Nollywood Stars Run To Pastor Adeboye For Prayers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 7 June 2011

Nollywood Stars Run To Pastor Adeboye For Prayers

Some panic stricken Nollywood stars ran to the General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, to help them ward off the spate of deaths that has hit the entertainment industry recently, with the deaths of Chidinma, CD John, Alasari, Ayinde Barrister and most recently, Ashley Nwosu. And others that have one terminal illness or another, like Sikiratu Sindodo, Ifeanyi Dike etc.

Pastor Adeboye heeded their call and held a special prayer session for them on Sunday June 5 at RCCG headquarters.  

In that photo I can see Segun Arinze, Jide Kosoko, Iya Rainbow...who else can you identify? Pics thanks to PM News.


  1. Alicia says...7 June 2011 at 07:39

    LOL Nigerians will not kill me ooooo!
    RIP to all of them though...
    but seriously, they need to stop praying and fix the roads and our hospitals. going to church and spending a wad of cash to enrich the pastor will not protect our Nollywood stars nor will it make Nigeria better. NONSENSE!
    praying for what? mtchewww! yes we can pray for the ones that we've lost, but all this "God loves Nigeria, God will help Nigeria" blah blah. maybe God is punishing us, I DON'T KNOW OOO!

  2. I see Dele Odule and Iya Rainbow..lolol.
    Noone wants to die

  3. Kemiismyrealname7 June 2011 at 07:41

    Stupid people! Like they will not die one day. Instead of them to live good lives and trust God, they are praying not to die. It is appointed for ALL men (including Nollywood actors/actresses)to die..once.

  4. Lol .. i don't know if i should laugh or pat them all on the back. :/

    Anyway may God deliver us all from evil.

  5. Alicia dear. you are a star. well said. God is not the one who causes death due to bad roads and poor healthcare. action is what we need not prayer. b4 dem chop me raw, i am a very serious christian, but you dont pray and then set your house on fire expecting God to come and quench it.

  6. lmfaoooooooooo God forgive me , but why do i find this pic hilarioussss? omg lolololololll. smh nija pple are too funny without even trying.

  7. lol @ anony 8:15

  8. its good for them to know Jesus is the only way and all glory belong to HIM & HIM alone, i hope d naked ones were present for deliverance too? as going naked n public and feeding other women's husbands eyes r not part of God's doctrine

  9. if dem die were dem go carry d cash go?very funny set of old people...stardom dey sweet dem lyk ds......arrant nonsense.

  10. I can see Dele Odule behind iya rainbow... lol.. but really its Only God That can save...


  12. May God answer their prayers

  13. Sorry to ask but is Mr Adeboye God?

  14. @sakara: u don kolo. You are so funny.

  15. Nothing bad in praying to God

  16. That is a good one, they sure need the prayers. And as for some people asking whether they will not die someday, the question is not relevant. Every1 of us knows we will ALL die someday, the most important thing is dieing at a good old age as God requires and also having a relationship with ur maker so that u will have an opportunity to meet wt Him at d end. Peace

  17. No Pastor Adeboye is not God. He is a man of God. Have you got a problem with that?

    Prayer is good and too much prayer is not enough!

    They are praying against untimely death.
    Everybody is going to die one day but me and my family shall live till very very old age, in good health and success and love in Jesus Name. Amen. and yours too!!

  18. I really don't understand why people keep running to others to pray for them, when I have I ask God for forgiveness of my sins and I pray to him and he answers my prayers, the person you are asking to pray for you do you know his relationship with God? e.g the people that pastor Odulele was praying for

  19. GOD BLLESS YOU ANON 12.22: I dont know what all these ppl are laughing at.

    Is it a crime to pray against death? Ok those who are laughing please give your lives in exchange for theirs as it seems you dont want to pray to live!
    The ppl that died was it only car accidents that killed them? what about some that battled illnesses.

    I am not even suprised that ppl passed funny comments like ALICIA.. You obviously dont read your Bible.

    And to the person who asked if Pastor Adeboye is God know that when you spend as much time as you do in the company of thieves you become a thief. the same thing withe spending time with God.. you are likened to be in HIS IMAGE! The Bible says that when we worship God in Spirit and in Truth we become HIS Sons and Daughters, we are gods. we speak like He speaks and see the transformation.

