Ghana's Western Region Orders Arrests of Gays | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 22 July 2011

Ghana's Western Region Orders Arrests of Gays

Ghana’s Western Region Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo MP has ordered the immediate arrest of all homosexuals in the country’s west.

Aidooo has tasked Ghana’s Bureau of National Investigations and security forces to round up the country’s gay population and has called on landlords and tenants to inform on people they suspect of being homosexuals. “All efforts are being made to get rid of these people in the society,” he said.

Get rid of them how? Killing them? Sending them on exile? Shame on you Mr Aidoo...

The move by the Minister follows months of campaigning by the Christian Council of Ghana which last week called on Ghanaians not to vote for any politician who believes in the rights of homosexuals.
Muslims and Christians in the Western Region have been staging protests ever since a local media report claimed there were around 8000 homosexuals and lesbians in the district.

However, a lawyer at Kwame Nkrumah University, Ernest Kofi Abotsie, questioned the legality of the move.

Abotsie said laws outlawing “unnatural canal knowledge” in the Ghanaian criminal code were ambiguous and had not been defined to mean homosexuality, and it was wrong for politicians to be telling police how to carry out their duties.



  1. I thought Ghanaians were better than this, I guess I was wrong about my people. God help us. Kai!

  2. If its against the laws of the land in Ghana...then allow the law to take its due course.....

  3. Ndia ara..........

  4. Doesnt make any sense! in as much as the majority of people think that the act is 'strange and un-natural' it dosent mean that they perpetrators should be banished. this is an infringement on their freedom of expression abi human rights people no dey Ghana?

  5. I'm more interested in knowing what will be done to them after the round up lol

    meanwhile did I just read that there's something that the christians and moslems finally agree on?


  6. wow..good!!a better way to get asylum in europe and america.good like,
    now in uk all illegal nigerians re gonna be ghanians,.lol

  7. Kill them....whts GAY?
    We r african,copy better things and not can a man date a man...lets be bold and call a spade what its.
    One man and a woman relationship is the way of life and people in power should strive to keep it that way!!

  8. That's why all they do is have sex like rabid dogs in their movies. He should round up all those slutty actors. It's amazing how it's only in extremist muslim countries and backwards African countries that it is possible to arrest people for their sexuality. I hope one of his children and his grandchildren are gay so he can exile all of them too and they can hate him forever.

  9. @ Christian and your Bible says kill them??? Get over your arrogance, and the world is big for all to live. Just because you or your religion does not agree with their way of life does not make it wrong.Who are we to infringe on their human right? You are silly for that comment.SHAME!! More shameful is that you call yourself a christian. Silly grown man..

  10. @ Christian...KILL DEM? R u 4 real? granted its a sin BUT so is fornication, adultery, lying, stealing, conceit,corruption, hatred & so on! Hw many pple have bin killed or brought 2 justice over these sins? IMO u really need 2 change ur name cos it is DEFINITELY not Christ like.

  11. @ Christian.........What would Jesus do?

  12. @christian they should also kill u for committing fornication and all ur other sins...... u dirty hypocrite !!!!!!!

  13. Christain,

    Wow,wow and wow ,did you really say kill them?Dont u know about the commandment "thou shall not kill" and what makes you think you are better than gays?If being gay is sinful,what makes you think your sin is better than that of gays.This is soooo ignorant and you should hide your head in sand

    You just spoke like someone from the dark ages.

  14. What gives you the right to kill another human being because of their sexual preference?

  15. good. let him take that action!!!!!!!!!

  16. It's times like this I wonder when Christians created a new version of GOD/JESUS CHRIST that supports/perpetrates hate and murder.

    WHich fucking Bible una dey read sef?

  17. @Christian... Are you serious?

    How about we kill the gays after we kill you "christians" for all the lies that you've told... :-/ Just calling a spade a spade.

    Remember that same bible said that all liars will end up in hell...

  18. What arrant nonsense, the guy giving the orders neeeds to be arrested. Doesn't Ghana have freedom of association and freedom of speech. So how can one be arrested for talking like or associating with gays just cos his neighbors and friends say so.

    What am I saying? Even if he/she is gay...go and chop shit.

  19. @Keji you must be smoking something cheap..."It's amazing how it's only in extremist muslim countries and backwards African the Christians that are protesting are what? WTF with you Christians only calling out Muslims sef? And i thought the illiterate mallams where the problem here.

