clubs where cougars go to find young dudes to hit em hard, please make sure you post it here o. Na dat one i de find.

  3. Lol@lobatan.

    I don't get it. How come a married woman is their matron. I'm a married man, maybe they can allow me to be their patron.

    Awon alainironu ara Galatia.

  4. Well done Linda. Useless women/ladies. Whatever happened to all the men out there. Pathetic!

  5. Linda, dem dey when all man wan muke.....make holy ghost fire burn those those lesbian when dey make passes at you

  6. Wahala D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ oo,three lesbian approach in two months? ¶ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ laugh ooo!

  7. yeye dey smell

  8. Hahahaha Linda! For real? See you see trouble You know the saying #don't knock it till you've tried it#? you never know, you might fall in love with one of your female suitors... Just for me I would actually like to try a lesbian fling before I get married...if I was attracted to the lady...but I've never been attracted to any lady so I guess it ain't going to happen.

  9. Linda inbox ur no and lets talk

  10. so, blc i asked u out, u re telling d world lollllllllllll

  11. i can see you have nothing to post today *yawn*

  12. smh....linda ikeji!!!! i cringe when u write about ur sex life cos really it should be private. first its no man nosex i was circumsised ish now this...well goodluck finding a man, i pray u do then u can also tell us some bedroom advice n the size of ur man's dick. dont be like taylor swift who write about her relationships guyz r scared to date her cos of that well same goes for u.

  13. wow what will you do if you wake up one morning and find out that your wife is a lesbian

  14. why won't they ask you out.....because you have refused to be with a man....i have told you linda....the best person that can love you until marriage will come from this blog...........if u like keep searching for real men...

  15. linda. i know this lesbian craze is getting very real in nigeria now.i have met a couple of them and infact two were from this Akwa side. what is wrong with us?must we imbibe all western cultures or is it that the world is coming to an end?

  16. How does a lesbian act? I'm curious?

  17. Linda deary,I love gay people cos am one. We run d world cos we are F A B U L O U S *snaps*. Av been to Akwa ibom and cross river.....OMG I had so many men admiring me cos am one handsome guy.*flips mai peruvian hair* as a gay guy I av many rich and fabulous lesbian frnds. D party will still hold. Am gonna *werk it like* Tonto dike,look beautiful and *fierce* like INI EDO and *snatch* mai frnds men friends like Mercy J. Its gonna be F A B L O U S............*Gay and F A B*

  18. Linda i must be sincere here,if there is a reader of this blog who sees you as a LESBIAN,am sorry to say am one of them.
    Many are times i ve been worried of you cause of your life publications here,i:e You made us to know that your junior sisters are taken for marriage while you not and at the same time i know some very cute guys,rich and powerful who has approached you of which you never responded,so we are waiting for that made in heaven man,plz tell us about him when he comes.
    Many are times you have published your style pictures of women more than men...just take time and count your teeth,see your publications and tell me why LESBIAN will not come for your hand in marriage since men are
    I see GAYS as an act of confusion and demonic but i know alot of people are dieing in silence just to avoid critics and finger pointing....only GOD knows the heart...

  19. Too late to run Linda. All your pro-gay activities are catching up with you. I think its kinda hypocritical to like what gays do without loving gays, don't you think?

  20. @Linda aabeg help me date them now........Just try it and see how lesbian love and fuck is............You wud not remain d same again.....Amen@Linda aabeg help me date them now........Just try it and see how lesbian love and fuck is............You wud not remain d same again.....Amen

  21. maybe u didn´t explain very well be4, but now that they knw they wil leave ya!!
    God will punish dem!!

  22. Linda how come you are so interested in Lesbian talks and you claim your are not like that... you can fool some ppl some time, but you can fool all the ppl all the time... Sometime ago you posted a piece on Eve and that stuff could only surface for someone that went all out to dig it out... so yes little miss Holy, you are the one digging for lesbian sturvz,you must have some interest then... if you like dont post my comment, I dont even expect you to... just saying...

  23. Its because you have money na!? see question oh. Do you know that naija girls are attracted to money wether na man or woman abi is not you that just bought toyolla?

    i have even seen naija girls following deaf and dumb aristo.

    Just last week, i saw one girl following a dwarf aristo. She even carried him up to seat on the barstool so he could order moet champagne.