    Its not about who is Pastor its just that Pastor Adeboye has proven Himself to be a Man that fears God in Spirit( and may GOD keep him to encourage christians like us) and in truth unlike some others.

    ALSO if you read the word you will know that PPL Run toPastors because they are weak in FAITh, the Bible tells us that it takes faith for our prayers to be answered. Even Christ after healing the cripple told him to go and show himself to A PRIEST and the man who had the insane (whome the disciples could not chase out) had to bring him to JESUS.
    so my dear POWER pass POWER! It depends on what you are looking to attack.

    But besides that we should read our Bible to get certain answers not just pass comments.
    And for the Muslims who came to Pastor Adeboye publicly that was BOLD of you. You have my respect and prayers..

    the PREACHER

  20. @ Alicia...obviously you are based in the United States from earlier not-less-contemptuos comments you have posted on various topics. Perhaps that would make you far removed from the realities of Life in Nigeria. It is despicable of you to ridicule these people seeking God's face like you just did. Your anonimity on this blog is not anonimous to God. It is not beyond HIS power to destroy you for that statement because you are calling to question God's judgemental powers...and He will judge you on every word spoken or written against him. And Linda, the headline of this post is silly. I know you wish to sensationalise your blog but the headline seems more of a mockery than a news piece.

  21. Alicia says...7 June 2011 at 14:16

    some of you are the blind amoebas that run to church praying and begging the pastor for all sorts of "magical" prayers and spending all your money. this is why i seldom go to church. why go to church when i am perfectly capable of reading my own bible and worshipping God in my own house? I don't need a pastor to tell me how to love God.
    and the majority of church-goers are hypocrites and the worst! some of the worst people I've met go to church every sunday. maybe it's to repent because they feel so guilty. so figure.

  22. sakara i hear you..God is not a juju man..u have to make straight ur paths..u cannot persist in immorality and expect miracles to happen..but Glory be to God that they appreciate the Omnipotence of God almighty..Hope some are not combining Jesus with blackmagic!!

  23. i can see dele odule and segun arinze too... dis is a serious matter .. make God deliver us in this industry...

  24. lmmfaoooooo. If God says it is time, no Adeboye or RCCG can stop it. Those people died at their appointed times, and people die everyday so why all the hysteria? They should focus on living a good life in God's sight and being role models for a better Nigeria. Shameless people. Death is part of the cycle of life.

  25. anon. June 7, 2011 10:07 AM
    anon. June 7, 2011 11:22 AM
    anon. June 7, 2011 12:53 PM

    I strongly agree with you all.
    Well said.
    GOD bless daddy Adeboye and other true men of GOD in JESUS name
    And for the Nollywood people dat went for prayers, they shall testify in JESUS name.

    @Alicia, the dead ones dont nid prayers anymore. Its the living ones dat nids prayer.

    and yes, GOD bless Nigeria

  26. the preacher u ve spoken well and i concure to that.may continues to keep pastor E.A Adeboye for us IJN

  27. Alicia don't you read your bible what does God say about not forsaking the gathering of the saints,again the living are the ones who need prayers not the dead

  28. There is nothing wrong in going to God.......somebody questions what is the need of going to church.......i am sorry that u said that....may God forgive you.....the bible says....'do not forsake the garthering of the saints'

    adeboye is not God but a man of God and who are u to question why go to a man of God.....Don't u know that he is the apple og God's eyes....there is an annointing on him....a mantle on him that is not on you....

  29. anon 2.42pm...haba I no abuse my Almighty Father a vessel n his hands just encouraging them to keep on praying as there's nothing my God cannot do

  30. There is a danger when people start thinking that the pastors prayer on their behalf is the only one that can make it to God's ears, whatever happened to opening your own mouth and praying on your own behalf? Do you know what atrocities the pastor himself is committing before you ask him to stand in the gap for you? When the curtain split, Jesus gave us the opportunity to go before the father and He is standing right pleading on our behalf too. I am not saying pastor shouldn't pray for people, I have issue with people who go to the pastor for "Special" prayers for each and every single little thing going on in their lives as if God will not hear them if they pray for themselves. I can't believe people go and pay pastors for "special" prayers, what a waste when you can open your own mouth and talk to YOUR heavenly father yourself! That is tantamount to me paying someone to go and ask my earthly father for something when I can go and do it myself, which kain nonsense be dat?

