Oge Okoye and Muna Ibekwe's hot scene in Blackberry Babes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 9 May 2011

Oge Okoye and Muna Ibekwe's hot scene in Blackberry Babes

Someone brought this to my attention and asked me to discuss on my blog. Where should a married actress draw the line in Nollywood? I think acting is acting sha...but what do you think? Is this a bit too much?


  1. There is borderline between acting and reality. From what I can see here, the actors crossed that line. The worn-out excuse that its all acting is used to cover up wanton excesses.I am a trained director with a lot of friends and associates in Nollywood. The up and comers like Oge Okoye, Tonto, Mercy etc have a belief that immersing their real-life sordid lifestyles into such scenes all in the name of interpretation will get them more relevance and more cheap fame. And I can confidently tell you all that the reason why most of these new actresses rush to be part of Nollywood is not for artistic appreciation by the fans but some packaged form of prostitution of their bodies for the high and mighty in the society and even beyond.
    That's whats going on as it is prevalent in the modeling business, banking and campuses.
    My conspiracy theory here is that Oge and Muna must have had an affair one time before she got married and this scene was just a chance for them to catch up on repressed feelings.

  2. theres nothing wrong with it.....

  3. if her husband is okay with it.....then i dnt see anything too wrong abt it

  4. ehmmM! im sorry acting or not, theres a limit we should all take our professions too. Dont care what anyone has to say right now, no married woman should be doing that.

    I am not a typical or razz naija but this is indecent pleaseee! Most Hollywood actors use body doubles for sex scenes or they cut the scenes off, this one was mos def her IMO and the scene went on for longer that I care to see really!

    I mean, who needs PORN! If that guy was my husband, i for don do am something! nonsense! abegiii, free chook in the name of acting

  5. It is a job and I agree that "acting is acting". Only Nigerians seem to bring light to situations like this-especially when it comes to women. If her spouse is comfortable with it, then who are we to criticize?

    So are people trying to say that married actors in Nollywood can play whatever roles they so please? KMT.

    I don't think this topic should be entertained because it just highlights the ignorance and backwardness of our society. We need to push empowerment of women further. What should be the topic of discussion is why our society places limitations on women. Why do we adopt some "liberal" or "modern" aspects of the West, yet we ignore certain vital facets of life? We are so quick to acquire the newest blackberry phones, brazilian weaves, etc yet we don't know sh*t about our history.

  6. Abegi me I cant shout! These actresses justify their inglorious conduct with name of professionalism. If their husbands are cool with it, so be it

  7. Her fb relationship status says "its complicated "
    It is old gist that shes having problems with her husband
    Heck they might even be seperated so na she sabi wetin she dey do o
    Maybe to make her hubby feel bad
    Dude whatever rocks her boat make she do
    Na her body

  8. Fucking Nigerians. It's only us that will be different. Everywhere else people will be humping each other in movies and tv series but it's in Nigeria that they'll look at the actors as morally deprived.

    Can't blame you all. It's the way you were raised. After your father will tell you to be a good girl, he'll go and hide and sleep with prostitutes. KMT!

    If you are secure in your relationship, a little scene in a movie of kissing and won't end it.

  9. Stupid and boring movie, even these scene was just jakajaka...

  10. I personally woNt support it if I were her family member or partner but again acting is acting though I think this such roles shld b strictly for wayward african actresses who lack d fear of God. By d way my opinion standards 4 both d un married ones
    Now my problem is with d editors is dis movie soft porn? Is der an age limit on dis movie? Wonder y dey feel d need to elaborate this part by showing every as well as making it so long ... Na wa 4 nollywood

  11. Funny enough, as liberal as i am, i had trouble watching her "love" scenes in this movies cos i kept thinking in my head that this is a married woman. I guess i'm still not used to seeing Nigerian actors in those scenes. I don't watch a lot of Nigerian movies and when i do, it's usually comedies so i guess i have to get used to it.

  12. If their husbands are okay with it, it's no one else's business. in fact, it is the actors and actresses own business what they do for their jobs.

    worry about your own lives and your own issues. mtchew.

  13. Alicia says...10 May 2011 at 00:49

    whether or not you people think "acting is acting" its CROSSING THE LINE!!! you don't have to do all that crap just to get your point across. WE GET IT, SHEESH! its just an excuse to continue to poison our societies. are they forgetting that we come from AFRICA! a very traditional place? why the sudden craze to be more western than the westerners. i guess it explains some of the over the top horrid western fashion, the lace wigs, and the fake accents. STOP TRYING SO HARD! most of the time now, i just spend my time watching classic Nollywood movies from 2003 and before when Nollywood was more original. from the clothing, to the accent (even native language) to the storylines, etc. i don't know what this new wave of crap is, but the Asaba producers need to be BOYCOTTED, because they are the biggest offenders.