  20. upon all pussy in the whole world,someone decide to fuck ass.get all of arrested if possible kill all of them.

  21. This one comot matter from my mouth ooo.

    1. Is it African to be gay?
    2. Do we believe it is nature or nurture? Yes the argument can go on and on
    3. Pple that do it r they really psychological alright? In Africa at least. Bc it cld be that they are afraid of getting hurt.
    4. I know it prevalent in Northern Nigeria, so shld be associated with religion? I dont think so
    5. If they are so inclined, does this knid of treatment nt mk them marry wh they r nt supposed to. - My frnd caught her Hubby in April with his supposed best frnd/best man. The marriage has since dissolved bt did she v 2pass thro that.
    6. For those that know, can someone's sexual orientation be re-oriented? Like counseling?

  22. Alicia says...22 July 2011 at 17:58

    LOL, cause their movies say otherwise. in the movie 4play, they had a gay scene, and a bunch of other movies that i never bothered to watch because the trailers were so damn disturbing. I'm surprised they aren't calling for the arrest of John Dumelo cause he is the number one ass fucker in Ghanaian movies. LOL

    if being gay in Ghana is illegal, then why dont they censor their movies? trying to be more western than the westerners, i guess....

  23. kudos,homosexuality is anti-Africa, culturally and anti-Christianity, scripturally.
    Africans must vehemently resist dis cultural neo-imperialism and moral colonialism.
    It is right and acceptable in d west
    does not make it right for all climes,us.
    We should pray against this nascent infiltration of our values and culture by present day Sodom. This is an export we must ban completely.God,save us from mental slavery.

  24. kudos,homosexuality is anti-Africa, culturally and anti-Christianity, scripturally.
    Africans must vehemently resist dis cultural neo-imperialism and moral colonialism.
    It is right and acceptable in d west
    does not make it right for all clime,us.
    we should pray against this nascent infiltration of our values and culture by present day Sodom. this is an export we must ban completely.God,save us from mental slavery.

  25. Please people,what is this i am seeing in some posts,to kill them na!!!!!!,but something serious must be done against this trend,for Gods sake it"s unafrican,morally wrong,against God,unhealthy & all what not,let us call a sped a sped.we should not condone evil.if not heterosexuality how will they be born.later they will proceed to adopt a child who came through hetero.nonsense LINDA stop all this,please i like u so much & i don"t want to start to see u like a be civilised is not to always support adult delinquency

  26. Anybody that thinks Africans are learning to be GAY needs enlightenment. GAY people have always been around but been in hiding because of backward laws and peoples lack of understanding. People want to bring religion into this, how many of us are clear of sin (fornication, lust, cussing, cursing, hate etc). I am an openly GAY (LESBIAN) person and I love to show My sexuality off (in other words, I'm proud of who/what I am) when I'm in GH or NG. Always known I liked girls as far back as I can remember (possibly 5). FUCK all this hate, LIVE & LET LIVE! ...1

  27. @Christian is so so so GAY.........He can suck a Dick......(.which d homo would say soapy..)...Stop pretending......And to contribute towards been Gay,,Lesbians,,Bi-sexual e.t.c....pls they should leave them with their sexual preference......Am Gay(lesbian),,so fucking what?

  28. AYBZ
    Africans are mostly religious in their world view. homo/lesB is alien to us.sorry, u have no raw data for your presumptions.ur lifestyle is an exception and aberration to d norm.ur exposure to western pavertion explains ur orientation and bravado. but pls keepitin GH,where hopefully u live.
    its sickening to us here

  29. I can understand from the comments here that there are more homosexuals here than one can imagine but one day the anger of God will rain on them just like Sodom and Gomorra. You shall better repent.

  30. I'm beginning to see where that guy who said 99% of Nigerians would go to hell is coming from. The things we do all in the name of religion. So sanctimonious yet so bloody sinful!! The pastors that get stinking rich on congregation offerings while people are suffering, the extremists that kill people in the name of Islam, the ones that burn people to death because of theft, those that condemn people to death for being gay...the list goes on! Are they using your body to have sex? No. Remember that those people are somebody's family. I don't understand the attraction between people of the same sex but as long as they're not pedophiles or committing crimes against other people then live and let live. If you believe it's a sin then mind your own business and leave them to theirs. Besides I don't think homosexuality was 'copied' from the west. Some people are just inclined that way and they have always existed in Africa whether you choose to believe it or not. While they're at it, why don't they round up all the other sinners in Ghana, and then we'll see who's left!