  24. i think you have given some thought to it in recent times.

  25. @ Bibi Oye... God will punish them? Hmmm preach it! Holy! And punish you too for every premarital sex you ever had... u all think you got it figured out and you keep trying to judge ppl without first straightening your own k.legs... To the overtly religious brethren; all sins are equal in the eyes of our maker... so if you have ever told a lie or looked at another mans wife lustfuly, your judgement will turn around and bite you in the ass, so who gets punished afterall... pack of pervs!!!!mscheeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  26. @ Osita, pastor... pastor... the one that is sinless... and all of you cursing at gay ppl, u r not better of... hypocrits... you all make up the holy nation of sinless ppl... commot there! At the woman that called someone useless... I know u are a bored housewife taking out your frustration on Linda's post... rflmao...

  27. I admit I'm not a saint,but being gay is not just a sin it's absolutely abnormal...for instance,if we all become gays,how would you guarantee the next generation of gays?cos the only natural way of procreating is thru heterosexual relationship.My advice to therapy/deliverance or whatever,cos you are not normal...

  28. wateva anyone likes,rant it off..., as for me, anyone's free to live his/her life.
    linda,i'm feelin u gaaaan...u pass too much 4 a comedian...and icfink i'm inadvertently......fallin in love!*sobs**sobs**

  29. loool this post is something else.
    Linda pls tell me what a lesbian vibe is

  30. are folks always so brutal? can't anyone try to see the humor she injected? why are you all saying hateful things?

  31. Linda dat is bcos you said u don't enjoy penetrative sex. Most women who don't are lesbians. Personally I think you are a lesbian

  32. sincerely its not your fault. the aristo maqrket in nigeria is flooded and nigerians ever smart are always on the look out for new markets so i think that is why the lesbian craze is booming in nigeria.Count ur self lucky for been hited on but take it in your stride and move on.Dont mind all the negative comments.Your belief is your belief.I stay abroad and believe me randomly a guy still hits on you sometimes just to test waters. it happens just dont react to it.

  33. oloriburuku ni awon people yii. Ofo ni omission vegetable nse Ofo ni won ma se.
    linda pls dont answer them cos d wrath of God is on them.
    Poverty sickness Aids HIV STDs cancer blindness TB heart kidney failure brain trauma HBP original fifo ara riro lakuregbe aromolapa iku ojiji edo riro ainisinmi & future diseases.....will be the portion of gay & lesbians

  34. Lesbians and Gay guys and confused set of people, why do they need the opposite sex to have a baby then? God would help them figure it out o.
    Linda post gists, that she posts stuffs on Lesbianism does not mean she is one

  35. lol. their husbands are chasing small small girls, they have to keep busy too. And many husbands would prefer their wives step out on them with women than other men. Some of these women might have agreements with their husbands. You will be amazed @ the level of insanity in this society called Nigeria.

  36. Linda,to tell you the truth ,you dont have to act like one to attract them.
    I really cant get it.
    I wish i can publish the messages one of them sent to me and i tell you,you will never believe that a woman sent it more so a mother of six.
    In her words ,"i will change your life,men will only give you heartbreak" and some people still fall for this.
    Only God will save us.

  37. @Linda pls find time and go for the lesbo meetings......but pls take no picture or write no stuf on your blog.......come hv some fun,,you need it girl.........FOR ALL OF UNA WEN DEY ABUSE LESBIANS,,MAKE UNA GO TAKE PANADOL,,HEADACHE DEY WORRY UNA.........@Linda pls find time and go for the lesbo meetings......but pls take no picture or write no stuf on your blog.......come hv some fun,,you need it girl.........FOR ALL OF UNA WEN DEY ABUSE LESBIANS,,MAKE UNA GO TAKE PANADOL,,HEADACHE DEY WORRY UNA.........

  38. @ Anonymous August 31,2011 5:03pm
    u r a big fool!!!d babes dat r lesbians for money are regular runz girls dat'l try anytin 4 d money!most lesbians are doing rily well and very succesful and influential pple!n dey dont nid any man's money!evrybody has a right to deir sexuality so long as dey r nt rubbin it in ur face!

  39. Ha ha Linda, you are in demand oo! Lol, three lesbian approaches last month!! you are full of humor trust me. and yes its because People read meanings to the sort of things you put up here sometimes.

