See what a mother did to her own child | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 18 July 2011

See what a mother did to her own child

A 29-year old woman, Mrs. Grace Jacob, (pictured) has been arrested for battering her 10-year-old son, Emmanuel, and forcing him to sleep in the staircase of their home at night.

If not that a non-government organisation, Esther Child Foundation, came to the rescue of little Emmanuel, he might have been dead by now as he now nurses severe injuries inflicted on him.

How can you do this to a child? My goodness! Continue to finish the story...

Mrs. Jacob, 29, who lives at 4, Muhammed Street, Santos, Egbeda area of Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, gave birth to Victor when she was 19 years old.

She had the boy for her lover, Mr. Paul Emmanuel who had since left her. She is now married to a new husband and has a child for him.

It was gathered that Victor was severely beaten by his mother at the slightest provocation, which led to deep injuries and cuts all over the boy’s body. The boy’s face is swollen with deep cuts on his cheeks.
According to Mrs. Esther Ogwu, the founder of Esther Child Foundation, she received a call from a resident in Egbeda to come quickly to rescue a boy who was being abused and tortured in the most dehumanising way by his mother.

“When we came, we met Victor in the staircase and that is where he sleeps. When I saw the wounds on his body, I couldn’t stand it and we had to arrest the woman and bring the boy to the Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation to take up the issue,” she explained.

She said that the woman beat her son severely because his new husband had told her he did not want to see the boy and that she should do something about the situation if she wanted him to stay with her.
Ogwu alleged that the woman’s intention was to kill the boy so that she would keep her new husband, adding that the boy needed urgent treatment and attention so that he would not die from the wounds inflicted on him.

“We rescued him because we don’t know the next action that may lead to the boy’s death. The boy does not even attend school,” she added.

At the Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, WAPA, where the woman and her son were taken to, staff of the ministry were in shock when they saw the deep wounds on Victor’s body and could not believe that his mother could treat him like that.They described her as a wicked woman.
A top official of the ministry, who craved anonymity because she is not authorised to speak with pressmen, said the first thing the government would do was to write a letter to the management of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, to urgently admit the boy and treat him so that he would not die.

When asked if Victor was truly her son, Mrs. Jacob said yes, saying that she regretted her action, admitting that she was guilty of beating her son in such a deadly manner.
She was in tears but her tears did not move officials of the WAPA ministry who were angry at the way the boy was maltreated by her.

According to Jacob, she gave birth to Victor when she was not yet married and that Victor’s father used to beat and throw her out of the house on several occasions, which was why she left him.
Mrs. Jacob, who hails from Akwa Ibom State, said when Victor was brought to her from the village and that when she remembered the way her former lover treated her, she unleashed her anger on her son.
“Anytime he did something wrong, I vent the anger of what his father did to me by beating him. I was angry about the manner I was beaten by my former husband,” she said, adding that her new husband had left for South Africa because he did not want to see the boy again.

When asked, little Victor, who managed to speak in Pidgin English said his mother used to beat him with cable when he did something wrong.

However, the state government is considering prosecuting the mother under the child rights law, while Victor would be taken to one of the state’s rehabilitation homes for adequate care.

Culled from : PM News


  1. frustrattion and anger it seems led to this. many worthless parents in that country yet the look down on those who can't have kids or choose not to have kids. it is well.

  2. If you look deep into it,shez his step mom,i dont see how a woman can do this to a child she carried in her womb for 9months.

  3. Na waaa.This one na frustration abi na wetin we go call am????? motherhood has turned to something else. or are parents allowed to take out their pains on their children now???? Pls, do something.

  4. Things like this make me wonder if those mother really birth those kids.

    My mother disciplined us but not to the extent of killing us!

    As far as i am concerned this is an abuse of God's gift...

    God bless the foundation that rescued the child...

  5. So sad...the woman is deranged, your husband can stop being your husband but your child will never stop being your child...that means if am outsider beats her son, she will pat him on the back??????!! She should be prosecuted and brought to book. A big thanks to Mrs Esther

  6. what kind of frustration of anger will let you do this do your own ...or anyone else's for that matter?