  14. anonymous 9:59 hit the nail in the head. couldnt be said any better. funny how these girls cant really act but put on a believable sex scene...and our culture is misrepresented here. i think we should stop there. someone shud start a porn industry if that what people want to see and separate it from nollywood....shikenan

  15. oh for goodness sake. Acting is just acting! but I find it interesting that the question is only being asked about "actresses" but what about "actors"? Why are nollywood actresses being held to a different moral standard?

    In dirty secrets, Tonto was criticized for her role, yet the actor which she performed the scenes with was virtually ignored.

    If we are going to judge nollywood actresses for the roles they portray, Nollywood men should also be judged as well.

    But of course we wont do that, Nigerian men are always placed on this ridiculous moral pedestal by the public, and Linda's question is exemplary of that.

  16. @B, "the untypical and non-razz naija", u just proved urself to be what u claim u r not. Hollywood makes great movies but I don't see any reason why we should always compare our pple to Americans because, FYI, they are not the gold standard.

    and I dunno how many Hollywood movies u've seen but the sex scenes can be quite raunchy, as in completely naked and grinding. Please, get over urself and open ur eyes abeg.

  17. If the husband is not complaining then who are we to judge? Women are their own worst enemies. They never mind their own business. That is why I keep far from Naija people and their over sabi wahala. I don't like people who poke nose into other people's affairs (including marital).

  18. i though i was the only 1... may God bless your friend am not saying the scene was really bad, i have seen Oge Okoye in worst scenario but it was VERY UNNECESSARY.

    thats 1thing about Nigerians when we want to do our own we go the extra mile it comes with its disadvantage.

  19. Hmmm, The girl really need the 'HAMMER' a bit of porn sha.

  20. but come 2 think of it,linda i tot ur educated?or dont u know what a blog is or meant 2 be?u r not suppossed 2 post this kind of thing 2 ur blog pls.post things that r necessary my dear,oge is an actress,so its not ur job 2 ask pple 2 comment.am pissed off.sssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeew!!!!!

  21. at anon 6:31 am sure u are just a mumu. if i am not wrong, u sound like oge okoye herself who is really pissed abt the kind of comments reasonable Nigerians have said.

    It is not only about these bunch of illiterates misrepresenting our culture or trying to adapt and adopt the western culture which is a very good point but it is also about our younger generations......

    what moral lessons do we pass on to dem. am sure that most of us, our dream is to have a better Nigeria, but how then do we achieve that when we have such issues like this still to be dealt with. i am very sure that the age limit for this crappy movie is '18'.

    MY GOD!!! is this where Nigerian movies are heading to??? when there are societal issues that producers, actors, directors and likes can bring to the fore front and make awareness of through such channel but then it seems like such value is lost. WHAT A PITY!!!

    *Note* any husband who permits his wife to represent him in such manner is not a good husband. even when the wife has lost her direction, a husband (i mean loving, caring, decent and respectful one) should be able to refocus his wife on the right path.

  22. at anon 6:31 am sure u are just a mumu. if i am not wrong, u sound like oge okoye herself who is really pissed abt the kind of comments reasonable Nigerians have said.

    It is not only about these bunch of illiterates misrepresenting our culture or trying to adapt and adopt the western culture which is a very good point but it is also about our younger generations......

    what moral lessons do we pass on to dem. am sure that most of us, our dream is to have a better Nigeria, but how then do we achieve that when we have such issues like this still to be dealt with. i am very sure that the age limit for this crappy movie is '18'.

    MY GOD!!! is this where Nigerian movies are heading to??? when there are societal issues that producers, actors, directors and likes can bring to the fore front and make awareness of through such channel but then it seems like such value is lost. WHAT A PITY!!!

    *Note* any husband who permits his wife to represent him in such manner is not a good husband. even when the wife has lost her direction, a husband (i mean loving, caring, decent and respectful one) should be able to refocus his wife on the right path.

  23. @Anon 8.40am ,you took the words out of my mouth,i am sure its oge okoye that wrote that,as she is forever on the internet looking for gossip,anyway,she has lost her dignity a long time and will never be a better person,this only goes to show you how cheap and razz this classless woman is,why didnt they give the single girls that role,ooh,all cos she can prove to the world shes available incase they wanna still apply,The thing is,you are who you are and no amout of change can come to someone who deosnt reaslise what change is about.Like at Anin 9.59 said,this is only a way of prostitution,we all know the people who are well paid,this so called ones drive very expensive cars bought by their Runs masters,good for them..If you want to see this shameless woman display,come to Festac and see with your eyes,Goshh

