Cadbury Apologizes, Naomi Campbell Responds | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 6 June 2011

Cadbury Apologizes, Naomi Campbell Responds

After all the hoopla, Cadbury has finally removed the 'racist' ad which compared Naomi to a chocolate bar from circulation and issued Naomi a formal apology. Cadbury's apology and Naomi's response when you continue...

From the Cadbury UK Press Center

Cadbury understands that our latest advertising campaign for Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss caused upset to Naomi Campbell and her family. Cadbury takes its responsibility to consumers very seriously indeed and we would never deliberately produce any marketing material we felt might cause offence to any section of society. It was not our intention that this campaign should offend Naomi, her family or anybody else and we are sincerely sorry that it has done so.

We can confirm that the advertisement is no longer in circulation and we will not be using it in future marketing for Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss.

We have been in discussions with Naomi‘s solicitors and can confirm that they have accepted our apology on her behalf as a conclusion to this issue.

Naomi quoted in The Guardian
"I'm pleased that Cadbury have made a 'sincere apology' in regards to their Bliss ad campaign. The advertisement was in poor taste on a number of levels, not least in the way they likened me to their chocolate bar. It is also a shame that it took so long for Cadbury to offer this apology."

"I hope they and other multinationals can learn from this; that offense may not be their intention, but when it is shown that it has caused offense a sincere apology straight away goes a long a way."

"Better still they should avoid causing offense in the first place which is best achieved by having greater diversity at board and senior management level."


  1. Her own too much sef!

  2. noami no get work abeg.

  3. much ado about nothing IMO

  4. I don't like this bitch for nothing. A whole company apologized to you and you are still attacking them. Stupid spoilt brat!!

  5. OMG NAOMI SHUT DA FUCK UP!!! Myn I wish they used someone else the ad! This lady is pissin me off! No gives triple fucks about her problems.

  6. gosh!this lady is sooo proud and grossly irritating!

  7. Gosh, when she speaks she gets noticed. I remember her rant against BA a while ago.

    She just had to chip this in at the end, which is very true - Better still they should avoid causing offense in the first place which is best achieved by having greater diversity at board and senior management level

  8. All of you insulting Naomi should shut up your stinking mouths. That's the way White people would be insulting you and demeaning you while you'll be smiling like fools. What she did was right and she deserved every bit of that apology.

  9. Exactly anaon 9.25, its all these stupid white ppl that put that advert up we should attack. Look at them calling us chocolate. Why didn t they say move over Milky Kate moss after all Cadbury has a Milk franchise!!!

    They were racist and NOW i see what Naomi was saying.

    She has worked in the advertising world and knows how subtle some rude ppl can be. Someone doesnt have to call you an idiot to be rude.. they can just say ÿou are not thinking right! that is still just as rude!

  10. @anon 9:25am.for crying out loud,no body is saying she doesnt deserve the apoplgy.she has been given the apology,her response after the apoplogy is appauling and stinkingly smells of pride.

    she should even be grateful enough to think that she was likened to a chocolate bar.mshewwww!

  11. "Better still they should avoid causing offense in the first place which is best achieved by having greater diversity at board and senior management level."..... well said darling!

  12. pls, you guys shud stop being stupid.
    is there anything wrong in responding to a derogatory statement made about you or to your personality? remember this the US where d rights of an individual are pronounced and starkly in everybody's face. besides her response to me was fine; pretty fine!
    she acted as normal as she would have

  13. She may have exaggerated but she spoke the truth... racism still exists everywhere. You can disagree but until you leave the shores of your home country and find yourselves in the midst of other races, then you will know how easily people can insult you based on your skin color. Cadbury knew Naomi is dark colored, so why did they choose to place an AD on their dark chocolate? Why didn't they have a white chocolate named after other white models? or it wont sell?
    In this 21st century, people still believe that in Nigeria, we are living with animals and like the so called National Geographic channels show and present us, we live in bushes and naked!
    So, thanks to Naomi, for having the brains, guts and beauty to stop that ad before anyone can look at me and call me chocolate in an offensive manner!

  14. I think Naomi's legal advisers must have written that unnecessary/verbosed response; that's why some irrelevancies cropped in there. And we know lawyers' antecedents. They claim to know all. Did i hear you say - they are the only learned?


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