    She is evil. Period.

  7. Giving birth to a child does not automatically make someone a parent.

    Some animals eat their young ...and this is no different.

    Step mum, real mum, aunt, sister...whatever....NO ADULT has the right to mal-treat an innocent child.

    Any person(s) that harms one strand of hair on an innocent child; will be avenged by the God who made that child in his likeness.

    *linda, I have to stop here 'cos this makes me soooo mad*

  8. Look at her face--> evil.

  9. God deliver us, see the cute little boy, this woman wants to wipe away from the human race all in the name of one uncaring husband. if the man truly loves her, he would accept her and her past which includes the child.

  10. I am deeply saddened. This is not a situation that should be treated lightly. Children are abused in Nigeria all in the name of Poverty and all worth not. So what if she had a child out of wedlock... so freaking what...and this is all due to a sanctimonious society that is viewed as one of the worst in the world.... Does she really have to be a man who would not share her baggage? I really do not understand the kind of basic education that exists in our country

  11. This is no longer discipline, this is ABUSE. She had this child at 19 and with her youth behind her, her friends all living probably a different life style not saddle with a child, she took her anger and frustration out on this poor child who did not ask to be born. I don't know what laws Nigeria has in place for child abuse but if there isn't any, they need to create one just for this woman! This is beyond sparing the rod and spoiling the child, this is outright cruelty, negligence and abuse!

    They should should strap her up and lash her 24 times with koboko after breakfast, lunch, dinner!

  12. She's an asshole, her new husband will leave her
    Tomorrow but her SON HER BLOOD will never leave
    Her, she dnt even know who that child will be tomorrow,,he may be a president or the next Bill Gate who knows,
    For her to take care of her son and help he be better, she want kill him for some Dick business.
    Some people want children and some people have them but dnt want them,EG Casey Anthony.

  13. Like I always say..."there should be a license to be a parent"!

  14. Please hang the woman
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  15. Just shows right!!..some people are not meant to be married and some are not meant to be mothers..look at that Casey Anthony case and this one..
    When she opened her legs and they poured inside her what did she expect to come out???..idiot cannot deal with the consequences when she was moaning and wasn't a problem then..
    Poor thang..some are crying for a child and this one is slowly killing hers..and you can tell from the scars that this has been going on for the longest..
    Lets thank God..if a ritualist had mentioned she could make money off her son..mmmh ur guess is as good as mine..oloshi olori buruku..'cos of a man..want to kill your own seed..look at her strong face sef!!..

  16. Please hang the woman
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  17. Men will leave you but a child will always be ur child. Thank God for organsitaion like esther foundation, thank God for you esther. My dream is to start program for children like that or for orphans. God help me to do that before i leave this earth.

  18. @ Anonymous 6.37.............. this is not a Nigerian problem, child abuse happens everywhere.

  19. Are you sure she was not told that the boy was a wizard? Such pastoral lies normally make people batter their kids like this.

  20. yeah u know they will mock her is she no get husband so is willing to even kill her child to keep her husband...

  21. @ Bestting- In ur mind you are speaking big grammer abi ? btw, its despicable not "dispeakble" like u

  22. Obala Jesus!! Someone hold me back from putting this woman where she needs to be. One day she'll raise up her hand to hit Victor and he'll hit her back. Dude is 10, try this when he is 13, 14, and she'll be sorry.
    Victor is better off in the village, than with a mother who treats him like the devil.

  23. when are they throwing her in jail

  24. This is outright wickedness..This woman could pass for a witch oo.why would you do this to a child? hmmn when he becomes rich in future she would be the one talking rubbish about him being her son...God will judge her sha.

  25. When people abuse children they should remember that those kids would grow up one day. The wicked witch should be flogged the way she's flogged that poor child.

  26. Lemme use that koboko to flug her too so she knows exactly how it feels. Stupid ass excuse

  27. It's just awful! & to think pple desperately want children. Really disheartening. The boy is soooo cute *smh*. Ur very own flesh & blood?! God help us o

  28. that mother is a wicked woman she deserves to be in jail for the rest of her life,how could u do that to ur own blood shame on her

  29. shes not a mother.....haba!