  31. linda ikeji post my comment on this topic ooo i dont know what your own is sef...hisss

  32. alicia is a small girl that hopefully will grow up someday. all u people criticizing her, how do u know she is not a 13 year old girl with access to the internet. And u will be arguing with her. pleasssssse
    there is nothing wrong with asking a man of God to pray for you whether you are a sinner or saint. And prayer is prayer - it is left to God to answer as he wishes. Prophets in Israel were involved in government. And while most nations of today don't share a unified faith and thus no sense for mixing religion with state; still these people were not forced to go there.
    They asked him for prayers and he obliged them. If he refused, some of you here will be the first to run your mouth saying - its bcos they are not rich or didnt even Jesus dine with sinners.
    Regardless of all our comments here, the only person Pastor Adeboye answers to is God and he is the only judge of his actions, even his mistakes.

  33. Do they not know how to pray themselves? Is the pastor the way to redemption? So the pastor God himself? And here I was being old school by worshipping Jesus.

  34. hello all there is nothing wrong with asking someone on a higher spiritual level than u to pray for u. sometimes u r just not able to pray for yrself especially when u r down or sick , etc...i have experienced that when i am sick i dont have the capacity to pray for myself to get better and this is also biblical. u call the elders to pray yr bible... however, its best to pray for yrself bcos even faith as small as a grain of mustard seed will get results in Jesus name.

  35. lol...i no fit laugh o

  36. babalawo must be out off business in naija now oo, may god help those who truly believe in him amen.

  37. @ChiChiLuv

    you are exactly on point as usual!
    God bless you jare; you just spoke my mind.

    The veil to the Holy of Holies was torn when Jesus died o, from top to bottom, completely exposing the place that previously only the high priest had access to. There is ONE mediator between man and God - Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is now become our High Priest. We ALL have access to God! Go to him yourselves. No one can pray for you like you.

  38. lol look ate Mr Polygamist Jide he too likes prayers na waya for this ppl!!!living in adultery, and wants Pastor Adeboye to perform majic!!! odiegwu!!

  39. May God keep us all.

  40. u can pray for yourself but a pastor can also pray for you. it shouldnt be an everyday thing but aint nothing wrong with a pastor praying for you.
    and bcos jide kosoko is a polygamist, he is not worthy of God's mercies?

  41. My dears even your earthly father can refuse to hear you unless someone speaks on your behalf.
    Dont kid yourself

  42. June 8, 2011 1:00 AM
    June 8, 2011 8:29 PM

    Both of you must be reading the Bible translated by Babelfish from ancient Greek into Korean then Punjabi and then Pigin!

    The whole point of Jesus dying for our sins was so that WE can kneel down before God with all our imperfections and talk to him DIRECTLY!!!!

    There is no need whatsoever for an intermediary. NONE, NADA, ZILCH!

    God answers ALL prayers. If you don't see a "result" it is not because God didn't answer. He answered, but not in the way you were hoping for, so you are still looking to the left for the result you want! Or he answered and you weren't listening.

    Nigerian pastors/MOG are nothing but new-age native doctors.

  43. anon @ 10.38pm. i pray GOD will forgive you and open your eyes of understanding in JESUS name.

  44. June 9, 2011 10:37 PM

    Forgive me for what? For not believing in multimillionaire business juju-men masquerading as God's prophets?! Understanding? Oh I understand perfectly well and have peace of mind about where I'm going. And this forgiveness you're talking about, is it only attainable through the afore mentioned juju-men with a $1000 offering or can I ask God DIRECTLY?

    If one can ask God DIRECTLY for forgiveness why can't one pray to him about other matters DIRECTLY!

    Leave me alone, sort yourself out and get your own house in order because your pastor is not going to get you into heaven.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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