FIFA wants to probe Nigeria’s 4-1 Defeat Of Argentina | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 6 June 2011

FIFA wants to probe Nigeria’s 4-1 Defeat Of Argentina

They want to find out whether or not Nigeria’s 4-1 victory over Argentina at the Abuja National Stadium last Wednesday was fixed. So we can't beat Argentina? We are waiting for outcome of the investigation. But do you suspect there was some kind of foul play?


  1. Alicia says...6 June 2011 at 13:53

    THESE PEOPLE ARE RACISTS!!!! if it were Argentina that got 4 and Nigeria with 1, would they be doing any kind of investigation? would they even care? but because Nigerians kicked their ass, there is a problem? for them to even suspect it was fixed is a BIG INSULT! how dare they accuse us of cheating?! everyone saw the game, thousands upon thousands of people saw it, so what exactly would be fixed about the game? This is upsetting. BUNCH OF BLOODY RACISTS!

  2. Isn't it a diversion from the rot that is currently taking place there?

  3. Bloody fucktards.So are they trying to say Nigeria isnt capable of beating Argentina? If there was any fix,i actually suspect that the Argentines were paid not to score...Am so flabberwhelmed, infact overgasted. Rubbish!!!

  4. I dont believe they are question the fact that we beat them. The issue is that maybe the referee wanted another goal and that's why he extended the game for another 8 minutes instead of 5. I hope I'm right.

  5. What an insult. So we cannot beat Argentina or what? Make them go sit down Jare.

  6. These people have underestimated Nigeria!!!! may God shut their mouth for us.

  7. Linda get your facts right before you post stuff. Fifa is not probing the win they are investigating because of the referee and how he ended the game, obviously very suspect

  8. The true idiots here are those of you calling FIFA names for the investigation. If you took your time to read and understand what the investigation is about, you'd know that they are not questioning the win. If anything, it's most likely the ref that's under investigation because the bets were on one more goal to be scored after it was 4-0 and the ref gave a dubious penalty when the game should have already ended.

  9. You are naïve not to believe the game was rigged, am sure the Argentineans was given some sort of bribe

  10. anonymous 5:00pm is obviously the king of morons.

  11. Always said it..FIFA is so corrupt and institutionally racist..what a cheek!!..they have always frustated us in the World Cup..look at what happened to Ghana and some other African countries..dubious last minute penalties can we ever win??

  12. @Ade-cool. What are you going on about? Last time , I checked, Ghana got the last minute penalty and Gyan missed it. That was FIFA's fault? You need to drop the silly mentality of thinking people are always out to get you.

  13. It was played in Lagos, Madam.

  14. I knew something smelled fishy, Nigeria beat Argentina 4-1, :o na beans? jooo oh

  15. @ Alicia... I read some of ur comments and I wonder what is common ground for you? We do not always have to use inflammatory language to drive home a point.I may share your grievances but not quickly generalise and brand a group of people as racists because of a singular event. The last time I checked it was called arbitrary inference which is a cognitive bias and makes one with such no different from the people she accuses.

  16. @YomiJnr..
    I'm just more indepth that you can ever be playa!! think if that had happened to any of the big footballing nations that would have been allowed !!..the goal would have stood for bad sportsmanship..I beg come correct or don't come at ALL..

  17. @Ade_Cool. That makes absolutely no sense. There was no goal in the first place. Suarez stopped the ball from going in with his hand and rightly got sent-off and Ghana were awarded a penalty. Unless you're saying FIFA somehow had something to do with Gyan missing the penalty. Maybe you should go and learn the rules of the games and stop coming up with dumb conspiracy theories

  18. @YomiJnr
    You need to pull that blindfold away from your eyes..getting pretty cloudy up there...
    You think i only had the Ghana game in mind..done my research and the eliminations always follows the same have no idea how much money is riding on the Big 5/6 Footballing nations to win by any means neccesary!!..FACT!!..stats don't lie conspiracy theory or not!!..go figure

  19. @Ade_Cool.. Sure FIFA is out to get the African nations. They're institutionally racist. IT's got absolutely nothing to do with the lack of organisation in most African countries. Happy now?

  20. @YomiJnr
    And what are u doing to help get them organzed apart from feasting on MacDonald PRESUMABLY!! watching BBC..Sky...Fox..being all smug about running down Africa on a daily basis..sit don there..keep watching that TV..while people are making things happen or putting their money towards it..tired of u armchair critics..Africa this that..Africa that..FYI..this Blog is run by a Nigerian from go figure again!! ain't perfect but only Africans can move it forward..

  21. @Ade_Cool you need to get off the whatever it is you're smoking. What are you going on about. You know nothing about me, so don't sit there talking about stuff you don't know. What has this blog being run by a Nigerian got to do with anything, like I didn't already know that. I'm not going to bother replying you anymore, you're obviously not a very clever man. Goodluck coming up with more conspiracy theories.

  22. @YomiJnr
    Yeah!! best u call it a day playa..and stay off the strong brew or whatever u snorting...


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