  30. I can't shout... she's obviously not the mother of dt boy

  31. As much as i hate what this woman did to her own child, i am not surprised at all. Child beating/abuse is VERY common in Nigeria and everyone accepts it as a way of disciplining a child. I remember getting such beatings as a child and knew of others who had pepper put in their private parts. I hope this case brings to light the plight of Nigerian kids and parents learn better ways of discipline instead of brutality.

  32. Alicia says...19 July 2011 at 01:12

    it makes me sick to my stomach, she needs to be in JAIL! if you dont want the child, then give him away! I dont understand some people sometimes!

  33. Before we all begin to castigate this woman (and rightly so), let's take a moment and think on how this woman is a reflection of our society. She was probably abused as a child herself, what we Nigerians like to call discipline, I wonder how she is suppose to know any better. How is she different from the parent/teacher, that uses "pankere" to "correct" a badly behaved child? There's a thing line between discipline and abuse, more often than not it's crossed in the Nigerian culture. Cute little kid, I weep for our generation and those to come...a change must come to the orientation we have as a society

  34. Irony of life while some are beating up their kids in a very demeaning manner cuz dier new fiancee do not want to see the child some are going as far as committing suicide, a very pretty young friend of my sis Motunrayo hung herself today in her room cuz her fiancee left her and called off their wedding few weeks 2 it. Apparently she had a surgery done and cyst was removed from her womb. She Loosed her womb in d process and her fiancee left her and called off their wedding at such atime... Guess she cldnt cope wit the double joepardy and she took her life 2day. She has been buried according to muslim rites... Linda you shld look out for that news am sure you might knw the gal. She graduated from unilag and read mass comm..iir

  35. stupid girl..only 29 yr old.. and has this lovely boy but can't love him..
    I'll adopt him and take him to Disneyland jare..
    where are the papers??

  36. Kemiismyrealname19 July 2011 at 05:22

    It is so easy for people to talk. I am a mother, and after reading this story, Ireally feel for the child and the mother. You need to put yourself in the shoes of this woman and ask why she would treat another human being, a child, and her's for that matter. She clearly is suffering from some mental malfunction. She may have manic depression or bi polar (in short some kind of madness). She herself may have been abused as a child.

    It is unfortunate that mental health is joked with in this part of the world, but a lot of issues that are gaining notoriety in NIgeria have to deal with people's state of mind.

    The sad thing there is there is no rehabilitation for either the mother or the young child. Just a vicious cycle going round and round. Pity!

  37. To think other people are fasting and begging for kids! What an ungrateful lady.

  38. all i want to say is.....if she can do this to her son then she can do worse to someone else's who might be house help. what sort of frustration and anger? she is just wicked. am sure she keeps nuturing the idea dat if the boy was here she would have been frolicking and painting the town red.29yrs old and she is looking like a HAG.....i feel like giving her a peice of my mind for treating her own child from her womb?are we sure she is the mother not adopted mother?and tomorrow when he becomes hardened criminal we blame it on friends not knowing the parents are the foundation.

  39. It is easy to castigate this woman. Whilst her act is not palatable, one has to get to the bottom of the story. What Linda has written is possible a summary of somebody else's account. She needs to be counselled to get to the bottom of why there is such hatred or anger towards her child and how to resolve these issues because it is something she would more than likely repeat this behaviour with her other children.

  40. I don't think this child belongs to her..... How can a mother beat up a child like this?????

  41. Linda please can you publish on this blog contact numbers (hot lines) for organizations that handles domestic violence? thanks. :-(

  42. God bless mrs Esther, pls dat boy shd nt be given to her again, the boy shd be with govt. 4ever in life.

    she is a wicked mother, hw is she sure dat husband of hers who does nt want d boy in his house will even marry her again, dat she want to kill her son and a handsom boy like dis.

    pls she must be jail for doing such, she is a stupit woman.

  43. Dear linda i am interested in this case. How do i get in touch with this Esther Child Foundation. what a life!!!! so sad.