  24. Alicia says...10 May 2011 at 09:15

    some people are making me sick here! "its just acting, the whole world accepts sex scenes so naija should too" WHERE DO YOU PEOPLE GET YOUR MENTALITY FROM? IS IT BY FORCE THAT NIGERIA ACCEPTS THIS OVER THE TOP, OVER-EXPOSED ACTING?! seriously, from all the good things we could be copying from the west, we copy all the horrible things. their sex scenes, their accent, their slang (of all things) and a bunch of other shizz. if i wanted to watch a movie like that, i would not need to go to Nollywood. Nollywood got its international fanbase by just being strictly African and telling African-like stories. these Simony Productions need to be boycotted! they've done some of the worst movies in the history of Nollywood, usually involving the same 7 female cast. abegiiii

    but again, i ask this question, IS IT BY FORCE TO ACCEPT THESE TYPE OF MOVIES? very soon the Almajiris will descend on Nollywood.


    when halle berry n jennifer aniston n co do such thins in movies, am sure u guys r the 1st to run to the cinemas 2 watch. ignorance, foolishness.

    so y cant nigerians do same in movies. u may wana chek ur dictionaries for the meaning of 'ACTING'.!!its just ACTING!! dumb asses!. local people, thats y nigerians will never move forward. u dont c americans spendin so much time on an issue just because halle berry had a deep raunchy sex scene in a movie. pls get with the times mehn. ACTING is ACTING!. dummies.

  26. ^^^^
    @anon 9.39
    is hally or jennifer aniston married?
    maybe thats why they cant keep a man!!!

  27. (1st)Anon - May 9, 11:07pm, you are so pathetic. we are in africa and not in the western world were everything goes. we have norms, customs and cultures that we live by, so don't go about saying that cos actors and actresses 'rump' themselves in movies in the western world, then its applicable to us here. If you are married will you allow you spouse to indulge in such and you tag it professionalism. Abeg lets call a spade a spade we all know that in that same western world 80% of their marriages or even more don't work out. Have you stopped to ponder and ask why its that way.

    Open your eyes o!

  28. Geniee of the lamp10 May 2011 at 10:17

    After seeing Mr & Mrs Smith heated sex scene n seeing aw it affected or rather promoted Brad Pitt & Angelina's relationship to where they are today (married)and these people r supposed to be proffessionals who are supposed to know wen to draw d line yet they fell for each other, so i am inclined to believe that there's a very thin line between acting n reality so one shuld be very careful wen acting especially these sex scenes body no be wood o especially if u are married

  29. Ashawo na Ashawo...

  30. as woman, i cant even imagine kissing Muna after his role in dirty secret, Olorun Maje actress or no actress yuckeeeeeeee!!!!!

  31. When you act, u bring out a different persona. Married or not, if a scene involves making out but not plain nudity, I am sure it is ok. Movie industries are evolving worldwide, and i am certain the movie is rated 16 or 18. So its up to an adult to watch or not to. When watching a movie, you appreciate the actor/actress for the character she's playing, not for her real life persona. I don't think that scene is that serious.


  33. If you talk now, they will tell you that they are professionals. The decision is for her husband.

  34. I see nothing wrong in this movie... linda has oge offended you in anyway? Naijas with their stupid comments. Shes not married to your father, brother, uncle, cousins, son abeg appreciate the her talent. STUPID PEOPLE WITH ANT BRAIN...

  35. her husband no dey stay wt am,,,,so na ds kind scene Oge Okoye dey find Solace.................Mtchewww.....

  36. Genie, I quite agree with you save that Brad is not married to Angelina.
    I knew Oge in school and I am not surprised that she is still this way even as a wife and mother of two.

    She seriously needs to lose this her toutish, babe wanna be attitude, though I doubt if she can.

    Given, it’s her profession but, Genevieve, Rita, Chioma, Kate.... these woman have carved a niche for themselves in the same industry.
    The question in my mind is what moral education does she hope to give her kids or does she think they will never see those videos? all ye supporters if you were exposed to such videos of your mum while growing up what effect would it have had on you? Our environment does not give Celebrity Nollywood kids the same orientation as their holly wood counterparts.
    Nollywood is very far behind Hollywood, we are not doing gay marriages yet, how many self proclaimed gays do we have as agnst Hollywood? how many couples here live 2geda and have kids w/o marriage(Bragelina).
    Africa is a traditional society, and love me or hate me, such exposures are not yet generally acceptable. For now we should stick to copying positive things from Hollywood!

  37. Alicia says...10 May 2011 at 14:35

    see as stupid SEDE wants to insult me for giving my opinion? because i refuse to accept this trash into mainstream Nigerian movies? some people are sooooo backwards, i swear.

