Photo of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Photo of the day

Girls that have


  1. Police should arrest them for attempted suicide. That is if they are not dead already. Lol

  2. Na this one be...oleku..tell me something wey i no fit do???

  3. wow, their sense of humor is to die for...

  4. Lin, i love dis pix, that is to show u that life is beautiful.

  5. Anon May 17, 2011 2:44 PM; ha! ha!! I laughed so hard. Nice. I love that song BTW....

  6. Alicia says...17 May 2011 at 15:24

    does anyone know what Detol is for? I always see it, hear people mention it, i guess you bathe with it, but what is the main purpose of Detol? just asking, thanks.

  7. Linda clap for yourself! lol... Cos you are current

    I love the way they carried on like "as you see us so, we de lounge with the best drink ever!" naughty gals

  8. @anon 2.44 touche lol
    This picture is priceless
    They are more than naughty sola

  9. @Alicia, its mainly for drinking

  10. Alicia, have you lived in America all your life? Thinking about it, i've not seen Dettol (or its associated products in Walmart, CVS, Target etc.) They will definitely have it in hispanic and african stores. Please look out for it. You Americans have so many other similar products.

    Dettol (is a brand name but popularised by its disinfectant) is a legendary product.

    From my childhood till date i use it. In Nigeria i have to bath with a bucket (which i loathe) because i have to put it in my water. I also use it as "a fabric conditioner" for my undies. With it, you can heal a sore, wound, abrasion, rashes, clean around the home etc. It's quite pungent though. I also use their bathing soap, anti-bacterial wipes, anti-bacterial cleanser, gel, anti-bacterial handwash, air freshener and kitchen products. It's one brand i cannot do without!

    It's made by a British company. Here's more from Wiki;

    Do you know Savlon? It's similar
    but milder.

    What disinfectant do you use? Those by Amway, Procter and Gamble or?

    I hope this helps.

  11. lol @dettol for drinkin.
    @chilling , very explicit explanation

  12. sorry guys...

    this is is linda, the caption should should be..

    'what is wrong what this picture?'

    not 'photo of the day.

    sorry l make mistake.

    but 1st person to tell me what is wrong with the image get free lunch at reckitt benckiser rooftop restaurant.


  13. Lol.

    Because everybody knows Detol is the best cure for worms and constipation.

    iz Tew furny man



  14. definitely for posing now!

  15. @Chilling, haba!! go and seek employment there

  16. can dettol be used as mouthwash?

  17. it is for disinfecting the intestines after eating all those stong native spices and herbs that smell like shit only when you have finished

    Etc Ogiri, fufu, amala, okpei, etc

    Dettol and Jik cleans the environment inside and keeps it fresh and clean so that your fart smells clean y'all!

    You should try it sometime!!!!

    Loving the messing around.....

    I once took a picture with a wrapper around my chest and a clay pot of water (yes ooo clay pot, my granny prefers my head and sent it via BB to my fiance when he asked me what I was doing. I told him i went to the stream to fetch water, cos i went to villa for a wedding.

    He said that was my best picture ever....and i was just messing about, no make up!

    These wrappers remind me of that pic....classic!

  18. Detol does a lot of wonders. It cleanses your inside and you can even wash ur face wit it.

  19. Hey !

    You guys are either writing in codes or tongues.

    What does yawered mean?

    What's is the connection with Detol ?

    Pleaseeeeeeee, I want to know :)

  20. Alicia says...18 May 2011 at 02:45

    HAHAHAHA! i know my enemies want me to drink Dettol and die, so that i will stop giving them headache on this blog, but it ain't gonna happen! :)
    @Chilling, WOW! you seem to be obsessed with the product. hahaha, you have basically every piece of it. I didn't know it was for all of that, na wa! and yes I'm Nigerian-American, and do visit naija, sometimes, during summer holiday, so that's why i might be ignorant on a lot of things/products that are popular in Naija. the only thing i do keep up with here that i started doing of recent is drinking Milo and Peak! LOVE IT! i hate the hot chocolate here, the one that comes in a sachet, but i so much love my milo and peak, although i prefer bournviata, but i don't think its here in the states.
    but yeah, Dettol seems like a good product, will try its alternatives.

  21. @R4BIZ Yawered means Kolo,
    Kolo means Gaga,
    What does Gaga mean?
    Now that is the answer!
    You dey live for Cotonu abi? Mcheeeeeeeew!


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