  31. GOD BLESS ghana. ppl in saudi arabia arrest whoever they catch in adultery, remember the news about a man who took his girlfriend there and they slept in jail.

    We have to stand up for your faith.
    Christian dem no suppose kill them oooo.

    But nothing wrong with makin homosexuality a crime.

  32. So funny how you all back home thinks it's cute to be gay or to support them. Even out here in North America, more than a few upright people still openly condemn gay activities but my dear brothers and sisters in Nija all support them. the poor guy Christian who came out to over condemn was thorn to shreds for his comments. I have a question, if a guy says he's gay, good for him, a girl is gay or lesbian, good for her, how do we classify an "idiot" who say he/ she is bisexual? or do we all agree that cheating in a relationship, married or dating is allowed? Being gay stems from long exposure to promiscuity and perversion QED!

  33. lol at "you shall better repent"

  34. i dont support homosexuality. im a christian but even if i was an atheist, i still would find it somehow simply because a round peg is not made for a square hole.
    but all these africans are not gay stories ..... some research will show you that there have been people from time immemorial in africa who have been homosexual. they just have never demanded or expected to be assimilated into the society. sometimes they become juju priests or initiates - to create a reason for not marrying or because a lot of traditional religions have a provision for asexual spirit beings. a feminine man could be said to be possessed by a female goddess/spirit or whatever.
    history lesson over. i dont think that the solution is to round them up and harm them. hey they are human beings too!!!!


  36. Pls leave Christian alone ooooooooo.

  37. supported. after all in the western world the are against polygamy.

  38. Homosexuality is wrong, but anal sex between a man and woman nko? oral sex, role playing and all sorts of fetishes nko?Pressurizing young innocent girls by our senators nko? In as much as i feel it's in nobody's business to decide who dies and who lives, i also feel it's nobody's business what whoever chooses to do behind closed doors, as long as they don't infringe on our respective individual rights. I have no problem with gays, and the gay guys that come on to me to tell me i'm attractive. But when I say thank you politely, and it's not my thing and you come back to try your luck, imma beat you black and blue.
    Nevertheless, in as much as i don't like cats, i don't go all out to town killing cats. Live and let live.
    I really want the Ghana people to go all out to expose gays and see what's on their hands. If they don't have enough sense to avoid a controversial issue as this, they're calling for judgement day. Cos very unexpected people ARE indeed batting for the other team. Very unexpected people. My boss @ work has the cutest family ever, his wife and kids are too adorable.But he told me he's gay...that was a shocker...many more like dat are out there. Kings of towns, top government officials, governors...priests, pastors..

  39. faggots!!!!! damn you all! scum of the world.

  40. Am sorry if u believe dat God doesn't love d Gay"s" d way he loves straight people too..y? Bcoz he is d only one who can judge any oda human being! And if u feel ur perfect ur Not gay dats 4 God 2 judge bcoz if he wanted dem dead dey wouldn't even be existing alredi,so pls some peole really need 2 open dier eyes and see dat even ur sibiling or ur boss that puts food on ur Family table

  41. This same gay men will need a woman 2 carry their babies and the lesbians sperm 4 babies so how can it be natural 2 be wit a person of the same sex

  42. @ CABONGO... Not everybody that commented on gay people been left alone are gay. You see, in Africa we have to practice live and let live...
    Instead of him running after gay people, he could channel d energy in corruptions in high places, providing better infrastructures in schools, hospitals, roads, water and so many other things...

    I bet the minister, hasn't been performing and he needs to be heard and the only topic that sells in most African countries is "G-A-Y".

    I bet the same minister will be in an occultic society, using humans life for power and all that trash.. What about that?

    I'm a Christain and i believe in the part of the bible, that says... 'thot shall not judge, so that you won't be judge'

    So Christian, Cabongo and others who haven't sin b4(wat so ever type of sin, big or small), so cast the first stone.

    I bet they would anyway... No be my people?

  43. expect the Nigerian gay population to triple before the end of the year ,personally i got nothing against gay people they jst need to be understood that s and let s live people..cheers

  44. Linda,
    You are bisexual.Simple. Just as a man sleeping with another is inhumane so is the decision of Ghana's Leaders order to kill them.

    I know you are bisexual.Open up on your sexuality.

    I know people like you soooo well. And you know what? its not humane at all to be BISEXUAL OR EVEN HOMOSEXUAL.


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