  38. For those using western standsrd to justify clear immoral acts, sorry for you. I read in a blog, http://dimokokorkusstella.blogspot.com
    that Oge's husband is no longer interested in her. The guy even allegged that her last child is not his as she was caught on several occations sleeping with a rich man that lives in Ikeja G.R.A. Some will reply that it is rumour, but please also remember that in every rumour, there is always an iota of truth. Oge, all I can say is repent.

  39. @Anon may 9th 10:39 pm, i couldnt have said it better KMT....these people just try a sane person's patience...Really guys? Somebody said body double duh, there are very few actors eg denzel washington that have a nudity clause. mostly what you see, is what it is. body doubles are mostly used for stunts 2x duh. Kai, backwardness na disease....and of course who bears the weight of the bile spewing? women. who spews the most? women. TUFIAKWA....no wonder Nigerian men still cling to the more chauvinistic of their culture, while throwing away the ones that matter to the dogs....@Anon 1st, you are a two bit director then, if you don't keep an open mind.

  40. All typograpical errors are regretted in my previous comment. The blog is http://dimokokorkusstella.blogspot.com and the jist is titled:-"THE SILENT SCANDAL SURROUNDING A NOLLYWOOD ACTRESS". Please click on "OLDER POSTS" to read up this jist. Oge, I still restate that you need to repent


    You are all bloody hypocrites!

    i would like to watch a raunchy video of your mama or sister making out in the name of A-C-T-I-N-G!!!

    Western world!!!! Are they the yard stick to one's morality value? They have no culture! Their morality level is zero! I am yet to see a Raunchy movie from bollywood that existed before our-so-called nollywood!


    The raunchy or sex scenes in hollywood movies don't look like this crap of an imitation!

  42. abegi reasonable Nigerians make una no mind dem jo. some people speak without thinking. most of u that have defended Oge, how many of you can do what you have just seen Oge do let alone, can your husband permit that u take such role for even just 30 mins, MTSCHEWWWWWWWWW!!!

  43. She went too far with this haba she is married for goodness sake. If it were her husband who did this would she like it? She should not be a slum and remember that she has 2 kids as i wonder what kind of example she would be setting for them as they grow up.

    All this rubbish she is doing ehh would tire her and come to think of it her hubby has never one day defended her that certainly speaks volumes.

    Remember we are Africans where everything does not go and not Europeans where everything goes.

    Silly woman she best go check herself AIDS is real nonsense

  44. WTF? smh it wasn't even that serious. some of y'll are retarded, i have seen worse scenes. hiss. free the babe.

  45. wow! wow!! even for a single actress, that scene was taken a tad too far...and like someone said earlier, i think myself liberal minded. i guess they could have just started d kissing part and CUT! we would get d general idea. abeg anyhow our westernised naija peeps want to paint it, the movie is produced primarily for Nigerian, am emm we never "open eye" reach like that..thank u!

  46. i really dnt see anythin bad wit havin love scenes in movies bt it should b taste4ully done.this rite here wasnt sexy to me,it was rather raunchy. to me the best love scene in any nollywood movie was d one btwn majid michel a and miss nnaji in burstin out, it wasnt raunchy or eww like. it ws sexy,sensual and romantic.nt dis one that churns the stomach.they should learn hw 2 act love scenes that are nt raunchy.and 4 those cryin morality blahh,yet old mne in naija marry babies una they keep quiet,isnt it statutory rape or cousins or uncles who molest kids,isnt dt pedophilia. all dis church church naija dey do,yet theres corrruption everywhere,kidnappin,robbery,rituals,poverty etc,who r those christians then cos wit d number o4 churches and worshippers we hv every sunday,naija shud b paradise i swear

  47. Alicia says...12 May 2011 at 05:58

    the thing i find really funny about these sex scenes, especially for Oge, is that her acting is mediocre at best! same goes for the other shameless actors and actresses in the game. they are mediocre at best, yet they become EXPERTS when it comes to the sex scenes and do that better than all of their half-baked acting combined. thats how i know its more than just acting. you can act in a passionate scene and get the point across, all that was just too much! how can someone's sex scene be better than their normal acting? something is fishy here.

  48. @Alicia,you really got it out of my mouth,she s sure sleeping with this guy as i heard shes loose and cheap.please give yourself some stuff of standard and stop bringing yourself and your children down,that your hubby left you isnt enof for you to downgrade in any certain way,my dear,dis is way too classless and dirty..get a life and standard gal

  49. pls leave the girl. She only did waht the producer told her to do. Producer pls make good movies.

  50. In my own opinion,movie stars should be modest in acting,and Married people should be able to read the likes/dislikes of their spouses when it comes to acting roles.Moreover, it will help if one is moderate, to avoid the Scandal of the weak in our world and promote moral rectitude.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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