Rare conjoined twins who share a single body born in China | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 10 May 2011

Rare conjoined twins who share a single body born in China

A woman has given birth to a baby girl with two heads in the Chinese province of Sichuan.
The conjoined twins, who share a single body, two arms and two legs, were born by Caesarean section last week, according to officials. The sisters are believed to suffer from a condition known as dicephalic parapagus - an extremely unusual form of twin conjoinment where only a single body develops.



  1. Alicia says...10 May 2011 at 09:58

    people in China and India always have these birth defects, why?!

  2. God be the helper of these children and their parents. I hope and pray medicine with God's help is able to find a solution to this abnormality.


  4. Alicia says...10 May 2011 at 10:51

    who said surgery will work? dummy. they are conjoined, and im sure they share every major organ. how can you do surgery so that each will have half a body? do you think they can live with half a body for even 5 minutes? they will simply become vegetables if that is even successful (and of course it wont be). they are simply two-headed and share a body.
    i remember watching TLC about 4 years ago, and twins named Abbey and Brittney were on the show and they were EXACTLY like these conjoined twins. they basically share one body but each has a different personality, etc.

  5. mmmm, this is serous. hopefully something could be done about it.

  6. Can one head be removed???

  7. Linda, this is really sad, i can't imagine the pain these kids and their parents will have to go through. Someone posted on the site u gave as a source, that if this happened to animals or our pets, we would probably have to put the down. And honestly, i'm not God but the thought of these kids being alive to go through the pain of being called freaks and so on...no amount of surgery can seperate them. My mouth is too heavy to say wat i think...so i'll just say God knows best.

  8. God have mercy o! Will they ever be ok?

  9. Lord have mercy

  10. saw this on the news a few minutes ago, Doctors says it is an impossible mission, very sad :(

  11. so no ultrasound to mitigate this abi? #justsaying#

  12. Anonymous 8:26 PM, my thoughts exactly. Did they do any scan during the pregnancy that showed this? I mean for God sake, if a screening reveales a Down Syndrome during pregnancy, doctors give you option to abort/terminate the pregnancy; surely, scan should have showed this at a point during the pregnancy. Well except this happened in a remote village somewhere, and the parents did not do a scan throughout the pregnancy.

  13. God be with these tiny tots in their life journey. Amen.


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