  44. Felt my blood curdling on seeing this boy's pictures. Na wetin? SCHEISSDRECK!!!

  45. Women!!! What if this is the future president of Nigeria, or the next governor of CBN or the next Secretary general of United nations......What if????? What if this guy is scarred for life and intends to become a criminal with no compassion whatsoever ever...what if someone with enuf compassion and money can adopt this child............what if?

  46. Thank God he was sad.

  47. This is crazy!!

    The comments here pretty much some up my feelings about this, but my concern is what happens to the boy. Will he just stay in the rehabilitation center indefinitely...likely till he is 18 then be kicked out. Worst case scenario - he becomes a criminal.

    Will he be put out for adoption? Not too familiar with Nigeria's welfare system.

    Also Linda, pls put out the contact details for this foundation as well as domestic violence centers, as requested by some readers. Thanks.

  48. pls report this woman to Boko Haram!! period!!!!!


  50. Not every one are meant to be parents, that woman is evil, some pple don't know what it takes to be parents,giving birth doesn't make you a mother

  51. Jesus! Santos Layout???? my former estate!!! i know muhammed street well.


  52. N.I.L totally agree with u. This is a heinous crime.

  53. @ Anonymous 1:24am, July 19, 20ll. Please allow the family to grieve. This is my cousin you are talking about, all your fabricated, ignorant and UNTRUE comments are sickening to our stomachs. Please again, allow MOTUNRAYO to rest in PEACE.

  54. what a flimpsy excuse....she should be flogged at the most populous market in lagos, so she would understand the gravity of her inhuman and wicked crime....

  55. At annonym 8.07 here is it since you as the cousin have the real story pls maybe you have told or hidden the real story. OPEN the LINK and lets know otherwise because really ACTS like this and comments like YOURS makes the me all SICK TO OUR STOMACHS.....!!!

  56. Devilish Woman, Bastard, if we are to find out wat really happened / transpired in btw Grace 'en' her Ex - husband, we will surely get to knw dat it is simply becos of her unfaithfull 'en' unruly life the BASTARD Grace is living in as a PEddler/ Harlout, i guess dat could be the main cause why her ex-husband dumped her, to be candid she has to be transfered to Rehab Center. tanx...

  57. If i lay hands on that woman,she would get a beating ten times worse,and her fallopian tubes ripped out of her womb,because she's not fit to be a only 24,a single mum,but no man,in this world,can come between me and my daughter...abi linda you know now...linda how've yu been?been a while...

  58. For Heavens sake,some body should please throw this witch into the deepest dungeon that we have in this country where criminals and devils like her ought to spend the rest of their lives and please throw away the keys.

  59. I hope this woman really does get prosecuted for this act of cruelty. I never thought that Nigeria have child abuse law, thank God for the organization that came to this child's rescue. SHAME ON YOU GRACE JACOBS!!!

  60. May God forgive this woman!!!

  61. grace jacob,see your life for air,and we told you this kind of life you are living is bad,you breastfed your baby for two month,is that not stupidity and wickedness,i knew it will come to this extent after insulting me of colllecting ur man friend.wicked woman.witch,am hapy for you.enjoy jail.

  62. This is a clear case of frustration.she lost it. if one looks deeper beneath the facts you will discover that the woman was probably abused herself.nothing justifies the raw deal she meted out to the child ,however both child and mother nd the husband that doesn@t want the step son need medical evaluation.
    a lot of folks depressed and angry a nd resentful,it takes a bad sitution to bring it to the fore.

  63. she is a witch i tell you...... trying to kill the innocent boy. ahaha... what kind of mother would do this??

  64. you grace!you are very wicked and matter what your husband say to you about your child,you should teach him how to love your boy by your child and he too will learn and in return will love him.what right did you have to hate the boy just because of what the father did to you know what that boy will become in future? change your ways and ask God for forgiveness cos he kept you and your boy alive during child birth for a very special reason.

  65. Ahaha,this is why countries like the UK and all, do not allow parents, teachers to hit children. its because of people like this that abuse their children. no matter what, if u truly love ur child, u wouldnt choose him over a man, and treat ur child like that. if a man truly loves u, he should be ready to live with ur child as well- common sense woman!!!


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