  40. Don't get me wrong I luv all people and believe everybody deserve to be happy on this earth but I will never understand that life style.So many of them that hit on me to the point where I was asking family members if I look gay or do I give off lesbian vibe..lmao.Just because some at a certain age don't have kids or are single dont mean they are gay..You have alot of african people now that are on the down low so I'm not surprise about nigeria..I had a friend that I thought was helping me a year ago because she valvue my friendship and I later found out she was trying to get me in bed..I just wish some would live honest and happy lives instead of lying to others and themselves..With this gay right stuff alot of them are still hiding and those are the onces I hate with a passion because they will do anything for people to not notice there gay....i have respect for the once that are gay and proud and not living a lie and deceiving others...

  41. Please, les be honest. Who do you love? Men or lesbos? :)

  42. Come.anonymous fool that posted at 10.40....why is my comment paining you so much??
    Its obvious that you are one of those that entered lesbo becos of poverty ...i.e doing threesome for 10k.

    Big Goat. And what exactly do you do?? influential ko ni successful my big ass.

  43. Abeg linda no mind all dis haters dey are sadists, at least you got thier attention. i enjoyed the whole lesbian gist jare.pls post more attention catching stories.

  44. It's really intresting oh. This our siddon look attitude, where we say, "It can never happen to us" is really killing us softly oh. It's about time we wizened up.I read something recently on <a href=">this blog</a>

  45. Please any good lesbo who is under the influence of this blog should contact me on my private email: I am 100% ready for us to meet.
    Kindly do this and let us take.

  46. everybody is entitled to whatever they want to become...its their personal traits....even the straight ones are worse than them....

  47. linda common you know u like punja make you bragado one of dem women make dem better your life small!!!!!

  48. .....Jane u're still a lesbo?after all d preachin wey i preach 4 u?na u sabi ooo...n at ur own peril sha.

  49. lmao i think she meant it aS a joke.....

  50. No Linda you don't act or look gay...Abeg help me promote my cousin video oooo....jokes bt sha d video ain't bad sha.

  51. linda, don't listen 2 dose haters. I wish dose homosexual could know d magnitude of deir offence. They should read Gen16-20linda, don't listen 2 dose haters. I wish dose homosexual could know d magnitude of deir offence. They should read Gen16-20

  52. hey linda, don't listen to dose haters. I wish dose homos could know d magnitude of deir offence. They should read Gen16-20 n see d fruit of deir relationship. Stupid hell tenants

  53. homosexuality is a PERVERSE evil spirit but like all sins can be removed when thou accepts JESUS

  54. @muyiwa said... September 1, 2011 11:22 PM.You should not disturb yourself over my way of life because that is the way it please me.

  55. weather u r a lesbian or u having premarital sex all na sin so pls try not to case the 1st stone.

  56. i'm straight but rumor has it that 50% of women ve lesbian tendency.

  57. being a lesbian is far better than being homo at least there re things to play with.

  58. Linda pls where is the venue me need me some licking and fingering.Never done it b4 but don't mind trying long as i don't ve to do the licking or tongue kissing.

  59. The biggest problem with Africa is religion. All of you people criticising gays and lesbians are doing so because you say it is against God's teachings. A beg make una leave people to live how they choose. Constructive debate is always stifled in Africa because as soon as someone wants to say something that makes sense people shout them down by mentioning God said this and God said that. It is for this reason that Africa will take a very long time to become successful. It is not just about the homosexual debate it is in everything that affects our society. People say if everyone is gay how will we get the next generation? Every one can't be gay, so that argument is flawed. I do not deny that some people choose to live a homosexual lifestyle for whatever reason, money, power etc but there are people who are born that way. The sooner we accept that the better it will be for us all. Even if people choose to be gay, what concern is it of yours what somebody gets up to in their bedroom. Like Linda said she is not interested, thats no problem, the person will move on to someone else that will be interested. This our judgemental attitude is very bad. INstead of concentrating on things that matter, we spend our time hating on things and people that in my opinion are insignificant. Gay or not, I dont care. And people who use religion as a way to justify hating gays are just stupid. Does God approve of hate? Isn't the gay person created by God aswell? You spend you life going to church, praying etc, you are all hypocrites. A beg leave people to be what they want to be. if God disapproves of homosexuality, the people who are gay will be judged by God, not by man on Earth.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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